Don't Buy a Car Until You Watch THIS Video | How to Negotiate a Used Car 2023

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so ladies and gentlemen what we're about to do what we're about to do is show you how to negotiate on a used car in the summer of 2023. anytime in 2023 you are Ray you are the customer I am indeed I am Zach I am the sales person we're going to be working what was it a 20 let me double check that's the sheet 2019. 2019 Honda Odyssey okay we're gonna be working a 2019 Honda Odyssey we're gonna jump in we just got back from the test drive you want to buy the thing for your responsibility the possibility exists that I might actually want to buy this but we're going to negotiate this is a role play of how to negotiate yes absolutely right yes yes all right Ray I am so glad you liked the Odyssey here's the deal I can get your pricing you want to go home in the car today I can we should make it happen you you seem like you really enjoyed the thing are you I you know it was nice you know depending on the numbers I I would I could possibly close the deal today but it depends on the numbers I need to see the after door numbers on the vehicle out the door okay you want to see the out the door numbers yes you saw the price advertised online and I think you told me your budget you wanted your monthly payment to be what somewhere don't worry about my monthly payment what we what I'm interested in seeing is what the bottom line price would be with all taxes and fees so you just you just want to see that let's let's I I you must have a budget I know what I can afford monthly I've already done all that research and I've made certain to only look at vehicles that will fall into what I can afford on a monthly basis so let's not concern ourselves with that right now what I am concerned with uh Zach is is the out the door number the bottom line number as if I actually had a check which I don't but if I did if I actually had a check that I could write for the for the total amount to all right let me go ask my manager we'll get you a write-up and and while we're doing that think about your budget though because you're probably gonna I thought about my budget that's why I'm looking at this vehicle if the numbers are right all right let's fit into what I have budgeted I'll go yeah that would be good all right pops report why am I going there because this is the tool that truly levels the playing field between you and the dealer it it it almost puts you in total control foreign [Music] my manager Kenny yeah great guy a little older but he's a great guy my manager Kenny wrote me up a great deal I can't believe we're doing this I can't I mean I'll I was a huge discount because I want you to go home in The Odyssey today you know that this is one of the only ones in the area it's great we inspected it's in good condition it's so I just can't believe the discount that my manager Kenny gave you we've got you at a 2600 discount off of the market value selling price yes we're already the most competitive in the in the area within a couple hundred miles but my manager he went above and beyond because I told him I told him Ray wants this thing I really went up to bat for you twenty six hundred dollar discount now there are a few things we we put on every vehicle so for example we've we've got our GPS system so that's on there and and that's really non-negotiable that's part of the vehicle and then we we do have to get the vehicle ready so you know you took that test drive you loved the test drive and it rode so well because we did some reconditioning is what we call it in the industry everything else that you see on this worksheet right that's just stuff mandatory we can't we can't negotiate on that that's just it is what it is and honestly Kenny told me he said this is the the bottom line price today I I actually if you don't mind let me let me could you just initial down here if you want to let's go over the numbers first the the price on the internet yeah was 35 000. and you're discounting that twenty six hundred and thirty four dollars I went to bat for you so I could buy the vehicle for 32 366. absolutely but then there's 1295 for guidepoint GPS is that like some type of navigation system it's a security security system you know lots of Hyundai Kias are getting stolen left the right insurance carriers it begins with an H but it's a Honda it's not a Hyundai we put it on everywhere and reconditioning for 14.95 yeah that I mean you know you love show in in essence really the selling price was 13 and 15.28 so the real selling price was 37.8 in essence if you if this if this these items have to go on every car um my hands are tight not yet they should be they actually should probably be handcuffed to something because I don't know that almost sounds like bait and switching a crime but what do I know it might not be so in here where we are today so the 35 000 car that you got me the 2600 discount on is suddenly back to thirty five thousand one hundred and fifty six dollars the dark fee is 150 after markets 199 what's the aftermarket it's you know we put on a few accessories on the vehicle to make sure that it right well you know but my used car manager puts them on every vehicle I I can get you you know I it's just 200 hours and I can see that I could spend a lot of time trying to figure out what that 200 is going for but you're not going to be able to share that with me so it's the true bottom line number the out the door number is 37 912.48 but I want to remind you oh and a car that you discounted 2634 um that you then up charge 2 800 to compensate for that 