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hear loud was coming up so that must be - okay okay close your con day - when I saw this one going home keynote I decided to say something I hope more substantial than my usual lock-picking stuff so that's what we're going to talk about today we're just going to talk about how we think about security and I know that's a topic that a million people are treated before me much better than I ever could but I think it's something that bears repeating because we keep up the human element about it and where people fit in your equation is something you should remind each other about a lot of this stuff is going to be stuff some of you already know but it's the kind of thing you want to forward to like relatives and bosses and not because I'm cool with this just because it's funny and an involved that's important it's the it's where people fit into your tech and how they interact for your security and why not illustrate it with like the greatest in epic fail ever that we still have today which is TSA don't watch my junk why going through airport security is worse then and involves the shots of nuts now and again I file up I travel to a lot of cops I want planes all the time not quite as much as Chris Hoff but you know a lot I go through secretely know screenings all the time like I got really good at it I was basically without the sexiness that was George Clooney moving up in the air like I had my routine and I could blast on through and yeah is stupid whatever I'm just back through how many of you are kind of routine flyers and we but we're like we're good at it right you know it's not fun you're like art I know the routine and that worked for me until the freaking virtual strip search came along that was a bridge too far that completely put me over the edge for a number of reasons most of which involve simple matters of tech like the TSA basically has done this you can serve that nice meal a steak and stuff and you're like oh this looks tasty but waiter there's no fork excuse me can someone I need a fork and like oh yeah and I understand and thank you for filling out our web form your complaint matters to us let's let's address that and then BOOM and of no way that's know you have one thing that's wrong I don't need more of this I need cat a fork and you're like oh god we're so sorry here but give us a little more money we can install we'll do it we'll do more and like do you not see this is still on a fork why are you putting this wrong here this is not not helping and like oh well that thing we used to do we got rid of it we need to do that again let's bring that a little tech back enough for what is wrong with you you keep adding stuff you keep costing us more but it's still not what we need the security is completely broken from a tech perspective not just how we use it but what it looks that looks for the wrong things we do not we do not do anything right the tools are wrong they're inefficient it's you know we're performing surgery with hack saws and not even getting the cancer it's like the cancers in this right arm and you chop someone's left leg off that is our experience with the TSA just because some people are not aware of the differences if you want to about this to friends relatives get your terms right there are two types of virtual strip searches they are a little different well it looks like the futuristic phone booty thing that is the millimeter wave the backscatter is the actual two big blocks you stand in between they are different some people use these laugher the turn back scanner that's like just mixing them all up so no millimeter wave scanner back static the millimeter wave is what produces those grayish and sort of blurry images the back scatter that's the one it's like hello nurse and I really like you see everything the backscatter one is the one they are deploying more of now that is the one they're shifting to that is the one they're ordering more of that is the one you're going to keep seeing unless you knock this off well lots of alt text unlike me that's okay I'm not trying to tell you to read it I just want you to know this fellow Raffy Sayla brilliant really guy does a lot of consulting all around works with the Israelis works internationally google him read up his quotes really excellent quotes especially in the sphere of airport security really just no if you reference the Israelis a lot in this talk because they just do not take crap excellent way of talking about and so he actually makes example talking to a different Airport administrator not in Israel here on our side of the Americas they said what would happen if during baggage scan someone saw him a business blick Chris would go play dough pen stuck in the clock you know classic thought what would you do and the guy he was speaking to the airport in a head the air person well we would shut down our airport would evacuate and he was just like oh faceball that's completely the wrong response but yet onion that's what you a picture right if you imagine the farmer actually detected real bomb can't find at the time in an airport of course there would be or get everyone out not in Israel do you know what you check in they have specifically convex contoured bomb blast areas for all the bags from screen well withstand something 100 kilos of plastic explosive they can detect a bomb and it's just business as usual for what else they have response procedures everyone just keep you know you might not miss your flight if you're elsewhere they'll lock it down a little bit but could you imagine that could you imagine that degree of efficiency that degree of security just that feeling of