Don't make these 7 mistakes in Stable diffusion.

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Are you making any of these mistakes  right now and will you be able to   create better images after this  video? Probably. Let's find out! I've been dabbling with AI and art for some time  now, and I get a lot of questions on how it works   and how to get better images. So I figured  I'd make a little list of, what I believe,   are the 7 most common mistakes that  people make in Stable diffusion.   Some of these are easy fixes, but one will totally  change your results for the better! Oh, and today   I have 3 dadjokes for you. Let me know in the  comments which one you thought was the best one! Prompting Generally, people come to Stable   diffusion and have tried tools like Midjourney,  where a good image can be had with a very simple   prompt. Stable diffusion is a little different  in that regard. It's harder to get a good image,   but you also have more control. So most of  the time, you need a more complete prompt.   And think like a computer, not like a human! Skip  those filler words. Instead of "painting of a cat   in a hat" you're going to need to expand that to  something like "cat in a hat, painting, picasso,   rembrandt, darek zabrocki, conceptart, cinematic  blue lighting". Add as much detail to your prompts   as you can and the AI will understand you much  better! Remember, the AI is creating an image,   it doesn't know what a beautiful image is if you  don't tell it. And throw some artists in there   while you're at it. By the way, do you why artists  stay cool all the time? They have many fans. Missing denoising strength in img2img Many of the values and settings in   Stable diffusion can be quite challenging to  grasp at first. If you follow a good tutorial,   like my ultimate guide on stable  diffusion, linked in that corner,   you'll get a good grasp of what's going on. Still,  img2img is one of the most important tools and it   can be challenging to get right if you don't  understand denoising strength. 0 will make no   changes to your image and 1 will completely change  it. Make sure you find a middle ground, start high   and work your way downwards as you keep iterating  your image until you have your final result.   A rule of thumb could be something like, start  with 0.7 to make larger changes, then move down to   0.4 when you're close to what you want. After that  you should be very close to your perfect result! Not giving the AI enough time I understand, you're busy,   you want a perfect image straight away. But to get  that in Stable diffusion, you're going to need to   give the AI some time to work with you. What  the AI can create is very much up to the seed,   almost like the pieces to a pussle. You might  have the best prompt in the world. But you still   might need to run that for 4, 8 or 16 images to be  close to what you're looking for. And after that,   several more in img2img. Start with many images to  choose from. Move on to img2img and work in steps.   Baby steps forward and you will  get what you're looking for. Hey, just a quick intermission here. If you  like this content and want the algorithm to   show you more, make sure to like and subscribe,  that is really going to help me out a lot! Copying settings Now don't get me wrong, you should   copy settings. Try everything, borrow and learn  from the best. Find good looking images and copy   those to adapt to your own style. But don't expect  that what worked for someone else in another style   is going to work for your style. Copy settings,  test what changing things does to your image and   take it from there. Learn the tool so you can copy  and adapt to what you want! Speaking of adapting,   my poker playing friend has this new prosthetic  arm. He's having a hard time dealing with it. Not copying settings! Are you stuck in the same old rut,   making anime waifus that keep filling up your  harddrive and they basically all look the same?   Take some inspiration from other creators,  check out what they're doing and what they   use in their prompts. I guarantee that you  will find new ways to incorporate other's   ideas into your own workflow. Perhaps you  can input photography lenses into that anime   waifu prompt. Or lighting modes that are  generally used for film. Try everything! Messing with the resolution  So this is a tricky one. Stable diffusion works  best in 512x512, but except for instagram,   it's not really a very usable format. I get it,  you want your image in a different resolution,   you want it horizontal, vertical, maybe full  HD 1080. Yeah, that might be an issue. Now I   said 512x512 works best, but you can still create  horizontal and vertical images. But stick to the   low resolution stuff. You want horizontal? Go for  640x384, then upscale it 4x times in extras. Then   you're going to have your high resolution image.  But whenever you move away from the square format,   expect to run more batches of images.  Because the images will be weirdly cropped,   especially if you're creating images of people.  Multiple hands anyone? No? Only me? Alright. Forgetting restore faces I see a lot of AI images. A lot of them.   Some are fantastic, but the majority of them lack  one thing. Good looking eyes. Now it is an issue   with Stable diffusion, and for high resolution  it's still not perfect. But most people out there   can improve their faces and eyes in images by 10  times. Go into the settings, activate Codeformer   as your face restoration model and whenever you  render people, check that 'restore faces' box. Bonus time! All right yeah so there's  one more mistake I want to talk about   and whenever people find a good prompt or a good  image in the result that they like they tend to   forget the settings. And there's actually two  ways to retrieve that. So the first one is a   setting where you save the text information about  generation parameters inside the PNG file. Sort   of like saving the metadata. So then you can take  the image pull that back into PNG info inside your   automatic1111 and all the settings are going to  be there. You're going to see your prompt, you're   going to see the steps, the sampler, the scale,  the seed, the size. Even if you have upscaled it   you're going to see how many times you upscaled it  and with what upscaler. The second option is you   can create a text file next to each image, that  has a text file with all the settings. This is   saving the exact same settings just in a different  way. These settings can be found in the settings   tab in automatic1111 on the left side so just go  click those and whenever you're trying to retrieve   an old prompt or an old setting for an image you  got it. Boom! Yeah so that was the bonus mistake. So those are my top 7 mistakes people make  in Stable diffusion. What mistakes did you   first make when starting out?  Leave it in the comments below. Oh, I almost forgot, we only did 2 dadjokes  so far and I promised three. So, yeah,   so how about this one. The other day my  wife saw a spider and my wife told me to   well, take it out instead of killing it.  We went out, had a few drinks.  Nice guy. He's a web designer. Anyway, I hope you learned something  and had fun. Have a good one, cya! Oh here's a reminder, don't  forget to join our community   in Discord. Link is in the channel  description. Get help and support,   talk AI art and just chat with the lovely people.  We got Dreambooth expert Maui, grumpy Finn Hili,  
Channel: Sebastian Kamph
Views: 89,889
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Id: b8xWjrzTAPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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