26 01 2020 Predigt von Donnie Swaggart MP4

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he watched my [Music] the March the roll [Music] was for me [Music] he told apart and now deep in char [Music] [Applause] [Music] and founded for so much foolish pride this well [Music] I saw [Music] she [Music] and [Music] twas best for me [Applause] [Music] he was that [Music] borrower so instead there are my head the goal to me I did not know that day [Music] Betty had wounded hands until [Music] before [Music] [Music] he was my substitute [Music] for me my savior died [Music] and [Music] so - really [Music] watch [Music] go [Music] one more time please I saw sure [Music] he wall substitute for me my Center died [Music] so tenderly [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] aren't you glad you can see today once you're in spiritual darkness blind but through the presence in the person of the Holy Spirit he opens your eyes and you saw the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ and your life has never been the same again hey man open your Bibles to Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 reading four verses that every one of you in the building and watching if you've been around Pentecost any length of time at all you should know Acts chapter 2 beginning with verse number one and when the day of Pentecost was fully come now let me explain what's happening here Pentecost was one of the great feast that was to be celebrated in Jerusalem Pentecost means fiftieth it came 50 days after Passover matter of fact in the verse the very first Passover that Israel ever celebrated it was an Egyptian bondage the first Pentecost that Israel observed they were fifty days away from bondage in the wilderness and because Moses was delayed as he had gone to the top of Mount Sinai to commune with the Lord and to receive the law they left to them own selves they stripped the clothes off of their back they melted down the gold they made golden calves and thousands of them literally begin to dance naked around this golden calf that they made and when Moses came down from the Mount and the anger of the Lord was kindled and the Bible said that three thousand men dad in the wilderness at the very first feast of Pentecost but at this feast of Pentecost in Acts 3,000 men were saved hallelujah and when the day of Pentecost was fully come i'm before I get into my as I read the text I am gonna make some little stops and explain a few little words to you because I won't have time to get through it in the message and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place that statement one Accord it is the work of the Holy Spirit to bring us the believer into a place that we are in one Accord with the word of God you can't have unity among people until there is unity of the Word of God that's the bottom line and that's the work of the Spirit to bring us into unity to one accord with the Word of God which is the will of God in one place and suddenly I told you a couple weeks ago that means divine interruption you'll read several times in the book of Acts suddenly that means a divine interruption and actually this is how this message came about is one of those suddenly I was still studying Elijah there's several messages that I felt led I feel that to bring out about his life and I was studying the commentary and dad and and was talking about Elijah explaining and then all of a sudden he just stopped and went into something else and began talking about the Holy Spirit and as I began to read it I had a suddenly for this Sunday morning a divine interruption and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and agree that means the violent wind of a hurricane the wind is one of the five sin Bulls found in the Bible for the Holy Spirit and it speaks of the power of the Holy Spirit and it filled all the house where they were sitting it's God's will that every single believer be filled be baptized with the Holy Spirit and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire fires another symbol of the Holy Spirit he speaks of the purifying work of the Holy Spirit when you're filled with the spirit if you yield to him it's not automatic you have to yield to him he will then set about the process of making you over purifying you burning up that which is in you that you may not even see for yourself that which is not pleasing to the Lord and people say and the doubters the detractors those that don't believe in the Pentecostal experience I had one come up to me and very I think he had a doctorate of theology which that doesn't make you smart by the way it just means you can be an educated fool and I don't know why he was in a service and he came up and he he had some very choice negative things to say about Pentecostals and then he said it's not for today and he went on with his little his little then he said and by the way he said you maintain that you hold to the acts to experience he said I've been in Pentecostal churches all across America I've never seen or felt the rushing mighty wind or have ever seen cloven tongues of fire so what do you say about that and I said that's your big question he said yeah what's the easy answer it's easy to answer the rushing mighty wind and the cloven tongues of a fire was the announcement the holy spirit had come he's never left and you don't have to keep reintroducing yourself most of you know each other every time you come to church and you see the people you know you know coughing oh by the way I am you don't have to keep reintroducing yourself he's already announced