like wow we just have our head and ass wired together that is not that is not what we do you know we just three down pat for every possible situation that comes along why because that's we are responsive we are reactive we're not proactive in any way and it's all in how we interact with the tools we use there are two real ways that I like to think about security and it's all need a holiday time it's Christmas you know you can have a very rigid security model or you can be flexible and this comes down to how you are sticking people in that equation are people using their brains or are they just button pushers rigid security just realize that you know this is our process this is our policy our technology does what it has to do if you just have a framework of what's supposed to happen but you let actually properly train people you know considering situation if you absolutely let the people be in charge that in my opinion is supposed to be security that we don't do that you know is it dumb people you know being just supporting the tech that's there or is it really attack supporting the people that is what I want you to take away from all this and tell somebody who can make a two somewhere organization tap is supposed to support people people are not just those to be there supporting the tech the tech doesn't save you rigid security is broken and like people who are much cooler than me and do a lot more badass we're trying to get mixing to talk later today time again tech is broken if you're people are dumb there's a great comedian whom I love any libertarian probably sort of Doug Stanhope before is a wonderful routine all about just trying to order a breakfast sandwich is subway is anyone heard anybody goes in he says yeah you know I'm rolling a little late I love the breakfast sandwich because it's actually Ramos and the troll not something crazy like a lotta lovin and he says you know Chaya can I get to the bricks of sandwich he's like oh I'm sorry sir we stopped serving breakfast because that's our policy the breakfast is away now is the come on kid it's not away it's in the second read cabinet when you open it up to get that guy's mayonnaise I saw the egg it's not even and just get the egg that's the only difference I'm sorry sir that's our policy and given the skin actually ends I think with his mother as a suicide bomber which brings us back to terrorism but it's you know it's that example like one person who just blindly not doing anything this is what I'm supposed to do that's well that's what we do in our security models flexible security is excellent because one little individual piece one guy here one lady there they can make a quick judgment they can Mason's adapt much better than your tech ever can so I don't mean violating policy just like oh we're going to change the way we do this as a matter of organizational routine there's a lot of legs thrown up in this whole thing look at the slides online there's a lot of stories I linked to on our crazy ship there's a story about when I was traveling through San Francisco Airport with a bunch of guns and basically I'm not going to get into it all here you can read about it it's do we get your weapons screen you get everything locked in and they said no sir after we split in their luggage please be sure you don't touch the luggage and I'm like don't tough like why would I touch it you're going to take it away right like you screen it i lock it and it goes away that's what every other network does no not a social disco then they screen it they lock it and then some guy who no speak English comes up with a baggage cart loads it takes it back out through the far the airport walked it along the curb and just like down around Ben and I was like what were you what this is luggage that now has a TSA cleared sticker on it and it's just I'm wandering around in public uncontrol I actually asked them about this like what are you doing this like well that's just the way we do it here that's just that's just how we roll like oh breaking you know the standard breaking a smart policy as a matter of routine that's just a different routine that's not thinking on your feet and in the end I got like you know for asking too many questions a break for routine a reactive response a proactive response any of that should come from one person you know a person is smart in the scene in the field a person can be flexible people are dumb any person is smart people are done and we're never said that who said that Tommy Joey said that yes and who's played a cop in so many movies we should trust him on matters but yeah what do we need to change what do we need to do specifically in the airports because that's very about passionate enough as these days its holiday season coming out we're all going to travel how do we get from you know Kent cane to twister how do we get flexible you can read a lot of amazing quotes by people like Bruce and I are just who will not pull any punches to be like well but you just look and take away the TSA and go back to all the old models and put money into other places I dig on that you know there's a wonderful number of things he has said not not feasible in the short term but I encourage you to read his blog and get behind him however simple things that we can actually make happen if we made small changes that represent not being dumb people but being smart people I think we then reach those lines holy do you know if you go into ll Airport you sail through and our active lounge before your flight takes off in like 20 minutes you don't get bunched up in a bunch of lines because a lot of crowd is as much of a soft target as anything else they understand that if