How To Spend Your IB Summer To Get A Perfect 45 Grade

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so how do you make the best use of your IB summer this is the summer from your first year of your IB until your second year hi my name is Joaquin ravello I'm a current UPenn Warden dual degree engineering student and I got a perfect 45 in the IB I make these videos to help out students including my brother and sister and my main goal is to just deliver as much value as I possibly can alright so with that being said let's jump right into it there's two different things that you could be doing with your summer all right that really depends on your objective if your objective is to get into a top university there's different things you could be doing compared to if your objective is simply to get high grades all right and in fact I want to pre-face that or preface that by saying that every one summer is different okay there is no incantation there is no special spell there is no secret formula per se on how to make the best use of this of your summer why because everyone's summer is different so keep that in mind there is no special formula if anyone tells you that there is there there isn't because everyone is going to different universities everyone have has different objectives and because of that you can use your summer differently all right so I'm going to go through the first one which is how to get into a Tom University this is what I did all right because I always knew that I wanted to get into the m t program which is dual degree between the ward and the engineering school at the University of Pennsylvania so I always knew I want to get into that selective program so this is what I did during the summer all right the first thing I did was I took the summer course the mntsi the m t summer course which is essentially it was I believe a three-week course going over Technologies entrepreneurship and then at the end we had a project that brought it all together long story short I ended up winning or my team ended up winning one of the awards in that project which got us access actually to the director of the program Gad Allen and through that I was able to meet God speak with him not only did I realize that m t was the school for me but it also gave me access to a lot of conversations with faculty that I can then use to write my essays all right which brings me on to my second Point writing essays all right by the time I finished my summer I had written what I believe I believe the final number was 36 essays something like that okay so I had the two universities I was applying early two which was MNT and MIT and then I had the other seven universities that I was going to apply regular decision to given that as a backup if I didn't get into my top two all right which was the m t and the MIT program I had so all of those essays that I had to write for all those universities I did it all during the summer so by the time I got into my second year of the ibdp program I had all of my essays completed for my University and that actually proved out to be pivotal which brings me on to my third point which was IAS and EES because by having my essays done not only did that leave a lot of stress when it came to studying but also gave me Apple opportunity to make my IA and my ee as good as possible all right which is which brings me to to the other point of should you do your IAS and E's during your summer I don't think so I don't think it's the best idea to do it during your during your summer because what I found is that when you're in that environment when you're with your school when you're with your friends when you're in the lab you just get it done much faster with that being said though there's a few IAS that I think I could have benefited from had I started working on them in the summer the first of which is the chemistry IA which I could have very easily done that experiment right at the end of my DP one year and then I had the entire summer essentially to write up that lab I could have very well done that and in retrospect actually I wish I did do that because that would have saved me a lot of time at the beginning of the of my second DP Year all right the other IA that I wish I'd spent more time working on in the summer was my math IA which was slammed literally in the worst possible time all right I started doing my math I8 I believe it was in October and it was due in November or it was or we started in mid-september and it was due November something along those lines what you need to understand is that my early application for m t and MIT were due the first like the I believe on Halloween or the day the first day of November something around there and that was the same day or two days before that the math IA was also due so it was just I was very lucky to not only have the proper productivity skills to manage all that but I was also very lucky that I finished my application essays beforehand right and because of that I had a lot of time to really do my math I.E well but if I didn't do that I think I would have been in hot water because I was trying to do the like just imagine trying to do your math I.E well while also trying to do your application essays well it's like at that point there the reach is a trade-off or you want to spend more time working on your application essay which by definition means that your math IA isn't as good as it as it can possibly be why because time is the ultimate constraint there all right so I wish I could spend more time on that the other thing I worked on in the summer and this goes on to the point I was just talking about is my extended essay all right I did my extended essay on physics in fact I built a bunch of nozzles for a rocket engine I was working on with a friend and if you're interested you can find that in YouTube actually in the if you go to my playlist and then you go to Archive videos you can actually see the video there all right if you go to cssi there's an entire Vlog that we did so long story short I ended up doing that at the tail end of the summer and I do feel like that definitely saved me a lot of time when a lot of people are trying to do their experiment or trying to find data for their extended essay I was basically done all right and in fact something I wish I could have done differently was to be done with the extended essay before school even started because I was working I believe it was the first week the first two weeks of my grade 12 years so dp2 I was spending working on my extended essay and in fact and this is most people would be surprised to to hear this but when I first submitted my DP or my excuse me my my ee for my instructor to Mark I actually got a Level D I did it so poorly on that essay all right building the rocket engine and it I think one of the reasons why I did so poorly is because I was trying to explain third level thermodynamics so the teacher was obviously getting confused I didn't really know much what I was talking about so it was this big confusion so I got a D through that and then I spent the next two weeks I believe until the first of October really relearning the content that I wrote about understanding it thoroughly and making it as clear as possible and through that entire process actually I not only did I get the final score of a level a from the from the IV but I also learned how important it is to have time to work on that because again if I if I was crunched with working on my essays if I was crunch working on my grades crunch working on something else it just wouldn't have been possible all right so that's something very important to keep in mind the next thing that I want to talk about is I'm going to talk about grades after that the next thing I want to talk about is that your wow factor or your extra co-curriculars that you're going to show to your University all right by the time grade 12 begins it is too late I'll say that again it is too late to work on your extra girl curriculars if you don't have a solid set of extracurriculars you are screwed by the time grade 12 comes