Dont Forget I Love You 2023 - New Hallmark Romantic Movies 2023 - Holidays Movies 2023

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this program is rated G and is suitable for General audiences good morning this is your daily affirmation guide to today is a new day we're going to wake up strong any worries that I may have shall pass as they did yesterday the day before and every day if I begin to lose focus I'll acknowledge what's worrying me if I can resolve it I will and if I can't I'll let it go roll up my anxieties into a tiny ball and just throw them away you every morning have a moment of silence where we acknowledge our inner Journey then [Music] oh I hey just moved in um do you need any help uh oh I think I'm all right are you though what was that uh I said good luck oh thanks [Music] okay [Music] now let's take a moment to concentrate on our breathing with silence deep breath Taylor yep there you go thank you you're welcome clear the mind of any negative thoughts and start the day fresh and free of any fear or worries or anxieties I am full and I can conquer today we are going to take our final deep breath in and hold and release good morning Kyle good morning Taylor so what's the flavor of the day birthday girl little Sage a little Patchouli lavender that would go great with little lemon coffee cake happy birthday thank you and samples for the Pattersons which I'm guessing you'll like better yes these are first on my to-do list so what's the plans for the big day nothing big just gonna go see my dad what seriously no no no no you're coming out with me my friends tonight we're gonna go grab some Thai maybe a little karaoke oh I could use a duet partner thank you but um Patterson's ones are home reorganized by the end of the month and that means all new built-ins in the closets and new modules in the den and so well hey if you're swamped I could easily take over the Tillerman job oh I'm already on that one oh how about I put some samples together for the sources walk-ins you know what I'm so on the Zone there so I think I'll just keep going you know how I get with new clients I just like to you know maybe I'm stepping out of bounds here but maybe you should think about taking a holiday you know celebrating a big deal in style I mean I haven't seen you take a day off since you hired me remember from my excellent design skills and of course charm but that's not the point point is if you thought about taking a day off no but thank you so much for the invite sorry I can't make it and for the cake buff to celebrate with my dad happy birthday thank you oh a new match [Music] dad dad [Music] there she is hi hi so what do you think I tried to have it ready for your birthday but you cannot Rush ours I know I love it already good well it's not the only present you're getting Oh Daddy dad you're from me what [Music] what [Music] okay this looks like a map maybe of this property is it a landscaping plan no they couldn't be because there's arrows why would there be arrows on a landscaping plan questions questions so many questions just follow the map and let the adventure begin [Music] come on [Music] down here yeah continue [Music] this over to the dragonfly I don't get it look a little closer oh am I am a shoe oh what'd you do on your 30th birthday Doug on my dad's backyard here we go [Music] what's that is this like a time capsule it looks very much like it is yes let me uh thanks [Music] this is from Mom she wanted you to unearth it on your 30th birthday oh that's my birth certificate first tooth I ever lost oh God this was my first oral presentation do you remember how nervous I was I had to get up in front of the whole class I do mom really coached me through that what's this read the note dear Taylor I know I won't be with you on this special day so I put together this time capsule of items from your childhood as well as a series of challenges in these envelopes complete all six of them and my birthday gift to you should be revealed buff mom should I open challenge number one I think so okay [Music] get to know someone new ah mom still being mom well she was the one who got you through all of your anxieties yeah huh but girl anymore dad I mean I run my own business I I live by myself I I can take care of myself I I I hear a lot of eyes there maybe your mom wasn't so far off the mark would she want you to get out and meet someone new a friend I have friends I do have for I have Kyle at the office he's my friend he invited me out tonight so oh and are you going to I'm not going to go but that's only because I have a lot of work nothing to do with getting outside your safety zone or your comfort bubble oh out of my safety zone all the time Dad I go to like clients houses and talk to people this is not a big deal then why are you rubbing your worry angel I'm not worried I'm not and you know what this isn't even a challenge no no okay I'm glad you think so because your mother if you read the fine print has asked you to provide photographic evidence of every challenge completed let's go inside and get some cake [Music] good morning this is your daily affirmation guide as your morning begins remember to tackle today's Horizons our challenges with ease and inner wisdom knowing that you can do this [Music] [Music] large Americana with oat milk for Taylor that's me here you go thank you you're welcome name I just I come here every day and you know my name what's yours it's Jenny Jenny so nice to get to know you Jenny likewise dad I did it I met somebody new I even got her name and it's Jenny well yeah I'd assume you would get their name what does this Jenny do oh she works at my coffee shop okay oh Dad I'm gonna text you the picture later okay I gotta run I love you love you too hi uh I'm Josh your new neighbor the one whose life was scattered everywhere the other day yes of course it's nice to meet you and I'm sorry about the mess in the