Don't Stay Home Alone | Safety Cartoon | Kids Cartoon | Funny Stories | Mimi and Daddy

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[Music] it's mine y Jamie are you ready we're ready all right let's go go bye bye [Music] yay finally I'm home alone I can do whatever [Music] yeah I could eat snacks while watching TV [Music] [Applause] laughs [Music] ah yeah it was just the clock [Music] that scared me [Music] oh well I'm gonna ride the scooter make a turn [Music] huh [Music] what was that a monster oh huh yeah it's just a toy car [Music] let's build a castle itchy Timmy stop oh Timmy's not home oh let me go let me go [Music] [Music] mommy daddy Timmy come back I don't like the Home Alone [Music] go away huh maybe huh you're home we were so worried about you and we're looking for you [Music] Daddy it's so scary being home alone I like being with you guys more so do we from now on tell Daddy before you go somewhere it's dangerous for kids to be home alone [Music] time for breakfast wow I love mommy sandwiches [Music] oh Mommy needs to go now watch me wow I'm off to work bye oh bye mommy daddy when will Mommy be back after she gets off work what does mommy do at work do you want to know yes all right then let's go see yay [Music] wow does mommy work here yes she does oh [Music] that's the elevator [Music] there are so many people it's okay let's take the stairs wow Mommy shh Mommy's working let's not disturb her but I want to see what she's doing me too oh I have an idea oh wow we're invisible now we won't disturb mommy as she works she really can't see us wow [Music] after I'm done with this hey kids let's go get some water for Mommy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] who brought me water oh my goodness meetings and finding books I'm so busy I'll help you with the books oh thank you so much [Applause] think sharkpedia is somewhere around here [Music] let us find the rest of the books okay [Music] [Music] careful oh [Music] wow who helped me find all the books [Music] good job I need to copy these right now [Music] Mrs Cara a call for you coming let me do it I'll help too cool wow I'll do it hey wow my turn my turn hey it's so fun [Music] everywhere [Music] please no more strange things [Music] finally [Music] oh the copies who's been helping me this whole time maybe some little angels came to help me [Music] this is so yummy oh no I'm hungry I'm losing my superpower sure enough it was you mommy how come you're here we want to see you working so what do you think working is so much fun we can draw read and use the copier and we can eat yummy snacks I love this place thank you for helping me today why don't we have some cupcakes now yay I was really hungry so what's your favorite snack just name it the robot Snack Maker will make it for you whoa order your robot Snack Maker now [Music] well too many snacks we'll make our tummies hurt all right yay that's great you promise you can't have too many snacks [Music] I'd like to order a robot Snack Maker sure right away here's your package please sign here [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's so cool [Music] [Music] whoa it's so big [Music] it's so yummy wow okay [Music] wow wow here's your cotton candy [Music] it's so yummy my turn my turn ice cream please oh no cotton candy please ice cream cotton candy ice cream okay working on cotton candy ice cream oh it looks yummy though wow this is the best ice cream that I've ever had this is awesome [Music] or your tummies will hurt [Music] until tomorrow okay see you tomorrow robots [Music] we did it we got past Daddy I'm gonna eat everything I want yay hello what would you like I want popcorn okay working on popcorn whoa [Music] you sneaky little eaters trying to have more snacks oh such naughty kids oh oh wow it smells so good [Music] oh wow it's so yummy um [Music] it looks so yummy too [Music] oh oh wait I want chocolate I want lollipops donuts and cookies I want vanilla macarons okay working on them [Music] thank you why is my tummy grumbling oh well not a big deal foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I'll never eat this many snacks then let's send the robot back got it feel free to order again [Music] time to go shopping [Music] we'll go shopping for you we're all grown up now we can run errands for you but it's dangerous outside we'll be careful don't worry you don't have to follow us hmm can they protect themselves I don't think so I need to follow them [Music] Let's cross the street okay [Music] [Applause] watch out [Music] [Applause] [Music] kids that was so close always use crosswalks when you cross the street also stop at the red light and go at the green light okay okay [Music] it's green let's go [Music] Hey Mimi I think this is a shortcut let's go this way Timmy you're so smart let's go oh [Music] no you shouldn't go that way [Music] you shouldn't take narrow roads you might come across something dangerous like what like a snake ah this is just a toy [Music] oh [Music] man that was close kids never take narrow roads again okay sir thank you [Music] yay over here [Music] [Music] [Music] fake it so quickly good job [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on I lost my wallet in the alley over there I won't be able to have lunch without it don't worry we'll help you find it yay thanks it's not far from here follow me [Music] oh no hey kids you shouldn't go with strangers it's not here it's not here either [Music] of course there's no wallet what do you want yeah I'm gonna get you you can't run away don't ever touch my kids [Music] [Music] it's okay now but remember adults never ask for help from children who are weaker than themselves okay we got it great now let's go home Daddy of course he was once the weightlifting Champion wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] I got you two little kitties [Music] all right kids play time is over Daddy needs to get to work now huh hey Daddy can't you stay with us we didn't finish building our Castle build the castle oh but I need to go now to help other people [Music] when the shorthand points here I'll be back home okay bye daddy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] little butterfly why do all grown-ups have to go to work oh [Music] um [Music] wow I became a butterfly [Music] I'll find daddy [Music] huh it's Daddy's car daddy daddy look at me I became a butterfly look at my wings daddy oh he can't hear me oh [Music] what's wrong oh no my car's broken daddy's face got dirty [Music] I'm sorry I'm so sorry oh I wish my car could fly like you oh [Music] come on this way ah wow it's getting better thank you so much officer you're welcome that's what I do [Music] wow police officers do such important things I need to hurry oh [Music] oh come on you can do it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good oh no Daddy hurt his leg why should I do [Music] Oh [Music] Daddy cat what's wrong oh hello Dr rabbit well I fell down and hurt my leg don't worry let me take a look [Music] all done oh I'm feeling much better wow thank you so much Dr rabbit you're welcome that's what I do take care bye doctors do such important things Oh Daddy wait [Music] I was waiting for you the ride is broken hey Daddy I want to ride it oh don't worry let me take a look hmm [Music] oh I know what's wrong with it [Music] thanks [Music] you're welcome that's what I do [Music] daddy's job makes many people happy [Music] wow I'm so proud of you oh oh is it Daddy Roar oh the pig monster is back daddy [Music] did you help many other people at work today of course I did now it's time to help two little kitties build a castle oh [Music] [Laughter] why do our parents have to go to work everyone has their own job for example making yummy breads turning on the street lights or helping other people who got hurt and your job is to go to school [Music] people all over the world have different jobs to do [Music] thank you Daddy Daddy we want to eat some ice cream all right ice cream ice cream [Music] look whoa It's a toy shop which one should I choose [Music] here's your ice cream oh Mimi Timmy Mimi Timmy [Music] oh Mimi it's a big dinosaur wow Timmy Mimi oh [Music] yeah let's go back to Daddy okay hey Daddy did you see the toy shop over there daddy [Music] where did Daddy go oh Daddy huh Daddy oh hey Daddy [Music] yes daddy oh kids I'm not your daddy [Music] let's just go back and wait for Daddy ah what's wrong [Music] oh I think we are live hey little kids are you looking for your Daddy yeah [Applause] that's too bad [Music] well I know where your daddy is I'll take you to him really thanks yeah Mimi are we there yet we're almost there okay he's behind this door oh it's so dark where's Daddy he's inside come on let's go I'm scared we we don't want to go come on your daddy's waiting for you [Music] [Music] [Music] and there you are [Music] can't run away from me [Music] stop right there Nowhere to Run huh [Music] excuse me did you see two little kids around here Mimi Timmy oh they're my kids thank you are you okay [Music] [Music] thank you so much you're welcome I'm just happy that your kids are safe promise me that you won't run around I'm sorry Daddy we will run around kids if you ever get lost at the mall as security guards or staff for help don't talk to strangers or go anywhere with them okay we got it never let bad guys take advantage of you meow if we ever get lost what should we do stay where you are and wait for your parents to come or if you have a card with your parents phone numbers find someone you can trust and ask for help mommy daddy kids talk with your mom and dad about who you can trust and ask for help [Applause] I lost again one more time we're going to the beach remember let's get ready [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] huh what's this wow it's a worm just like the one in the game I'm gonna get you something to eat this is for you follow me [Music] they're all gone oh [Music] um [Music] what's going on [Music] I have no idea I know what it is it's a worm coming out of the game is it run everyone thank you and your ice cream thanks good everyone [Music] foreign how can we end the Worm Game when the worm touches its own body oh that's how it goes huh hmm I have an idea let's bring it into the maze it'll touch itself