there's a big crowd somewhere in a threat area you are doing it wrong we can eliminate that better this is how this is like this is the airport tell me just people queue right through beautiful big open space they're not clustered up most quote is real efficient that you here talked about is not feasible for us I used to love that identic man we could just roll like that man absolutely just ben-gurion that Airport rocks yeah they have one small airport in that whole hundred we have one look 400 medium and large-sized airports with no staff training it's not going to happen for us at least not overnight but we can have elements of what they have we can have our line let's go the away we can have behavioral profiling or some guy who's a little shady as AI lü our nose at Reza we could do behavioral profile whatever off you say let's say profiling is a word that people like to throw around if they don't know security I'm not talking about racial I'm talking about just look for the CD character and ask them a couple more questions we could do this we don't scream any of the people who are caterers we don't do any of that yet we could easily try to push that through and the baggage we still have baggage flying on flight so I'm pageants aren't on it again want to read a really funny story it involves us coming back from hack on Scandinavian air and our bags come into the country just read online it's a whole friggin mess it involves render man as bad as in Switzerland it's done that's really good we can do this first and foremost on my list though is actually eliminating the imaging machines getting these the out of the airport looking like you have you you can even get part of this we can make this happen they said just sitting around bitching holding our dicks yes these are horror like just from you guys I want everyone to know this is some of you this might be news from a pure tech perspective even though the whole idea of like let's have dumb people supporting attack this isn't even tech or supporting it can't detect anything the UK let's quote the UK did a study on this and did not go through the UK if there's a technology that's voyeuristic and invasive for security purposes and the UK doesn't want a piece of that Jesus is not working like a Photoshop done this is all in Photoshop autumn was always wanted there's a study that just came out I just had to add this line the actually Journal Transportation Security evaluating these machines they don't detect at all wrong they do detect your challenge yes so why we have them the same reason we have most stuff the government gets behind money and stupidity money and stupidity who can name the first person in this side here turn off who can name person over here exactly Paulette I'm not to be confused with Judge Napolitano pink excellent guy writes a lot of comments but yes money has submitted absolutely do not put up with this tell people about this tell this is what the government is trying to spin these are friendly images most citizens most passengers like the path like the machines that the pat down will ya instead of the now of course people like the Mystics they reminded me who remembers that old commercial with the Sox where they're like look this is the dirty sock this is the sock washing the competitors brand but this is the sock washed in time yeah like compared to compared to ball grabbing Oh behavioural finger inner or that is the super what sock that's what I want on my toes and my Shawn wants to get a sock something that you know this is where people think I'm getting a little freaky at all because I get all passionate my stuff do not discount that there are people in the government very happy with citizens being quite fine with arbitrarily being put into submissive positions in front of people in authority I do not come to that I do not date on them that is a big part of this for me to the idea that little kids can be walking through the air with their parents oh what's daddy doing oh this man with a badge said he's just supposed to stand like this for a while you so as a lock in my conversations oh yeah so again why not fly instead of the machines behavioural profiling people behavioral profiling is where it's at I'm a big advocate of it tell me in the QA you think it's wrong like throw at me and yell stuff I don't know who watches lie to me anybody it's a good show she told ya you should watch it just for like hey Linda Karlen alone that's like a reason in the head oh shut up she's 19 okay I didn't say no littleness whatever it is in the show is that to me still be creepy she's 16 home show that I'd be like TSA I was doing that how he's like back how do we fight back against all these policies because they can Ellen this is fine but this is like no different than us in a bar somebody like them these know machines that we all and we you know yeah you're right who asked me that beer there we go home how do we actually do this how do we change a security model in something that is a little beyond our control it's not our company it's not anything we're tired oh just a homie interact with we can do it two methods of attack monkey-wrenching and political pressure monkey-wrenching the political pressure you can be a part excuse me uh both of these monkey-wrenching the system I'm sad to say involves making bad wines worse that is the thing make this process as bad as it can be so that more people are pissed so that there's pressure coming from the top down from the bottom up everywhere there's plenty of ways to do that they all involve opting out well anybody in this room tell me that they are actually going to opt out these machines if they come across that's