his presence and he's never left and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance I don't expect you in the audience and you watching and listening I don't expect you to have or know about or have the understanding that I would as to what's going on in the Pentecostal and charismatic world I think you would wouldn't hesitate to say that I would know a little more than you do of what's going on in those circles because that's part of my job to know what's going on and one of the things that we're facing in all of them in every major Pentecostal denomination is there are elements primarily younger ministers that have come up in a denomination without an experience now do you hear what I said they have come up in a Pentecostal denomination but they've never really experienced Pentecost themselves and there's quite a few of them that are working to try to have their particular denominations remove tongues as the initial physical evidence that one has been filled with the Holy Spirit not only that they want to eliminate any Pentecostal experience from happening in services no no Pentecostal worship no messages and tongues no no gifts of tongues no interpretation no words of knowledge and and they don't want that they're afraid that they will offend people well we're not here to be your buddy we're here not to offend Jesus Christ and in not offending our Lord offends you big deal we're not changing who we are we're not changing what we do we're not changing what we preach we're not changing how we preach we're not singing what we sing we're not changing how we sing we're not changing how we play music we're not changing how we worship to get people if you want in the doors open you don't like it the door works the other way too because we believe in the moving and the operation of the holy spirit and I kind of believe that everybody needs to be offended every once in a while anyway and I want to minister this morning on the subject tongues the initial physical evidence of the baptism with the holy spirit but I also want to deal with something else that's an argument in a non Pentecostal world and that is their argument that you receive everything when you get saved and we're going to be looking at five different chapters in the book of Acts five different times when people were filled with the spirit to prove our point number one that you don't get everything at Salvation and number two that the initial physical evidence that one has been filled is they spoke with tongues and then we're going to close by giving you some very important information on why um are important for you why you need to speak in tongues and then we're gonna end with praying for believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit those of you that are watching and listening that are born again but you have not yet been filled I want you to clean in your heart your mind and your spirit right now that today is your day to receive the mighty infilling with the Holy Spirit let me tell you it's life-changing as is salvation so too is life-changing when you are filled with the Holy Spirit I'm telling you it has changed your life let's pray father we come before you in the name of your son Jesus Lord we thank you for the presence of the Lord that we have sensed in this service that comes from the Holy Spirit we pray that everything we do today would bring glory and honor to the Lord that that we would be that we would walk softly around the Holy Spirit I'm asking for your anointing I'm asking to anoint me to preach and anoint your people to receive and Lord I have no way of knowing how many people have not yet been filled but lord if it's just one let today be their day and then those that are watching those that are listening wherever they may be whatever state whatever city whatever country whatever language they may speak let today be the day that they receive God's greatest gift for the church and the believer and we give you all the praise and glory and everybody said amen and amen as you can see I got the singers are staying with me just for a moment because I'm going to use them in the early part of this message I thought I'd just sing it myself the the III that would have really been an offense not a good one so I asked them to stay to help me and in in 1923 in the state of Missouri an african-american family gave birth to a young girl she would become the tenth of ten siblings they all loved the Lord they were a musical and by the age of six she was playing the piano by the age of ten she wrote her first song in 1945 when she was 22 years old and I don't know if this was still while World War 2 was going on or is it was after peace had been declared she left Missouri and moved to Los Angeles California she got a job now or she put together a trio that got hooked up with brother Tommy Dorsey and they would travel with brother Tommy Dorsey and his meetings and he would sing and they would sing and but the purpose of these meetings was brother Dorsey was a compiler of music and he was selling sheet music for choirs and churches and and all of that and and and she did that for several years in 1958 her dear friend Mahalia Jackson they got together and they set down and they wrote a song together entitled Lord don't move the mountain which was the first song written by two African American women that came from the church to sell a million copies while in Los Angeles as her singing writing notoriety begin to take place she was approached by a large african-american church and said we want you to be our choir director and she