2600 what do I have to do to earn your business here share something with you share this with me absolutely so I I am a member of an organization called courage and and at courage they provide you with the with uh well tools and tips on how to how to buy cars and they also provide you with well reports that show what vehicles comparable vehicles in the area you're going for so I just on the front page the first page of the report I highlighted three vehicles that would be very comparable to the vehicle that you're selling because yours is a 2019 Honda Odyssey EXL with 40 000 miles on it that you're charging thirty five thousand dollars for it I'm not forgetting the discount but I also not forgetting the other 2800 already so here's one at Beck and Mastin Buick yeah we know them okay it has six thousand more miles on it it's thirty thousand seven hundred and eighty four dollars now assuming that they're just like you when they're going to add 1500 hours for reconditioning that would still be well below the thirty five thousand dollars that you're starting at CarMax has one yeah forty one thousand five hundred and twenty dollars and they're selling it for 31 998 now we know at Carmax it's non-negotiable that's really the price okay and we also know at CarMax from the research that I've done that they are more overpriced on their vehicles than most dealers are that's true okay so they're three thousand dollars below yours and there's no nonsense that's going to get added on to that like the reconditioning and the GPS and then finally there's one with 10 000 less miles on it at uh eamon's Autoplex for 33.99 that's a thousand dollars less than the car you're trying to sell me and it's got ten thousand less miles on it so having looked at this having shared this with you can you see why I would be just I don't know a tad bit concerned at the pricing that we're talking about and the and the really fake discount when you charge me another 2 800 for stuff that I didn't even ask for and reconditioning if I'm a reconditioning should already be figured in to your asking price because that's part and parcel of the car you you why isn't it in there to begin with why is it a separate line it should not be can you prove to me that you spent 1495 in reconditioning if you look at this box so I have you under under 700 a month I'm not concerned with still we're still he is so good at this yeah just break and see for a second you are so good at this no everyone focused on what I need to do everyone needs to take freaking notes of his dad you are so good you didn't let me get a word in edgewise yeah and you hit me with fact after fact yeah after fact yeah all right so let's jump to what would you do if you did want to make an offer on this one what would you what would you hit me with um well I I would I would I would suggest you know based on what we're seeing and it's being offered right and based on what CarMax is selling prices and we know their prices are higher than than anywhere else so I would suggest on a on your comparable vehicle with 40 000 miles compared to theirs with 41 000 um that we need to have a selling price without the GPS and without the reconditioning a true selling price I don't know say twenty nine thousand dollars plus fees and then the fees you get the charger the sales tax and the doc fee the aftermarket which you can't even tell me what it is that's got to go away so 29 000 plus sales tax title registration and Doc fee uh I'm guessing that's going to put us somewhere around 31 9 ish so yeah if you can get me there on an out the door number then I think we might be able to make a deal all right boom we'll end it right there that is so good so good everything was fact-based your your proposal for what your counteroffer is is based in fact just as well you know one of the things that we didn't touch on in this video but we should at least make mention of yeah two things yeah one you would get a pre-purchase inspection on this vehicle oh absolutely that offer is contingent on a clean pre-purchase inspection yes you'd be at you'd be driving this thing to the local Honda dealer and it's also contingent upon me as a customer knowing what my real budget is is that if I have a payment in mind I know what the price of the vehicles are that I can be looking at so that I know they'll fall within that payment range on car Edge which I appreciate you repping our company in this video on car Edge when you're looking on vehicle detail pages when you search for a car and you click on one there's a monthly payment calculator on the page it pulls into out the door price so yes use that know before you go if you're in range the other thing Dad we didn't even mention it the stock number ends in an a here so it was interesting yeah they got they got they got a lot of profit built into this price right here well I'm pretty sure but you know it's they're a dealer they're entitled they're entitled you know but they're entitled to the profit you're empowered with the facts that's a hell of a negotiation well that's how it should work and also you should be pre-approved for a car loan prior to ever going into the dealership so that you know what your rate should be you know what your payment range will be because you've done all that work and you've got pre-approved through either your credit union or your local bank
Channel: CarEdge
Views: 258,824
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Id: n0WNtXWUr4g
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Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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