DONT Drop Mystery Item on Your Face Machine! *EXTREME DROP TEST CHALLENGE*

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oh we are dropping in three - terrifying bro Oh what is up guys today we are playing do not let the mystery item fall on your face sneezy dudes contraption there's a rope three sections and you're gonna be laying with your face up on these X's there gonna be some trivia questions each trying to determine how high keep the object his job from so two will be dropping well one doesn't they're gonna want to pick the one that doesn't drop otherwise you go and get some face slap in the first round is teddy bears and as we keep going on the round ski Morgan extreme Larissa goes first let's get danger chris is being danger Chris I have the questions in my hand okay how are you well oh this Mike yeah I'm feeling pretty good the first round is teddy bears I actually want the teddy bears to follow my face because then they'll give me a nice big teddy bear hug first question I need friends where geography which continent has the smallest amount of human inhabitants Antarctica Australia Africa or South America uh Arctica Oh Chris gotta correct so the teddy bear stay where they are Curtis I hope you like sports I do actually what is the diameter of an average hockey puck 2.5 inches three inches 3.5 inches or 4 inches okay so hockey puck is like that big uh-huh I'm gonna say like three inches oh yeah be correct okay geography who has this flag korean navy japanese aviation Japanese army Japanese Navy um well I think that's Japanese something I'm gonna go with the Japanese army so Japanese Navy raised them so I got two out of three questions right I now need to choose which one I wants to Landers that one this is just a teddy bear but this is actually kind of freaky when it's a lot harder items this is gonna be really scary all right Jeff Oh shoes rub the teddy bears three two one Oh Chris and what chose correct I would I won on the heat before I swear if Chris goes unscathed this game I'm gonna be mad well I actually kind of lost there cuz I wanted a teddy bear hug don't worry guys I'm still here probably Jeff my pants I'm a Jeff of a pen huh go Chum Orion fan mm-hmm all right Ralph you can see yourself an artistic kind of gasps Arctic artistic artistic you are clearly not articulate am i right we are going to be asking you an art question let's see how he do the practice of yoga philosophically derives from atheism Christianity Hinduism or Scientology Hinduism correct whoo good job thank you maybe you are more smart than we all thought mr. Bishop I don't care what the audience I just I think you're pretty smart next question Sian do you like science jars props to this picture what's the name of this flower [Music] violets lavender lilac lavender lavender bushel hi Jenny yeah incorrect this hydrangea raised the Teddy's hello hey hey dingdong in the back what your girlfriend dong in the back you need to raise the teddy bears whoa okay are you ready yes your next question has to do with entertainment Rob which movie did not feature Jim Carrey yes man The Truman Show Black Sheep the mass I'm gonna go with black sheep black sheep yep yeah he got it correct so now you need to choose wisely which one do you want to land her going baby blue baby blue hopefully his face will not get squished like a cow poo like how's my joke all right hi guys I I chose blue cut it to the middle drop it in three two one go it goes down like literally one foot per ten second okay don't worry with the more the later objects are gonna be dropping much quicker because they're much heavier that felt like a nice little cloud slap the cloud slap you know it's not easy sometimes you know orange every no one is escaping the wrath of the teddy bears who is this snowboarder Kimberly Cole Chloe Kim Hannah Tedder or Kelly Clark why do you guys need easy questions I get this random whining good Wow today's gonna go clearly dududududududududu two two two that's our theme song for this video I don't want this free game lady next question is history okay what year did the Hollywood Universal Studios theme park open 1957 1964 1970 what's of course is roomy 1972 1972 interact it was 1964 raise the bird this video is not looking really good for you it number does next category is sports okay what indoor sport requires you to keep the ball from touching the floor all of the above indoor soccer basketball or volleyball volleyball duh easy all right well Jeffrey did get one question correct congratulations thank you my name's Jeff so now Jeffery has to pick what section he wants to lay under this one section Oh Jeff you're way off bro just like all your answers to your questions okay whoa dude if this is a big water balloon what are we gonna do die yes Oh No drop the teddy bears in three two one drop that's scary it was just a stupid teddy bear this is gonna get so much word well that was just the fun round folks just to show you guys how the game works now let's get into the intent the DS you stupid Angie the next round is punching gloves filled with rocks so there's gonna be a lot of weight behind the punch that's going directly to your face so we're gonna drop