Don't Be Afraid To Start FIXING YOUR LIFE! - Jordan Peterson Motivation

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[Music] to navigate and there's two things you need to know the first is where the hell are you exactly precisely right razor sharp what's good about you and what's bad about you by your own by your own reckoning you don't have to you can ask other people but this is a game you play yourself it's like as far as i'm concerned i'm taking stock what is it that's okay about me and what needs some work and you've got to watch to not be too self-critical when you're doing that too because that can just be another kind of flaw and then the next is okay well where are you going what's your destination well and that's what the frame is now you know you could do that in a very sophisticated way and you do that by thinking consciously about who it is that you are in an articulated manner and where you want to go and why and how you're going to get there and people hardly ever do that that is that's come as such an absolute shock to me as an educator i i just because one of the other programs i i use this in my classes one of the other programs in this suite of programs is called the future authoring program and i started developing in my maps of meaning class which is where some of this material is from and i got students to write about their past it's like okay we're we're talking about stories so let's tell your story who are you how do you get here and what are you now that usually helps people put things to rest although it's quite stressful while you're doing it stress goes up when you're doing it and maybe you feel miserable for a couple of weeks and then stress goes down and it stays down so that's and that's also why people don't do it because who the hell wants to have their stress go up but if it's temporary it's a sacrifice so then the next issue is well where are you going and one of the things that and this i just still i cannot understand these students that have been in education system for 15 years 14 years high-end students most of them not once in their whole bloody life did anyone ever get them to sit down for like a day and say all right justify your existence like well seriously it's like here you are in university you're taking a bunch of courses you've got some sort of vague career plan it's like defend the damn thing a bit since you're gonna go live it and everything you're staking everything on it it's like what's your damn plan and why are you so convinced that it's not the plan of a babbling fool because if you haven't thought about it then it is and if you really want to go out there and live that out you know one of the things carl jung said was that you you're in a story whether you know it or not and and then he made two nice comments about that if it's someone else's story you're probably going to get a bit part and it might not be the one you want and if it's a story that you don't know it might be one with a really bad ending or maybe it's just bad period with a worse ending and if you don't know what the story that you're living out is maybe that's the one you know maybe you got that from your mother you got it from your grandmother you got it from your aunt or god only knows where you picked it up because you pick up things like mad because that's what human beings are like so maybe you're living a malevolent tragedy unconsciously and then one thing you might ask yourself is well how wretched and miserable is your life let's add futile to that how wretched miserable and futile is your life and you might say well yeah 70 on each count it's like then you're probably unconsciously living out a malevolent and maybe that's not for the best it's either that or the whole universe hates you [Music] getting away plus getting forward are separate motivational systems and if you can add them together it's real potent and part of the reason why in the future authoring exercise that you guys are going to do as the class progresses you're asked to outline the place you'd like to end up which is your desired future and also the place that you could end up if you let everything fall apart is so that your anxiety chases you and your approach systems pull you forward your maximally motivated bit and it's important because otherwise you can be afraid of pursuing the things that you want to pursue right and that's very common and so then the fear inhibits you as the promise pulls you forward but it makes you weak because you're afraid you want to get your fear behind you pushing you and so what you want to be is afraid more afraid of not pursuing your goals than you are of pursuing them it's very very helpful and lots of times in life and this is something really worth knowing you know and this is one of the advantages to being an autonomous adult is you don't get to pick the best thing you get to pick your poison you have two bad choices and you get to pick which one you're willing to suffer through and every choice has a bit of that element in it and so if you know that it's really freeing because otherwise you torture yourself by thinking well maybe there's a good solution to this you know compared to the bad solution it's like no no sometimes there's just risky solution one and risky solution two and sometimes both of them are really bad but you at least get to pick which one you're willing to suffer through and that's that actually makes quite a bit of difference because you're also facing it voluntarily then instead of it chasing you and that is an entirely different entirely different psychophysiological response challenge versus threat it's not the same even if the magnitude of the problem is the same and so putting yourself in a challenging let's call it mind frame you can't just do that by magic putting yourself in a challenging mind frame is much bet much easier on you psychophysiologically because you don't produce you don't go into the generalized stress response to the same degree and you're activating your exploratory and seeking systems which are dopaminergically mediated and that involve positive emotion so if you can face something voluntarily rather than having it chase you it's way better for you psychophysiologically so that's partly why well it's worthwhile to go find the dragon in its lair instead of waiting for it to come and eat you so and