Donkey Hodie FULL EPISODE | Flying Flapjacks / Pickle Penguin Problem | PBS KIDS

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♪<i> Here comes Donkey Hodie ♪</i> Hee haw! ♪<i> Donkey Hodie ♪</i> <i> ♪ She loves adventure, she loves surprise ♪</i> <i> ♪ When there's a problem, she tries and tries ♪</i> ♪<i> Let's go Donkey Hodie ♪</i> <i> ♪ If she fails, she'll bounce right back ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come on Duck Duck, give a quack ♪</i> Kay, kay! Quack! ♪<i> Donkey Hodie ♪</i> <i> ♪ She plays with Bob Dog, they have a ball ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's fun for them, it's fun for all ♪</i> Bow wow! ♪<i> Donkey Hodie ♪</i> <i> ♪ Just for fun, she'll take a trip ♪</i> ♪<i> With Purple Panda in his spaceship ♪</i> Heyo! ♪<i> Donkey Hodie ♪</i> <i> ♪ A hee and a haw and a haw and a hee ♪</i> <i> ♪ Someplace Else is the place to be ♪</i> <i> ♪ With our pal Donkey Hodie! ♪</i> Hee haw! Oh yeah, this is looking hee hawesome. Hey Donkey! Hey! Whatcha doing? Oh ho ho, just something very exciting, Panda! Ohhh! I like exciting! Then get ready my purple pal because, for the first time ever... Yes? Yes? I'm making Grampy a surprise breakfast. A surprise breakfast for Grampy? Shh! Shhh! Shh! It's a surprise, so we gotta be quiet. Oh, right. Shhhh. A surprise. What kind of surprise breakfast are you making him? Flying Flapjacks! Flying flapjacks for Grampy's surprise breakfast! Shhhh... shhh... shhh... [whispering] Oh, right, sorry. Surprise. I meant... Pancakes that fly right into your mouth? Yeah! Grampy always makes them for me. But today, I'm going to make them for him, all by myself! Hey, maybe I can help. I help my momma make Flying Flapjacks all the time. She lets me whisk... Check out my moves, Donkey. Little bit of that. Then a little of this. Wow! Wonderful whisking technique, Panda, and thanks, but I really want to do this by myself to show Grampy how much I love him. Wow. That is one lucky Grampy! But come back later and have breakfast with us. I'm invited to Grampy's surprise flying flapjack breakfast? Shh. Shh. Right. It's a surprise. See you later... Bye! Okay, now I, Donkey Hodie, will make Flying Flapjacks for Grampy! Ahh, think, Donkey Hodie, think. How does Grampy make Flying Flapjacks? Hmmm... Ah! I bet he uses a little bit of this, oh and just a few of these, a smidgen of this. And a little pinch of that. Ooh, and a little scoop of this. And a dollop of potato. Look at me! I'm doing it. All by myself! Making a... Surprise breakfast! Shhhhhh. Shhh. Donkey, it's supposed to be a surprise! [giggles] Okay! A little bit of this. Maybe a couple of these. Maybe a dollop of that... [sings fanfare] Flying Flapjack? Wait a minute! This doesn't look right. What did I make? Ahhh! Ohh. Okay...okay... This thing is way too sticky to be a Flying Flapjack! Ugh! Whoa! Uh Donkey, got a question for ya. So, could you tell me what this is on my head? Oh, I'm so sorry, Duck Duck, it's supposed to be a Flying Flapjack that I'm making as a surprise for Grampy. Ah, gotcha. Well then, I should probably tell ya, this is not a flying flapjack. I know. Didn't turn out quite right. Oh, well, hey, what does the recipe say? -Recipe? -Yeah, yeah! The recipe. You know, the plan for how to cook the flapjacks. Ohh! A recipe would have been really helpful. But I don't have one. Oh, well, lucky for you I have the perfect thing to help in this situation. -My recipe book! -Ah! Yeah and it's got the recipe for Flying Flapjacks right here. Let's see. Oh, flying flapjack mix, milk, eggs and berries. Hey, that sounds right! Thanks Duck Duck. Oh, sure sure. Now, it's time to make these Flying Flapjacks! Kay kay! Want some help? No thanks, Duck Duck, I really want to make Grampy's breakfast all by myself. Yeah. I get it. Oh, but make sure you come back and have some. You mean I'm invited to Grampy's surprise breakfast! Shh shh shh... It's a surprise. Right, right. I'll be back for the surprise! Yep, yep. Okay, Donkey, it's time to make these Flying Flapjacks all by myself! Now what do I