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Breakfast arrived. It's pretty big. - Be very careful if you are going to be in the capital, - not to go out too late at night. Why do they say "los ticos", right? - There you put all your things in my backpack. Those are the fights we have. - For me, Costa Rica is no stress. - This is split in half and eaten from there. - No... Good morning! - Good morning, people, how are the pura vida doing? We are in Costa Rica. A new country for the two of us. That we never came - We are in San José, the capital. - We've just arrived. - And what better way to start the video by going to eat a typical dish from here. Yes. - So we're coming straight here. - To the center. - Where are all the Ticos, where do they come here to shop, to walk? - Here, downtown, to do your things. - And here we have the central market in front of us. - Which is like the most typical market in San José. - Which is the capital. And from the year 1880. - And all our Costa Rican friends told us - "pura vida, go there to eat a pinto". - A pinto saucer. - So let's go in and see what that is. - Know a little more about this country. Oh, wow... - Uh... - Looks like a different market, look. "Married". That was lunch, right? Let's go find breakfast. - 3900 CRC cost. Because it's almost 12, look, and we're having breakfast... - Will there still be breakfast here? There's food there, I think. - Yeah? - Let's see. Look, is it a dress from Costa Rica? - Yes it is. Frozen. - This is an ice cream parlor. Look how cute. - Precious. - With the colors of the flag. "Pupusa". What is "pupusa"? "Breakfasts", "gallo pinto". - There's the rooster. - Will it be that position? Yes. - Let's see. - 1050 CRC is 2 USD I think. Less. - Hello. - Hi, how are you? - Well and you? - All good thanks. - Excellent. - Do you have a gallo pinto? - Yes Yes? - It can be with egg, with meat, with sausage. - Mine, with sausage. - Sausage. - Sausage? - Sausage. - Sausage, that. - What else did he have? - Egg, sausage, cheese... - Cheese. - Or meat. - Or meat. Egg. - Egg. Yes. - Whole or chopped? Chopped. - Chopped. Thank you! - Thank you! - Pura vida must be said, my love. - Pure Life. - Pure Life. Oh, and before... - There's the lady, she wants to say hello, look, my love. Hello! - Hello! - How are you? - Good! - All good? - I am from San Miguel de Sarapiquí. - Where is? - Oh, next door. - But is it here in Costa Rica? - Yes, in Costa Rica. - Oh. - Yes. - To the north or to the south? - To the north. - My name is Heidi. - As? - Heidi. - Heidi is her name? - A pleasure, Heidi! - Pure Life! - Nice to have met you! - Thank you. We came here to see Costa Rica for the first time. - Oh really? - Yes. - Do you like it? - We are surprised by the kindness of the people. - Yes. - Everywhere... - But be very careful. - As? - Take care of yourself. - You must take care? - Well. - Because the pura vida. - Because all people are not the same. - Sure, like everywhere. - Aha, yes, like everywhere. - But, so far... - In general... - Aha. - 10 points, too positive. - A pleasure. - A pleasure! - Pure Life! - Pure Life! - Pure Life! - Are you going to have a drink? Is there something typical? - What is the most typical thing you eat with gallo pinto? - Oh, well, coffee. - Black coffee, coffee with milk. - Sweet water. - Fresh water, what is it? - That's from cane, it's made in milk or water, it's very tasty. - It's a hot drink. - Fresh water in water I'm going to try. Well. What would be horchata? - Horchata? - Yes. - It would be this drink, they make it based on rice, peanuts, it comes mixed. - It is made in milk. Ah... - Can you do it in the water? - Because we can't drink milk. - Okay. - In water I offer this. - This is Salvadoran. - But it's from the nose, it's done in water. - Comes peanuts, sesame seeds, gourd seeds. Well. - Well. I am going to try. - Go ahead. Breakfast arrived. It's pretty big. - Here the Ticos start the morning already strong huh... Yes. - To have energy huh. You asked with chorizo ​​and I asked with egg. - With egg. - And this is my sweet water. Oh ok. - It is as if it were a tea but it is not a tea. - It's sweet water. Let's see how about... - Uh, I loved it. - It looks like... - It tastes like honey. - Yeah? - Yes. - It tastes like pollen. - Yes Yes Yes. - It isn't true? - Yes. - Similar. - It seems that pollen was thrown into it with hot water. It's true, it looks like honey water. Like a honey tea. Very rich. It has rice, beans, fried plantain, bread, egg or chorizo, right? - No, laugh well. - Complete. And to spice it up, I see that there's something like coriander, I think. - Ah... Pepper, let's see. Wow. It is very well seasoned. - Oh... - How well seasoned. - They put everything inside. Yes. - Yummy. It's very rich. "Very