especially when you also add the idea that if you go find the dragon in its lair you might find it when it's a baby instead of a full-fledged bloody monster that is definitely going to take you down and so that's part of the reason why well there's a whole bunch of things that that that emerge out of that observation like don't avoid small problems that you know are there face them because they'll grow into big problems all by themselves and you can think about imagine the tax department sends you a notification you owe them like three hundred dollars well it's you know that's annoying maybe you don't even want to open the letter or maybe if you do you just put it on the shelf but that damn thing doesn't just sit there like a piece of paper on the shelf right you ignore that for five or six years it's going to become attached to all sorts of horrible things and if you ignore it long enough you get the idea it's going to turn into something that is completely unlike the little piece of paper that it's written on and and many many problems in life are like that you'll see they'll you'll see that they pop their ugly little head up and you know and you might want to turn away you might not want not want to think about it which is the easiest way of turning away right you just don't attend to it it's not like you repress it or anything like that you just fail to attend to it and that's a really as a long-term strategy it's dismal so anyways you know we got students to start writing in detail about not what they wanted it's not a career thing because that's the closest people usually get is they have a career plan it's like no no it's not a career plan that's that's peripheral important but peripheral it's like all right you got three years man you're going to live them anyways devote those three years to setting the world up around you so that it's the best it could possibly be for you as if you were taking care of yourself as if you cared for yourself well what would that look like you know let's say just for the sake of argument if you figured out where you were that you could have what would be best for you well what is that i bet you never asked people don't ask and so life comes at them like random snakes and they sort of fend them off and life goes by and things don't work out the way people expected them to but a huge part of that is they didn't know where they were because they wouldn't look or didn't know that they should look ignorance and willful blindness right two great catastrophes and they never figured out where they wanted to go or why now there's a problem with figuring out where you want to go and the problem is is that you make your conditions for failure clear to yourself and people don't like that so if you keep yourself in the fog then you can't tell when you screwed up now that isn't so good because you're still screwing up you're just too blind self-blind to notice although in in the short term that's less painful if you make your criteria for success razor sharp then you know every time you screw up but that's great because then you could fix it you could either repair the the behavioral inadequacy or the conceptual inadequacy that you're using as a tool in that situation or maybe you could adjust your damn plan either way you can fix it and so okay so you're living in one of these bloody things and you might as well it seems to me you might as well make it the best one you could live in because you don't have anything better to do now if you don't do that if you don't do it consciously and and this is what the psychoanalyst pointed out is that you have innumerable quasi-autonomous sub-systems that make you up that will generate stories impulsively and you'll just act them out and you know that because you watch yourself over two weeks and you think jesus i did a lot of stupid things in the last two weeks and you think why and it's because you're a random you're a collection of somewhat random quasi autonomous personality units and lacking a leader they're just going to fire off whenever they want you know first you're hungry then you're thirsty then you want to go to bed with your wife you know then you want to sleep in then you want to tell your boss off then you want to curse at the guy that cuts you off in traffic it's like you're kind of like a two-year-old you know just it's one emotional frame after another vying for dominance there's no overarching hierarchy and there's no king at the top [Music] [Music] and the idea is this is that if you configure your life so that what you are genuinely doing is aiming at the highest possible good then the things that you need to to survive and to thrive on a day-to-day basis will deliver themselves to you that's a hypothesis and it's not some simple hypothesis right because it what it basically says is if you dare to do the most difficult thing that you can conceptualize your life will work out better than it will if you do anything else well how are you going to find out if that's true well it's a kierkegaardian leap of faith there's no way you're going to find out whether or not that's true unless you do it so no one no one can tell you either because just because it works for someone else i mean that's interesting and all that but it's no proof that it'll work for you you have to be all in in this game and so the idea is seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness it's like that's actually a fairly important caution when you're talking about not having to pay attention to what you're going to eat or what you're going to wear it's like what it's essentially saying is that those problems are trivial in comparison and the probability is that if you manifest yourself properly in the world that those things will come your way is extraordinarily high and i believe i believe that that's exactly right i mean i i've watched people operate in the world and i would say that [Music] there is no more effective way of operating in the world than to conceptualize the highest good that you can and then strive to attain it there's no more practical pathway to the kind of success that you could have if you actually knew what success was [Music] and so that's what this that's what this sermon is attempting to to pause it it's like in in the story of pinocchio you know what happens at the beginning of the story of pinocchio is