How to adjust & measure home water pressure

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You might want to check your water pressure because you moved into a new house and you notice it's either too high or it's too low and you can get one of these to check it. This is Rainbird brand It's just a gauge you can hook up to your outside faucet if this uses the same water that your house plumbing uses. Sometimes as a secondary water system Some neighborhoods and communities have and that wouldn't be Something you can check your inside house pressure with. but I don't have the secondary system here. It's all hooked up to the same line coming from the city. This pressure gauge has a connection on it that fits perfectly on your hose threads. So we'll put that on. Now that it's on real tight I'll turn on the water and we'll see that this is going to about just over 50psi. For some reason kind of fluctuates when you do that but it's pretty accurate. Now that's pretty low Usually you want be no more than about 85 PSI You can check your local building codes and see what it is. at your area but generally 80/85 is about the high range in where you wanna be and you could go lower if you don't mind less water pressure in your house. It's not really going to affect too much. and it might save you a bit a money like when my kids leave the hose running all day long and I don't notice it well if it's at 50 PSI and not 80 then my water bills is going to be less. Some gauges; let me zoom in on the gauge here... This gauge costs under $10 bucks. I think it was around $7.50. That included shipping [bought it online] and a little bit higher end ones will have another Armani the red one to Julie smaller and what that will do is measure the high and off the water pressure on times water pressure can fluctuate are at different times of the day and it night maybe what most people are using water in your area you're going to get more pressure sometimes that happens and so if you leave this on in this goes up and down well what by the time you check it again wherever that red line is that was your Mac's water pressure a for the period that you left it so anyway you can hook this up here now let's see did have a secondary from water system in this is not going to help you to hook it up to your host so can also hook it up to your water heater all take this off and you can see how that's done just alright at the base your water heater I have to here I hopefully you see this pool stay get and all other times water heaters collect a point to credit the fall of but I don't wanna push into my cage so you know on do this a little water out here as tile let's see if we can Sears here in st. it is see that scanner brown murky there's little gravelly bits phone and their something a little better this out I'll sis yeah it's pretty girls costs Kell alright that's looking clear enough k so put on the gauge her and outside was about 55 see how inside its bit less that's kinda normal this is about 45 so it's not rare to have it not be the same insiders is on the outside or commuters skimpy that also how close you are to the main helpful affect the pressure but generally gives you an idea alright hopefully can find something that looks like this on their property I'm in now my cold storage here and this is a concrete wall were below ground and right here is the water coming in from the city line an Asus copper pipe come to the wall and splits of this line goes to this piece here which is called a perv or pressure are reducing valve and turning for the pressure gets capped a certain level and then goes up in splits often does all the pipes and things in a goes over different facets in the house this branch goes up to run the sprinkler line and this is the train for I got in the water out up to sprinkle on this doesn't matter but this does not do the holes the hose comes off I in my house on this line so then this is one that's regulated and this is what religious to your water pressure and right here there's of screw you can insert here flat I'll screwdriver there and undo the Volt's ovary you need a a a wrench and screwdriver to adjust this okay this says size three quarter inch said it 50 PSI that actually accurate and the range here says it can go up to 75% PSA so let's increase the surface like just a little bit more water pressure so to do that you undo this now I and hold it in place no counterclockwise on and I still go all the way just a bit and releasing have will allow you to spin this now spinning this clockwise increases the water pressure in counterclockwise decreases it um and you might want to count the amount it turns just see have a reference of how much you did so a I don't know first thing with all models book with this type spinning it counter clockwise increases so we're going to that of one turn switzer severe of two turns and for Cisco check and see what that did how much to turns will adjust the water pressure except but okay that bomb to right up to 60 and I'll try that out my house see how I like the pressure and for wanna put up a little bit more I can that pump her that reducing valve will go up to 75% and so hopefully this videos helped if you have any questions go ahead and put them in a comment alternates room and if you like the video give it a like and subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: AdamDIY
Views: 1,999,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Water, home, pressure, rain bird, psi, residential, water pressure, regulator, PRV, How to, Do It Yourself (Website Category), Repair, water pipe, increase water pressure, weak water pressure, decrease water pressure, watts, Construction, home repair, water pipes, plumber, building code, copper pipe, pvc pipe, water pressure gauge, water pressure gage, Rain Bird P2-A, garden hose
Id: lNAAzs4C-lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2013
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