rich", as they say here. - Very rich. My drink arrived too. Uh... Look what this is. Like it was a peanut drink. - Yes. So, nuts. - Very good. - You want to try? - Let's see... - I liked it. Very good. - Spectacular. We are very full. We couldn't finish it because it was a lot of food. We eat a little at breakfast. Cost 5 EUR each. In dollars it would be more or less the same. - The same. - The dollar and the euro is almost even. So. - Yes. - Hello, good afternoon, good day. Hello. - Hi, how are you? - Very well, to serve you, a pleasure. - Thank you, very kind. - Thank you. - We are seeing. - With pleasure, see. - Here I have more things. - Here I have little things if you are interested too. - Thank you so much. - Thank you so much. - Are they coming? - Yes. - We just got here. - Excuse me. - Be very careful if you are going to be in the capital, - not to go out too late at night. - Yes. From 6 to 6. - No no no, after eight. - Ah, after 8, ok. - And there you can eat pizza, somewhere to eat. - But don't stray too far from the hotels. - Well. - Well. - I advise you not to go with a lot of cash either. - Oh. - Because there are good people here but... - But there is also everything. - Thank you, very kind, sir. - Thank you. We take that animal. - In Portuguese they call it bug preguiça. A sloth isn't he? - A sloth, that. Correct. - Here we are in the pedestrian street, people. - From San jose. - Where is all the market. And we go straight to an old theater. - Municipal theater. - And something that is calling my attention is, - for example, yesterday we got on the bus and it was full of people. - But there was a silence, a tranquility... - That I say "fua, am I in Estonia or am I in Costa Rica?" In the market too, even if there are people, it's pretty quiet. - So, that led me to think that the people here are quite calm. Yes. - Quite like that, calm down. They also said that in San José there is a lot of wind, and it shows... - And we had a lot of warm clothes. - Jacket, diver, everything, and we leave it to my sister. - Because we said "we're going to Central America, we won't need to wrap up so much"- - It turns out that it's not that hot here. - The climate is temperate. - We thought that Costa Rica was really hot, like Rio de Janeiro. - An ethic. We think about why they say "los ticos", right? And a follower of the channel explained how they call everything "little". Or "little friend." "Chick". I mean, they put the -ito, right? - "A bit". - "A while". - They made everything diminutive. - Clear. And for that reason, "the Ticos". There are also quite a few police officers guarding here. And what we saw when we went out today was two policemen who stopped with the motorcycle to help a pigeon that had a grila. - Let him cross the street. I mean, that surprised me a lot. - Yes. - Look, my love, here are also the cows we saw in Brazil. In Brazil they were elephants. - Oh it's true. - It was an elephant... - Here is a cow. - "Marito Tour". - Wow. - Did you see the music here, Lisanna? Wow. - And they are calm, you see? - Yes. - It's impossible for you to come here to Costa Rica and not like a Tico. - It is impossible. - For me, Costa Rica is non-stress. - Do you want to come quietly? It is pure life. - Pure Life. Pure Life. - Now I understand why they say 'pura vida'. - Because they are 'pura vida', really. - They enjoy life. "Saint Joseph lives". - You see? - Oh, what a dove... - It's full of doves. - You can throw corn on it, Lisanna, and it fills up. - That's why they're all there. - There's the theater, look. And there is the big Costa Rican flag. - Ah, look, how beautiful! I like it because it is different. Because there are few flags like with 5 lines, like this. I was going to say there are a lot of McDonald's. I read that it was the first country, after the United States, to have McDonald's. Can you believe it? - Ah... I couldn't believe it. I thought of one closer, Canada, I don't know. - Clear. - But it was Costa Rica. There are also Starbucks, Taco Bell... There are many... - It's well globalized. Many businesses, let's say, from the United States. - And did you know that Costa Rica doesn't have an army, my love? you told me - He has no army. - Together with Panama, they are demilitarized countries. So live it up! - Here is pure life. - Pure total life. Another thing I noticed yesterday is that we were on the bus going downtown and I saw people going in their car, they parked it, pulled out chairs and sat looking at the route. But several. And so, together, in a parking lot, and another. And that's when I started to think... Ticos, leave what you're doing in the comments. - It reminded me of the people of my town. - In Argentina, they sat on the sidewalk to see the movement. Or the Uruguayans in the