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of course guys come over and say i should buy tickets if you're here yeah don't listen to these these guys here they don't sell tickets here again how much is that and we see the lessons of the government how much can float this is a government price 350. all right okay 350 maybe next time okay guys here they got from um okay all right good to know all right son no i'm not egyptian do you think i'm egyptian i look like egyptian i think you may be from norway are you norwegian let's see i think no you have the ticket that will walk yeah like inside the grave and inside the tomb just that guy is not pushy it's kind of strange what do you think now maybe later ice and welcome to giza and today i am going to uh go and check out the pyramids of giza because you know i kind of thought you know almost have to right in giza uh so you think it's not so far but actually it's even more complicated in a way unless you just take a straight taxi but yeah i'll see about that oh i'm here in the main at main boulevard that main road that leads straight to the pyramids it's about six clicks it takes kilometers to get there of course i i could walk but then i'd be walking you know at least an hour but yeah i might take one of the mini buses or even a taxi i see but already one guy stop me if i want to go by camel by camel i don't have to buy a ticket he said let's go oh thank you so much number number two already passed you know he also wanted me to give me camels or horses and he told me i cannot go through here i'm on the right way right check it out that's the first permit if i'm not mistaken that's the curbs pyramid and check out the nice i think hey this is gold yes very much that way not here now i go that way no no it is closed oh yes all right ah yes yeah i'll go that way all right there he goes i wonder how many scammers i'll meet yeah don't listen to these these guys here they don't sell tickets well they might sell tickets but probably to inflate the price prices also they tell you outside to get you know you can get horses here or you know all kinds of things but yeah if you do that do it inside i thought i talked to people here already the government is stable ah the government if you like to go in a camel or a horse all right you see three people all right and be back here again how much is that and we see maybe next time okay guys jokingly yeah yeah don't don't do anything let's go and check it out welcome to the pyramids of iza so i have to get tickets here all right let's do this see there are the prices here so you can also go into some of the pyramids but what i'm not gonna do i'm just gonna you know go inside it is pounds sort of gone up with the price it used to be 10 us dollars now it's like this is like 12 12 50 maybe or 13. you know gotta do math you know because it changes anyway is roughly ten dollars usually all right and it's open from 8am to 4pm so don't be too late all right let's get a ticket most places they want you to wear a mask but you can walk around without a mask but here you get the ticket here and yeah better wear it right a ticket that's what it looks like you know it cost me yeah 13 bucks so i'm inside see this you can look over giza there in here the desert starts you know i can't believe how many people you are it's friday okay i get that but i don't know if that would be the reason for you know more tourists to show up okay what do we have maybe i should just go around this because yeah it's cool i mean let's look at it first you know not as tall as i remember it barcel pretty massive and actually nobody's bothering me you know i mean i see a few guys trying to get to people but it's lots of people so maybe maybe i don't look look so i don't look so rich maybe because it's because of my my cheap clothing i don't know these guys hello oh hello hello how are you how are you fine fine thank you you're the group no no i'm alone bye-bye all right let's go and see that a bit i was following now that we walk alone inside the tomb inside the grave i'm all here new guys that's all right bye bye sir thank you maybe later if you change my mind if you need a camel horse here the guy from um okay all right good to know all right son no i'm not egyptian do you think i'm egyptian i look like egyptian i think you may be from norway are you norwegian or from sweden no i mean you look a little bit like a swede don't choose be from libya libya or jordan no if i'm from from egypt no yes from cairo or from uh from giza are you from giza i'm sorry i talk with you i'm like egyptian i'm sorry all right oh wow wow i look for this okay i'm sorry like i took like egyptian oh hello hello hello how was someone's filming me how is it in cairo it's very good how was it in egypt you're loving you're loving egypt who do you believe i give it with a permit it's okay i don't don't want to go inside no no you know ask him you want to go there like everybody take photo for you with your permit i know it's okay sure no i'll just walk around a little bit first okay you sure okay i'll see i think no you have the ticket that way walk yeah like inside the grave and inside the tomb yeah i'll go a bit late today i want to go first there around it just from here okay i'll go there first but let me see you later okay cheers mango climbing is not allowed if i can you may walk in here thank you you too welcome thank you so much talking to get this ah two weeks now welcome to egyptian all right thank you same here this is hey this is the other victory okay yeah i'll put it on later one minute nana that's okay i don't want it actually just to show you for you yeah it's all right excuse me just not for the money i know okay this is not for the money one second i shouldn't no i don't want to wait okay how can i say everybody help my family any small money it's okay thank you cheers ah in the end it was not a present i thought so and here uh 10 o'clock the next one is the same one all right yeah that's good you're asking for free after asking no no i don't ask for any free i just uh just walk around by myself a little bit up to you sir okay thank you so much after the walk what's your album you want coming on the horse nothing just walking look forward yeah that's okay i'm a good walker you know how much i came up yeah how much for one hour right one hour three hundred fifty egyptians