what how do you have done how do you want to keep doing it even in this holiday season is coming up if you have travel for family I would like to see I'll be proud of the hands of seeing them like Seymour what do you do next what are you like that right well there's a lot of people who said I have plans kind of like man this summer I do but I got a little bit to go there are some pretty nasty people there like man I'm not going to bathe I'm going to be all nasty and I'm just be making it horrible for them so myself included like I was like you know what man it's time to bust out the kill the plan or not and it's something worth talking about our friends in that DC 949 I had an arrow plan may be chemically assisted huge Frank Pratt to is said he's going to do that as a CP we're going to look on the Twittersphere if uh if they actually pulled out now but there's an important question in all of this how much is with this guy gonna really do this he has a power do you think she gives a what that guy thinks do you think she listens to the front line so bad I'm not saying it's right or wrong to like do those other tactics when you're opting out but how far you take it just be reflective about it think about this and talk about a little more with me with others really monkey-wrenching the system is making just the process fail as long as the lines continue to suck and back up because the more you foul up the process it's like you know if you actually have to be engaged with an enemy on the battlefield if you distract enough they're forces over here your brothers and sisters-in-arms can cross the river you know over there the more you just tie up the Machine and slow down the process and take screeners aside the more they have to rely on just a magnetometer just the x-ray to get people going through another turn the metal detector just to go through the proper way so opting out of course do you want to private screaming think about it now don't think about it when you're standing right there think about the merits of it it takes people off the line it takes longer it messes with them more but as their merit is the political merit in people witnessing this whole process and if so many do you want to like wear certain outfits you want to stand there and talk out loud I'm sorry so yeah the reporting thing is just just dragging it out or get creative so just opting out right away you guys all know I mean you happen in this room those but for the benefit of those watching over the relatives you send this link to your like it's not funny it says buckle up was it for those relics you know encourage your relatives to opt out we courage your friends make sure everyone knows you have that right clearly announce that you know make others in line if they're behind you like boys you Nishat look at his grin look at their coming I'm gonna bet you're answering the hopped out one of the most satisfying things for me was when I saw the Machine going out I was in like I don't know then we're California someplace and I announced without looking just to my fellow passengers I was like opting out of that and this woman from the TSA is like oh you don't want to do that that was out slowing down hey check out time I got there early because the lounge is comfy and you little grandma behind leaves like you made a good point son I will opt out man behind her business guy was you know probably dealing here Francis Jolla he's like yeah you know what we shopped out late from the TSA heard that and then of course they'll never admit this that machine something was not in use they just started waving all of us through the metal detector I am pleased about that I'm pleased that it had a little cascading effect and it's all because if you plan for you know if you plan for your time you're not wasting your time you're wasting that time and that's what matters do you want any private or public this is your own choice do you want to just remember private screening they're going to really lead on we don't want that because it pulls them off but it again do you want to slow the process or do you want to be you know do a stand in there and just make fun like so people can see you be like boy this is the worst Indian job I've ever got whatever you want to say like think about that before you're standing right there ties up people if you pull them if you pull them aside and just you know think about it I'm not certain which is bad I want to insert which I could do but I'm going to consider it before I'm in front of the machine if you have a friend ask for observer why because you just pull more people through now your friend has to go to this other area now he or she has to be cleared now there's more people involved now you have someone to operate the camera that is absolutely your right and it's a good thing in my opinion why a camera for documenting the more videos like this and photos that wind up on YouTube the more political pressure we have there are really nice cameras there are even really small cameras they'll get like two cameras who knows you can test your ship does your phone record if you turn the screen off or does it keep going as a stop how it covert do you want to be think about this before you're in line these are amazing photos that we see and we get all indignant about some of these even predate all this screening of non screening of kids how many people heard about the little kid whose leg braces had to be removed his father was a cop and if he was crying there was no video that there was no phone with that I guarantee you that would have lasted around the internet a lot harder news organizations would have pushed that another news cycle if