driveway it's funny it wasn't a bother oh great uh except for I'm gonna bother you now because I can't seem to find my can opener which isn't surprising if you saw the bun went off in my house I have one I can lend it to you come on wow it's a nice place and it's very organized yeah I like to keep it that way I am it's kind of what I do uh cleaning organizing stuff oh great now my daughter can be fed something other than pizza which has been our staple for the last few days I have takeout menus that I I and I promise to pop in your mailboxes as soon as I'm done no rush I I have all my meals to prep for the week so wow you are organized unlike myself who can't even label a packing box because unlike the can opener I did find the salt and pepper shakers in the Box label bedroom um but I'm not gonna bore you with my stories any longer and this is great so thank you and uh it was nice to officially meet you yes so it was nice to meet you [Music] um welcome to the neighborhood thanks yeah I think I like it already yeah [Music] you know I think this might be my new favorite really I'm glad so tell me more about this uh Jenny Barista oh forget about Jenny I want to tell you about Josh my new neighbor he came over the other day to borrow a can opener I think I just knocked that challenge right out of the park so he came to you for a can opener yeah that's right I see and during this exchange what did you learn about Josh that he has a daughter and that he's pretty disorganized okay yeah what can opener disorganized I mean I mean I think your mom wanted you to really get to know someone work out a little bit spend some time with them otherwise it's not really a challenge is it fine [Music] I'll work on it for Mom and a girl [Music] hello I thought I just drop by and say well what's the name of it that um hello thought I'd just whipped this up something other than pizza it's true Betty Crocker um hey hi uh it's uh it's food oh thank you this is very kind of you oh and I'm sorry I meant to bring your can opener over but I got a little distracted trying to sort my life out in all these boxes it's okay because I got you this thank you that is very neighborly of you uh did you have a minute I just put the kettle on uh yeah sure that'd be lovely great come on uh so uh chamomile uh peppermint tea or maybe just black tea um peppermint would be lovely great oh yeah I know it's a bit of a disaster but with Chloe's school and my teaching and coaching and constant Furniture deliveries I haven't really had time to sort through it you know if you had all of this for you really would they be able to help me organize it as well no but I know of another service that can do that me you yeah it's my company a space to live I help people organize their homes so they can live in them stress and worry free well maybe I'll have to employ your services one day hi hi I'm Taylor I'm Chloe this is a beautiful house look at those wood floors in the bay window you know with all that natural light coming through a chair might be nice there I never thought about the light but uh well you'd be the expert what do you think about the piano yeah okay well I know that we do not have a piano so oh I see you found our project I used to have a dollhouse too my dad made it for me he's so good at creating things uh this is my daughter Chloe Chloe this is our new neighbor Taylor and she was kind enough to bring us a casserole I hope it's not tuna Chloe no that's fine it's not it's chicken but if you don't like that that's fine too there's so many things I didn't like when I was your age like Tomatoes I like tomato sauce oh good because it's in the casserole are you staying to have it with us no no no wasn't planning on that why not uh clearly we would enjoy the company unless you have your family or someone to um no no I it's just me over there but it's um it's Wednesday which means it's laundry day so I mean okay I guess I could stay I'll set you up a spot oh uh the cutlerys in the Box labeled kitchen uh casserole 350. yeah [Music] what time did the jack-o'-lantern go to the dentist [Music] oh well that was delicious yeah I have to go finish my homework but will we see you again yeah yeah of course I mean yeah and if you want I could get you some paper and paint samples from one of my jobs for your dollhouse yes please cool it was so nice to meet you nice to meet you too yeah see you later then bye she is so lovely she's pretty special although since her mom died a year ago she's been a bit withdrawn and been anxious you know I thought that being a phys ed teacher at the college would have helped you know even with the athletes and all their stress but it's been a bit of a challenge my mom had similar challenges with me I get it well now that you know all about us what about you you know aside from being an expert organizer well there really isn't much else to tell you like I said it was just me over there so well we're glad you're over there I'm glad you feel that way and likewise it's been really nice to get to know you and Chloe that's speaking of which uh it is school night and I probably should help her get to bed totally and I'm normally prepping for work by now so scheduled and organized I still should hire you well you know where to find me right across the street yes okay yeah let me ask her the college wants to know what date you plan on going in to organize the library this Saturday at 10 am Saturday at 10. great thank you oh no no actually leave those I'm gonna give them to my neighbor or his daughter we met the other day had dinner together got to know one another sounds very Pleasantville yeah he's a single dad widower kind of disorganized actually no he's a total mess so is he a possible new client or no I don't I mean maybe I don't know I guess he could I don't know he's a new neighbor new friend and is his new friend dating how am I supposed to know that well let's creep