that gepetto wishes on a star we talked about that a little bit and so what geppetto does is align himself with the metaphorical manifestation of the highest good he can conceptualize and say he says he makes a he makes a commitment let's say he aims at the star and for him the star is the possibility that he can take his creation a puppet right whose strings are being pulled by unseen forces and have it transformed into something that's autonomous and real well that's a hell of an ambition you know and we're wise enough to put that in the children's movie but too foolish to understand what it means it's such an interesting juxtaposition that that we can both know that and not know it at the same time you can go to the movie you can watch it and it makes sense but that doesn't mean that you can go home and think well i know what that meant well people are complicated right we exist at different levels and all the levels don't communicate with one another but but the movie is a hypothesis and the hypothesis is there's no better pathway to self-realization and the ennoblement of being than to posit the highest good that you can conceive of and commit yourself to it and then you might also ask yourself and this is definitely worth asking is do you really have anything better to do and if you don't well why would you do anything else it's really fun to look at these old pictures once you kind of know what they mean you know at least that's what i've discovered is that once i kind of understand the the underlying rationale for i mean someone worked hard on that that's an engraving right they took a long time making that picture they're serious about it and when you understand what it means you know all those people they're they're their prostate prostrate at the um at the at the revelation of the law it's like well no wonder it's like break the law and see what happens break the universal moral law man and see what happens you know i see people in that situation well as you all do all the time perhaps me more than you because i'm a clinical psychologist you know and if the people i'm seeing haven't broken the universal law then you can bloody well be sure that people around them have it's no joke like you make a mistake and things will go seriously wrong for you and so it's no wonder that you'd be terrified at the revelation of the structure that governs our being one of the things that's so remarkable about the old testament this is another thing nietzsche commented on he was a real admirer of the old testament not so much of the new testament he thought it was a sin for europe to have glued the new testament onto the old testament because he thought the old testament was a really accurate representation of the phenomenology of being it's like stay awake speak properly be honest or watch the hell out because things will come your way that you just do not want to see at all and it might not just be you it might be everyone you know and everything about your culture that is demolished for for generation after generation it's like stay awake and be careful and i like i think that people only don't believe that when they're being hubristic and i think that most people know that deep in their hearts you know when you get high on your horse that happens fairly often if you have any sense you think geez i better be careful and tap myself down a fair bit because if i get too puffed up man something's going to come along and take me out at the knees and everyone knows that pride comes before a fall it's like if you have any that's why it says in the old testament that fear of god is the beginning of wisdom it's like i've never in all my years as a clinical psychologist and this is something that really does terrify me i as i have never seen anyone ever get away with anything at all even once you know there's that old idea that god has a book you know and keeps track of everything in heaven it's like okay okay you know maybe it's not a book fine but that is a really useful thing to think about because well maybe you disagree maybe you think people get away with things all the time i tell you i've never seen it what i see instead is that thing happens right someone twists the fabric of reality and they do it successfully because it doesn't snap back at them that moment and then like two years later something unravels and they get walloped and they think oh my god that's so unfair and then we track it it's like well what happened before that this well then what this and then what this and then what oh oh this oh that's where it went wrong it's yeah because you can't twist the fabric of reality without having it snap back it doesn't work that way and why would it because what are you gonna do twist the fabric of reality i don't think so i think it's bigger than you you know and i think that one of the things that really tempts people is the idea that well i can get away with it it's like yeah you try you see how well that works it's like you get away with nothing and and that is the beginning of wisdom and it's something that deeply terrifies me and you know ever since last september when i've come to more like broader public attention one of the things i've been terrified of making a mistake because i certainly know i'm more than capable of making a mistake and thank god so far either i haven't made one or no one's found out about it so but it's like you know we walk on a very thin and narrow edge and we're very lucky when things aren't degenerating into chaos around us or rapidly moving to far too much order and it's not an easy thing to stay on that line and you can tell when you stay you're on that line because things are deeply meaningful and engaging when you're on that line but if you're not existentially terrified about the consequences of wavering off that then you are truly not awake therefore take no thought for the moral for the moral shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof i spent a long time trying to figure out what that meant too because it's another one of those lines that can easily be read as pro grasshopper and anti-ant you know you remember the old fable of the grasshopper in the end maybe not i'm not going to tell it but the ant works and the grasshopper fiddles and the ant has a pretty good time in the winter and the grasshopper dies and so this is like a pro grasshopper