'Don't Play with Me': Woman Punched in the Face by Target Manager After Charging at Him
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 4,764,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: aQm25YR-97U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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Yes, her name is actually Karen
At least she can push for getting free seats on a plane after she’s done here
this narcissistic bitch actually tried to get free shit from Target and turn it into a civil rights issue.
I don’t even want to watch the video because it cannot possibly be as funny as the title
Oh, fuck you. How fucking dare you. Rosa Parks was forced to exist in a humiliating situation by law. You didn’t get free stuff from Target on the sole basis of you wanting it that way.
She wasn’t trying to “make a statement”. The fact that she can try to gaslight the cops into how “nicely” she behaved when actual camera footage exists otherwise shows how manipulative she is. Interesting how she’s super-aggressive until the cops show up and suddenly turns into a virtuous lamb who just wanted to have an important conversation.
It has nothing to do with civil rights. Fuck her for playing that game. That was just a tactic she figured she could use. I’ve lived with people like this. They only care about their “rights” when they’re trying to get something or get out of trouble. It makes a fucking mockery of every person who’s ever actually had for fight for basic human rights. Rosa Parks is rolling over in her grave.
Amazingly well handled from the police
This woman is fucking nuts
Moneeeey pleeeaseee