this so you guys can see the damage that's gonna hurt looks like I'm going first Chris don't first no he go where Chris round two what do you expect me going into this round I hope that I get an easy question so I don't get punched in the face really hard geography on what continent is Indonesia located Asia Australia Africa South America shoot this one's like kind of easy about eight seconds Africa shooter was a genuine history what do people are known for trying to conquer Russia but failed Stalin and truck Hitler in Napoleon Wow they would put Trump Bob gray and Prince Hitler and Gandhi Hitler isn't a boolean dang entertainment Chris okay should be good at this right last question what are the names of these characters Ruru and ponga ruling kinga pungen boo-boo Kangin boo-boo rule and conga guys Chris pick carefully shoot very very carefully which one you want the job on your face a job from that height can still pack a punch okay I'm going to choose the left one wait this is the right one that's the left foot if you're facing this way it's the right one it's my left oh wait who cares oh my gosh here let me show you guys what I see q3 tell oh shoot what go Oh Oh miss my face got a drop it again yeah and three great stop you ready two one go Oh Chris Rock hitting the head TKO tonight win all right you might get decked in the head probably most likely let's see if Robert will remember anything from science class watch human teeth are used for biting and tearing the inside source the cusp it's the molars of the premolars in sisal I'm gonna go with insights or the essential no no way that's good cuz sight like scissors eye sore all right geography in which your real own country is the Matterhorn located Austria Switzerland Germany or a tally that's how Austria Switzerland Germany Italy especially Quran yes superbaby Robert come on come on Rob your final question thank you very much Entertainment Inc who is this actor Al Pacino Paul Newman John Wayne or Clint Eastwood I'm gonna go with Paul Newman Paul Newman in correction the correct answer Clint Eastwood so Rob you're gonna get punched oh wow lift those gloves wait no Laura Laura that's not okay all right Rob take your poison ooh all right I think you like my double chin knock out in three two one go Oh straighten the Robert escaped punch dang that was very nerve wrecking I like to thank my fans I like to thank my brain my knowledge my intellect good to know good mother nature I hope I don't have bad luck like usual hey Jeff you should cut off your hair cuz this is an art question what am i VIN single another guy no code zero which instrument is typically black trumpet clarinet flute or saxophone well I know it's not a saxophone we're gonna go to float no that's wrong Wow it's the clarinet bro robberies the punching gloves dude okay Jeff we got a sports question this time Oh in basketball which one of these is not a turnover Travel Pass double dribble or carry what side I don't even know what a turnover YZ uh a double dribble incorrect no Jeff what do would you get in trouble for passing a basketball oh why would I get told for pets are literally the biggest brain for right there all right raise the gloves I'm getting deck dude that's all I know no Jeff you're in trouble final question in which country is playing music in public band what Germany United Kingdom Saudi Arabia or Belgium Belgium in corrected Sun Arabia do oh no no all right Jeff pick one no Rob you got one no you can't take me alive my cape fly all right captain tough guys taking off his cape oh yeah you're really a tough guy with a little blankie shoe Jude he's good for the middle one is that because it's not all the way up Rob pulling up high roll no no no no no no no no no this is gonna hurt dude I don't want to break my nose this is gonna break my nose this is not cool we are dropping in three two this terrifying bro punching loves are dropping in three no to get lifted my head into it all right now we're moving on to this third round what could possibly be in that one I don't know you know I do actually do you know you all know yeah I don't know we have it on our video nut had so we went in for lunch took a little quick lunch break and this contraption to cookie fell over from the wind look they crushed the ladder well I guess it was good knowing was behind there so windy out here next round we got water balloons check this out and they're the big ones not the small one imagine this pop it on your face and it's also heavier than the punching gloves it's gonna pop on your face or it's gonna slap you in the face yeah either way your face is gonna be in unfortunate circumstances this whole video is just not good for the face all right well let's go over at this my turn yep all right first question who was sworn into office after JFK was assassinated lyndon b johnson with a for da smarten luther king jr bill clinton bill Quinn Rob it was Lyndon be Jensen do I know the presidents oh no no no no next question in which state is Trenton located in New York Texas New Jersey a Rhode Island New Jersey Oh correct 203 Chris guess who our geography no in which continent is the country Mozambique Africa South America a