his social medias oh hold on yeah got a new match hello Christine it's gonna send you a wave and a smiley emoji what's his name um Josh oh oh is that her already no no no this is Jade let me respond back to Veronica quickly mg are you dating all of these women no no not dating just you know messaging so you've never met them whoa slow down Taylor bump your breaks I gotta get to know them first feel them out you know decode the Emojis before I commit to like a whole date how do you get to know them though if you never meet them I'm on all the dating apps I know exactly how this works okay she's so funny foreign [Music] do something that you're afraid of thanks Mom [Music] okay my friend my friend you will be my next challenge Chloe have you seen a little black box you like like a jewelry box hey are you are you okay [Music] I'm great I'm so good okay uh it just seems like you've forgotten your your shoes [Music] do you need help maybe it's a big spider like it's uh I think it ate all my food in in all the house it's okay and it uh well it's very unpredictable you know spiders are like having your own form of pest control they eat all sorts of bugs that could become pests well on the Block um thank you so much for saving the day and I'm really sorry that I had to bother you with that oh you owe me a few bothers besides it's not really a big deal for me I get it that not everyone's into spiders no you know in fact Chloe once saw one in her room and she ended up sleeping in a tent in the living room for a week that's my kind of girl uh I have her samples oh how is she not bad until she was assigned an oral presentation now the wheels will come off a little bit if I get it I did not like oral presentations in school in fact my first oral presentation was such a big deal that my mom put it in a time capsule for me wow time capsule really cool my mom was pretty cool if you want I could maybe help her with her anxiety about the presentation seeing as I have um had used to have the same issues well she won't talk to me or anyone about it so I I mean if you wouldn't mind no I would really wouldn't mind um I have a job at the college on Saturday but after that I'm free oh I'm actually at the college on Saturday for a training camps and usually I drag Chloe along with me so I could keep her busy be great I should go but I'll see you Saturday yeah great thanks again how's your day yeah good [Music] hey coach nice throw hi Taylor what are you doing here I am here because I thought I would give you a little bit of help on your presentation for school if you want sure have you picked the topic yet no well my mom always told me that if you're gonna give a presentation on something it's best to pick a topic that you really love so um like what's your favorite animal I love elephants really why well they're really gentle even though they're the largest land animal and they're so big they have to eat up to 16 hours a day they do wouldn't that be something and they can live up to 70 years can they swim yeah and they use their trunks like sparkles cute can they fly like Dumbo no I can't even jump but they have really good memories you know you just told me a lot about elephants in fact you kind of just gave me a presentation so why don't we try something um Josh [Music] yeah okay so your dad and I are going to pretend to be kids in your class so who would I be definitely Mia she's my best friend yes and Dad you can be Liam he's always messy oh perfect hey okay so you're gonna practice giving us I mean me Mia and Liam a presentation on elephants cool okay hello Liam hello you uh what um it's just kids doing this class right go ahead elephants are the biggest living land animal on Earth [Music] so what are we doing here we are getting some lavender oil it'll help Chloe relax whenever she's feeling a bit anxious I think it's right here yeah so you've been here before yeah this is my first contract I organized the space to make it feel more calm and Serene hmm I should take a cue from that and become more calm and organized for Chloe it would help but I get it my dad's a little like you so scattered uh he's an artist the RJ Gallery that's his huh my mom was the one who kept the common order value definitely have your mother's touch I mean look what you did today with Chloe I wish I could do that but kind of felt out of my league ever since Claire passed and well that scares me you know what almost everything scares me you know that time capsule that my mom gave me it was filled with challenges and Challenge number two was that I just had to deal with that tiny spider and you saw how I did with that so I think you're doing pretty great and for times when you're not feeling so great smell hmm not overly offensive right yeah you know I I think I could probably help you with that challenge because I'm the kind of guy who just Dives right in and thinks later I know you don't have to do that come on I I owe you one you know for what you did with Chloe so what scares you other than spiders [Music] places Parks amusement park rides Black Friday you could not pay me enough money to go on a cruise ship do you want me to keep going I don't like no no no no um how about we throw out your day timer what okay uh that's too strong yeah uh rides Ferris closed oh uh what about Heights scared of those definitely most definitely afraid of facts yep I don't know the exact place we could just knock that challenge right out of the park you me you in yes yes great yeah I was just gonna get one for Chloe but I think I need one for myself too okay so what are you gonna do pick a topic I love then practice be prepared to know the room that's it you got this okay did you just I did I'm so sorry I should have asked first I um it's for this challenge that my mom has me doing and she wants me to take photo proof of everything so so you're saying I'm a challenge kind of um I had to meet somebody