park drinking mate. - Exact. But here they don't drink mate, so... - Could it be that they do the same here but on the road? - Leave in the comments. We are on the other side... There is the theater. - Ah... here it is... Art and coffee in the same place, open. Theater cafe. - We have to buy a compass, Lisanna, we always get lost... A what? - A compass. That is not used anymore... - North marks you, like this. - We will enter? Well, let's see what's up. There are tourists here. I hope you take a photo. National theater. - Ah, 'Costa Rica', there it is. - Wow. - Is the entrance free? I don't know, but there is a cafe where yes or yes you consume. - We have to pay. - How nice. - Che, look at the ceiling of the café, Lisanna. - Wow. - A very luxurious coffee. That's lovely. - Uh... Look. - Can you come in, sir? - Yes, you can come in. - Thank you. - Can. - Look, admission is free, my love. Look at you... The ceilings are very pretty. Ah... we look at it backwards... - We are Timon and Pumbaa, we... No. No... - That's right. Oh yeah now. - Clear. - Very pretty. - Wow. - If you want to enter to see the theater, - you have to pay 3,500 CRC. - And it's at 1 PM, it's a guided tour. And it lasts like 30-40 minutes. - Yes. I almost left... Look... today... Everything backwards, we fell... - It's the time zone, Lisanna. And there, "the Gran Hotel Costa Rica". Here is a park full of flowers. The scent is felt. - There's this in the park. - Like a dome. - You can put yourself there with the wings, Lisanna. - "Wings of Mexico". "They began to fly in Mexico and are landing in different cities as a gift to the world." Now they are here. Since it is a new country, we are going to look for a souvenir. - Che, did you see the cars here? They are models from the United States. - Yes, they look like the ones you see in American movies and series. Clear. - I think all the cars here are imported. Hello. - Hello, good morning, how are you doing? - Good morning. There's a lot of that lazy bear. Maybe there is - Maybe we see one on this trip, my love. Hopefully, they are a sweetheart... - And everything has the lazy bear. - Pure Life. Look how cute that one is. - How nice. - You look like you, Lisanna, when you hang from the trees. - This is for the beach exit. Clear. The one I have in my backpack that splits in half. I want to close the backpack but I don't know... - But it won't close because you brought 2 books of 10 kilos. - Who travels with two books? I'm learning languages, that's why... - Yes, but... - There you put all your things in my backpack. Those are the fights we have. That I put the things in Mateo's backpack... - No, it's that I don't bring anything so as not to carry weight. - So, she grabs and puts all her things in my backpack. - They are there. - The ethics. I automatically say "Costa Rica". I don't know why... - Because here people speak with the r like this, "Costa Rica." - Do you remember our friend Dylan? Yes. Greetings! - "Costa Rica" Dylan said. - Isn't it true, ma'am, that you say the R like that? - /R/. - Like Costa Rica? - It's pronounced like that here, isn't it? - Yes. - All the R's say that way, always. - /R/, right? - Yes. - They never say /erre/. - It isn't true? - It's like the traditional here. - Oh, did you see? - Like "jarrua". - "Jarra". - Dog. - Dog. - Dresses? - It looks like a little monkey. I'm going to take this one and I'm going to put it in your backpack. - Ahaaa. - Of course, you want to kill the old man, right? To the poor man. - Lisanna, what are you doing there? Aaah. - Come on. No... - What are you doing hanging there? I am lazy. - No... no... We chose this one! A sloth with the Costa Rican flag on it. Look how cute. - Precious. - Very striking. - And it cost 3,000 CRC. $5. - Do you want to show people what colones are like? Oh ok. - That Lisanna was wrong, poor thing, and said "culones"... - And I say "no, my love, colones". - Mateo said that... Don't blame me... - The saleswoman said that they hardly produce anything here. - They import everything to take care of nature. - That there is not much industry in Costa Rica. 2,000 CRC. And it's like plastic and on the back it has a dolphin. - Precious. I loved it. - That would be 4 USD. - Believe. A little less. - 3 with something. But we only saw the one with 2 thousand, we don't know what the others are like. - It's true. - I imagine colorful. You can go swimming with this. - You can also subscribe to the channel. Also. - The promotion, people, only for 2 thousand CRC you get 2 subscriptions. It's not free. - Oh, is it free? - It's free to subscribe. - Very good, Lisanna. Thank you! We love! - There is a bakery here. Although we don't drink coffee, we can't not try it. So let's make a sin and try a little one. - Hello. - How are you? - All