there was video if there was some documentation of it that even that shitty recorded video don't touch my junk guy not a great video but it's enough to make the story more real to make it really human think about that when you're recording this stuff there are excellent spy cams there are excellent paint cans we use them on pen test jobs Red Team jobs using Chris you know like red teeth the airports for sake just be like yeah I'll turn my phone off from my keychain still rolling who the hell knows record please and get creative there's a lot of much stuff you should know you should research does anybody know who this is nope then yes you are correct sir Spencer is writing really hot training a little bit deprecating saying no this is Calpernia Addams she is a transgender activist she the speaker she's well known as she's really really hot man for a trans woman like yes I think she's smokin do you know transgender people have different sets of rights special rights in these screenings you have the right to request a physical pat-down not from a person of your sex but a person of your gender because you guys know that's two different things how do you are presenting that debt is how you are allowed to be screened and again not only is it good to flex your rights if you're a person like this who really needs to be understood by people in authority but it just ties a shelf or it gets people hassled against then we gotta call supervisor just I'm not saying become such a dick that you might do something damaging to the right to the gay community and transgender community don't be an but it's something that you or your friends should be aware of you can make use of that make use of that do you want to make a custom outfit you want all going to go through the machine once no way to have metal here wait I could do that no I'm supposed to have that just constantly no one's wrenching that way there are large really good bumper stickers and things that have come out because of this process turn it into a shirt turn them into anything I don't know get creative with it when you're monkey-wrenching this system requests those blood changes time up all we're about to do in the to wait a minute I have this you know change your gloves that ties them up some more drag the ship out to make it longer and more complex not to be an ass but just to demonstrate the complete foolishness of this whole process know the rules show the rules do not get confrontation angrily be like tap tap tap tap tap on these people how many people saw a flying with firearm star ends to give how many people print it out one of those rule sheets that I made carry with them I made this little sheet homicide pray to God it's quotes right from the website it has a nice little official seal it makes it look like as if they prepare document you're not lying they didn't really prepare it but these are their words has a little written on it keep it around to show it don't get angry just get you know indignant just be demanding what is it you know you're right in the situation you should know this but if you have any medical stuff anyone like medical supplies and you've never trying to fly with them this holiday season's your first time of kids there's a bit of mess over and over bed training about baby milk formula have all your medical prescriptions paperwork's crying out to be ready for that this also has phone numbers of the Office of Public Affairs the Office of Civil Rights for the TSA call get in their face build whoa you are doing this wrong I have these people on speed dial watch that situation change just takes a little bit extra time time you should have and if it really comes down to it be aware that real cops do not like TSA fake cops TSA it's a little badge a blue shirt they are not sworn officers they do not have police authority police hate it when they behave as though they have authority if you have been actually wrong if you have been so grab before you gave your consent drink said no I will leave if they actually get in your face demand a police officer get a supervisor tell him or her to demand a police officer they will all but philately trying to get you out of that Club screening out in court cop gets there they do not want to deal with that they do not want to report written up if you think you are actually wrong push it that far it's all because of the policy that is in place this is going to keep having repercussions on how do you bring about the political pressure not just monkey-wrenching in the moon but how do you pressure this whole system in other ways the things we know what other things we do actually writing letters being part of the lawsuits that are out there tweeting posting videos like writing letters and such to your t representatives we talked about it how many people have actually written or call their representative indignantly about this that's like three hands mine should even be up like a in the island time I'm drinking my kill and I haven't picked up a phone yet that is my bad that is all of our bad like sending the letter how many people just got a new representative or senator in the last election tells me like hey shitbird you just got in office because these things that I care about you're going to be on the Street if you don't get this fixed up yes yeah you guys are all Beltway circa notes near the office demand like this matters to me they do listen especially if it keeps happening they're read lawsuits I'm not you know big into like frivolous litigation I think in America we sue people too much maybe they're going to maybe something's going to happen though be a part of it if you know the right people get involved