new and um you are well at least get my good side thank you okay one more ready oh wow what's this it's a gift Taylor got me and I'm working on my oral presentation Sarah this is Taylor our new neighbor pleasure to meet you and you Taylor was kind enough to bring us over dinner a couple of nights ago oh well thank you because I've been out of town and I'm well aware this one can't cook hey I can cook right as long as it comes from a can and needs reheating and I have a can opener of course right well I was just heading out so really nice to meet you you too yeah see you later bye okay so next weekend we conquer absolutely pretty good bye [Music] hey hey sounds like you and Chloe are having fun up there yeah always but I don't just come here to spend time with Chloe so your new neighbor seems nice bringing all that stuff for Chloe's dollhouse and helping her with her project yeah she married no by the way I love the new house you know it means a lot to me how much you've been here for Chloe oh well I promise to take care of both of you and really I'm on my own so it's good for me too what was that thing you wanted to talk to me about you said you had something for me or a surprise oh uh yeah um I I misplaced it during the move so um unfortunately you're just gonna have to wait I guess oh yeah Crazy Eights rematch do you want to join us yeah we'll uh I'll be up in a minute all right [Music] thank you so this is your new friend huh yeah I'll do the next challenge together too oh you told them about the Time Capsule I did I mean I mean sharing so I thought I should share something come on right we need to get to know sure sure I want to go um we'll see you later wish me luck how about have fun well we'll see about that see ya hi [Music] well here we are yeah 96 elephants what that's how much this bridge can hold 96 elephants 96 elephants huh I think Chloe must really love it bye-bye oh no come on look at this it's pretty incredible right Taylor I'm sorry my brain is short-circuiting from all the alarm Bells going off no no no no alarm Bells okay look this bridge was built in the 1800s and it's probably had hundreds of thousands if not millions of people across it before you that is a lot of wear and tear have we got any clue when it was last you know checked when maintenance was last set on this I think we should go get a report on that figure it out come back or maybe we just don't come back don't come back at all no no no no look you're gonna do great and this is going to be amazing look we'll just take it like One Foot In Front of the other okay just need to focus just like I tell my athletic students not to listen to the fear of voice inside of their head and worry about what could happen why what could happen no no no that's the point not to listen to The Voice right just keep your eye on the ball or in this case the bridge you ready not even close great [Music] I'm on a bridge I'm on a bridge I'm on a bridge I'm just gonna walk the bridge there's it's actually not a bridge it's just um Solid Ground Solid Ground all that underneath yeah okay I got this salt went down it's good it's a little bit this is not bad it's not so bad this isn't so bad [Music] I hope you know it's bad it's bad it's really bad it's really bad Taylor how you doing back there is falling down falling down falling down nope no falling I'm so sorry I don't I don't know if I can do this I don't think I can I got it I am who's gonna stay right here I don't know it's okay you can do it I'm done we did it we didn't we did it can I go home now no you can do this come on you can do it we'll do it together no that will be cheating right that you know what I'm trying with cheating I'm just gonna hold your um thank you finger finger okay okay whoa that is a strong grip sorry I'm just thinking about the fact that there's nothing underneath us and what would happen if it would all fall down and falling down and and there would be nothing to cancel no no no no we're not singing that again but look how about I spot you okay and I promise you you're not gonna fall think about it like this remember what I said one foot in front of the other one foot next foot one foot one foot next next foot you're doing great okay here I am I'm doing it you know sometimes fear takes over and then it limits you to be able to see beautiful things like this all right you're doing it you're like a pro yeah I am right yeah oh we need proof yeah I should take I should take a photo okay okay be careful okay just okay why don't you hold on to here great great [Music] Just Gonna Take It great okay you're doing crazy things all right just like nothing right like nothing it's on a bridge you're on a bridge really high up wanna look down I don't want to too far too far too soon okay I'm a lady thank you I don't know but I'm exhausted yeah it's a good kind of exhausted you know the exhaustion you get after a day with no worries and just fun maybe we should do it again sometime we could bring Chloe unless you think she'd be too scared it would probably freak her out why if we show her that we can do it now you're thinking like a parent being a brave one when the kids are scared I don't know if you call this a brave but hey you let me spy you I know I was clearly Delirious with fear ha ha well I should uh go get dinner ready before Chloe gets dropped off but uh if you need help with any more of those challenges you know where to find me sure oh in fact um we should probably exchange numbers you know for uh emergency purposes yeah no totally that's um that's what neighbors do right here there you go thank you I'll text you mine okay thank you again good morning this is your daily affirmation guide life is about moving on accepting change and looking forward to what makes you stronger more complete secretive change is to focus all your energy not fighting the old but building on the new [Music] we are going to