"Don't Grieve The Holy Spirit" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful Word)

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so thank you for joining us I am so honored to have you today I'm going to be ministering today about it's a Bible study actually about grieving the Holy Spirit it is it is the instruction of the Apostle Paul that we do not grieve the Holy Spirit and there are things that we do in our life that grieves the Holy Spirit you and I need the power presence of the Holy Spirit moving in and guiding our lives and we want to learn what things we do not want to do that will bring grief to him thank you for joining us grab your Bibles we'll be in the Word of God in just a few moments god bless you hallelujah father we honor you we worship you we adore you we bless your name we give you praise and glory and honor thank you for waking us up thank you for the activities of our limbs thank you that you kept us all week long and brought us to this place we honor you father we give you the glory we come in the seating for each other we pray for one another we know that you're the God that heals and inclines your ear to our cry you're a deliverer you are our strong tower you are our way maker we're trusting you today Almighty God that you would step into the domain of my brother my sister's life not only those now we pray for the people who are participating with us around the world internet television radio whatever means God we pray that you would even you would speak to them father we pray now that you will save somebody that needs salvation reclaim somebody who's back sitting and drifted away father I'm praying right now for the person who does not have absolute assurance of their eternal salvation and I'm praying today God for somebody today who's already saved but they need a church to be planted if you've called them to this place let them come to this place this day don't let her put it off another day finally god I pray for the Saints to be edified and strengthened that you would accomplish your perfect will in their life annoying us to be your mouth please give this frail weak body of mine your strength we give you the glory in the honor and the praise ahead of time as we believe in know that you're the God that works it out you're the God that heals let us be your mouthpiece in Jesus name father bind every demonic and distracting spirit holy goals have free reign in this place in Jesus name we pray amen amen and amen amen all right grab your Bibles while you're standing and turn to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 and I want to read verse 31 verse verse 30 it says this and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God lose your name say don't greet a Holy Ghost coming tell them on the other side saying you look like a griever say you look like you agree all right you can be seated when I grew up in church I grew up in church my mother bought me the church is a small child and frequently during the worship service somebody would experience something that we said they got the Holy Ghost they would scream holler run around lock down everybody on the road and as a kid sitting in church I said to myself whatever that is over there on them don't let it come over here on me yeah I was scared I was afraid because back then our theology of the Holy Spirit was eschewed some what we thought the Holy Ghost was something that visited the church and hit people smack you made you crazy holler scream dance but once I start studying the scriptures I understood that the beliefs and the things we had embraced has related to the Holy Spirit we're not accurate or true because the Bible is crystal clear about the Holy Spirit first of all the Holy Spirit is not an int the Bible is clear he is a personality he is a person as a matter of fact he is a part of the Godhead he is in the Godhead the triune God and he is a person and he ain't gonna hit you come on talk to somebody he is gonna hit you now some people who suddenly shout jump around beat people up they got hit by something but it wasn't the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit is a gentleman you don't force you to do anything you'll suggest for you you ought to step out in that I'll go ahead and give God a dance then it's up to you to say I will obey Him and his suggestions and I'll step out into the aisle and go ahead and give him a dance and praise His name now if you lose control if you do something that you've beaten up people knocking people's wigs off next to you people getting jacked up some history but it ain't the holy ghost look at your neighbor say it ain't no ago he's a gentleman he never forces himself on anybody he is a person it's important for you to understand that about him because him being a person what comes along with his personage with his personality are some characteristics that we need to understand about him we know if you met rain when you study the Scriptures and you understand the Scriptures you understand that that he's a person that he speaks the Holy Ghost and talk to you and I ain't talking about audible voice he might talk to you inaudible what I never heard him inaudible voice because he know if I heard anything inaudible voice and when nobody in there I'd be running about the building someone talk to me for saying I don't need that kind of spectacular appearance from God God the Holy Ghost talks in other ways he talks when I'm reading the scriptures and there's a verse I've read a hundred times but all of a sudden sub pops out at me that I had never seen before and an application in my life that's the Holy Ghost talking he speaks to me when when when I'm praying about something that I have not talked to anybody about and they come up to me and say something about the very thing I'm praying about and giving me an answer that's the Holy Ghost talking to you can I get an amen right there from anybody he's a person and he speaks he talks he communicates and he prays for us romans romans 8 says he makes intercession for the saints I don't know about y'all but that's great news to know that the Holy Spirit is talking to God on your behalf whatever is going on in your life whatever drama you're facing whatever circumstance you're facing the great news is that when you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit he prays for you and talks to the father on your behalf now you know what that's important because you know people will tell you especially black people they'll tating on pray for you and if you get