yeah but that's that's not a government price no this is a government i've been here before i'm seeing is the price for the for the egyptian people right i see some people 150 ah no no only if they are very rich and they don't care asking the policeman how much of the camel okay egyptian ban 150 a new 350 i'm not going to give it one hour i give it one hour and a half for 350. okay for 300 like the first gift with me all right no thank you masala all right yeah there's no such thing as a government price just so you know and i was i was almost going to say looking at the pyramids is free but it's not it's 200 pounds egyptian pounds which is yeah 12 u.s something like that i should have should have done the math before i sure as hell would like to go up there i mean it'll be very difficult and exhausting but you know just imagine the view but there's no you cannot do this anymore you'll get a big fine might even go to prison for that okay let's go through here not the place to get run over [Applause] i'm a mountain runner no problem a famous gila yeah i could take a carriage but let's walk a bit i can still you know take one later on and then there's the first camel and camel rider and he's talking on the phone to his wife or his friends he doesn't try to get me for a camel run here's a camel sitting hello mr camel that's a nice camel there's the other yeah the big pyramid i hope i can walk here [Music] that guy is not pushy it's kind of strange what do you think it'd be that's a big camel anyway oh guys it's cool i'm liking it i mean i i was hoping for like half or almost empty area but it's not like that but it's okay it's still cool kind of like wow hello i don't understand corona don't understand i don't understand him please teach me arabic all right take care masalama thank you so much wow lots of cars here i actually was thinking of taking my bicycle i have a bicycle where we stay but it's like very old and and yeah the the streets of giza no no way not me i don't want to die right now not today maybe tomorrow i see more camel see that that that kid is terrified of that camel ride wow check it out see the poor the the bus is there that's another camel come on hello hello hello oh she'll go up here over there let's walk there i'm surprised that the camel riders they're not so much in your face i saw videos where you know i'm pretty pushy i'm not gonna you know not gonna go for it anyway but scammers or you know touts salesmen sometimes think they know it better you know they think they will get you that's great you can take pictures i don't know how much you pay for them you probably pay a little bit or something but that's all right okay hello my friend ah la chocolat hey nice language yeah it's very nice thank you okay hello i'm gonna give you one beside me i don't want to decide now maybe later why not first thanks no no i just want to walk around here a little bit but maybe next time inshallah okay i promise inshallah okay bye-bye take care i really don't want to buy anything this gentleman here he's selling nice things but i told him i don't need anything bad but maybe i'm sure someone else will no problem okay you're happy i'm very happy you are too happy i'm very happy because i see you oh yeah me too i am very happy because i see you that's very good all right you take care bye-bye all right yeah they all do the same thing they have they they give you this giveaway list is bedouin hat and then of course uh they give this for free but actually they don't really give it but they do give it for free because it's worth probably not much and then they they yeah they want to sell you something you know they they first they they you know get you to friendship you know and then to business which is okay you know i'm not saying these are bad people right so please note that down i'm not saying that let's go here in the back a little bit to explore this maybe i find something maybe i find gold or antiques you know i remember when i was here last time with my friend alan he's an is an antiques dealer and he was walking around looking for treasures he didn't find anything right alan are you watching this let me know okay cool huh let's look over the city you know this nice view here huh ah check how nice they are posing for photographs all right here we are and over there you can see the things gonna go there after first i wanna go around these pyramids okay let's walk around there screaming that he's been waiting for me excuse me but i see the panorama you already see it i see it now i'm looking at it it's very nice look from there you got the lion tournament like this see online pyramid by ground like this but now i'm already seeing him this is in high place you make this picture all these pictures from up there all right if you want by camel and by horse i will give you good price what's a good price by the way hundred egyptian pound okay well that's should be 50 but it's all right it's not so bad but i don't want now about five dollars i'm afraid of horses they might bite you i am with me i hold it for you and you but how do you know no no i'm not afraid of falling down i'm afraid that the horse will bite me no you don't buy see yeah yeah he doesn't bite you because he knows you no but me doesn't know me maybe you'll bite me or maybe even eat me no no never eat yeah but i don't have any chocolate welcome to israel thank you so much for this time in egypt no no third time second time you're welcome to you block my friend from up there i will take you close to the small pyramid okay you see the panorama if you want to go down to this fingers by horse this is good you don't pay any money till you see your turret i know but you know what i i i'm actually going to meet my friends there first okay all right come on you you try somewhere else now because you know there are lots of people this is my chance with you yeah yeah nice man oh yes you are a good man he doesn't yeah but i don't think you're not now okay okay whatever but i am here all right bye-bye that's okay no worries i walk around first you know thank you so much you too bye bye all right shaban yeah i mean 100 egyptian pounds it depends you know if you actually go there i've heard worse some people want 200 or even 300. so yeah of course i would never pay more than 50 for this but i don't want to do it i want to walk around here show you a little bit see