need? Flying Flapjack mix. Milk! Eggs! Berries. Looks like I'm gonna need a bigger bowl... These Flying Flapjacks are going to be hee hawesome! Oh yeah! The Flying Flapjack is ready! Well...looks a little bigger than usual. But is it too big? Fly Flapjack, fly! Yep. It's too big. It won't even fly it's so big. Now what am I gonna do? Uh, well, what do you want to do, giant lumpy flapjack? It's me, Bob Dog. Uh, Donkey! Why are you hiding under a giant flapjack? Well, I was trying to make a surprise breakfast for Grampy! Well, a giant flapjack is most certainly surprising. But it was supposed to be a flying flapjack! But something went wrong! And now I'm getting frustrated! Uh... well, did you follow the recipe? Yeah, yeah, I put in the mix, the milk, the eggs, the berries just like it said. Well, how much of each ingredient did you put in? I don't know. Measuring the ingredients always helps me! -Yeah? -Yeah! When I make my kibble spaghetti, I always measure everything perfectly, so it tastes delicious! Well, how much of each ingredient do I need? Well, look it says right here... Oh! Let's see. Two cups of mix, one cup of milk, two eggs and a cup of berries. Right! I gotta measure! Yeah and I have the perfect thing. I'll fetch it! My measuring cup! Thanks, Bob Dog! Now I can measure the ingredients and make the Flying Flapjacks! Hey, you want any help? No thank you, I can do this by myself. But make sure you come back for breakfast! I can come to Grampy's surprise breakfast? Shh! Shh. Shh. It's a surprise! Yeah, right! Surprise! Yeah. Bow wow! I'll see you later. Okay, Donkey, let's measure. Two cups of flying flapjack mix. One cup of milk... Okay! They look like Flying Flapjacks! They smell like Flying Flapjacks! Now let's see if they fly like Flying Flapjacks! I said, "Let's see 'em fly like flying flapjacks!" Come on, Flying Flapjacks! Fly! Uh? Oh... Oh no! This batch is ruined! And Grampy is going to be here any minute and I don't have a surprise breakfast for him! I just wanted to make Grampy's Flying Flapjacks all by myself. First, I made that icky blob, but then Duck Duck came by and gave me that recipe. And I tried again, and I made that ginormous flapjack. And... And then Bob Dog brought over his measuring cup to measure with. Hey! Hey! I thought that I had been doing this all by myself, but, but really my friends have been helping me all along. Huh. I guess it's okay to ask for help if I need it. ♪ It makes me feel good, ♪ And it makes me feel proud, ♪ When I do things on my own. ♪ But sometimes it's hard, When I try and try, ♪ ♪ And I find my flapjacks Just can't be flown. ♪ ♪ What do I do? What do I say? ♪ ♪ Do I cry and scream and yelp? ♪ ♪ No, the best thing That I can do ♪ ♪ Is to ask my friends for help! ♪ ♪ Help! ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ A little help! Oh hear my plea! ♪ ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ Oh will you help? Please help me? ♪ ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ Of course, we'll help! Helping's the key! ♪ ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ Help! Help! Help! So, what do you need help with Donkey? No matter what I do, I still can't get the flying flapjacks to fly. Oh, well did you try the Flying Flapjack Flying Rhyme? Oh no! I forgot to do the rhyme! We can do it now! Well I can't! I ruined the last batch! Well, maybe you can make a new batch! Well I can with a little help from my friends! -Duck Duck! -What, what? Will you read the recipe out loud? Yep yep! Bob Dog, will you help me measure? Bow wow, will I! And Panda, will you help me whisk? I was born to whisk! Let's help Donkey! Yeah yeah! ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ We're here to help! ♪ Helping's the key! ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ I'll help you, Donkey! Don't worry! ♪ ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ Sometimes you need A friend or three! ♪ ♪ H-E-L-P! ♪ Help! Help! Help! ♪ Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! ♪ Kay kay! Let's look at this recipe here. Yeah and then we'll do some measuring. Oh, let me know when you need whisking! Will do, Panda pal! We did it! The Flying Flapjacks look hee hawesome! Yeah! Now let's get them to fly! Okay! Repeat after me! Flying Flapjacks on my dish. Flying Flapjacks on my dish. Listen to my greatest wish! Listen to my greatest wish. Want to see you in the sky! Want to see you in the sky! Flying Flapjacks, time to fly! Flying Flapjacks, time to fly! It worked! Thanks to your help! Happy to help out, Donkey! Are those flapjacks flying in the sky? Surprise! You always make me breakfast, so I wanted to make you breakfast, Grampy! Awww! What a surprising surprise! Thank you, Granddaughter of mine! And thank you everybody! Now, it looks like I'm going to need a little help! With what? Eating all these flapjacks! Come on everybody! Let's have some breakfast! Yeah! [all talking at once] -They're delicious. -Thanks! Another beee-u-atiful day! I wonder what's happening in Someplace Else today! [humming] Oh! Hi, Panda! Hi, Donkey! [giggles] Did you see I have a purple box? I sure did. Aren't you going to ask what's in the purple box? I sure will! What's in the purple... My pickle pets! Introducing the amazing, the incredible, the fantabulous Pickle Pets! Each one looks like a different animal! -They do? -Absolutely! Look! This is the Pickle Panther! Notice its strong panther-like body and magnificent panther face? Ah yes! I see its magnificent panther face. Oh, no, you're looking at the wrong end. Oh! And this is the Pickle Pelican 'cause it looks like it has a great big pelican beak! You have a great imagination, Panda. Imagining's my favorite! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! This is the cutest Pickle Pet! The Pickle Penguin! Ooh, I just love her little penguin feet! Say hello to Donkey, Pickle Penguin! Hey! She does have cute little penguin feet! Let's see her waddle. Waddle-waddle! Waddle-waddle! Waddle! [laughs] -Hey! -Hm? Hey, that pickle looks just like this pickle! Must be another Pickle Penguin! Come on, Pickle Penguin number two, waddle with your friend! Waddle-waddle! Waddle-waddle! Waddle-waddle! No! They can't play together! Why not? Because that's a Pickle Piranha! It'll eat the Pickle Penguin! I'll save you, Pickle Penguin! Come here buddy. Woah, woah, woah. -Oh no! -My Pickle Penguin! It's down there! Don't worry, Pickle Penguin, I shall save you! Let me try. Come on, Pickle Penguin, come to your Papa! I can't reach it! Me neither! Maybe you can just pretend that one of the other pickles is a penguin? I can't pretend that! None of the other pickles even looks like a penguin! Oh. Goodbye forever, Pickle Penguin! Oh, wait! Wait, Panda! We can't give up! We will get that Pickle Penguin back, or my name isn't Donkey Hodie! But, how? We've already tried and we can't reach it. Oh, it's just so frustrating. You know I don't like to feel frustrated. It's not fun! Hey, hey, maybe we can make it fun! -Huh? -How? I'm not sure. Think, Donkey Hodie, think! Hmmm... The Pickle Penguin Pet is stuck between those rocks... Yeah... And we need to fish him out! That's it, Panda! Step right up! Step right up and win a prize! Care to try your luck, young Panda? Uh, what are you doing, Donkey? Oh, I'm Fisher Donkey - and this is the Fishing Game! You see... ♪ We have a big problem, It's sort of a mess. ♪ ♪ A pickle pet is lost, And it's causing us stress. ♪ ♪ We don't want to give up, Cause that would be a shame, ♪ ♪ Gotta turn this hard problem, ♪ ♪ Into a fun game! ♪ Turn this hard problem Into a fun game! ♪ ♪ Turn this hard problem Into a fun game! ♪ Ohh! Fun games are... They're just the funnest! Okay, how do we play the Fishing Game? The first one to catch a pickle, wins the Pickle Penguin! Ohh! I wanna try! Oh boy! I hope I win! I got something! Is it the Pickle Pet? Oh no! It's just a pinecone! I'm never going to get my Pickle Penguin back. There, there, young panda, don't be disappointed! You win a prize when you catch a pinecone too. I do? Haha, hooray! What's the prize? A pinecone pet! This is a pinecone pig! Oh, joyous day! I've always