said well I'll do it on one condition and they said well what is that and that condition is she said I want to have an integrated choir I want whites I want Hispanics I want agents if I can get them I want him is that Alright yes number two don't tell me what to sing don't tell me how to arrange the music you stick to the preacher and I'll take care of the music and they named the choir I love this the sky pilot choir and this dear sister had a the way she did things when the choir on Sunday mornings would go in to get their robes they were told they had to be there at a certain time to get their robes and once they got their robes on this dear sister would lead them in a prayer meeting and I don't mean just Lord we come before you today I mean no a prayer meeting she said I want everybody prayed up before you walk out to sing for Jesus and one Sunday morning as they were praying the door opened front and it was the associate passage that it's time for church to start and she looked up said we ain't ready he said well what's wrong he said she said we ain't ready I don't feel him yet and I'm not coming out like Gracie preached last week I'm not going out if the presence of the Lord is not with me and that associate said but the services the pastor of the sir she said close the door and go away and then she stood up and started to monitoring the people pray pray we've got to have his help we've got to have his help we've got to have his presence our singing is nothing without his presence our talent is nothing without his presence we don't know the condition of the people what they're going through what hell they're going through and the song that we're singing today just may be the vessel by which the Holy Spirit moves and touch hearts pray pray pray well very timidly the so shi'ite came back and said it's the services starting close the door we're still not ready and he started to say something she just reached over and closed it for him and they really couldn't start service because the choir was the center of the beginning of the service and everybody's just sitting there looking around not what is going on here then this dear sister all of us so she was praying in Allah and she said I felt it I felt it I knew he was here and I stood up I said we can go now we walked out and sang and after the service she said I really didn't get a chance to go home and we had to get ready for my staff the singers could leave but we had to get things ready and and I was so rejoicing and I over and what happened and then she said Monday morning as I was studying and she said I was studying the baptism of Christ when the voice of the Father spoke and the Holy Spirit and the likeness of a dove came down and lighted upon him and she said that's what happened yesterday the Dove came into that room that's why we felt such a sweet presence and a sweet spirit and she said that's a song she read over to her piano and grabbed started making chords and she had chord sheets that she would write out and in just a few minutes she had one of the greatest songs of the last 50 60 years that's ever been written that's touched people all over the world and like I said I I won't do it injustice by trying to sing it but this but you got to hear what she wrote [Music] here's a sweet sweet speed our shaker [Music] [Music] yes again yeah expressions [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] won't you stay [Music] [Music] [Music] I want you to understand something Family Worship Center we got to have him in the surface we got to have him when we get in a car to go home when we sit down to eat we got to have it when we lay down ahead at night to sleep we've got to have it when we get up in the morning we got to happen when we're driving to work we got to have the Holy Spirit when you're on the job we've got to have the Holy Spirit when you're in the classroom young person you've got to have the Holy Spirit when you're in the mall you've got to have the Holy Spirit there's no reason for Family Worship Center our sonlife broadcasting network to exist without the sweet sweet Holy Spirit there's power in that spirit there is joy in that spirit there is worship in that spirit there is praise in that spirit smile on your face for so long the best thing you could do it's just a little bit before the it's the Holy Spirit it's not God the Holy Spirit [Applause] [Music] turn me up turn me up if it was good enough for Timothy [Music] if it was good enough for Phillips daughters who became prophetess s it's good for us today thank God thank God thank God my great grandmother got filled with the sluicey Anna Thank You Jennifer and now their kids are being fair it's a sweet Holy Spirit it's a sweet halogen just second verse there's a sweet sweet it's me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] an african-american girl born in basura moved to LA would write a song on a Monday morning that would be sung all around the world and would touch hearts and lives God knew because he gave it to her you may be seated praise God praise God you know I would I just up story just popped into my mind I hadn't thought about this for years but before we went on television we just had the radio ministry the the what was the name of it the cameraman I just if anybody calls me old we're gonna have a fight after service it was just a momentary blip the camp-meeting hour and we were in Youngstown you could turn me down Youngstown Ohio and I can still see the old auditorium I mean it was a hundred years old bottom floor balcony and every Sunday after Friday night