DON'T GIVE UP ON ART!!! (even though you might want to)

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as an artist I know how frustrating that can be sometimes but since we are artists it is our job to tackle those difficulties hello welcome to my living room and I'm sitting next to my couch some reason about sitting on the couch but we can ignore that it's something that I really wanted to talk about what's giving up on art and why you shouldn't do that it's a really bad idea so I know what it's like some make art that you just aren't happy with and when you can kind of get stuck in a little bit of a loop of just making art that you just completely dissatisfied with can be a little scourging it can bruise your ego a little bit I was going through one of these little Punk's recently where just wasn't happy with anything that I was making but I decided to make this video not only for you guys who might eat it but also for me to remind myself to not give up I'm going to show you some I guess steps excuse you conditioner you guys some sort of steps I guess you could call them this isn't necessarily a tutorial it's just something that you guys might find helpful and you can apply these steps to a finished illustration or a sketch or anything in between I did a finished illustration because I made a finished illustration that I really wasn't happy with like at all the drawing that I am making in this video the original one was going to be for last week's video where it was about my OC Cairo but I really wasn't happy with the final result and I did end up drawing like a similar picture digitally for that video but I kind of wanted to take my original idea for the traditional drawing and try and make it better because there are definitely a couple of things that were wrong some of them are with the drawing itself but some of them are also just with me and like the way that I was making it which kind of negatively impacted company's one thing that I could definitely recommend to get a better mic can you sorry if the camera angle seems slightly different my cat bumped into my tripod oh boy I think that I could definitely recommend to help you get a better less poop looking into product very artists to make little thumbnails which I did for this drawing like in my sketchbook I made some nails for like poet ideas than just the layout and stuff but it didn't flesh out the idea that I liked enough which kind of made it seem a little bit iffy if that makes any sense I'll get in some more about why the actual drawing sucks later but protip thumbnails other thing that affected it a lot more than I thought it would was not warming up and I've learned the hard way apparently that warming up is a very important thing so your wrist is a muscle and if you were to like go and workout a lot of people stretch first to warm up their muscles and it's kind of the same thing with this thing you can't like actually stretch your wrists I don't normally do that it's because I am so used to drawing it up getting wrist pain necessarily but if that is a problem for you definitely recommend looking into some wrist stretches but it's also important to just do some warm-up deals just some like really loose flowy stuff things that you aren't worried about it coming out bad because you need to win a fan muscle and I kind of went into this drawing without warming up my drawing muscles so I wasn't really like ready so it came out a lot more stiff as I was saying earlier I didn't flesh out the idea enough cuz as far as the drawing itself goes I really like the idea like I like the pose and I liked the size of the paper and everything like that I need to do some more sketching to flesh out the idea a little bit more because the end result the pose looks very unnatural I would say like there are definitely a lot of like issues with it that don't really work but since I didn't like flesh it out a little bit more beforehand I didn't really catch those right away and then by the time I started noticing these things I had already finished the liner at stage so I couldn't exactly go back and changed a lot of that stuff I also needed to play with position a little bit more a lot of the composition issues in this piece could be fixed they just enlarging the picture a little bit and then scooting it down on the page but I again I didn't catch that right away so I couldn't exactly change it to other things that I really wish I did in the first drawing was I didn't use as many references as I should have and I didn't spend as much time on the drawing so it just feels really rushed to me and I really don't like the end result of the first drawing and I didn't even finish the first drawing because I didn't even finish shading I rushed the shading and I didn't add any like white gel pen or colored pencil pieces like I normally do pieces I think you know what I mean I brushed the shading and I didn't add any white gel pen and I didn't add like those colored pencils accents like I normally do if you've seen my other stuff and I just I wasn't I didn't finish it because I just didn't see the purpose and finishing it because at this point there was no saving it so after I was like really disappointed about the way that that drawing came out I decided instead of just giving up on it I thought that I could turn it into this video to hopefully help all of us here because I definitely video like this so I thought about the things that I liked about the drawing and then I wrote down the things that needed some work with the drawing so like I said earlier I liked the pose and I really liked the size of the paper and I really liked the medium that I was using because Copic markers are my babies and then I also wrote down things that needed work in the drawing and then just some other things that I wanted to keep in mind while I was making it these are things that I fought in my head first and then wrote down you can write them down if you want I would recommend writing it down because I wrote it on this little index card okay I wrote it down on this little index card so love and fill me I wrote it down on this little index card so I could kind of keep it near me while I was drawing without it being like overwhelming in my face and distracting while I was working and I think this is a really good time to clarify that when I say and for a lot of artists I think when they say that not happy with the way something turned out it's because they think that they could have done better if your art looks like the first image that is perfectly fine and the reason that I was so upset with it isn't necessarily because it looks the way that it does but because I didn't put in the effort that I wish that I had I think the most important part about art is that you're giving it all and you shouldn't really worry about whether or not it looks good or if you're like a talented artist or anything like that the reason I was so disappointed it's because it's