take our final deep breath in and release [Music] [Music] play hooky for a day and do nothing or anything so the custom bulletins you ordered for the swatches are scheduled to be delivered today and I just got a message from the vernons they want to go ahead without estimating you gave them should I book a follow-up I need to take a day off wait what you do I do is everything okay yeah yeah it's fine I just need to take a day to do something oh okay well that's great and don't worry I could totally pick up the slack okay so I'm going to take this for today and you go do whatever it is that you're gonna do okay okay be okay right it doesn't be fine don't worry this is exactly what you hired me for okay not to pick up phones but to help with the jobs I promise you I will not let you down oh I know I'm sorry I know thank you okay so yeah there we go okay go ahead okay okay go enjoy doing nothing oh my goodness absolutely nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] nope [Music] [Music] hey neighbor hey no work ah Pro D-Day at the school so I thought I'd tackle a job that I can't handle what about you you playing hokey I it's um no I'm it's my next challenge I have to take a day off to do whatever I want I'm saying you ignored your day timer I I did I I did well I gave it to my assistant and I just called him everything's fine everything's totally fine that's great so what are you gonna do I am going to learn how to make sushi I figured I'd shake up my lunch menu really well if you need someone to taste test them I'll be mad or if you're not busy you could help I'm in yeah but I gotta warn you I can't cook and I'm an even bigger mess in the kitchen than anywhere else oh I think you can handle it I'll try okay Tupperware in there is a work of art can't stop staring at it okay well ogling and it's gonna get the wrong impression sorry okay spicy tuna rolls do you think maybe we should tackle something a little bit easier say I don't know like a grilled cheese here you go all right so she is yes put the mat that one then you take a piece of seaweed and you lay that on your mat Jesus is like tacky paper you got your hands wet that's why here I got it here just give it a little try okay uh the uh what are we we have to make rice rice that I can do great [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay there one for you should we eat or should we frame them they look so nice how about both oh wait you should be in there you know it's proof that you took a day to do whatever you wanted all right well then you should be in there too well all right then [Music] say spicy tuna spicy tuna silly well this is the most fun and success that I've ever had in the kitchen except for the rice but I should get going because to be honest with you I'm the one who's playing hockey Oh I thought you had a PD day I do but I promised myself that I would finish unpacking all the boxes which of course is why I was changing light bulb but I've lost something over there in that mess that I have to go find so um thank you uh this was this was great cool I could help we did it together is your day to do whatever you wanted I mean I couldn't ask you to come over there and help work it's not work I I mean I love what I do so it wouldn't be work well I'm not going to talk you out of it great um we'll grab a few boxes and some containers my label maker and we'll get to it yes I don't know how this Christmas stuff got labeled kitchen stuff well maybe the Christmas mugs through you I'm gonna go with that so um how does Sarah fit into yours and Chloe's life well um Sarah was Clara's best friend in college so she's been a part of our Lives since I can remember when now she's just so great with Chloe you know I kind of needed that you know knowing that Chloe has a mother-like figure hmm that makes sense wow is that it are we done no more boxes to unpack or uh to label we are done wow feeling a little emotional here that's why it's very important to stay organized sure or sometimes you can just fly by the seat of your pants and see what the Day brings [Music] another box how did we miss this oh wow I've been I've been looking for this is that your wife sir no it's um hello hi hey what am I chop liver Josh did you put everything away I did yeah yeah with the help of an expert yeah that's what I do it's my company space to live whoa impressive right find the cookies and the chips okay but don't forget it's almost dinner which I picked up on the way and on that note I have a ton of sushi to eat which might help make really yeah we have photo proof yep Taylor I picked my topic I'm still writing what I want to say but when I'm ready can I practice on you oh yeah great I'm gonna work on it now okay oh yeah I'm gonna go yeah oh hey don't forget to take the data do whatever you want oh Chloe doesn't seem shy around your new neighbor no Taylor and her uh they clicked right away and it's great because she's just across the street yeah yeah of course yeah thank you [Music] so I got the Kelly music sign off on the hidden buffet and the floating shelves and since you weren't here I put together some drawings for the Jairus module [Music] this is great told you didn't just hire me for my charm so how was your day off amazing Josh and I made Sushi and then we unpacked the rest of his house and I helped him get organized sounds like a day full of Josh yeah oh he had a PD day from school so oh so you guys had like a little play date nope it's not like that isn't it it's not no I um I found a ring in one of the boxes an engagement ring for guessing it's for this woman Sarah oh so she's his girlfriend I I don't know so how do you know if the ring is for her because she is like a mother figure to Chloe and that that's something that he really wants and he hid the ring when she came home so so in all this sharing he never mentioned he was in love with her no but he's gotta be right oh Taylor