seven o'clock Saturday night seven o'clock Sunday afternoon at two o'clock that was the service times and dad would preach on the baptism and the Holy Spirit baptism with the Holy Spirit and I mean he we would pray and lay hands on people and I don't know how this man got ahold of daddy but a businessman and I I don't know if he got in and saw dad on the platform or whatever but he got his until October he said I don't live here I've got a plane to catch at five o'clock in the afternoon can't get another one I got a plane to catch at five o'clock I have flown here from another town one reason to be filled with the spirit now it's got to take me to get a cab and to get back to the airport he had it mapped down to the time I have to leave this auditorium no later than 405 I can't wait I've got a business meeting in the morning that's important and I have to receive the Holy Spirit and be through with it all by 405 so I can catch my plane and dad looked at him and said all right and he preached that day and he mentioned it to some of us before the services and we picked him up and he was had a nice suit on and went dead preached that morning and he gave the altar call people started coming when he was in the back so he couldn't get close like the other people and so he was really kind of in one of the aisles and it was jammed and dad gave the instructions and the pastor's on the platform myself and other we were laying hands on people but I most was just looking at that man and he was standing there and all of a sudden the power of God came all over him knocked him flat of his back and I'm looking at him through people's legs laying there speaking in other tongues he is just flowing out of him like a river and and I can't started looking at my watch five minutes to four and I mean he was you could hear him he was praising the Lord and I mean he was flowing out in tongues I looked at my life it's four o'clock he's got five the cab was already outside waiting on him and I kept looking 401 402 403 404 and right before it touched 405 all of sudden he set right up stood up pulled his handkerchief out wipe the tears from his eyes looked around looked up so daddy went turned around left we don't know who Holy Spirit services I want people when they walk in that door the first thing they feel is the power of the Holy Spirit I mean when they walk in I want to have a get chill bumps a breakout up and down their arms I mean when they waste their Center and they walk in I want conviction to knock them front of the buck and then you get saved before they can get in the building I want to see this place the power of God so strong that sit bodies will pull up in their car on the parking lot they'll open the door then they take about ten feet and they won't even make it in God will heal them nobody lay hands on him except Jesus the power of God you can't have it without the Holy Spirit's I would I would quit going to church if I lived in a area where there what many churches to go to if the church that I went to turned its back on Pentecost I'd rather stay home and watch SVN than sit in a church that doesn't know it's dead and buried and God doesn't even know it still exists the Lord the Holy Spirit will not reside in any church unless he is welcomed and it starts from the pulpit doesn't matter if the people are opposed if the preacher will hunger and thirst after righteousness if the preacher will hunger and thirst after the move of God if the preacher will hunger say lord I can't do it without the Holy Spirit I can't do it without the Holy Spirit then I don't care let people leave some people are gonna leave but thank God for those that stay oh they'll be filled to overflowing hallelujah huh it's no reason to go to church if the Holy Spirit's not in the house now you got to understand that there is absolutely no reason for you to get dressed get in your car and make the drive you make and walk in and sit down on a church where you know the presence of God is not there you shouldn't be there and secondly listen to me by television if you're going to a church like that and you're putting money in the offering plate you're stealing from God you're supporting that which God does not support but there's no other Church in our neighborhood yes there is yes there is it's called son live Broadcasting Network turn it on and invite people that are in that church that are sick and tired of being sick and tired praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah we gotta have him we gotta we need him in America we need him in Africa we need him in Asia we need him in the islands of the sea hallelujah there are five accounts given to us in the book of Acts concerning individuals being baptized with the Holy Spirit they're found in Acts chapter 2 X chapter 8 Acts chapter 9 Acts chapter 10 in Acts chapter 19 now before I get into those I want to make a couple preface remarks there are unfortunately a small group in the Pentecostal world who have very confusing doctrine one of their doctrines is is that you cannot be saved unless you speak in tongues that is a lie from the pit of hell oh that might make them mad I hope it does the only requirement to be born again is faith and grace that's it you don't have to speak in tongues to go to heaven now if you want to be of service in the kingdom you need to be filled with the spirit but your simple confession of faith is what saves you and get you ready for heaven and the Holy Spirit gets you ready to live upon this earth the life that you're supposed to and that the gift that God is placed