in there [Music] hey worm come here oh it's coming run [Music] [Music] [Music] we're almost there [Music] mommy daddy [Music] [Music] oh yeah it was a dream are you ready to go yes we are hey Timmy [Music] I'm going with you too not playing games anymore I like being with you guys much more than playing games [Music] oh [Music] wow Timmy Timmy come on up let's build a castle okay after I'm done eating [Music] ah why am I hang up it doesn't stop wow my castle looks so awesome Mimi Mimi Mimi Mimi oh oh Timmy I'm I'm sorry I just take up I didn't mean to break it huh looks like you need my help now Mimi are you going Mimi [Music] did you stop hiccuping no huh isn't it supposed to stop when you're surprised spiders don't surprise me [Music] oh is it fake you scared me I'm sorry Daddy I was just trying to help Timmy stop hiccuping oh you know what I have a good idea drinking water can stop the hiccups try it uh-huh [Music] oh how do you feel did it work uh oh [Music] what's going on good thing I brought my umbrella what strange weather oh why are you all wet because I hiccups oh ah I have a good idea to stop your hiccups first take a deep breath like I do breathe in and then hold it good job one more second [Music] [Music] Timmy did it stop [Music] let's eat something first and then think of what we can do that's right we're all hungry [Music] oh come on Timmy have some you might feel better that's right it's so yummy [Music] oh [Music] my God oh Timmy you stopped hiccuping [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] daddy you should eat slow or you'll hiccups [Music] [Music] yay it's all done [Music] [Music] wow smells great yummy fish pancakes are all ready [Music] didn't you forget something important oh what is it is it before you eat you should wash your hands wash hands oh [Music] I'm so hungry let's just eat the pancakes uh-huh daddy's not around follow me [Music] huh the TV program will start soon let's go watch it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow Mimi Timmy are you all right oh my tummy hurts so much dummy hurts too don't worry I'll take you to the hospital [Music] hey there kids let me take a look oh [Music] look at your hands you didn't wash them did you you didn't if you don't wash your hands before eating the germs on your hands will get into your tummy I like to mess around in your stomach that's why your tummy hurts [Music] [Applause] I'll take care of you daddy daddy we feel much better that's crazy thank you doctor now I'll show you how to wash your hands foreign [Music] wash your hands wash your hands rub rub your little Palms rub rub rub wash your hands chase the germs away rub the back side of your hands they're all clean [Applause] [Music] wow they really are [Music] oh oh oh Mimi Timmy huh look what I brought for you sweeties [Music] oh um [Music] [Laughter] besides before eating when do we have to wash our hands after going out after sneezing and after going to the bathroom don't forget to wash your hands did you wash your hands today yes we did [Music] wow just be careful [Music] [Music] I got you my shark is awesome where's your shark where did it go let's split up and find it [Music] all right I can't find it myself Jimmy what's wrong daddy Timmy's shark is missing don't worry it must be somewhere around here but we couldn't find it anywhere hmm did you check your room oh oh no the toys are everywhere I feel like I'm in the sea yeah Daddy so we played Pirates many times here but where is my Shark the pirate shark must be in the sea [Music] change into little officers and find the pirate shark okay [Music] sure sure where are you [Music] it's not here [Music] it's a rocket [Music] hey oh my Shark hey hey [Music] we found you [Music] oh there are so many toys the shark keeps hiding among them so we can't find it well then how about you put away all the toys first [Music] oh there are so many toys which one should we put away first the shark likes to hide the big big toys the big ones first got it officer [Music] and this one [Music] [Music] look over there [Music] wow [Music] [Music] all right oh you found it you always need to put your toys away okay okay I will yay wrong scary shark is coming home now Mimi your room is so messy let's clean your room okay toys [Music] over here crayons [Music] all right here where should we put your teddy in my toy box wow clean your room often and you'll find your things easily when you need them
Channel: Mimi and Daddy - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 3,209,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meowmi Family Show, baby kitten, nursery rhymes, kids songs, baby songs, kid songs, for kids, cartoons, stories, kids videos, kids cartoon, songs for kids, kids education, toddler, kindergarten songs, kids song, song for children, sing-along, toddler song, educational songs, learning videos, colors song, funny kids song, police car, ambulance, fire truck, baby zoo, Don't Stay Home Alone, safety cartoon, Funny Stories, Kids Diana Show, monster cartoon, safety tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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