Don't Ever Stop Learning | Learning Options and Path for Age Group 40, 50, 60 | Career Talk

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don't stop learning just because you are 40 or 45 years of age this is one of the comment made by one of you in one of my videos and incidentally couple of senior professionals who are in their 60s actually told me the same thing they are in their 60s they are retired but they are my students because they are part of my LinkedIn Advanced Training Program and they told me Anand you are just in your 40s you have many many years ahead of you don't stop learning at any stage because in their 60s now they are learning how to utilize LinkedIn for the next 10 to 15 years they want to build their personal brand on LinkedIn after they have retired from their full-time job so that gives us so much of ideas and inspiration of how to think long term so you watching this video may be in your 20s 30s or 40s and Beyond what we need to understand is that there is no way we can stop learning and in this video I'm going to talk about how exactly you should go about finding time to learn and what exactly you should learn so let's address the first problem first we don't have time lot of us who are engrossed in our jobs for 8 hours 10 hours 12 hours 15 hours actually don't find any time to learn that's a very practical problem that all of us go through so how do we find out time here is what I do and here is what I suggest all of you should do and listen to this carefully the only time that you can find for yourself to learn is when other people are sleeping yes when other people are sleeping that is the only time when you will find peace where you will have very little distraction and you can focus on learning and I'm not saying you learn like you are a student you spend eight hours five hours hours four hours learning every day no no no no no that's not what we need to do we need to spend maybe two hours per week to learn but we need to be very disciplined and organized and when other people are sleeping that is the time when you actually can focus a lot and achieve a lot in very less amount of time so the time slot which I would recommend we should use is either in the night when our family members have already slept or in the morning when they have not woken up so either you study after 10 o'clock for 30 minutes or you study at 5 00 am when people have not even woken up either of the two I'm not saying both one of the two slots whatever works for you even if you start with 10 minutes 15 minutes per day it's a very good start you are not a student any worse don't imagine that you will be able to spend two hours 15 minutes 20 minutes of focus is also good enough understand that if you are not able to do it which probably you are for the last X number of years then you have become consistent with not doing it so lack of action is actually consistency of inaction which means you are consistent at not learning and in order to break the pattern you need to start afresh with 10 to 15 minutes per day either in the night or in the morning now with that out of the way what should you learn and in order to simplify this let's understand the pillars or the verticals of learning number one pillar or the vertical of learning is technology each one of us comes from some technical background so the best place to start is to become an expert on learn advanced level stuff in our own area of technical expertise that can be one pillar second pillar can be some technical stuff or some technical stack which is futuristic and everybody knows that Ai and ml is not only the current latest happening Tech but also something which is going to be relevant for the next few years so that is why I'm not asking all of you to become experts in AIML but what I'm suggesting is that at least become aware at least become aware of what is AI what is ml spend some time and do it for sure with that out of the way the next pillar is communication skills when I say communication it has got three aspects primarily one is writing one is speaking and the next one is listening spend some time to learn either of these things along with communication there is one more pillar known as soft skills a lot of time people just think that communication skills are the only skills which are part of soft skills but that is wrong soft skills is one more area which you should focus on as a separate vertical for example improving your emotional intelligence how to manage teams how to handle complex conversations or difficult conversations these are some of the areas which are part of soft skills so let me take a quick recap we have spoken about becoming an expert or Advanced learning in your area of expertise it can be Cloud it can be blockchain it can be cyber security or it can be anything else so that's your first pillar second pillar is learning a futuristic technology I spoke about Ai and ML and I told you don't become an expert if you don't want to but at least become aware third thing I told you is communication skill fourth thing I told you is soft skills and fifth thing I'm telling you is learn the role specific skills for your future if you want to get into a future role identity if I what are the skills which are needed in order for you to succeed in that particular role for example that skill can be design thinking for example that skill can be storytelling for example that skill can be program management which is how do you manage multiple projects together or it can be anything else so that can be one more track for your learning so now with that said the mistakes a lot of people make is they don't think long term they just get excited and then they start to do too many things and then they fail whole point I'm trying to tell you is you need to have a plan you need to make it a habit you need to do it consistently you can't become an expert in communication technology or role specific skills overnight you need to prioritize for yourself so some of you watching this video may need to prioritize communication versus some of you may need to prioritize technology which is fine you figure out what is that you want to focus on first what is that you want to learn later start slowly with 10 minutes 15 minutes per day and then maybe increase it to 30 minutes or 40 minutes but along with your job if you are able to learn for two hours per week I am telling you if you do this consistently for one year you will be ahead of your peers by a lot of margin because a lot of time people only learn when they are searching for jobs people only learn when they have to give interviews and that's like a 11th are learning all right there are so many things there is agile methodology there is data literacy there is devops there's there's so many things you don't need to go and learn each and everything but you definitely need to learn what works for you or what makes sense for you and a lot of times we don't have an idea of what we will do 10 years from now which is where in my 40s I had no idea of what I will do in my 60s but as I said when I spoke to these senior professionals whom I am training so I am in my 40s there in their 60s and I am training them but reverse mentoring happened I learned from them now I see that okay in their 60s they're trying to build their personal brand in separate capacities they are trying to get into investing they are trying to get into private Equity some of them are learning law some of them are getting into advisory roles some of them are trying to become board members of different companies so there is so much to do even after you retire this is a eye-opener for me just because now I got in touch with them so all these things were not clear to me probably last month but now it is becoming very clear to me that okay there is a path ahead of me even when I enter into my 50s or 60s alright so that's why doors will open for you just have patience but in order for you to knock on the right doors you will have to make a words and that effort is not one time effort the Deferred is continuous effort I hope you get the point do let me know your thoughts in the comments or any different views that you have as well please share this video If you think others can benefit from this I'll see you in another video soon take care and bye for now
Channel: Career Talk
Views: 24,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning path, learning, don't stop learning, future in it industry, career planning, career advice, career talk, career talk with anand, anand vaishampayan
Id: BpN9wopftxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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