inside of each and every one of you can be fully realized I don't have a gift yeah you do every one of you has a gift that God wants to use in the kingdom I don't understand that I can't sing okay that's not the only gifts have you ever thought he might want you to be a greeter well how important is that it's more important than you realize because you don't know who's walking through that door that maybe they've been through hell all week maybe they've thought about taking a gun and blowing their brains out but you they walk in the door and you're doing what you're supposed to do and you're being led by the spirit instead of them walking into a cold church where nobody says anything to them you're the one that runs up to them grabs their hand throws your arms around them says we're so glad to have you in church this morning oh we're so glad you're here if you need anything just let me know and then they walk to their seat thinkin maybe somebody does care maybe somebody does care your gift may be in the nursery just a gift to change in stinky diapers no there's not but there's a gift of holding them in your arms and praying over them who knows you may have the next Apostle Paul hello you may not you may have a future John Wesley you may have a future Smith Wigglesworth that you're holding in your hands and you're praying over them you're speaking in tongues over them you're asking God to build a hedge round about them and and from an early age that they would grow up with the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and their life would be lived for the glory of God oh this one this one of making some of you mad your gift may be this that God has blessed you in order to bless the work of God others you know how to pray and God's gift in your life is an intercessor to intercede for the work of God I got I got to shut up and get on moving on but God has a gift he has a purpose he has a plan he has a place for you it may just be to be a Holy Ghost anointed neighbor because people are going through hell out there I read something the other day I don't know if it's true or not yesterday I read it last night I pray that and when I read it I kind of had a witness of the spirit I believe it's true I had just read one story where my it was a I don't know how well most of y'all are old like me but I don't know if y'all can remember that real I know these Millennials over here they won't have a clue as to what I'm talking about I think that it will go over their head in the Netherland but in in 1967 the number one movie was a movie called bullet with Steve McQueen how many remember Steve McQueen they don't look Steve who he was the number one actor in the world and bullet his name was bull and they had this souped-up Mustang that was his car and it had one of the most iconic chase scenes in San Francisco well they lot there was two of them that they had because you know breakdown have to fix it well one of them after the movie vanished so I stole it what happened and they found it just a few days ago in a barn somewhere on the Wescott Aquash Eaton just found sitting in a barn and it's going up for auction I thought they said it will probably go for $700,000 okay no that's I read that story but then I'm reading a few more stories down and there's a pastor that I that that is a contributor to this particular website it's not a Christian site and he said and I was flipping past and I don't normally read his stuff and it said it said another story about Steve McQueen and the bullet car so I started reading it he said Steve McQueen the number one actor in the world but he couldn't find happiness he became an alcoholic he he tried to practice Far Eastern religions he had money to do everything but he had no joy and he had no happiness and his life was spiraling downhill he told his wife he said I want to learn how to fly and not just any plane I want to learn how to fly a PBY well that was the old world war two aircraft that landed on water and he went out and bought one because he had the money but he couldn't fly and he could only find one certified pilot that Katrina who lived about a hundred miles away he got up and moved out of LA and moved to this nowhere area of California just so he could take flying lessons and this teacher a veteran of World War two was a born-again Christian and they would fly up there be taking lessons and and one day Steve McQueen said to him you're different he goes one glad you asked I've been waiting for you to ask why are you different because of Jesus Christ and he said we would go up every day go tell me G about Jesus tell me about this Jesus tell me about this Jesus he said we landed one day and I said Steve before you leave just wait and I went you got a Bible and gave it to him called me of course I don't understand what I'm reading I'll come right over and he would take him on flying lessons during the day then at night go to his house and share scriptures with him and he said one nicest Saturday night I said can I go to church with you tomorrow he said yes I'll bring you to church he said I tell you what we'll sit in the balcony because I don't want anybody to bother you they started sitting in the balcony and service was over and and he said well I hope you enjoyed it he goes I'm coming back I'm coming back one month two months three months four months and finally he walked down tapped the pasture on the shoulder turned around he said I'm Steve McQueen and everybody knew he was there but everybody was told to keep their distance he said well what look what look what look what can