follow it at least online follow the news be up-to-date on there's a great number of blogs is a great number of Twitter feeds I happen to follow them yourself on privacy guy I think he's a nice clearing house I'm not recommend is that thank you holy that's friends I did not know that sir you are great you really know he calls a lot of right now I'm not syllabi if it's happening especially if it involves TSA he's got it up there but when your feed there's a wonderful documentary nobody heard of it because it went like with a whisper I didn't know it was out for a couple months please remove your shoes get it watching when you're curling up with the family's holiday season you will learn amazing facts about the TSA say is like more than 50 almost 50% their time according the GAO is spent on other not screening not researching not training other you will learn whether budgets go you will learn from people in the front lines what they are doing wrong and again just how those talk to your representatives and Senators with can we make these things get better well of course the crowds the lines that's a freebie if we fix the process absolutely that just gets better maybe people the human focus in the screening not dumb people operate in tech but smart people supported by tech political pressure is going to win that one absolutely you want the oolitic you know the imaging machines eliminated it's just going to come down to monkey-wrenching it's going to come down to actually opting out to really do it thankfully cargo and luggage I mean that's being handled by legislation the follow-up ask it'll read the GAO reports read the independent testing if it actually happens if it doesn't get on the phone get in front your keyboard right to someone to be with why is this not happening I feel like I'm getting didactic and getting really political all this but I'm hoping you guys are hands-on and still seeing that this is this is a really visceral real-life example of completely broken securing that could be and in other parts of the world is great and it really I mean we have to occasionally a little bit because it takes political pressure to make change Kennedy once vowed that he would smash the CIA into a thousand pieces yeah we saw a lot of work Toph can't write do you expect this kind of leadership from the mob like we will smash the tuna scenario 1,000 beans I don't think that's going to happen serve it on this political climate it's only going to happen if people get really angry like we're angry but actually take this anger plus your knowledge of how security is supposed to really work and make a change to be a part of it and you know just thank you for for listening to me talking about how security should be written it should be flexible and we can start we really can start right here thank you very very much do you questions I guess yeah hey not regularly just definitely tsa related I'm going to the website I'm trying to figure out what the rules are and so forth and they'll this also they don't publish and now if I can find the stuff in the blog the blog has its site doesn't seem very official I put it down brought it with me anyway yeah but my hi I'm a cheapskate and also I let my collect are components go someplace else people tell me check it or mail it but that gets pricey also once you've already paid for a plane ticket all that what is the rules if in while you're in the line and they find something they don't want to turn the plane with I've read on the TSA blog which is supposed to give you the option to mail it back to yourself go back put in check go back and give to someone who brought you to the airport or throw it away okay those are the four options supposed to give you is that the case is so the question concerns what are your rights on you know in the international streaming area they're very badly published as you mentioned and that's something entirely that says verse nurses this is where most people interact with law enforcement in their life but actually your right to the situation are not clear especially with respect to oh we found this thing in the bag and I don't like the look of it and my supervisor will not be swayed what are your rights and you say usually it's one of four things you can throw it away you can go back out give it to someone who drove you to the airport you can try to check it they don't give you your bags back I'll tell you that much you can't ask for Oh bring it back no you can produce a bag out of your ass and you know check it that way or you can you know mail it to yourself they are under no obligation to make a postal visit of slot available I used to tell people in my other talk all the time fly with pre-stamped flat-rate envelopes up to 70 pounds you can jam it flat rate on hope and it will get there supposed to be 13 ounces or less if it's going to be mailed anonymously but that doesn't apply if the mailing stamp this is interesting most people don't know is tied to someone so if you have a Pitney Bowes machine if you have a paypal account the kijun Meilin pre stamp it that way you can jam em all you can put 70 pounds of lead shot throw it in the middle of the night in a mailbox across town you can get where it's supposed to go because that does not violate the policy per se so it is a positive as opposed to let you step back out of line and yes they are supposed to let you step back out of line and because technically even if they're not saying oh you have this thing you're allowed to just walk back out of line and leave under any circumstance you're allowed to say no I won't go through that no you're not touching my dick you you goodbye and just leave Thanks sorry I