like I knew that I could do better and I'm happy to say that I did do better in the next image I took the things that I was thinking of earlier and splashed it onto this page I really want to stress that like if your art looks like the first one and that's perfectly fine because everybody is at different skill levels and everybody just draws a different way and they learn at a different pace and that's perfectly fine it's just that the one that I made first wasn't really up to what I would normally make so I wanted to make it something that I know that I could be proud of so yeah looking at the thing that I disliked about the drawing definitely helped me improve and I think a lot of people can think that like focusing on the negative parts is being a little bit too cynical I think they're focusing on the negative parts of art can help you improve a lot now obviously don't think about only the negative stuff which I think it's important to look at what is good about the piece of them you can take what is good and working and bring it over to the next one but don't be afraid to say that this arm looks a little bit weird or this could be colored a little bit better because really we're all just learning and we're all just trying our best and you should want to improve yard and I have a couple people in my life who just wanted to give up on art and don't do that because I have felt that way so many times but I didn't because I just would focus on how much I loved making art it makes me so sad when people say that they want to give up on art or people who had given up on art because you shouldn't it's just man the only time you should give up on art is if you don't like making art and you shouldn't give up on your art because because you shouldn't give up on your art just because you don't like the way something looks is people want to be good artists but they don't want to make art because they just want to get right to the good art but that's just not how it works art is a skill people have told me that I was just born talented but really that's that isn't true at all and the only reason artists that you look up to are good at art is because they love making art so they kept making art and they got to where they are I think a good example is to compare it to music because I have played music before in my life and I got a guitar when I was like 12 years old and I would play it but I stopped playing it a little bit ago because of reasons but hey starts playing it and as a result I'm not an amazing guitarist I forgot most of what I learned I don't remember how to play most of the stuff on guitar and I didn't improve but I didn't give up on art and my skills and art have skyrocketed so if you give up on art you're never going to get to that place that you want to be and so all of that being said I hope that this can help motivate you to keep making art because art is a wonderful thing it is how I have expressed myself and it's how I've coped with a lot of things going on in my life throughout my life and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of you and being able to like and do this makes me so happy and so giving up art with just the real big shame I also think it's important to know that you're going to make a crappy art and it's just going to happen and I'm the reason I'm redrawing this piece is because I was motivated and excited for it and then it fell flat but I'm not going to do this to every piece of bad art that I make because if that were the case all I would be doing is redrawing stuff and never making anything new it's important that you guys understand that too because this isn't a way I don't want anyone to take this video and be like here's how to never make bad art ever this is how to be the most perfect artist but it's it's not it's just to help you it's just to help you go a little bit farther with a piece that you weren't quite happy with and so I guess the real reason I'm making this video is to is to not let the bad pieces of art and demotivate you from art you shouldn't be discouraged to buy the bad pieces of art that you make and if you make a bad piece of art what can you do you can try and remake it like I did in this video and to find out what's wrong with it you can look at it yourself you can ask a friend if you want and then you could redraw it and if you will be dry and it's not as good as the first ones you didn't even like it the first place then that's okay too because again you're going to make bad art and you shouldn't let this bad art discourage you if you're really motivated for this piece just keep working on it until it gets to a place that you're happy with and if you're starting to lose motivation or it then don't make it anymore just some things that I want to leave you with in this video is don't give up on art it's okay to spend time on personal art which is what this piece I guess was for me and it's okay to spend time on art in general because this is something that you love and it's something that you shouldn't give up because you'll love it I feel like I'm just repeating myself so I'm just going to end it here thank you for watching I hope that this video was helpful to you in any way shape or form let me know what you thought about the face cam the last time I showed my face on this channel while a lot of you guys suggested me doing more face cam stuff because I feel you guys what you thought so if you liked seeing my face and more art videos let me know and this is something that I could keep doing it's probably not going to be a thing for every video but it's a thing that can definitely return in the future we learned today we learned that sometimes being an artist sucks that's okay that's why we're artists you give this video a thumbs up if you liked it I hope that this was able to help you let me know if it was helpful and also leave your tips in the comments below if you have anything that you want to add from this video and subscribe to my channel if you want to see more art stuff I post videos every single week in the picture that I was drawing in this video is of my OCS which actually has a series talking about so if it's just that's something that you're interested in I'll leave it link in the iCard for you my social media is on screen now and in the description below if you want to follow me on that I'm most active on Instagram so I could recommend following me there and there's a video on screen now as well as in the Acker like image here for you to check out I will see you guys next week for another video bye and don't give up on art
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 31,243
Rating: 4.9768252 out of 5
Keywords: art, draw, drawing, sketch, sketchbook, illustration, traditional art, oc, original character, copics, copic markers, motivation, artist, improvement, don't give up
Id: iDylpkBwD3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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