I do for you can I be an usher you Steve McQueen you want to be an usher yes I want to give back why do you want to give back because Jesus Christ has come into my [Music] in just a couple of days later he was diagnosed with cancer he died in just a short time but this rider went on to say he died with his Bible on his chest praising the law hallelujah hallelujah so your gift may just be to share the gospel but you have a gift I gotta hurry there's a vast difference in being born of the Spirit that is salvation the spirit of regeneration and being baptized with the spirit as well as I said when one is saved one does not receive everything the Lord has so let's get into 15 minutes in Acts chapter 2 verse 4 I'm going to show you from the passage that I'm going to use that tongues is always the initial physical as evidence and that the people that were filled had already been saved in Acts chapter 2 we read ER the initial outpouring now the Bible tells us that there was about 120 people that obeyed the command Paul said in the beginning there had been about 500 that had heard the word of the Lord before he ascended to the Father and he told them Terry don't do anything but go to Jerusalem and tarry and wait for the promise of the father but not all 500 went and all the scripture says it's about a hundred and twenty so he was about a hundred and twenty people when the spirit fell and they all received they all spoke in tongues well eleven of the apostles were in that group only Judas wasn't there because he hadn't lost his way so don't tell me the apostles were not safe for three and a half years that they walked with Jesus they were saved and you know another one we know they were saved because there came a point time just for a short time in the ministry of the lord he anointed the apostles to go out and heal the sick and perform miracles and the holy spirit can not anoint an unsaved person he cannot anoint that which has not first been covered by the blood of God's Son Jesus Christ and as well the others that were there they had been part of that 70 and the others that traveled with the Lord they were say so that proves they have already been saved the evidence if they were filled we do hear them speak in our tongues though language is the wonderful works of God Oh hallelujah hallelujah then we go down to acts 8 Philip went down to Samaria Samaritans were looked at as half breeds half Jew half Gentile they were hated they were despised a devout Jew on a journey no matter where he was going if he could save three or four days by cutting through Samaria he would not do it he would go the long way because they wanted nothing to do with Samaritans can you imagine when Jesus when he blew their minds when he said I must need to go down to Samaria I can imagine their minds were blown but Jesus was saying I know a woman down there that needs help and now and this was a work of the Holy Spirit to begin to bring Gentiles and others into the church God never intended for the church to be of one people but he died for all people I look at this church we got whites we got african-americans we got Hispanics I don't see him today but we got an Asian family that comes regularly we've got another couple he's a doctor but he's from Ghana they just moved here and they come that's a church that's a good church we don't all look alike we don't all clap alike and thank God unfortunately if you're like me who's afflicted with this I was born with this there's nothing I can do about it I was born with it it's called terminal white man affliction and that means if I'm not looking at somebody clapping on beat I can't get on beat I'm off beat so I'm looking around and if they stop clapping aren't you glad we got all kinds all kinds and I want more I want more I want more hallelujah and he went down to preach the revival in Samaria and the scripture said that the anointing of the Holy Spirit was upon him he preached they got saved sick bodies got healed those that were possessed by demons were set free and I love this statement it said and there was great joy in the city the gospel brings great joy and so Phillip gets through and he goes back to Jerusalem and he's telling them all that happened in the elders of the Jerusalem church that that's wonderful that's great all of that's wonderful how many people got filled with the spirit none I didn't preach on it now there has been great debate on why Phillip didn't preach I've heard dad preaching on this say make this statement that perhaps he didn't know he felt like he wasn't experienced enough in that to share but I don't I don't agree with that I have my own opinion and I think my opinions right I believe God had it done that way to show us the importance of believers being filled that those church fathers in Jerusalem what get me Peter and John get down there and preach the Holy Spirit to them I believe he was trying to make a point they need it you got to get back there you got to preach on the Holy Spirit and the Bible said they did they were filled they spoke a talk what know it say they spoke in tongues there well I know it doesn't say it emphatically the follow me here the Bible says there was one called Simon the sorcerer who made his living in witchcraft the evidence is he got saved he got saved in that revival when Peter and John comes back down and they began to pray over everyone and he saw something and heard something miraculous so much to the point he said can i buy this power and of course he was instantly rebuked and the evidence in the scripture is that he repented of it so