DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING! | Baldur's Gate 3

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oh would you [ __ ] stop wait but just stop pushing me take that brain jar wow now everyone's hurt okay not good boy you're such a I will kill you if I get the chance come back oh boy why am I dead why is Stan dead why am I dead okay did you kill me no did you kill him yes oh [Music] yeah oh you just touched I didn't really want to take the chance of that thing waking up oh my God I'm on a fire fire oh okay help me no wait are you dexterity or strength I'm more decks he he tried to stab me hello so I hope an introduction will suffice I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me you're a buldurian too Stan yeah is that so we clearly move in different circles wow amazing right dick yeah you're fine I was ready to go this alone I hate to turn down an invitation all right maybe I'll see you there let's jump the fire oh and I can prepare this um oh my God yeah I would uh I would jump the fire guys also is Stana Badger I am a badger he's a shotgun Badger yeah okay wait okay look I'm coming up over the crest of the hill Oh my God I know you're on fire I know I'm on fire I am I am a big old badger look at me you know what I can do with this wow I said jump the fire and all three of you did not jump the fire look what I can do okay yeah that that [ __ ] me up Stan oh that's a bug bear I'm gonna need you to get up front for me Stan I missed the bug bear uh oh you've pissed it off oh no oh no oh oh my God the big [ __ ] all right no no I'm up I'm going to heal myself critical man damage oh grease oh the swing was so aggressive even though oh my God stands increased I don't want to be greasy oh my God you look ridiculous double the terrain's too difficult I can't get through so right now he is as useful as you'd imagine a badger income I agrees guys I can't move far A little Grease fighting oh the guys are in the way well can you like get out of here grease slip through them can you get out of the polymorphin I can heal okay I healed myself okay that's cool cheers thank you once again [Music] brother no get him up oopsie Daisy I'm the best tank you've ever seen boys [Applause] crap I swear if he comes oh I slipped on the grease I didn't even notice he slipped what a great turn I just had I don't think I should be a badger one [ __ ] Badger now he [ __ ] out now that I've been beat with its stand fine I'll be a badger okay I've been solding the bug bear the bug bear slaps him oh no oh dude no he slipped alone uh If You tab I think you can oh there we go uh let me get up first mate oh what's this okay oh oh Glenn have you got the strength to do this I don't think so you have minus one strength man but he has plus two for the weapon position see oh my God there's no [ __ ] way [Laughter] come on who man I feel like it's things a sign of things to come we're like Stan turn into a [ __ ] Falcon and he's a pigeon I was like dude he's a [ __ ] Badger oh no currently I could be a wolf a cat a spider why didn't you turn into a wolf um because the badger sounded funny it was funny I've died was fine just a moment this man is recording this story [Music] All The Druids can understand why can't the man with a pen I traveled [Laughter] oh that's great uh Tuffet is up here who's sleeping can I climb up there topaz is a bird oops oh oh what'd you do I just took an idol oh my God Stan the time Stan sake I just wanted to expect that I accidentally took it oh what did you what was it it was an idol oh stun oops wait are we causing a war Oh My Cry God guys I may have made a mistake oh my God no [ __ ] you just got a guy [ __ ] killed son quite brutally too oh my God I'm so far away from you as well oh dude there's bears everywhere I covered voice [ __ ] wrong with you I wanted to inspect the idol and I accidentally took it so we gotta kill all these Gods yeah look at him he's in the middle yeah I took the idol by ax oh you went to like their most prized possession yeah I I didn't mean to pick it up but yeah we have to win this you go to the [ __ ] pyramids and it's like don't climb and stands okay I love you Stan get [ __ ] I can't 94 Advantage I have a [ __ ] money he died yeah I'm gonna try and run to you mockery yeah I literally went your mum doesn't love you Ed I'm running two ABS I need you to look after me yeah I forgot oh he made me drop my weapon I'm dead was I used that oh my God [Music] [Music] I am also down yeah your actions have consequences don't they stand my actions have many consequences honestly it was fine until they turned into a bear yeah guys I think I just failed two yeah if you feel the next one you die yeah I'm dead I can't even pay attention to the combat anymore because I'm dead dead I am also dead dead dang it Jesus Christ this is hard to watch I know no okay we're in the emerald Grove oh whatever you can have it for theft oh I don't think you like that guys make it now I bought it if you're being arrested for theft I he accepted the trades I'm going to prison he took my money and my stuff and then said I stole what a dick hey guys hi do you wanna let me out uh it's locked case abs are you aware that I'm in jail no well there's a bug that if you buy something from a vendor and then put it on in the menu after you've bought it it counts as stealing can we not just open this then uh if you have thieves tools you can get me out yes Glenn yes my brother well 18 yeah okay you're fine cheers Lads okay make sure to get your stuff all right remember no stealing no taking stuff I made it especially not taking Idols in we go what what let's try and Kill Them All Shall We yep I guess what I guess here we go killing again we're in a better position this time Stan we should fall back we should fall back I'm coming I'm coming oh immediately went for heat metal on ABS oh there's a disadvantage on it hey the best dad oh he's not oh you knocked him out there shoot you coming to save us Glenn um again guys what look at look at them look at the top bar now oh [ __ ] l oh my God wait there's a lot of people here surely we can win this yeah Glenn all you have to do is shoot shoot that person there is still there is still that Archer down down we need to get that Archer down the stairs Larry watch out for the acid or grease or whatever that is that's just that's just blood case I can't [ __ ] am I in the way ah you just shot me um sorry what do you mean it's like I don't know what to say I thought you were shooting the guy in front of you you just shot me nice I'm gonna bring oh I'm gonna Whip It in the butt this is where