look growing up I was a huge Troublemaker like I drove my mom crazy but no matter what I did she always had my back and she told me it's because of love for her child supersedes everything so maybe he's just doing it for Chloe you know gives him some sort of comfort but being comfortable is not being in love so try asking him out get him outside of his comfort zone and it'll get you outside of the friends I can't do that of course you can really I can can you is that how how you do it with all your texting and emoji okay that that's different how's that different you won't even get out from your phone Zone you won't even go on a date two shed [Music] [Music] okay we're ready for the presentation and I promise this time no monkey business your hands okay my presentation is about my dad my dad is the greatest because he does everything he's a teacher and a coach he works at the college but he's also like a teacher at home he teaches me how to look after myself and to be a good person and he teaches me how not to be afraid my dad also always smiles and it makes me feel better because that's what my dad does thinks about what makes me happy that's why I want him to be happy too because I love him the most that's why I chose him for my presentation that was amazing yeah a plus a plus okay give me a hug love you so much it really was and I know that obviously you're going to do great but if you need a little help what is that it's a worry angel I want to do you're basically you know you ever get anxious or nervous or any of those things then just rub it and then you'll take your worries away thank you Taylor I'm gonna go see it in the mirror okay what that was amazing she is so sweet and um thank you for that that was very thoughtful of course yeah I mean it'd be great if she could get over all of her fears at once but it's nice to know it's there if you need it you know um so what's next on the Time Capsule challenge uh you know what I haven't uh I haven't actually opened it yet but I have it with me do you want to open it okay see [Music] join a team that's not too hard uh I'm not exactly a team player so well being on a team can be fun right Chloe yeah especially if my dad's coaching so just do that you know join a league there's always something going on in the city at a baseball or Ultimate Frisbee well I'm not exactly sporty so that's oh come on I saw you throw that ball at the gym you're a natural I wouldn't say that well let's find out oh and I can show you [Music] come on [Applause] nice pass there we go perfect oh it's okay grab the rebound good points come on girls basketball that's right get your hands up get your hands up hey so all right what do you think this is Little League a coach of all ages that's right girls keep going come on good job um I I don't really get what I'm doing here oh in this league there's no winners or losers the kids are here just to have fun good job girls get your hands up get your hands up um not a kid though yeah but we're all still kids who are right but that's beside the point today you're gonna feel like a kid again and be an honorary member of this team [Applause] I don't know I don't kids they don't want to play with me that's weird come on put the Jersey on good job Club there you go come on girls shoot up put it up [Music] look for Chloe yeah go to Taylor what Taylor shoot [Music] come on one two three [Applause] all right thanks again guys we'll see you next week and get Brenda to practice that dribble I can't believe I did that I played on a team yeah I dribbled I passed a ball to another human being I scored a basket you're rocking it like a team player I know I really was and it was fun yeah playing on a team can be fun no can give you a sense of belonging help boost your self-esteem overall it's just a great feeling I feel that hmm so uh what are you up to for the rest of your day I'm actually gonna go see my dad show up some of those completed challenges do you you and Chloe want to come seeing as you're maybe a little responsible for my success a little I mean barely worth a mention really okay well maybe I should come just to make sure that I get my credit great I think you should you know you did score yeah I didn't [Music] my dad hey guys these are my new friends I told you about this is Chloe and Josh real pleased to meet you you as well we've uh we've heard Lots about you haven't we do you like to paint that's great because I have a lot of paints and paper we need to get rid of come and help me make some art wow all these are your dads yep he can be as scattered as he wants to be these are incredible hmm what's that that's your mom yeah I can see the resemblance she was beautiful and you was a kid my long long worse walks did you spend a lot of time by yourself as a kid I did my parents for the elephant's Nails I'll bet yeah I was quite attached it didn't feel strange at the time but um I don't know now I feel like I maybe I missed out a little on other things Taylor for this of course what are we painting elephant yes no show me powerful it's not ready yet oh man some things take time there you go there's some snacks thanks Dad you know your daughter shows some real talent take a look at that elephant look at the wrinkles and the skin and the different shades of gray that's awesome well she does come by it honestly look at this masterpiece oh I think it's gonna be huge you know what I think I think it's already been done so maybe don't cash in your chips just are you sure I mean laughs you know what I can't help noticing that the three of you feel like you've known each other for a long time yeah it's come by pretty honestly and Taylor and Chloe clicked right away so Kindred Spirits yeah maybe and Dad have been helping Taylor with her time capsules speaking of Time Capsule do you want to open the fifth challenge number five B spontaneous whoa that was not easy um have any of them