line but it's not because it says something else it says that if you orient yourself properly and then pay attention to what you do every day that works and it i actually think that that's in accordance with with what we have come to understand about human perception because what happens is that the world shifts itself around your aim because you're you're a creature that has a name you have to have a name in order to do something you're an aiming creature you look at a point and you move towards it it's built right into you and so you have a name well let's say your aim is the highest possible aim well then so that sets up the world around you it organizes all of your perceptions it organizes what you see and you don't see it organizes your emotions and your motivations so you organize yourself around that aim and then what happens is the day manifests itself as a set of challenges and problems and if you solve them properly then you stay on the pathway towards that ape and you can concentrate on the on the on the day and so that way you get to have your cake and eat it too because you can you can point into the distance the far distance and you can live in the day and it seems to me that that's that makes every moment of the day supercharged with meaning that that's how because if everything that you're doing every day is related to the highest possible aim that you can conceptualize well that's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life well and then the issue is well back to noah well all hell's about to break loose and chaos is coming it's like when that's happening in your life you might want to be doing something that you regard as truly worthwhile because that's what will keep you afloat when when everything is flooded and you don't want to wait until the flood comes to start doing that because if your ark's half built and you don't know how to captain it the probability is very high that that you'll drown [Music] final rule it's called pet a cat when you encounter one on the street and it's it's a very it's the most personal chapter in the book it's a lot about my daughter and my daughter was very ill when she was well when she was a kid but well particularly when she was a teenager she had a very terrible time of it she had juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and when she was between the ages of 14 and 16 it first destroyed her hip which had to be replaced and then it destroyed the ankle on her other leg which had to be replaced and she walked around for two years on broken legs and she was taking massive doses of opiates and could hardly stay awake and like and she had this advanced autoimmune disease which produced all sorts of other symptoms that were just as bad as the joint degeneration but which are harder to describe and so it's just bloody brutal you know and as a test of your faith there's almost nothing that's more direct than a serious illness inflicted upon an innocent child right and so the chapter is a meditation on that and also on what to do in a situation like that because everyone is going to have a situation like that in some sense you know because you'll be faced with illness in the people that you love and in crisis and so it's a just it's a practical guide to coping with those sorts of things like and one of the things you do when you're overwhelmed by crisis is you shorten your time frame you know it's like you can't think about next month maybe you can't even bloody well think about next week or maybe not even tomorrow you know because now is just so overwhelming that that's all there is it's like and that's what you do you cut your time frame back until you can cope with it and if it's not the next week that you see how to get through then it's the next day and if it's not the next day then it's the next hour and if it's not the next hour then it's the next minute and you know people are very very very very tough it turns out that if you face things that you can put up with a lot more than you think you can put up with and you can do it without becoming corrupted and she did recover quite quite fully and much as a consequence of her own machinations because she figured out what was wrong with her and then took the necessary steps to fix it which is nothing short of a bloody miracle as far as i'm concerned and uh anyways part of the the the cat bit is i actually start by talking about our dog who actually died about a year ago but he's still alive in the book um you know if you want to pet a dog on the street that's okay too so you don't have to get up in arms about it but but the idea is that you know you have to be alert when you're suffering you have to be alert to the beauty in life the unexpected beauty in life and that's kind of what i was trying to get across with the idea of the cat there's this cat that lives across the street from us called ginger and ginger's a siamese cat and cats really aren't domesticated they technically speaking they're still wild animals but they kind of like people god only knows why but they do you know and so ginger will come wandering over and our dog looks at her but they're friends and she rolls over on his back and sico used to you know nose her a bit and and then she'd kind of mosey over and let you pet her if she was feeling like it that day and you know you have to look for those little bit of that little bit of sparkling crystal in the darkness when things are bad you have to look and see where things are still beautiful and where there's still something that's sustaining and you know you narrow your time frame and you be grateful for what you have and that can get you through some very dark times [Music] why did i write these rules well you know and especially when i said well you should try to improve yourself instead of trying to set the world straight or instead of worrying about what other people are doing wrong you might say well that's a hell of a thing for someone to say you just wrote a book called 12 rules for life it's like you know but the thing is is that i wasn't just writing that i was writing that for me as much as for anyone else and i mean that's i really mean that sincerely you know i had an opportunity to spend somewhere around five years meditating on how you should conduct yourself so that your life is what it could be and like i'm in the group of people that