don't I was just watching on CNN I travel a lot just like you goes just also say that TSA is saying that subjection to the pound right now they so the idea if you opt out you have to complete the screening the idea of that right so that is not middle eating found to be the case silver said if you don't go through the screening you don't apply so if you said okay pocket now so they do not have the right touch I understand so has actually the press the press button yes the don't touch my junk on John tire he was threatened with a civil suit for leaving and not completing the process now I have heard reports that they have publicly said they will not follow up on the thing you will not be subject to the fine if you leave but I see a lot of our hands who may disagree with me so can we go one two and back around he said he's goes so finally the West Coast appeals court did find that fine to be legally okay but you can walk just white back in now do you guys use your rights as a passenger that has never been tested at the Supreme Court level yeah so we want to test it that's why they're not going to press the issue but if enough people keep opt it out it's going to it's going to be a major it's either going to be dead in the water or it's finally on a regional court your Ganesha maybe take over your carry-on take out super small light bag with you oh yeah to walk back out and then check it or just bring a bunch of envelope Olivia sky dogs on Khan Freaknik the Khan bag used to be this wonderful little like crushable sack in yeah yes I just keep it shoved in the bottom of my usual carry-on and the moment if I hit a duty-free shelf or if I got thinning of this or if I need to recheck something is pull it up there is another bag instantly I have a backup it I use that time was there like I was doing cool no well I'm going to make you less and BA yes I think the big problems security theater and and he himself said is talking about how people are really shooting it at second base not really afraid of falling down here while driving around taxi without talking about Bruce Schneier our perception of risk since perception of security in back how do you turn that around by bringing like a copy please remove your shoes to your family's house on always really hey instead of watching you know the freaking you know Lionsgate clobber know what that sexy thing if it's not bringing Eagles or the cults of the Pats out of them yeah is it instead of that like yeah okay you see this this is freakin crazy this is awesome watch this like just find ten others that's really what that's what it comes down to don't like it's fun we amongst ourselves but like to up in line to people or was that civil disobedience we'll have to talk to you or thorough about that ones that gets a little bit questionable in some ways a hand behind you and they are yes I'm not eating a different plate two planes I would going on if there was like happen to airline you just let out base remember Aloha air is the answer to all of this do you know how much a plane can take in the sky and still fly you have like yeah you need a ton of explosives to actually take a plane down yeah kids on your cell phone yeah I would fly that plane an army I would be on the plane that's like hugging whatever because get a reinforced cockpit and passengers we're going to kick your ass if you act up is that the airlines yes follow up on that like okay will I find everything where everyone calls hasn't been checked for a bomb I think so yeah there is a certain line okay yes probably should bring machine-gun on board from but I don't need to see if you know your paint designer well that's right we're hoping to get back to basically the 911 level of airport security is where we belong carry compromising this we have Hawks triples on one side Chippendales guys any other ones you know so we have all our bases covered and they dope those the ones you stupid side to go in they check your jump it's all good so strippers and Chippendales people doing the jump ship I don't know I don't know maybe that's as an option as an opt-in the comments are making is something that we call we include the illusion of security illusions we add security folks know the illusion of security oh this six-foot fence means I can't get in there you know what you know it's all runs like you could easily climb that fence or whatever but it keeps you on personalism and that's the that's the issue that that we've been sitting my tears were saying that the TSA and the government reacts to the anomaly yours is the standard you know they pass the shoe bomber now survivors on right now kind of covered us like really why are you doing it like hey they kicked me anomaly and they don't have training this that's nationwide so you'll go to one airport like in DC area where it's you know some things are fairly secure but then you go to another place where they're over when you're in Iowa and the guys like I'm going to strip search you it's like an Iowa like this is not a target over there people are there they think they would have security up like in the hoenn heartland of trying to give it to me like what is rough there's just no insistence sixty stupidity son yes son son because they've been told that people that don't live the US are trying to kill you all the time and they can fly on your aircraft because they want it that's because they won't do profile do you know we do have experimental profiling it's called the spot program I forget me now tall black no fun how do you pull over and like a nice bar somewhere when you let me know we do there what they have they have program that's just it tested poorly because they don't put