that's the big one and you can see it has like it's not all of these had more more of a cover and up there it's still intact not with the other with the other permits see this is bald bald hat bald hat okay all right you see in here you see the other one that other pyramid i think this is the smallest if i'm not mistaken and there's the desert oh yeah yeah this is if you're in egypt you don't come visit that you know maybe you're making a mistake maybe not let's go closer to that pyramid there all right lots of people walking if you think what's up with that stingy guy not paying for a horse ride or a camel ride lots of people walking you know it's actually cool to be walking through the sand you know finally in the desert this is the cafe uh permit i'm probably mispronouncing this and yeah this is the kufri you know the big one i'm not mistaken you know they're they're not the same size but yeah from here it's difficult to tell and now here it's quiet almost alone eh and i don't know what this is and someone is screaming but i see we're in the desert it's a nice feeling i've been in tropical countries now for the past 15 16 months and now back in the in a desert country north african country definitely um recommend you know organizing a horse and you know riding it over there to see the nine pyramids or whatever yeah it's not that expensive and it's it's a it's a it's an experience you won't have to forget but for me i'm all right now here so next time i'm here with my family uh we'll probably do that all right here yeah no climbing climbing ancient monuments is a crime punishable by no less than one month imprisonment and or a fine of no more than 100 000 egyptian pounds so no climbing about these parts you want to want to climb up there but a hundred thousand pounds no hey huh cool here this platform it's a path here all right i still i wish i could go up there but i can't go thank you so much okay you can go inside a little bit here and get the feeling feeling of being hey okay well huh sir he's out okay all right all right okay so here we can ah that's a bit disappointing to be seeing all the buses and all the tourists i do climb i do climb the pyramids i've climbed the pyramid i've done it finally i'm not alone this man is here too we both climbed them it says no climbing maybe starts from here but yes my friends i've climbed the pyramids a little bit two dollars yes sir where you come from man yeah almost oh i don't need thank you so much though no no no souvenir i travel long long term many years listen but you're actually american i used to live in america yeah i left like one million dollars a million million million yeah yeah amelia a billion maybe live in ohio before rhode island now i've never been to rhode island actually maybe ohio i've never been to hawaii california sacramento of course everybody has a heart dropping story i know but i don't i don't want this stuff you know i don't want any of that okay guys listen i'm gonna call it a a day i'm gonna call it a video uh i'm gonna go get something to eat and yeah gentlemen on a camel good luck you wanna ride no no no thank you have a nice day you too thank you yes i am thank you so much [Music] all right i won't okay bye-bye all right yeah right these guys are not like scammers they're not evil people well some of them are maybe are but they're still here they're part of part of the the pyramids but yeah don't be intimidated never be lots of cops around so you you're not in danger or anything and nobody you know pushes you if you don't want that you know it's you who's letting this happen right now there's ali again hey it ah just just i don't know why because i want to show it to my friends yes yes i did yes yes everybody tells me but i'm just walking around like these tourist stands that's where where the buses stop the carriages stop and there's lots of russian people here and yeah they're buying big time yeah we're dollars all right welcome my friend ah thank you hello where you come from switzerland yes you welcome back thank you so much i hope if you go back please can ask your friend from swiss come back here i will tell them here you know i tell them okay you know about how many years is switzerland's not coming here no about four years maybe five oh yeah you're welcome back thank you so much eh bye-bye cheers that's all right no no i have one already i don't know this is gifted because i love the switzerland yeah it's okay i would love to okay you know what's this yeah it's a bedouin hat oh come on it's getting old no no no no no no no no it's a lot of money it's really getting old with this thing and of course they don't want to give it to you they want you to give them some money for it it's just it's a present but still it costs you know you know it's kind of a scam of course of course it's a scam what do you think it's still and tiring start wondering again you know was that 5 000 years ago between four and five nobody's 100 sure yeah so i walked around here about two hours at least two hours and i did spend yeah i spent about half of that time you know talking off fighting off like these guys they're like a little bit pushy and all have the same story scammers yeah so i could do without them i'm sure you could too huh but here here i'm i'm left alone here walking through here oh wow yeah what would it be like if there were no turrets you know they all come after me probably yeah oh my god anyway guys this has been a long video and i did you know believe me i i'm not you know i've filmed lots of these guys and mostly these guys and i cut them out you know i'll let you let you see some of them okay and yeah then i'm gonna call it the video okay guys bye bye
Channel: Moonshine and Lemongrass
Views: 179,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Moonshine and Lemongrass, Harald Baldr, Bald and bankrupt, Dale Philip, Egypt, Cairo, Giza, Egypt vlog, Pyramid vlog, Pyramid video, Giza vlog, Pyramid scammers, Scam at the pyramids, Scams Egypt, Egypt travel vlog, Egypt 2021, Travel Egypt 2021, The pyramids of Giza, Pyramids of Giza scams, Cairo scams, Visit the Pyramids, scams Egypt, be careful at the pyramids, travel vlog Egypt, Gabriel traveler, travel egypt 2021, retire in Egpyt, vlog, Cairo vlog, must visit Egypt
Id: V3JfMR7W4xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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