what did he see and what did he hear he saw the disciples laying hands on him and he heard them speaking in other tongues hallelujah ex9 saw is on the damascus road with letters in his hands verse 3 we have another suddenly suddenly one moment he's riding I got my letters in my hand I'm going to kill me some Christians oh yeah I got splatters in my hands I'm gonna kill him Easter Christians then all of a sudden in mid-sentence I got some letters in my and he's on the floor he's legs flat of his back on the ground he's lost his sight and a voice from heaven speaks Saul Saul why do you continue to persecute a kick against the pricks this is Jesus Christ of Nazareth he got saved in the middle of that divine interruption but he was blind he couldn't see so God spoke to another sank by the name of Ananias and said Ananias go down told him where to go yes well there's going to be one that you're going to find there his name is Saul what Jesus I need confirmation he's killing people he's arrested people don't worry about that he's mine now go lay hands on him that he might receive his sight tell him what things he's going to suffer for my name's sake and then lay hands on him and I'm gonna fill him with the spirit Oh hallelujah well it doesn't say he spoke in tongues just go to first Cerf is 14 where he would say Paul would say I thank my god I speak in tongues more than ye Oh in acts 10 Peter goes down and preaches to Cornelius and his Italian man and they got saved and the scripture said that that the Jews were astonished because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit for they heard them speak with tongues they got saved and then they got filled they got saved and then they got filled hallelujah praise the Lord then it acts 19 down in Ephesus it said it finding certain disciples Paul writes he said unto them have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed the actual translation though in the Greek reads this having believed did you receive having believed did you receive that was a confirmation they were born again and they said no we know no know anything about this and they laid hands on him and the Bible said they spake with tongues and prophesied Oh so in these five cases we prove two things everybody was saved before they got it number two it proves you don't get everything it's salvation and I'm gonna blow your mind even more you don't get everything once you get filled with the spirit that just becomes a door that opens you up to all the blessings and all the revelation of this whole book and I'm gonna tell you right now you can read it from cover to cover from cover to cover from cover to cover but if you don't have the help of the Holy Spirit you're not gonna put it all together like it should be put together you need the Holy Spirit functioning inside of you to understand what this word is all about Oh singers musicians make your way back I want to close with this some some white UNG's are important for the following reasons I asked them to help put this up on the screen and as we begin would you put the first group number one you are speaking the wonderful works of God acts 2 a we do hear them speak in our own languages the wonderful works of God when you pray in tongues you are exalting the mighty works and the mighty acts of our God and our Lord and our Savior I don't know what you're saying but you may be saying lord I thank you for when you open up the Red Sea and the Egyptian children walked across on dry ground Lord what you did for them you can do it for us you're exalting his wonderful works number two tongues are the utterance instigated by the Holy Spirit actually for it comes from the Holy Spirit so why why would you not want anything the Holy Spirit has well it might make me act funny well you need to act funny you're a stick in the mud you need to get loose baby I mean you need to you know some of you you so ramrod stiffs me use creeks when you walk you see you need some Holy Ghost loo break and get loose man just get loose tongues or that which was predicted by the prophets Joel and Isaiah Joel 2:28 isaiah 28:11 you can write those down tongues are a promise given by God acts 2:17 don't you own everything God has for you I feel sorry for these people who say this is not for today and the gift is right there it's already laid out all they got to do is come and get it but religious bias won't let them do it tongues magnify God X 1046 tongue speak not unto men but unto God 1st Corinthians 14:2 tongues edify the believer 1st Corinthians 14 for the word edify means to develop to build up the Holy Spirit makes a man a woman of God out of you he develops you he edifies you he builds you up and let me and I'm just want to help you if you're looking for a preacher to edify you you're looking in the wrong place if you're looking for people to edify you you're looking in the wrong place most people are not here to edify you they're here to tear you down hello but when we pray in the Holy Spirit we have the third member of the triune Godhead living inside of us saying I'm gonna develop him when one prays in tongues one spirit prays which is a higher form of prayer than that which comes from the mind it means you're praying from your spirit and it's directed by the Holy Spirit sometimes we don't know how to pray sometimes the issue is of such magnitude that we don't even know how to articulate the words to bring to the throne what the Holy Spirit does and he'll bring it you'll pray it through you the exact thing that needs to be said at the throne room of God tongues are for