all about praying for you they are mouth will tell the truth somebody asked you to pray for them and you said I'll pray for you then the next time you saw they say child it worked out and I know it's because you pray for me and while they talk to you know you forgot all about prayer for me thank God the Holy Ghost will make intercession for us and talk to God on our behalf and I like that no I like your brand for me because he knows what God's will is and he prays in accordance with God's will he know cuz you pray for one thing but the Holy Ghost knows what God wants to accomplish and so when he's praying he's praying in line with God's will can I get a Amen right there for me he's innocent he's interceding and praying for us I praise the Lord for that's a great and significant thing and the Bible tells us in John that he rebukes and reproves and convicts us see if you do something know how to business doing the Holy Ghost will poke you in your side okay then we talk about that for me the Spirit of God has a responsibility of convicting and reproving and rebuking you and you're wrong if you can participate in sin and keep on doing it and never have any sense of a conviction you better reinvestigate whether you have the Holy Spirit y'all notice how to collapse are getting lower and lower and lower this is a very important deal because I want to talk to you today about living your life in harmony and in conjunction and walking with the Holy Spirit you need the Holy Spirit matter fact the text says right here verse number 30 it says don't grieve the Holy Spirit because he has sealed you for the day of redemption now that's great news somebody should've shouted on the fact that he seals us until the day of redemption now what what's significant about that what is significant about him sealing us is that here's what he does when you accept Jesus in your life the Holy Spirit comes and takes residency in you he lives in you and he seals you what does that mean that means he got you covered and protected until the day that you are redeemed before Jesus now why is that good and important it's important because if you are not sealed you can kiss a get unsaved you just say loo your salvation can be saved again and if that's the case we have to get saved every day especially this 10 o'clock and the twelve o'clock joke y'all had to give resave at the end of every day I'm feeling something back here I don't know what that's about but he seals us what does that mean that means God knows all about the issues that you don't have in life and he when God called you and saved you he knew it was going to take a lifetime to straighten your nasty behind out so he seals you somebody ought to give God a shout right there he sealed me that's not a license to sin but the Holy Ghost lives in you he's gonna make sure you don't get settled into a place that you stay in sin and walk in sin and practice sin and make that your lifestyle he will keep convicting you and you don't I believe I believe I believe that if you will not choose to do right he'll take you out of here before you get too bad off I know y'all don't like this kind of preaching but I'm trying to make a point here that he is a person he's a part of the Godhead and and Paul writes to this church in Ephesus matter fact this church in Ephesus is a powerful church profound they do some incredible things if I if I was pastoring the kind of church I want to Pastor is a church like Ephesus these people were convicted and convinced and persuaded and filled with the Holy Spirit and walked in the power of God and loved God and they changed their community they cast out demons I mean this church was on fire fire has a young people say they will lit come on somebody say they live I learned that from the young people last last Sunday that's gonna be my new word look at your neighbors say you almost lit you're not quite there yet they were lit on fire Church and they got like that because Paul said some things to them you talked to them and told them what to do I mean this just book of Ephesians is powerful is profound he tells them a lot of things their position in Christ he tells them how to live their life how to walk how to be married I mean here this is a pot how to engage in spiritual warfare it's lit this passage this book is lit up and one of the lit things that he told them it says grieve not the Holy Spirit that's an important thing I want to talk to you for a few minutes I have left challenge you not to grieve the Holy Spirit because some of you have things going on in your life where you're grieving the Holy Ghost amen that word grief means to make him sad it means to cause grief to offend him to make him uneasy to give him distress to be sought make him sorrowful some of you got things going on your life that you're causing the Holy Spirit to be grieved she making him cry you making him sad and and my Paul said to the church in Ephesus don't grieve the Holy Spirit you can grieve me grieve somebody else but don't read the Holy Ghost so what are you doing that's causing him grief that's what I'm ready to tell you right now what you're doing that you're causing them some grief it's the first thing turn to Psalm sitting Psalm 95 oh I forgot to tell you this is Bible study tell your neighbor this is bouncing go ahead tell her the rest of it y'all know what to tell him this is a Bible study and cuz you don't come to Bible study we bring Bible study to you go ahead telling you don't come so the pastor had to bring Bible study on Sunday morning how do you grieve the Holy Spirit Psalm 95 and 10 here's the first thing for 40 years verse 10 for 40 years I was grieved with that generation and and said it is a people who go astray in their hearts and they do not know my ways who let me say some right here here's what causes the first level of grief is you don't know God's ways and this is a problem because it's it's sad to me that we live in a culture and the day with will you have access to so much information but yet you are making choices that are the opposite of God's ways y'all notice how the claps are going down lower and lower and lower this is an important thing in the heart of God that you're taking time to learn his ways and God says I'm watching what you do when I see you about to make a decision and a choice it walked down a path that's the opposite of my ways the Holy Spirit is grieved especially in some of you Joker's will be members of the church for years decades and you still doing something and got no business doing you're