been easy so what are you gonna do Taylor um I don't know well it's kind of the point right oh I know what if I go grocery shopping without a list come on guys think of all the things that I could get or not get yeah yeah that sounds wild whatever makes you feel spontaneous kid I'm gonna do this do this you know before you were born your mother and I used to get out a map put it on the table the entire State before us she would close her eyes and she would move her finger around in which she put it down that is where we drove without any plans other than the coordinates on the map we ended up at some pretty interesting places let me tell you [Music] list [Music] foreign [Music] all right mom what am I supposed to make with this you want me to be spontaneous I'll be spontaneous [Music] oh yeah a hamster what's his name Periwinkle that's funny okay well you have fun with Jenny and call me tomorrow and let me know what time to pick you up hey I love you Chloe on a play day sleepover actually it's the uh first one in a while so how was your shopping trip oh counterproductive turns out you actually do need a list to get what you need but I did another challenge I did uh that thing with the map that my mom and dad used to do and and I landed here here looks like nowhere I know right but that's perfect yeah yeah so I am off on the road to nowhere okay yeah unless I mean do you want to come unless you have stuff to do I totally get it don't worry about it no actually I I would love to I haven't been on a road trip in forever so yeah great let's do it let's do it my car right cleaner cleaner right I guess I mean [Music] okay I got one what did the waiter say to the Llama after he finished his food at the restaurant I don't know I'll pack it that up for you oh good one how much further that says about 30 miles until our final destination oh uh pull over here there's a farmer's market up here but you just said 30 more miles one of a road trip was discovering new places okay I'm not going white water rafting though now this beats any grocery store any day with or without a list I mean they got fresh produce oh locally sourced organic juices that sound good goat yoga what do you think this is I don't know but I think we should try it no should we yeah come on be spontaneous uh hmm I had a girl so it is a guided yoga session which everyone's gonna find a comfortable seat make your way onto all fours and we're going to push up into downward facing dog [Music] push down and bend back up and press back child's body I'll give you a picture of this don't move then we're going to go through the cycle one more time and drop your shoulders away from your ears and we're gonna repeat [Music] circus okay I'll see you next week bye thank you thank you so much come again please well shall we continue on our adventure Michelle 30 miles to Miller 30 miles to nowhere wow there really is nothing out here oh come on there's a sky and Buffy Birds okay and uh few trees and now you and me thank you for one all of this I really haven't felt this alive ever than I have over the last few weeks and to be honest I don't think that I would have done it on my own so I guess I was just lucky that my first challenge was to meet somebody new and that that was you maybe that was your mom's real gift those feelings those feelings of being alive [Music] you have hate oh [Music] that's probably why that goat was nibbling at me or that I sprinkled a little bit of seed around you what you did oh um sorry oh Chloe's texture trust me I can pick her up oh she's not ready for a sleepover I guess not well at least she tried well she'll get there someday hey if if I can she will yeah [Music] all right Mom last one [Music] tell someone you love them [Music] and there we go home sweet home I'm sorry what are you sorry about I'm sorry that I was too scared to sleep over and you had to pick me up oh come on don't ever feel bad about that you know we all get scared right and remember even when you're all grown up if you call me and you want me to come bring you home I will okay [Music] I'm happy we moved here and I'm happy you met Taylor and that you're happy too you want me to turn the light out no I think I'm gonna read for a bit okay I love you love you [Music] thank you [Music] Perfect [Music] all right we have the winter sports set up here with the helmets and the skis we just need a place for the summer Sports Taylor hmm yeah that looks great are you okay I'm fine I'm fine uh and I really like your ideas thanks hmm in fact [Music] I love you well I love you too no no I love you oh Taylor I think you are a beautiful woman and an amazing boss but the love thing with Mia I don't think it'll work out like I get very nervous with this thing like I'm sweating right now profusely is it hiding you and especially if we work together it's not gonna work out I don't love you like that love you I just it it's this challenge my mom has me doing it's crazy sorry challenge yes my mom has me doing these challenges and by the last one my birthday present is supposed to reveal itself and this last one is that I'm supposed to tell somebody I love them so so you copped up I did I did yes but I do really like you it's okay I I get it trust me I have a lot on my plate okay I got Christy Veronica and that Jade she's been sending me some wild emojis I do not know what to do with are you worried because you haven't fallen in love or because you have oh my gosh you have it's with that neighbor right um Pleasantville that looks at it all this just took a fun spin on the day oh it's not fun it's terrifying I mean what am I supposed to do I just like go over there and be like what's up I like in love with you no it's I mean he's gonna think I'm a crazy woman that's true I thought you were crazy two minutes ago exactly because it's scary it's way scarier than just going on dates which you won't even do and you know what I