things become a problem what's she doing oh nice it's dead oh [ __ ] okay I just shoved there oh we died in Bear form I got him I killed him oh my God the way he died yeah I killed him with spores I'm gonna throw a healing potions oh no oh nice oh God what's she doing now what is she doing you're an absolute dick head Ike what are you say it you say right [Music] yeah they got nine inches okay I got the bear I didn't really do much no it just it just moves them stop doing that you dick I mean to understand you make you waste one of their turns so I am bait yeah essentially uh don't you do it [Music] yes don't you do it don't you freaking do it okay I'm gonna get Stan first then Glenn you just keep attacking yeah yeah okay I got one save one bad yeah mine failed don't you dare oh wait wait wait wait maybe wait wait I can do it I can do it yes very nice nice let's go a dagger root we should absolutely long rest if possible oh so we do have like a dedicated camp I'll be well on my way to Boulder's Gate when you die oh can you punch him again Glenn I'm just glad to be ready okay yep I can see where they are stealth uh looking down why did we let Stan go first I have the highest charisma and influence let me go places first oh I'm dead oh my God oh my God I'm gonna give him gaping wounds hopefully did so oh my Lord [ __ ] God damn Glenn nice oh thank you that's gonna help me a lot like look at that work and I'm down uh come on you can add this up your ass get [ __ ] you have Advantage now from uh my inspiration I gave you nice yes Glenn and if I Glenn's finding out that Rogues are just insane I want to heal and stuff but I can't heal you critical mess and critical Miss is so depressing hey you got him nice well you [ __ ] messed him up Glenn yeah aha [ __ ] nice try this guy might hit me oh I missed out sneering [Laughter] please attack me attack me miss all sneeren [Laughter] right so we're all stabilizing over here to just stop up again nice oh the world's gone come back to one yeah yeah the problem is Glenn is that we're pretty short guys we need more Glenn it doesn't hurt us though oh my God okay we're just little men like over here on top yes [Music] oh my God Glenn was so [ __ ] small honestly yeah don't don't play gnome nice nice yeah I thought I read something else other than death but right now that we're all down let's do a short rest should we yeah ow [ __ ] I just walked in acid oh [ __ ] this big boy up here there's a big guy I'm I'm gonna go talk to him Stan you stay the [ __ ] back hello shaggers it's me Billy the bodacious I'd yet another prize prize be your friend or food uh I'll do you one better I'm one of the absolute's chosen disciples crap that's a lot of I have to roll a three it could still fail let's go 26 6. how regrettable that your meat must go unsafe how regrettable [Music] yeah damn it I changed my mind the offer is off the table [Laughter] uh guys can I make a very stupid move oh go for it [Music] kind of low still oh [ __ ] I don't think that hurt them HP don't break the beam you'll kill one all right this is ideal then we just we just stand our ground oh nice attack all right guys normally abs are you taking damage in the moon beam I don't know but it gave me a save from the Moonbeam yes you're taking damage on the Moonbeam okay Stan strikes again I can't do any healing but I'm going to shoot this [ __ ] right okay nice nice nice nice nice nice nice uh yeah I can't heal you anyway the most I can do is pick up I'm dead every time you go down no no to be fair I walked into his room I'm gonna try something oh my God what the [ __ ] right if you move around him you can pick up Stan are you picking up Stan ABS or am I yeah that's how I got hit at my Badger form oh Glenn oh what'd you do that for what else do you want me to do I either try and pick up Stan or I die I gotta try right need to find the Beast and avenge your brother is killed one of us it killed Edwin it's an enemy of the absolute uh boys get down here uh it's different are we doing this embrace your desire the desire to commune with a tadpole will it to break free okay what are you gonna do oh squish it don't just put it in your bag I need it Stan are they going in yeah they're going yeah look at him oh my Christ right but we're going in together though that's that's great big jump for that boy yeah on a little Cub no here he comes I believe they're like oh we can't do this you absolutely [ __ ] can people saying that you can't do this like she was like we can't do this we're gonna die wait oh nice right I'm attacking the bear nice well no don't look at me oh we survived the jump oh he's in Raging now let's go for me [Music] the little one hit critical hit me time to lose your mommy oh my God wait wait with the little cubs still alive oh we can listen oh no [Music] strike will end up suffering stop it don't do it no do it don't kill her we could have made it live D we couldn't have done it without you thank you hello buddy you're sleeping where you ain't want to be friends uh the guard let me pass there you go you're chill you're golden yeah yeah I didn't increase it at all sheesh hey then you've got business needs seeing too don't you go on let's go gathered near the windmill last I looked you've got two guys yeah I did that earlier hey didn't I did I never saw that literally we only saw one yeah I literally just did down the last check friend see if this works oh there you go I think I got it quite the persuasive man persuasive little thing to my aching belly um you should have to fight them this time cool weather the warning to fly stop this thing oh no flat those wings some more and I'll feed you a worm I vote number three I would have a much higher chance of winning two wow I'm gonna try the wisdom one my wisdom's not very high though oh that's nice wow they're very easy to to do apparently wouldn't dare question we'll leave you to it oh there's a lever oh yeah there you go I did it went faster it went faster oh my God oh my God oh my God um I think you put on the brake lever yeah I run up hit the one next to you which was released the brake lever oh no and they launched him oh is he dead oh yeah yeah 100 oh no no [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Salt Raiders
Views: 37,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salt raiders, sr, salt, raiders, kaif, daz, wadlet, rob, calimeroo, ebbz, gary, harley, joe, johanna, lars, lily, lucas, malin, ben, ninya, glen, sam, samuel, actone, sparkie, stan, will, elfiekate
Id: 65E04L9w7J0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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