still making choices and decisions out of the opposite and it doesn't make sense to be if you remember the First Baptist Church leaned on because we are a teaching Church you all see me up here every Sunday any all right won't he make away I don't know it dang what I'm doing up here every week ain't saying nothin just hooping in Halle y'all feeling good no no we're not trying to get you just feel good I'm trying to get you to take what you hear here and walk out of here and apply it to your life not just on Sundays we got classes every day every day tell your neighbor every day daytime nighttime Saturdays - we open our doors used to say Citizens Bank of Maryland conveniently yours but we say First Baptist Church of lunardon conveniently or we got Church going on that's why I get upset pastor King I know you all had this problem in Franklin Pennsylvania but I come down here every Sunday at the close of every service I stand right here and I greet all 2,000 people who want to come up and greet and talk to me until I've spoken to the last person and I look calm while I'm talking to but they come up to me and they made some kind of decision that they shouldn't have made and they made some choices and they done some things that they shouldn't have done and while I'm sitting there talking to them I'm thinking in my mind what where the heck were you I'm saying something else but not exactly my mindset it's not exactly like that well just you get idea I'm saying to myself what in the world were you where were you when we taught that on something where were you when we headed in Bible study where were you when we have the class for you where were you when we taught you not to do that and you went on and did it anyway I know what it is you too busy doing everything else that you don't know his ways and we don't make the time to know his ways you are grieving the Holy Spirit I'm saying to myself so now you didn't bought you to loan somebody some money and now you come to me because you want me to make them pay you back when I taught on multiple occasions over the 26 years up in here don't the Bible says don't loan money to people in expect to get it back see the people climbing they know people clapping they know that verse the people will not clapping they don't know that that's what the policy you coming down with me tears when I die oh I could you you you you you you you you wanna upset because you're your friend don't want to be with you no more well who isn't their name is so on so what is he saying I don't know what you've been hanging out with that Joker all his time and you don't know whether he's safe he ain't got the problem you got the problem the Bible is crystal clear do not be unequally younger they came here today with unbelievers you shouldn't have even given him your phone number I'm pissed off now y'all cuz we make the information available and what you don't know you are grieving the Spirit of God cuz you don't know you don't know its ways here for decades I've been a pastor stretch for 26 years coming up 27 for 27 years we've been teaching the ways of God at the First Baptist Church but you ain't never been in our Bible study you ain't up taking no class cuz you're too busy you took busy with your sororities or fraternities your exercise class has one more two more people I'm sorry lieutenant governor G had to come here and see me act like a fool today you got a no Gaza ways that's my life is about finding out God's ways cuz there's victory when you walk in Gaza I gotta hurry up I got eight minutes to give you these other points look at your neighbor say you agree when you grieve the Holy Spirit where you don't know his ways God has his ways and you have your ways your ways got you into the trouble where you are right now go to go to Isaiah 43 verse 24 Isaiah 43 verse 24 you have brought me no sweet Cain with money nor have you sank satisfying me with the fatty or sacrifice that's the first part I want you to see the latter part but you have burdened me with your sins and you have wearied me with your iniquities here's what God says you burden to me somebody say burden to me you've burdened me and that where burden means to enslave you made God a slave because of your sin and he says right here and you have wearied me with your iniquities and that where weary means you've exhausted God now what's the difference between sin and iniquity I'm glad you asked the question when you sin is when you keep on doing the same thing over and over again habitual this is a habitual practice in your life that's in habitual you keep doing it matter of fact habitual sin means you make you make plans for it habitual sin means you set aside some money for it out your budget habitual sins means you reserved a hotel ahead of time I feel tension in Iran my few people tightening up we will tighten it up you should you subscribe to the channel you order the magazine to come to your house habitual sin and and let me tell you something about sin sin is never satisfied it's always going to take you further than you want to go and it's always going to keep you long and then you intended to stay your plan was just to hit it and get up out of there your can handle the two can y'all is grieving the presence of God in your life and I know about y'all you need the Holy Spirit in your life order in your steps direct in your past but there are things you got going on in your life that grieves him and then he said he said not only did you burn me with your sin but he goes a step further right here and say you weary me with your iniquities iniquity is when when you go your iniquity is when you find yourself in a place where you go way past just to sin you get into what the Bible calls perversity evil you go way past it is one thing for you to just watch the pornography but when you start trying to make your wife do what you saw on the video that's iniquity look straight ahead nobody know I'm talking about you that's iniquity that's iniquity that's when you take it away password you take sin to another level there are levels of cent I usually think there was a level of sense but then while study there are levels of sin and you're taking it to a level that the scripture calls iniquity and God says you're wearing me out I keep waking you up I keep giving you another chance I keep opening up doors I'm still blessing you but you keep going back doing the same thing and you're taking it to another you don't warn me out now you know you don't gone a long way when you where God who is full of mercy and