'Don't Play with Me': Woman Punched in the Face by Target Manager After Charging at Him

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

Yes, her name is actually Karen

👍︎︎ 114 👤︎︎ u/WhichSeaworthiness49 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

At least she can push for getting free seats on a plane after she’s done here

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/Pureshark 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

this narcissistic bitch actually tried to get free shit from Target and turn it into a civil rights issue.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/Wthq4hq4hqrhqe 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

I don’t even want to watch the video because it cannot possibly be as funny as the title

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/GayBruiser 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is my Rosa Parks moment

Oh, fuck you. How fucking dare you. Rosa Parks was forced to exist in a humiliating situation by law. You didn’t get free stuff from Target on the sole basis of you wanting it that way.

She wasn’t trying to “make a statement”. The fact that she can try to gaslight the cops into how “nicely” she behaved when actual camera footage exists otherwise shows how manipulative she is. Interesting how she’s super-aggressive until the cops show up and suddenly turns into a virtuous lamb who just wanted to have an important conversation.

It has nothing to do with civil rights. Fuck her for playing that game. That was just a tactic she figured she could use. I’ve lived with people like this. They only care about their “rights” when they’re trying to get something or get out of trouble. It makes a fucking mockery of every person who’s ever actually had for fight for basic human rights. Rosa Parks is rolling over in her grave.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Karnakite 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

Amazingly well handled from the police

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Automatic_Guest8279 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

This woman is fucking nuts

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/moonshinedegreaser 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies

Moneeeey pleeeaseee

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/teb99 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2023 🗫︎ replies
and she said excuse me and I was like man like I need to back up or leave like well we can't do that for you so she started charging at me I came all the way back into my office into an enclosed space and I hit her in the face a shocking moment caught on camera when a Target employee punches a customer in the face after she cornered him in an office you backed him into an office and you got hit in the face unfortunately when people got backed into a corner they can choose no no they can choose to do the right thing or they can choose to lash out okay you were in the wrong here just so I held them she says the whole altercation was her way to take a stand this is my Rosa Parks moment dude don't play with me the incident happened on October 22nd of last year at a Target in Blue Ash Ohio security video shows 37 year old Karen Ivory checking out at the register when the bill surpasses one thousand dollars Ivory says she won't have enough okay I'm not going to have enough money to pay for this I need to talk to the manager if you happen to be walking by Body camera video captures Target manager Ashley Meyer describing to police what happened so I I came around and I was like hey what can I do for you okay usually it's like like the price is wrong or whatever she starts going on this The Shield about how like I've had a privileged life and she's been disadvantaged and then said that she was asking Target to make reparations for her and I said that's not something we can do tonight if like if you need a donation like you can call tomorrow okay and then she like she was like you need to put me in touch with someone tonight and I was like I can't there isn't okay like strange yeah and then she got really close to me so I put my hands up and backed up and she like followed me she was like like breathing into my eyeballs yeah so she got really close to me I put my hands up I touched her shoulders because she was like coming into my space okay um and then she like because I touched her she like anything after that and just started screaming really loudly and like back against the soda machine okay and then that's when I think yeah he called she called our security person security video shows the incident unfold as Ivory approaches the manager and gets in her face after that a loss prevention manager approaches so what happened she told me that she wanted to wreck it out and I told her we couldn't do that okay and then she said excuse me and I was like man like I need you back up or leave like well we can't do that for you so she started charging at me I came all the way back into my office into an enclosed space and I hit her in the face surveillance video shows Ivory run after the manager and into his office when she approaches he punches her in the face while the security video does not have audio the manager later described the incident to police on body camera video I tried to literally close her out but at that point she was like pretty much running so she barreled her way in and then Kate kept coming into my office okay considering the better like right in her after the manager punches Ivory in the face security video shows him calling 9-1-1 what did your notes say the lady came in and punched her mat yeah some sort of shenanigans didn't say anything about managers that somebody came into an office I thought it started assaulting him allegedly this chick's impaired when officers arrive body camera footage captures Ivory arguing with the manager as officers work to get her information I tried to close you out of my office and you just kept on pushing your way in that's right no sir I didn't push my way in yes I can't no I came around the corner quickly hey no excuse you stop talking when I'm telling you you stop talking okay do you know who I am uh we'll figure that out when I get your ID Ivory later tells police officers the incident stemmed from her request for reparations on her purchase so what caused the history on here today [Music] um who are you going to have this big discussion with Target whatever in Target I need you to speak okay this place was on fire it was okay I'm not going to do that the young man came over stood behind her I asked him the same thing actually no the young lady got in life and she pushed me too she put her hands on me as well I put my hands on no one I came close to them and they felt threatened at least hers was a pushback yeah just to separate you from direct With Your Inner Space yeah she felt great cool why did you feel threatened depends on I don't know what this discussion is about what were you asking her to do reach out to her manager so we have a discussion about how money works and how provision works and how it's been working for a very long Ivory calls the incident her quote Rosa Parks moment foreign I decided to take a stand this is my Rosa Parks moment dude don't play with me body camera video captures Ivory speaking with officers for more than 30 minutes stressing the statement she was trying to make we're having a conversation about how to reconcile the fact that some people benefited off of the system other people I asked nicely to have that conversation okay what were you asking for to talk to for her to connect me with who I could talk to what was your purpose of that con that further conversation what were you going to ask that person for to do to break the lies around money what's that mean we all know money has not been treating everybody equally okay I mean money is not the only way for things to happen yeah were you asking them to make a donation essentially or to let you have them for free what was it I was coming up to the limit of where I had money I was trying to ask if Target would come me the rest and we would have a conversation a bigger bubble up a bigger conversation about why because I know the heart of this place okay it's the right place for me to have this conversation it's like it's a good company exactly and I was trying to have a hard conversation in a safe place I did it the right way and then when I was I went through the right steps the reason the problem with my money doesn't work right is she goes it blocks people and checkpoints and I'm tired of people locking good people hours you don't get paid that you deserve because choosing to do the right thing in this world should cost the Solitaire that's not fair the system is people doing the right thing when Ivory is told she's now trespassing in Target she becomes visibly upset [Music] will be arrested for this cause come on no I'm not come on don't make this uh it's gonna be on camera where are you holding your lines at come on Ivory then pushes back arguing she should not be removed from the store he gets the right to kick me out after he hits me he didn't bubble that he can't blow that up in management yes really exactly so he can speak on behalf of the company at that level but he couldn't do it there I wasn't out there I'm sure tensions were a little different than they are at this moment in time so no you're gonna reconcile that you're not going to give me any more lies you will tell the truth about the situation no no no no you are trying to arrest me for him hitting me correct you are under arrest yes you're under arrest for menacing and disorderly conduct okay now here's what we would like to do we would rather you walk outside and not make a big deal let's have them don't get resisting too okay let's do it let's not we're gonna go into it let's do it you're going to hold every line you know what you know what happened here with that officers tell Ivory the video evidence is against her I know I just watched the video I asked to open a conversation and he's still blocking me out when you guys are protecting me ma'am you chase the one employee all the way to the front Okay you make contact with her body by pushing your body and hers I just watched it clear his day on the video okay he then came out and you followed him all the way back here okay making him fear for his safety you backed him into an office and you got hit in the face unfortunately when people got backed into a corner they can choose no no they can choose to do the right thing or they can choose to lash out okay you were in the wrong here just so I held the line and I no no I I moved my line continuously I asked and when they did not respect they were gatekeeping me like the whole world has kept people he's free to leave at any time absolutely but you didn't absolutely so because it wasn't qualified the situation you'll make a stand so they can change are you ready to go outside if the laws are meant to hold the whole kid down you will fight for me my community responding officers explained the target manager was not in the wrong and will not be charged that doesn't just because your intentions were good does not make this any less illegal unfortunately right so what happens when the law are not okay for people we need to talk about to enforce the laws that are in place okay that is our job that is our goal but he's not getting arrested for assault it's not assault he's defending himself Ivory maintains she did not get physical with any target employees no there was not any times that my hands came up to do anything to anybody stood my ground okay and when people no I wasn't standing your ground is not wrong if you're standing it in the truth finally Ivory allows officers to handcuff her my rights human being she's then escorted to a squad car outside the store she continues to speak with officers saying she was forcing an important conversation when it gets to a point where a young man reached out and hit an older black woman regardless of age race anything you don't hit somebody you don't hit people but I can also understand why he did he was he was offending himself chased him into a closed office he had no point of exit right that was the point I was forcing him to have a conversation forcing him to become when asked if she could have handled the situation in a different way Ivory repeats her same stance we haven't been able to see and communicate with each other and that's what I was trying to do and I asked nicely and I got refused and I stood a line that scared them and they lashed out so do you think you could have approached it in a different manner than how he approached it today and probably got the same goal the same how would you how do you expect for I'm asking for something at the register to be done the cash register could the cashier couldn't do it for me I asked they asked her to Bubble it up to Amanda that's what you do you take it up the chain of command this is the problem my people have been trying to take it up the chain of command and they are getting smacked back down because the laws are not in their favor for you to take a hard stand I I just got hit Ivory was later convicted of disorderly conduct she was sentenced to one day in jail and fined one hundred and ten dollars reporting for long crime Network I'm Sierra Gillespie
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 4,764,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: aQm25YR-97U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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