a sign not to them who believe but to them who believe not first Corinthians 14 speaking in tongues brings about a rest for the child of God that's what Isaiah prophesied this is the rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest Isaiah 28 twelve and tongues are also a refreshing isaiah 28 12 as well the rest the idea is this that that that this christian life their storms and you get weary but when we begin to pray in the spirit the Spirit of God brings us into it's like you're in the desert you got no more water you're climbing one sand dune after the other at all you can see is desert and the tongue is becoming drier and drier and drier and drier and your body is crying for water and you don't think you can make it and you barely get to the top of one sand dune and you look down and there's an oasis there's water and there's trees and you stumble down and you drink and you drink and you drink to your fill and you find rest to continue on for the journey and then refreshing that this is the best way to explain it your body's like a battery spiritual life it wears down but when we begin to pray in the spirit it's like us taking our plug in and plugging it in the Holy Ghost outlet and the battery gets refreshed and recharged refreshed and recharged and you're ready to go out and do the work of the Lord every one stand to your feet this morning I don't know how many here has not yet been filled with the Holy Spirit and I'm not gonna ask for a show of hands but whatever they sing whatever they feel lit I'm gonna ask you just to get out of your seat and come stand around the Octagon and we're gonna pray with you this Sunday morning come on come hold this [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] come on this is your moment [Music] [Music] give me some spirit fellow people to come stand with me do it man win [Music] I want you to look at me right now each one of you proves you're not gonna go into a lot of detail because I covered so much that you already have heard those of you watching those of you listening I do want to speak to you you don't have to be in Baton Rouge Louisiana at Family Worship Center to be filled with the spirit you can be right where you are whatever country you may be in how can that be because Jesus is and he's the Baptizer I'm not the Baptizer these spirit-filled they're not the Baptizer Jesus Christ is the Baptizer so all I want you to do is all the instructions that we give to these they're for you and I want you to do exactly what I tell them to do and if there is someone with you that is filled with the spirit you tell them do what they tell you to do and you be a help I've already told you the only requirement is to be born again that's it number two when you're filled you will speak in tongues now here's the most important thing everything we receive from the Lord comes by faith we're saved by faith were healed by faith we're justified by faith defied by faith likewise we are filled by faith and the reason why I'm saying that is because you didn't come down here to beg for it this is a gift you don't beg for a gift if you have to beg it's not a gift but it is a free gift and here's what's gonna happen in just a moment I'm going to pray and when I get through praying we're gonna lay hands on you and I want each and every one of you that's come to receive I want you to pray this simple declaration of faith out loud I just want you to say father in the name of Jesus by faith I receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and that utterance that I read about it acts you'll begin to sense utterances words phrases that you don't know flowing deep within that's the Holy Spirit here's where the faith comes in open your mouth yield your tongue and by faith begin to speak what you sense and what you feel simply put you started but he finishes it and if you just stand here and say he knows that I want to be filled so he's going to make me speak in tongues you're gonna leave unfilled because he will never violate a person's will he can only work in a surrendered vessel and I lift those hands those of you in the audience stretch your hands toward them and when we start laying hands on them I want you to be worshiping the Lord in your prayer language father we come before you the name of your son Jesus weather here in the sanctuary or those that are watching through sonlife broadcasting network Lord I'm asking right now that you would pour out your spirit upon them just as it was done on the day of Pentecost and Lord we say it right now by faith be filled with the Holy Spirit now lay hands on them right now [Music] [Music] stammering lips and another tongue [Music] you just got filter [Music] now the yield that time begin to speak right now but I love you she tell her [Music] [Music] [Music] you got [Music] [Music] come on give the Lord a hand clap of praise you buy SPN television radio internet Facebook YouTube we have a book entitled how to be baptized with the Holy Spirit it's free we want to give it to you it has information that you need to read to learn all you got to do is email us call us we'll send it to you absolutely free of charge turn around shake somebody's hand tell them you love them oh ho [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Debora 777
Views: 15,818
Rating: 4.8439026 out of 5
Keywords: Predigten, Glaube, Jesus, Bibel, Befreiung, Heilung, Gospel, Donnie Swaggart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 46sec (4966 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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