compassion he's a God that will be patient with us but he says you've gotten to a point where you have just worn me out who I'm so glad we serve a God who who loves us enough that even when we get worn out he says I still can make you I still can redeem you I still can fix this I wish I had time to hang there but let me go to the third and final point Isaiah 63 why you write here in Isaiah just go over to chapter 63 and I want to reverse ten and then I'll be finished i'ma let y'all alone I see y'all squirming in your seats in verse 10 Isaiah 63 says but they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit verse 10 so they rebelled and grieved this Holy Spirit so he turned himself against them has an enemy and he fought against them poor who that's who it says he turned himself against them has an enemy God put them that they had done something that caused God to treat them like their enemy his enemy and it says it says and he fought against them the thing you don't want is for God to be fighting against you and right now that's what's happening in some of your life you're trying to move ahead but God's fighting against you let me tell you something you ain't gonna win that fight your arms are too short to box with God tell your neighbor you're off too short to box with God tell them to attitude tell them would some fervour tell them telling with your head rocking around on your shoulder your arms are too short to box with God but what did they do to cause God to put them in that position listen to be careful I gotta close I wish I had time to really deal with this that I should have did this well first it says they rebelled verse 10 they rebelled and grieved they rebuilt somebody say rebuild look at your neighbors say rebuild here's what the word rebuild means it means to become bitter they became bitter against God but this is an important thing I want you to hear this you anything else I say today they became bitter against God here's what happens the enemy's program method of operation modus operandi the way he functions is to try to create some things in your life that will cause you to be bitter against God he will separate some drama some circumstance some situation to make you question God doubt God not like God he wants to do something in your life and I guarantee you something that's happened in everybody's life that would make you call into question the existence of God while he let this happen why did I go down that road why just go on why do I not know this why this why why why he wants you to question God and when you start questioning God and you entertain that in your heart you were moving to a place of becoming bitter against God but let me tell you something I got an answer for you here is what happens when you accept and the confidence of your trust in Jesus you come to the place of recognizing that if he allowed me to come in my life somehow another before this thing is over something good is gonna happen I may not like it at the moment I mean she attends when it's happening but when it's all said in that something good is going here's what Romans 8:28 says and we know that all things work together for good to those who are called to those who are the called according to his purpose I'm trying to tell you yet this god never promised us that we were going to have the greatest life in the world he never promised us you would never have any trouble he never promised us you wouldn't have rain he never promised us that things always go your way some things don't go your way but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt if he let it enter into the domain of my life I didn't get what I wanted it didn't happen the way I wanted it I know when we get to the end of the journey we lose is it for my well I feel a shout coming over you right now I feel appraised as I look back over my life and I just thank God for every church that turned me down I can make God for every woman that didn't want me because when God turned it around he brought something deli in my can I get a witness from anybody over the chair yes I cry yes it was painful yes I didn't like it but guess what he brought me through it and I'm still here I can do it but I'm still doing I cried while I was in it but I'm still somebody have two or three people to say I'm still here I'm still here I'm still walking with Jesus I'm still living for you I've made it through it I didn't feel like I was in it but I'm still here Hey he brought me art he saved me he protected me he cleanse me he washed me he fix me he restored me hey I'm still here Wow I got I gotta quit some of you the things going on in your life that's grieving him you don't know his ways and you're not even trying to learn his ways and you're making choices and decisions in your life that grieves him you got to learn God's ways you have to tell your neighbor you have to learn God's waves some of you got sin and iniquity in your life sin and iniquities you got practices and they are taking you to deeper levels and you've accepted you embrace it you subscribe to it who say that's just you you're grieving God you know what Isaiah 1:18 says come let us reason together though your sins be as scarlet they can be whiter than snow I'm here to say I don't care what you've done the blood of Jesus will wash your sins away lunch he absolutely loves you and he will make provision for your slate to be clean matter fact you hit it then you know your slate inkling just get them up and come right down here right now and just say you know what I need to get my slate clean don't be ashamed don't be enlarged just come on say I want to get right with God unsane I want to get saved back then I want to rededicate myself I'm not sure I want assurance how you doing it I'm so proud of you buddy I'm so proud of you that's right huh come on right now come all right so far personal aiming praising God bless you sweetie so proudly pain your kimono system so far praise the Lord Amen hey how you doing I'm so proud of the step light game amen that's why I come praise the Lord everybody step out of the way that's right come on right this moment I'm so probably will god bless you buddy stuff like that's like humble praise and praise and praise it praise Allah hey man so proud of you bro
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 104,241
Rating: 4.8217506 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus, Don't, Grieve
Id: iBtdu-PIP_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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