i'm advising you you know what i mean it's like all of these things are very difficult to stand up straight to remember that and to treat yourself like you're someone worthwhile and to make friends with people who are good for you and and and to tell the truth or at least not to lie i mean these are all ideals right and especially taken as a whole they constitute a kind of ideal and you never never you never attain the ideal the and not only that it recedes as you approach it right because you straighten yourself out you think well i've got it now and you think now wait a minute there's more to go there's still more to go and then you get that much farther along the line you think oh yeah i thought this was the end of the road it's like no there's plenty of imperfections left to iron out and so it is a constant adjustment and but there's something about that that's also positive because you might say that it's not so much that there isn't such a thing as a good person it's that our idea of what constitutes good isn't right because a good person is someone who's trying to get better and no matter how good you are there's better that you can get but the the real goodness is in the attempt right it's in the it's in the process to use somewhat of a cliche you know there's this and i'll close with this and it's a good way way to close you know and this is a psychological observation the the central figure of western culture is christ and we can look at that psychologically because christ is the dying and resurrecting hero and what does that mean psychologically well it means that you learn things painfully and when you learn something painfully a part of you has to die that's the pain you know when a dream is shattered for example a huge part of you that constituted that dream maybe even the biological substrate of that gene has to be stripped away and burned and so life is a constant process of death and rebirth and to participate in that fully is to allow yourself to be redeemed by it and so the good is that process of death and rebirth voluntarily undertaken it's like you're not as good as you could be so you let that part of you die and if someone comes along and says you know there's some dead wood here man it needs to be burned off you think well that stuff's still a bit alive when that burns it's going to hurt it's like yeah well no kidding but maybe the thing that emerges in its place is something better and i think this is the secret of human beings this is what we're like you know unlike any other creature is that we can let our old selves die and let our new selves be born and that's what we should do and so where do i fall short in these 12 rules well endlessly because well here's a way of thinking about it until the entire world is redeemed we all fall short and you can do that you know in the worst situation you can make it only tragic and not hell and there's a big gap between tragedy and hell you know there's nothing worse at a deathbed than to see the people there fighting the death is bad enough but you can take that as terrible as it is and make it into something that's absolutely unbearable and maybe i think and this is sort of what i closed the book with is this idea is that if we didn't all attempt to make terrible things even worse than they are then maybe we could tolerate the terrible things that we have to put up with in order to exist and maybe we could make the world into a better place you know and it's what we should be doing and what we could be doing because we don't have anything better to do and that's what the book is about and that's the end of 12 rules for life [Applause] [Music] one of the other things i've learned as a social scientist and i've been warned about this by i would say great social scientists that you want to be very careful about doing large-scale experimentation with large-scale systems because the probability that if you implement a scheme in a large scale social system that that scheme will have the result you intended is negligible what will happen will be something that you don't intend and even worse something that works at counter purposes to your original intent and so and that that makes sense because if you have a very very complex system and you perturb it the probability that you can predict the consequence of the perturbation is extraordinarily low obviously if the system works though you think you understand it because it works and so you think it's simpler than it actually is and so then you think that your model of it is correct and then you think that your manipulation of the model which produces the outcome you model will be the outcome that's actually produced in the world that doesn't work at all [Music] i thought about that an awful lot thinking about how to remediate social systems because obviously they need careful attention and adjustment and it struck me that the proper strategy for implementing social change is to stay within your domain of competence and that requires humility which is a virtue that is never promoted in modern culture i would say it's it's a virtue that you can hardly even talk about but humility means you're probably not as smart as you think you are and you should be careful and so then the question might be well okay you should be careful but perhaps you still want to do good you want to make some positive changes how can you be careful and do good and then i would say well you try not to step outside of the boundaries of your competence and you start small and you start with things that you actually could adjust that you actually do understand that you actually could fix i mentioned to you at one point that one of the things carl jung said was that modern men don't see god because they don't look low enough it's a very interesting phrase and one of the things that i've been promoting i suppose online is the idea that you should restrict your attempts to fix things to what's at hand so there's probably things about you that you could fix right things that you know that aren't right not anyone else's opinion your own opinion that aren't right you can fix them maybe there's some things that you could adjust in your family well that gets hard you have to have your act together a lot before you can start to adjust your family because things can kick back on you really hard and you think well it's hard