Donovan Bailey meets Russell Peters

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[Music] wake up why [Music] [Applause] you're never gonna see two Indian guys in a club standing on going hey man aren't we cool I'm just a Canadian guy doing this thing but Canadian people have an accent Jesus Christ because I'm always saying I've been a Canadian I think they still think I live here I mean I live in L.A they're gonna like how long are you in town for I live here I've been here 10 years what do you mean how long am I going to be in town so you're ready to get this thing started I'm here with Russell hello Donovan how you doing my bridge everything all right everything done cooking Dunkirk [Music] we're both huge what I'm trying to do is draw the parallel between boxing and and and obviously what you do for a living well I mean much like in boxing you can't look past an opponent so whatever is next on your plate you have to focus on that you can't think about well I'm just going to go do this and then the next one will be that no whatever's in front of you you have to do your best dad that's the one place where you if you lose focus you're going to get your head taken let me tell you something guys when your wife goes into labor do your best to not be there it's like watching your favorite restaurant burn down [Music] how many cultures I don't know you know it's one of those things where I don't go out of my way to learn these things it's just I see things and they strike me as entertaining or funny to myself and then I just share it with you and then I'm like is this funny to you too okay good it's not just me you're black and Latino credit without offending that particular culture here's the thing I'm not fearful of offending them I'm fearful of them misunderstanding what I'm saying because I think if you're fearful of offending somebody you're subconsciously trying to offend somebody my biggest fear is that I'll be misunderstood and the only people that are going to get offended are the people that don't understand they're like I can't believe you said that about them well why don't you ask them if they liked it oh they did okay well why don't you go mind your damn business now I don't do any Arab jokes in my act just because I don't want to die um if you're going to give advice for for for someone just starting out and they're trying to get from good to Great essentially what would you tell the 19 year old Russell there's well there's no shortcuts and if you find a shortcut don't take it uh nothing nothing can beat hard work and focus and dedication to something don't do it because oh this could lead me to a lot of money and fame do this because this is something there's nothing else I would rather do uh when you meet real successful people they're actually doing for the love of it yeah and and the fact that it should never feel like work it never feels like work when I'm on stage it's been awesome thanks Donovan haven't seen in a minute I know we're gonna catch up we're rapping peace out thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Bob Babinski
Views: 25,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yuZBDvAHjEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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