good? Buenas tardes. - Good morning. - Thank you. - What can I help you with? - They say that the coffee in Costa Rica is very rich. - Of course. - We are not coffee drinkers, but here we are going to make the exception. - And we want to prove it. - A Costa Rican coffee. - With milk or black? - Black. - And is there any sweet from here in Costa Rica - that says "you have to try this one too"? - That you recommend us. - This sweet, which costs 650 CRC. - It's like original from Costa Rica. - Let's try one then, a little bit. - Yeah. And look at the giant donuts there. - Uh... - Look. - These are the caramel candy alfajores. - What are you laughing at, my love? - If it is said like that... - Whenever I go to pay, people laugh at my grandmother's panties... Yes... It's just... Mateo... - Che, look at the 1,000 CRC bill. beautiful. ooh. - How did you say they call Costa Rica? Nature bridge? ecological bridge. - Ecological bridge. Because they care a lot about the environment. wow. - Everyone has a pet. - This is $1. No, 100 CRC missing. - Put it, almost 1 USD. - 90 cents. - Everything cost 1,000 CRC. - 1.5 USD, more or less. - It's good, no? - Yes. - No, because many people said that Costa Rica is very expensive. - Even the Costa Rican himself says so. - But, so far, it seems to me the same as everywhere. It didn't seem like the end of the world to me, that is, something normal. - Normal. Lisanna won't let me lie, that's why I ask you what you think. to. - That's delicious... - It's a corn cake. Ah... - How delicious it is... I love it, I loved it... - Good, isn't it? Since I am not an expert in coffee, it seemed rich to me like everywhere else. - AHA. In other words, it is a coffee with a taste that we already know. - Give it to me that I am an expert, my love. Aah. Anyone... - I'm trying to get the toning out and the notes... - This has peach notes. - Koala. Anyone... - Some roses. - Mixed with acorns. - It is a smooth and silky coffee. - Easy to take and put it down. - Ideal for a climate between 20°C and 22°C. - More or less. - Mateo... It's not a wine... You're lost... - Look, my love, you're a fan of fruit. Yes. I wanted to see if there are fruits that we don't know about. In other words, it is a more tropical country. - Well. That's what catches my attention, because I think it's mango. Just a small mango. - That. - Ah... it's a small mango. - It is curious that here in all places they play music. - Put it on, if it's a supermarket or, I don't know, a pharmacy, - they put on a music box, did you see? - What do we have here? Let's see... That. - What's that? I don't know... that's why... - I don't know what it is either. - This one and this one. - And we can take this too. - Well. - Hi, how are you? - We wanted to buy some... - Do you want to buy one? - Yes, because we want to try fruits that we never ate before. - Let's see... - And one of those. - That. - Is that one eaten just like that? - Yes. - We want this one too. - This just opens and eats. - This one, split in half and eat the inside. - Okay. is this mango? - 500 CRC give me. This one the same, he just washes it and eats it. - With salt. - With salt? - With salt. You listened? - Thank you. Thank you. - No, thank you. - Then we tell them if we liked it. - Okay! - Thank you! - Thank you! - Pure Life! - What's that called? - Mayonnaise. - "Mayonnaise" that? - Yes, you cut it in half and add mayonnaise. - But isn't it sweet? - No. - Like a potato. - Ah... - What was the name, sir? - Pejibaye. - Pejibaye. Wow... - Pejibaye. I never saw anything like it. - So? - Yes. - Or smaller? - Not well. - Alright? - Yes. - If you want, I'll peel it for you to try it once. - And you can eat it at once. - Well. - Thank you, sir, very kind. - Let's see... Wow... - What would it be? A cousin-sister of the potato? - Like a sweet potato? - From the coconut. - From the palm tree. - And here it brings a coconut inside. - Coquito small. - Do they take this from the palm tree? - Yeah. Whoa. - Ah, I thought it was a potato... - It's hard. - How do you do it? Boiled? - They cook. - Let's see... - Hot. - Oh, I love it! - It looks like a pineapple, Lisanna. A what? - In Brazil, the pineapple. - It falls from the tree and small pineapples come out. - It tastes the same. - From the pineapple. I don't know... - Hmm. - I loved. Let's see... - How much do I owe you, miss? - 400 CRC. Let's see... - But delicious. - The Brazilian who is watching this video knows what I'm talking about. - I don't know how to say it in Spanish piñao. It reminds me, in Peru, of the corn that has big things. The big corn. - Big corn... - They put it next to the ceviche. - The slut? Pot? Something like that. It reminded me of that. And the texture is like a potato, a bit like this... Like flour. - Clear. I