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dear brothers and sisters there's something deeply profound about the way that the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to speak about his circumstances and many times there is a connection between how we speak about things and how we think about things and if we speak in a negative way then our circumstances will almost always follow even if they're beautiful and that's why you could have two people with the exact same set of circumstances and one of them if you ask them how they're doing they will praise the good of their circumstances and another person will speak to you as if they're a as if they have the worst life in the world and the most difficult uh moments in their lives two people with the same circumstances IIM the prophet ibraim when he visited his son is in mecah he visited him twice and the first time IIM Alam visited he sees a wife of is and asked her how she's doing and all she pointed to were the negativities the hardships that they had and then he comes back later on and I'm paraphrasing the story and finds that is has married a more righteous woman in her place asks about her circumstances and she Praises everything that they have even though it is the exact same set of circumstances so it's not about the circumstances it was about how they were experiencing those circumstances and then speaking about those circumstances and there is a connection between the two so much so that Allah subhana says and we often kind of brush over this very quickly as for the blessing of your lord upon you speak of it say alhamdulillah for it thank Allah for it and be very conscious about how you speak about it you know when you take your sip of water and you say alhamdulillah did you actually just internalize alhamdulillah alhamdulillah for the sip of water thank you Allah for the sip of water there's something very powerful about that that is speaking about the of Allah subhana tala there's another Hadith that we often quote partially and I wanted to just focus on the last part because it's very profoundly connected to this and get to the person of the Prophet Sall alaihi wasallam first and how he dealt with this the prophet Salli wasallam said look to those who have less than you not to those who have more than you why because that will make you more content with what Allah subhana has given to you stop looking at those who have more than you look to those that have less than you and the last part of that Hadith in some narrations is do not belittle the blessings that Allah subhana has bestowed upon you meaning one part of the Hadith is what you're looking at the other part of the Hadith is how you're talking about things don't belittle don't use words that belittle a blessing that Allah subhana has given to you and this speaks to the small things in life as well as the large things in life this speaks to our negative selft talk and positive selft talk this speaks to how we interact with our families this speaks to how we interact with our communities this speaks to optimism and pessimism this speaks to all of those different things don't you dare belittle a blessing that Allah subhana has bestowed upon you so how does that start with the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam first I want you to just think about this Hadith and sit with it for a [Music] bit the prophet Sall alaihi wasallam never once criticized food that was on his plate he never criticized a morsel of food that was on his plate now if you sit for a moment with that and think about this man ruled how much of the world sallallahu alaihi wasallam power Prestige and think about our own lives if you've gone through hard times and good times you get a little bit more selective with your blessings selective with your food you rarely find people that eat to to function and Eat to Live criticizing their food the bread was overcooked today the bread was no no but for us we start you know doing Yelp in our heads on every single plate of food that we eat right reviewing doing everything that we eat the prophet wasallam do you know how amazing that is that he never once pointed to a flaw in his food he never once said it's too salty I don't like it I didn't enjoy this not once did he ever criticize his food something that sounds so small but how hard is it to practice when's the last time you criticized your food it might have been lunch before you got here right think about that despite his position whether it was a a a host from the outside of his home or whether it was what his spouse put forward whether it was someone who was from the poorest of society or someone who was from the elite of society if you put a garment in front of the Prophet Salli wasallam if you gave him a shirt or if you put a plate in front of him sallallahu alaihi wasallam he would never point out a flaw on it he would simply be grateful for it and Subhan Allah look at the power of how this transforms things we just finished speaking about and a story that he had with the prophet sallai wasallam where he said he grabbed me by the hand and he took me to his house so we could eat together and all they had in his house were some dried pieces of bread they dumped him on the ground in front of him and the prophet s was said is there anything to dip the bread in they said you know the only the only dip we have is just some vinegar the prophet said what a great dip vinegar is I mean just right away he didn't he didn't belittle it he didn't say oh you know I wish we had some honey no I love vinegar put the vinegar in front of us let's dip the vinegar and Ja said I Started Loving vinegar too and then from said I Started Loving vinegar too and then the narrator from says I Started Loving vinegar too CU it was a mindset it was a shift this is good alhamdulillah Allah put something to dip our bread in that's a mindset that is to speak of a blessing of don't belittle it don't be like oh man this is dry it's old it's this it's that no alhamdulillah it's a blessing and I'm pleased with it alhamdulillah and if that's with the Small Things what about the big things right what about the people in our lives what about the circumstances in our lives that are far more consequential than the bites of food that we have the prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam said speaking about marriage since Everyone likes to quote uh the other person's hadiths on them husbands and wives there's actually an implementation of this Hadi for both and it's almost identical Subhan Allah the in the prophet Salli wasallam said let not a believing man despise a believing woman meaning his wife don't talk your wife down if he doesn't like some something about her a quality that she has she might have a certain thing that he doesn't like about her then he likes something else about her speak about that thing don't speak about the thing you don't like focus on what you like and extol it no one's perfect and you're not perfect either and the prophet sallam said about women to men he said s that they show ingratitude when a husband makes one mistake and she says I never once saw anything good from you you've never done anything good so she denies everything and focuses on the fault now Subhan Allah like I've never done anything good fine I'm not going to do anything then the attitude shuts off both sides right well you're never going to be happy and you're never going to be happy so why even try now trying to live up to anything because your standards are impossible both sides are operating from the same spiritual Disease by the way you're belittling a blessing of Allah subhana tala Allah blessed you with a quality Allah blessed you with an action in that other person you fail to extol it and you extol the bad quality the bad quality dominates them and you're stuck with it who suffers you do when do you see the prophet s wasallam belittling when do you see him belittling before that where do you see him doing that sallu Al am he didn't used to do that don't look at the thing that's wrong and extol it no extol the blessing extol the good thing and Allah subhana T will make it more dominant in your life even just through your perspective through your perception and what made the prophet s alaihi wasam so amazing in this regard is that even in the most Bleak circumstances he had something positive to say sallallah alaihi wasallam my beloved brothers and sisters thank Allah for the blessings he has given you always say alhamdulillah Allah loves when you thank Allah loves when you are grateful and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala increases in you when you are grateful to him Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said to look to those who have who has less than you and then you'll become more happy otherwise if you compare yourself with the ones who are richer than you then it will make you depressed it will make you sad it will take away your good mood so rather than looking at the people who are higher than you look at the people who are lower than you it will make you more thankful more grateful and never ever criticize food if you like it you eat it if you don't like it you leave it and always focus on what is good always try to find out the positive from the situation find good in someone and praise it and when you speak in a negative way the circumstances will always follow and when you speak in a positive way the circumstances will follow too so it's better to speak in a positive affirmation like if someone asks you how are you rather than saying all your problems say I'm fine alhamdulillah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will make things easy for you you Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves positivity and never ever lose hope in your life Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala might test you for certain period of time and after that Allah will bring ease in your life so always be with Allah always cry to Allah beg to Allah turn towards Allah and Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala will definitely make you happy and Allah will change your situation for Good Help Us build an Islamic Studio at www. 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Channel: Islam The Ultimate Peace
Views: 32,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itup network, islam the ultimate peace, peaceful, peace, islam, muslim, ISLAM, THE, ULTIMATE, PEACE
Id: aIYUuQXzvs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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