are you up South America Africa Raisa no hi Chris oh you're poison why do I have to go first folks why am i the guinea pig because you're an intro that's how they always goes all right well I'm gonna pick blue right in the middle help me mom's I hear anymore Chris what did I get myself into no thanks all right in three and two oh why go there you got hit in the face with that so we wanted a pop so we're gonna make Chris do it again and make him wear this with a screw sticking out hopefully I'll just this explored his face yeah is this gonna hurt mom normally mom tells us when we're doing stupid stuff is this one of those time all right case lay back down we're just gonna redo it real quick Oh like this I'm gonna try keep my eyes open see what happens Chris are you ready Oh Chris is ready 3 2 1 go so you gotta wear that for now on that's cold all right that was the reaction you wanted right there all right Robert zero-turn tubby Wow all right Rob your first question is about geography what sea is near Egypt the Yellow Sea the Black Sea the White Sea or the Red Sea yeah four seconds three two yup yesterday the cracked is the Red Sea I knew it I knew it raised the balloons Oh all right we got geography would be miss icon is located in Italy Leaning Tower of Pisa the Eiffel Tower London High our Big Ben ah the Leaning Tower correct yes I knew it because bifel towers in France the throne row row row Oh prom Oh all right Rob your last question here which writer wrote the poem The Raven Robert Frost Edgar Allan Poe count of Ernest Hemingway or Charles Dickens I'm sure Allen correct sir up your height is not too bad but I think the worst part about it is if it pops oh you better pick wisely goggles on unicorn activate Alice what uh it's gonna hurt just distilled it hurts let's just looking like all robbed pick I choose you pokeball doesn't it oh alright drop in one go [Music] you've heard of cat desert time you don't have captain Oh me now it's time for cats ringa mm-hmm welcome aboard me buckos yourself to board alright guys so I'm nothing to worry about right now I'm be dry buying this challenge first question who did Germany attack first Italy America Poland or none of the above Poland correct wow I'm impressed there Jeff captain smartypants that's my name who is famous for composing ragtime music Scott Joplin Henry Manoj easy handling any money at Mercer oh okay hey Kraig raisable job no entertainment Jeff one of your worst categories that's entertaining people I'm just kidding your place in which country was Legos created America China Holland or Denmark come on what happened smartypants America incorrect the correct answer is Denmark raise them up No all right so now it's my turn to guess which one I'm very confident that my choice here is accurate sync clapping I mean her tapping only justified here we go oh so that's what you would look like if you actually have facial hair hey Craig go swatch what these roll-on from stinking town because your upper lip smells like a duck it makes this thing Oh - this is freaky alright I think we all know how this goes down everyone stay with me poor Jeffrey Oh what pull it back up no torture filled my mouth with water oh that was cold bro oh that was cold well you folks there you have it round threes done oh four sons oh so we need a finale here we can't end with just water in Jeffrey's mouth so what are we doing guys since we play rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to do it with a bucket and the book is gonna smack you in the face that is gonna suck Rock Paper Scissors shoot what so now you guys first each other because I had since they both on paper Chris Bruce's Robert I always lose but he was shoot yeah nice to get the bucket jump cut on his nog he's gonna hurt him be like a punk to the face I came in like a rag what [Music] whoa Chris you have a one in three chance to survive takeaways it sits in the book cinema send them up send them up all of them that was supposed to be epic Jeff not super nubby alright Jeff now is your time to choose let's just say that this is gonna end badly no matter what so yeah I'm just gonna say what oh shoot all right I want a good clean drop three there were some hand in there so hold my hands down oh shoot Hey Oh Oh what do you doing what are you doing this is gonna give me a concussion concussion you know what fear it's not real pain is irrelevant how about nub is evident am i right lightheaded thing on your tooth you know no it's not it's in between your right big tooth if I could see Johnny Johnny thank you for the previous video click here in the beer for the video that hunted them recommends to you that click in the middle to subscribe and we'll sclera good inator stop doing that crap
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 4,180,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dont drop mystery item on your face machine, extreme drop test, funny challenge, mystery item, mystery box, dangie bros, mystery challenge, mystery button, mystery lever, dont cut the wrong rope, we built, diy, do it yourself
Id: WTj9-hYsdzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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