there's no other way to put it you are absolutely screwed so don't be that guy or that gal who shows up first day of grade 12 and they're like oh I need to somehow make a wow factor oh I need to improve some extra or curricular it's not going to happen all right in fact I don't want you to reach that state right I don't want you to try to like oh but I was able to do it don't don't reach that point all right because you should be spending all of your time hopefully your essays are already done by that point but you should be spending all your time making sure that your predicted grades are up to are up to par which includes working on your IAS all right and then finalizing your application with that those should really be your three priorities by the time you get back in other words you want to do everything you possibly can to give yourself the opportunity to only work on these three priorities right Steve Jobs used to say that focus is not doing is not focusing on what to or excuse me used to say that he's not as happy of the things he did but as the things he didn't do all right by focusing in on these three priorities you're essentially telling yourself that you're not going to do everything else and all those things are not going to do at the beginning of the year which are not those three priorities you want to do during the summer all right wow factor your extracurriculars that's one of them spend your entire summer really polishing that up if you don't have it hopefully you should have it from grade 11 and grade 10 that you can build up to again we talk about if you saw some of my other videos we talk about really defining your two words for me it was educational Tech so you want to make sure those are nailed down your application is done or is in process of finishing and then you can just wrap that up at the beginning of grade 12 and then apply okay another side note that I wanted to bring actually I'm just going to talk straight about the IV grades right now all right so what if your goal is not to get into top university but instead to get purely IV grades well you can actually spend again your summer working on your eyes and E's and pre-studding a lot of the content something I see that comes up and I have a lot of students who for whatever reason they ask me a question and it's you'd be surprised how many times it comes up but a student is wondering what they should spend their time on and they always tell me the same thing they tell me that they're pre-studying calculus that they're learning calculus they're pre-studying it I don't think that's the best way to approach it all right I'll tell you why because again given that most students here are trying to get into a top university or get good grades at the very least studying calculus especially if you're because I was in math HL if you're a math HL math analysis A I believe it's AI or something I'm not sure what it was called but if you're doing math and HL you don't actually start to learn calculus until after you've applied for University in fact I believe I started to learn it the day of or a few days before I applied like that week of some we started covering it around that time therefore me actually learning calculus had absolutely no impact on my predicted grades the ones that I submitted early it was only after I submitted and then we went to our mocks with where the calculus I learned there apply to my predicted rates all right so I see a lot of people trying to learn calculus it is not necessary for you to learn calculus when you're in grade 10. it's not necessary for you to learn calculus when you're in grade 11. okay I just want to make that very clear all right next if your goal is to get IB grades I want you to remember the different seasons okay there are different seasons among your IB Journey there's the seasons there's a season to work on IAS there's a season to study for mocks season to study for exams when you get back if you can get into the season of studying for exams as fast as possible you'll be in your best in the best hands okay and then again much of the advice that with regards to getting good IB grades really just comes from understanding your priorities right do the fundamentals I posted on Reddit not too long ago that you should really focus on just the fundamentals right most people are looking for some secret strategy on how to get IBO what secret magic sauce did you use for getting 45 in the IB like like guys you just you need to simplify this all right the simple things are the things you're going to stay consistent with and guess what the simple things are also the fundamental things in this case and I believe in all cases as well if you can identify what those fundamental skills are for instance sitting down and doing focused work working without distractions right getting good amount of energy through good sleep if you just focus in on those fundamentals you're you're going to realize that it's gonna be much easier to achieve these high grades because you have the fundamental skills you need to achieve them in the first place and most people just miss out on this completely they try to they either do things that don't work or they're looking for some sort of magic saw some some secret that doesn't exist just focusing on the fundamentals and you'll get those results and the thing about the summer is that you can actually use the summer as a as a way to really build those skills really build those fundamental skills right just it's very easy in the summer to schedule let's say an hour and a half where you're just gonna sit down and do Focus work it can literally be on anything but you can literally turn that into a habit for the year for your entire summer where you sit down maybe once a day for an hour and a half and you just do Focus work right or sit down without distractions or you get eight hours of sleep every single day for the summer that sounds like a pretty good goal all right in fact that those habits the fundamentals that are crucial for success and when it comes to sleep most people might not might not know this but actually I got more than eight and a half hours of sleep every single day there were maybe maybe five times where I got less than that eight hours but I never pulled an all-nighter I never got less than eight hours of sleep maybe there was one time where I got seven and a half hours but every single time I was in bed for at least more than eight and a half hours about 95 of the time don't believe that you need to sacrifice your soul to get a 45. all right in fact while that is possible it's not the most practical way okay so I'm Gonna Leave You on that hopefully this video helped if you want to get an Easter egg I like giving out these Easter eggs they're basically special codes that you insert into the link down below and it gives you a special resource all right this Easter egg is called Grizzly grind28 capital g capital G in the middle so Grizzly as the animal with capital g no space grind with a capital G then 28 insert that code into the link down below and you're gonna get a special infographic and a set of resources to go alongside that all right I hope you found this video helpful if you have any questions at all feel free to leave them in the comments down below I do my best to answer all of them or you can shoot me an email at Joaquin R all right have a good rest of your day and stay productive I'll see you in the next episode goodbye
Channel: Joaquin Revello
Views: 2,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Spend Your IB Summer To Get A Perfect 45 Grade, IB Summer Planning, Making Most Of Summer, High School IB Preparation, Avoiding IB Mistakes, IB Study Schedule, Extended Essay Preparation, Theory Of Knowledge Guide, Summer IB Activities, IB Burnout Prevention, IB Diploma Tips, IB Summer Productivity, IB Scoring Strategies, Summer Break Learning, IB Success Journey, Balancing IB Work, Personal Interest Projects., JqR&x%
Id: 1w3b2NLmBAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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