loved. - To eat it like that... - I would eat it if I go to university classes or whatever. - At home. Sure, it's salty. - As a snack. Yes. - Miss, here. - Keep the change for your kindness and sympathy. - Thank you! - God bless you. - Thank you so much! - See you later, thanks. - Bye. - Bye. I want a transparent short, look. - Is that how you wanted, Lisanna, one? I mean... - I, my love, want you to buy a skirt like that. Well. - Like that. I like the green bikini, look. A thong. - Oh ok. - I give it to you for Christmas, my love. There are many shops. "Christmas", there is still a year to go... There is a lot of trade. - A lot. And they have music. - And many hairdressers too. Yes. Permission, doves, permission, permission. - Permission. Permission. - Look how she drinks the water, poor thing... - They're thirsty... Poor... - Sometimes the wind comes, sometimes it goes. - When we arrived with the plane, the plane did like this. - I almost fainted. - They told us that there was a lot of wind here. - When the plane lands it's crazy. - Wow... how pretty she is... - She's cheerful. It is the Metropolitan Cathedral of San José. - Excuse me, can you enter the cathedral? - At 4pm? Thank you. At 4pm. - At 4 PM it opens. - There are several pedestrian streets in San José. - To walk and buy. - Basically, my love, what I'm realizing - is that this city is a commercial city. - As the country should not have much industry, - they live from commerce and services. - That's why there are also many banks - and North American companies that settle here. - To hire labor and sell services to other countries. How different. - How different... - Here we came home. - This is the Airbnb where we are staying. - Look how big it is. - It has a shared kitchen, everything. - Look how barbaric. - For those who do not dare to look for an Airbnb, - look for it calmly, they are safe. - It's a house. - We divide kitchen and bathroom. - Everything very clean and spotless. - For $19 per night. - Good price, good location. - And very pretty. - Look at the beautiful flowers. We have all three fruits. This looks more like a flower than something to eat, because the scent on it... It looks like a flower. - It smells like flowers... - That's why. - But they say that it opens and eats only what is in the middle, said the woman. - This, you see? This is what you eat. Ma, no... - Yes. No no. How crazy that. Look. For me it is a flower. - It tastes like petuna. For me, this is inedible... Ooh... The noise it makes... It's like milk inside. Eh... - Eh... - It looks like an oyster. No, this seems from another planet... - Look. And what did he say about this? Just from the middle. - Yes. It's very rubbery. - Hey, I liked this one. - Oh, what a scare... - It's sweet, very sweet. Is that eaten too? Or just the seeds? - I'm eating this. - I don't know, but I liked it and it's very rich. - This I would eat more times. And this, he said, if I understood correctly, you can eat it just like that. - No. - Had to remove the shell. - How hard is this... - It looks like a potato. It is a mango but it is unripe. Why do they eat hard mango here? - Ugh, how strong. - But it's mango, isn't it? But it is not ripe. - It tastes like mango. And they sell it everywhere. - But they sell it to you immature so you can boil it, for me. - It seems very acid to me... I didn't understand anything... - I understood that you have to eat them. - What I don't know is how to eat it. This is the most understandable there was. Well. And also, yesterday we found this. "Las carretitas", a 100% Costa Rican product. - Made with churro dough. No, it says "churro-flavored cookies." - But they did it with churro if it has flavor. ? - Oh, look, they're hollow in the back. That one wheel. Wow. - Hmm. It really looks like a churro. A hard churro. I liked this a lot. - Well, now we are having a pura vida experience in this place. Pure Life! Very positive. If you liked the video, give it a like. Subscribe to the channel, leave a nice comment. And we'll see you in the next video. So live it up! - Pure Life!
Channel: Mateo & Lisanna
Views: 1,517,017
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Keywords: San jose costa rica, San jose costa rica que hacer, costa rica, costa rica travel, costa rica travel guide, mateo raul, mateo y lisanna, pura vida, que hacer en costa rica, que hacer en san jose, que ver en costa rica, que ver en san jose, san jose, san jose costa rica, san jose costa rica downtown, san jose costa rica travel, san josé, things to do in san jose costa rica, travel vlog, turismo, turismo costa rica, viajar a costa rica, vlog, what to do in san jose costa rica
Id: mZj3hF5t1Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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