the money in training into it but that's the thing is my team you tell you if we've gone through the airport I get special screening every time did we had guys over yeah we actually took a we were having land party little hotel my guys had networking here Xboxes Singh rig I have the same thing to my guys went through before me I came through they stopped me for 20 minutes while they try to figure out what an Xbox one Jesus say it never seen so some bottles wrapped with wire and alarm person said that was a good idea working on the road oh the master padlocks on the perimeter gates they're nice now hopefully that's less horrible and you know I wish again your photos like that would be how much more impact would that have you tweet that but again only physical security should be lighters you know someone you know gets up there and is walking through the gate hopefully there's notice but I'm still not pleased and it's not like a boy or something on the gate yes deviant at no it's not deviate at deviating net let's go ahead and screw this and she was filled like 45 minutes yeah the Westmount lady and she complain and then they say they profile come then is all this did I would say call the call the office of communication or call the helps the civil rights in the TSA in the first five minutes and she would have been in a better position but you can say I demand my phone I'm going to make a call to your blah blah blah you tell supervisor I need to call herself yeah she had all the big riffles now she was rolling footage roll and recording the whole time and that she wound up on YouTube I bet he's even better response so they have apologized to her since then the hope for that disappoint YouTube it is all friend very should I was like she actually cheap something in the footage you know so yeah I mean it's it's horrible but again it's all it's more pressure like in the end that turns out to be good pressure in my opinion but yeah that's where the Train is just not consistent people yeah yeah it's broken in a lot - okay I just think I'd always hacking at the root of all this evil eventually it all falls down that's my pipe dream anyway I have all few days to complete player 1 & 2 to follow this to its logical conclusion they obviously look like anal cavity that is where you can absolutely compact dangerous not much genes finding our diamond is that what we're going to start doing because that is going to take to get people in Middle America like just deal alright it will display in the orient will it finally not playing the Orient it's like do panel cavity searches what's going to piss us off enough do the imaging machines have a magnetometer generator I am not aware of I do not does anyone know do they I don't know I'm hearing no and it would make sense to me that's probably hard to pack two different types of yeah so yeah this how are we on time got about five more minutes I'm going to make ever going to make everyone shovel with two things just because I know the people behind them and it's the holiday season and if you want interesting gifts for penis is going to be like I'm going to ruin all on my friend right now like selling out no these are little of fun things if you really dig someone or do not dig them this holiday do you know that you can send them cold anonymous as a Christmas gift right now their payment mechanisms put in place or speaking of payment you can actually infect a buddy of mine makes Pat's has either they receive the pads and two dollar bills they whatever paid with a paddock to our goats and it's awesome when you're in a store and just start ripping off money and people think it's fake anyway tearing off a pack it's like he likes to say it's like fuzzing one you just interact with it you just with people's brains it's a very happy thing to do and you see what happens so yeah like unusual currency or send coal I just think are two really cute funny things so I kind of had to drop that in there and let people know about that but there was one hand right in front yes from my own observation of traveling through the airport I found the idea that non profiling and FEMA random would be random it was by a computer but you went in there and all of a sudden you've got teenage girls that keep getting randomly chosen or a guy with a beard you didn't randomly chose if we go through so that's the other side of if it's not profiling done bad imitation you do truly heroes random shires mention that I think I'm pretty sure yeah the idea of proper Raylan so we don't know what's going on it's nothing unfair that's a worthy thing considering all of these are really worthy points to be talked about more anyone else is there more beards go back there yeah define for yourself before you are in line what is your breaking point really ask yourself these questions how bad does tech have to get how bad does the system have to be before you stand up the same enough hopefully I think it's on there yeah the man with the accent from across the pond ask the important question you think that UK started off with more cameras than anyone else do you think it will happen in one day no it didn't it never happens all avoids it just inches long just inches along and as long as people don't stand up and just start pissing all over the system it keeps on creep long not the down all right I'm just going to sound like a rat to maniac I can talk about things start to get out there where they are and thank you very much
Channel: Adrian Crenshaw
Views: 13,272
Rating: 4.8736844 out of 5
Keywords: hacking, security
Id: uhKaZClH074
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2012
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