completed most of those challenges so I'm gonna say that five out of six ain't bad okay how about this I'll go on a date if you tell Josh how you feel Matt hardly seems fair even if it's with Jade and those crazy emojis no fine I'll stop texting and I'll just go on dates like I'll see people face to face in the real world because you're right I tend to hide behind my phone and just not like seeing people face to face I get nervous and sweat you saw what just happened to me right there so what do you say take this plunge together [Music] knock knock hey you know you're popping by I was actually on my way home from work but I thought I would stop by with these I haven't gotten you an official housewarming gift so here you are do you trust me to take care of some plants oh don't be silly I'll make sure Chloe gets some watered is she home yeah she's got home from school okay we find a Sunny Spot for these ones right I should uh put some water in these then right probably okay geez I love you no uh [Music] I love you I I love you I'm ready I got I can't I got this I've got this I could do them all I got them all I could I love you I'm just gonna do it Chloe I found a spot for the last one [Music] Josh was was this a surprise [Music] hold on let me just get that uh Taylor uh what is it it's my last challenge and it's a crazy one um I have to tell somebody that I am okay I have to tell somebody that um maybe tell somebody that I maybe it's foreign are you okay um no I think I I need a paper bag okay um I'll get you one just give you why don't you sit down uh paper bags paper bag paper bags coming sorry thank you nice and slow is that better not much thank you what happened um I don't know I am I I think I saw a spider wait so this is not your challenge what the chat no no no that's easy peasy I thought you said it was crazy yeah crazy easy I just have to tell somebody that um oh something nice yeah so I just I came over here to tell you guys that you're such great great Neighbors so thank you that's it so recycle this yeah I'm just gonna leave you guys to do whatever it was you were you were doing are you sure you're okay 100 [Music] . I'm sorry Sarah I just forgot with everything going on it's okay clearly you have things on your mind I just honestly thought that you've been so great with Chloe and Claire wanted her to have a mother figure so I thought that maybe someday we could be a family but now what I understand and you deserve to have someone in your life again but not just for Chloe you've never been afraid to Just Jump Right In like this it's what Claire loved about you I think it's what Taylor might love about you too you've been a really amazing friend and that's what I'll say you'll always make the right decision for Chloe and at the end of the day I love you and I want you to be happy it seems like Taylor might be the one to do that for you [Music] I really really tried it when I can't do it okay he's he's proposing to somebody else I know it's a to risk but if your mom did it then you can too I mean mom did it foreign [Music] why she didn't have to overcome any mm-hmm did you say that you're a lot more like her than you know that's why her mother on her birthday gifted her with a time capsule just like the one you're gone the same six challenges and yes she was afraid of spiders too and these challenges that hurt to me and a life that as she or I could ever have dreamed possible because before I met her I I was on a different path one that I thought was right and until she said I love you I didn't realize I was capable of being moved [Music] honey I know that telling someone I love you is one of the hardest things anyone can do because it leaves us open our hearts but if we don't we may miss out on the very best part of life [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you deal just it's just words just speak the words hi [Music] Taylor what are you doing here um I just need to tell you something um it's actually what I was gonna tell you the other day and then I saw Sarah with the ring and it just Taylor waited Josh I just need to get through this so please just let me okay it's my last Challenge and if I don't get through it then I'm just I just have to get through it okay here that's it I obviously haven't been able to get through any of the others without you so why would this be any different so here goes um I'm in love with you I'm in love with you were my first Challenge and now you're my last and I don't expect anything in return I just needed to say that I did I figure I was trying to tell you we're about to start practice [Music] Taylor I'm in love with you too what I love you which is crazy because I was on this path and then and then you came along and now I'm on this other path and like white water rafting yeah like a slam dunk with one second left on the board what about the ring and the surprise and you were the surprise um so where do we go from here [Applause] [Music] how's that for spontaneous pretty good really good I mean you could probably you know thank you today is a new day [Music] any worries I may have shall pass as they did yesterday and the day before that and every day [Music] hi guys hey you ready yep I made us some ham and free sandwiches some salami and I tried a new egg salad recipe oh we love egg salad so shall we do this do you want to close your eyes [Music] where are we going looks like the middle of nowhere navigate oh you're the boss now if I begin to lose focus I'll acknowledge what's worrying me if I can resolve it I will and if I can't I'll let it go roll up my worries and anxieties into a tiny ball and just throw them away foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Beautiful Fashion Designs
Views: 168,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 59sec (5219 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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