to put yourself together it's really hard to put your family together why the hell do you think you can put the world together right because obviously the world is more complicated than you and your family and so if you if you're stymied in your attempts even to set your own house in order which of course you are then you would think that what that would do would be to make you very very leery about announcing your broad scale plans for social revolution well it's a peculiar thing because that isn't how it works because people are much more likely to announce their plans for broad-scale social revolution than they are to try to set themselves straight or to set their family straight and i think the reason for that is that as soon as they try to set themselves straight or their families the system immediately kicks back at them right instantly whereas if they announce their plans for large-scale social revolution the lag between the announcement and the kickback is so long that they don't recognize that there's any error there and so you know you can get away with being wrong if if if nothing falls on you for a while and so and it's also an incitement to hubris because you can announce your your plans for large-scale social revolution and stand back and you don't get hit by lightning and you think well i might be right even though you're not you're seriously not right i might be right and then you think well how wonderful is that especially if you could do it without any real effort and i really do think fundamentally i believe that that's what universities teach students now that's what they teach them to do i really believe that i think it's absolutely appalling [Music] because it's not that easy to fix things especially if you don't especially if you're not committed to it and i think you know if you're committed because what you try to do is you try to straighten out your own life first and that's enough like there's a i think it's a statement in the new testament that it's i think it's in the new testament that it's more difficult to rule yourself than to rule a city and that's not a metaphor it's like all of you who've made announcements to yourself about changing your diet and going to the gym every january know perfectly well how difficult it is to regulate your own impulses and to bring yourself under the control of some what would you say well-structured and ethical attentive structure of values it's extraordinarily difficult and so people don't do it and instead they wander off and i think they create towers of babel and the story indicates well those things collapse under their own weight and everyone goes their own direction so that ends i would say the most archaic stories in the in the bible there's something about the flood story and and also the tower of babel i think they outline the two fundamental dangers that beset mankind one is the probability that blindness and sin will produce a natural catastrophe or entice one that's something modern people are very aware of in principle right because we're all hyper concerned about environmental degradation and catastrophe and so that's the continual reactivation of an archetypal idea in our in our unconscious minds that there's something about the way we're living that's unsustainable and that will create a catastrophe it's so interesting because people believe that firmly and deeply and but they don't see the relationship between that and the archetypal stories because it's the same story over consumption greed all of that is producing an unstable state and nature will rebel and take us down right you hear that every day in every newspaper and every tv station it's broadcast to you constantly and so that idea is presented in in genesis in the story of noah and then the other warning that exists in the stories one is beware of natural catastrophe that's produced as a consequence of blindness and greed we'll say the other is beware of [Music] social structures that overreach because they'll also produce fragmentation and disintegration and so it's quite remarkable i think that that with at the close of the story of the tower of babel we've got both of the permanent existential dangers that present themselves to humanity already identified what seems to go along with that is something like truth in conception in action you know even people like jacob who are pretty damn morally ambivalent to begin with get hammered a lot by what they go through and what seems to happen is that they're hammered into some sort of ethical shape right so by the midpoint of their life's journey there's people who are solidly planted who you can trust and who don't betray being or themselves or their fellow man and so it's an interesting i mean it seems reasonable to me to first assume that you have to establish a relationship with something that's transcendent it might even be just the future version of you but and then second that you have to align yourself with reality in a truthful manner and that that's your best bet and the biblical stories are actually quite realistic about that too because they don't really say that if you do that you're going to be instantly transported to the promised land like even moses as we'll find out in the exodus stories he never makes it to the promised land and so it's not like you're offered instantaneous final redemption if you move out forthrightly into the world establish a faithful relationship with being and attempt to conduct yourself with integrity but it's your best bet and it might be good enough and even if it's not good enough it's really preferable to the alternative which seems to be something closely akin to hell both personal and social [Music] you
Channel: WisdomTalks
Views: 525,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jordan Peterson, Advice, young people, how to, Psychology, Jordan B. Peterson, success, jordan peterson interview, jordan peterson speech, jordan peterson motivation, motivation, motivational video, jordan peterson life advice, START FIXING YOUR LIFE IN 2021, fix your life, change your life in 2021, improve your life in 2021, how to reinvent yourself in 2021, Don't Be Afraid To Start FIXING YOUR LIFE!, start fixing your life, how to fix your life, start improving your life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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