wanted my own pet pig! Great! Now, why don't you try to catch the Pickle Penguin again? Oh, good idea! Wish me luck, Pinecone Pig! I got something! Is it the Pickle Penguin? Oh no! It's a sneaker. Poor Panda is going to be so frustrated! It's an old sneaker! Hooray! Or maybe not. The game is working. He's not getting frustrated, he's having fun. What do I get if I catch an old sneaker? You win a Pinecone Pet bed. [Panda] My Pinecone Pig loves it! Okay! Time to try again. I got something! Is it the Pickle Penguin? I don't know, but it's heavy. It broke! Now I'll never get my Pickle Penguin back. Yes, we will, Panda! Remember... ♪ We can't give up, Cause that'd be a shame! ♪ ♪ Gotta turn this hard problem into a fun game! ♪ ♪ Turn this hard problem into a fun game! ♪ Yeah, but the game broke. Well, that just means we need a new game! A new game? What new game? I don't know yet. Think, Donkey Hodie, think! This reminds me of that time when my Poppa dropped his favorite bow tie down the drain. It took him hours to plunge it out. That's it, Panda! What's it this time? It's time to play Plunge That Pickle! Plunge That Pickle! How do I play? Here are the rules: There's a Pickle stuck at the bottom of that hole. Use your plunger to plunge it out! And if you do, you win a Pickle Penguin! Ohh! I want to win a Pickle Penguin! Then let's play! Huh? I plunged something! Is it the Pickle Penguin? Oh, no! It's just a rock! Aww. Well, don't be disappointed, young panda, you win something if you plunge a rock too! Whoo! What do I win? You win a Pebble Porcupine! Oh! I shall name him Porky! Now watch this, Little Porky! I'm going to plunge a pickle! I plunged something! Is it the Pickle Pet? It's a tin can! Do I get a prize for plunging a tin can? You sure do, it's a Pebble Pet Spaceship. Woohoo! Come on, little Porky, we're gonna take a trip to the moon! Wooo! Blast off! Whoosh! This game is so much fun! Now, let's see if I can win that Pickle Penguin! You can do it, Panda! Okay! Something's wrong! The plunger's stuck! Oh no! I'll never get my Pickle Penguin back. Don't give up, Panda! We just need a new game! Ohh. Okay! How do we play the game? Uhhh... We're gonna... Umm... Go to... I... uh... I can't think of a new game! Maybe we won't be able to save the Pickle Penguin. And, and it'll be all my fault! I'm so sorry! I'm the one who put the Pickle Penguin and the piranha together in the first place. No, no, wait, Donkey, don't feel bad. Remember... ♪ We can't give up, Cause that'd be a shame! ♪ ♪ Gotta turn this hard problem into a fun game! ♪ ♪ Turn this hard problem into a fun game! ♪ But we would have to be superheroes to save that pickle! That's it! My superhero spoon! It's time to play Super Scooper! How do you play? Here are the rules: We use Super Scooper to scoop up the pickle. And if we do, we win a Pickle Penguin! That's a hee-hawsome game, Panda! Come on! Let's play! Uh-oh! The Super Scooper is super stuck! It could use some super help! Super Panda is here to help Super Scooper! [grunting] Oh no! It's still stuck! Yeah, looks like I could use a little more super help. On it! Super Donkey is here to help Super Purple Panda and Super Scooper! Hey, Pickle Pets! Cheer us on, please! One! Two! Three! Yay! We did it! Pickle Penguin is saved! Oh yeah! We turned our problem into a fun game and saved that little Pickle Penguin! Heyyy-ooo! All the Pickle Pets are so proud of you, Panda! Ohh, thanks for your support, Pickle Pets! And thank you, best pal! Any time, best friend! Now what are we waiting for? Let's have a Pickle Pet Party! Yeah! Oh, Pickle Penguin, come over here. I want you to meet Porky! He's a Pebble Porcupine. Well don't forget the Pinecone Pig! Oh yeah! Just no Pickle Pirhana, okay? You got it, best pal! Good! (Giggles)
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 114,174
Rating: 4.2981133 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, donkey hodie, Donkey Hodie FULL EPISODE, purple panda, donkey, waiting, songs for kids, pbs kids full episodes, new show, puppets, duck duck, Pickle Penguin Problem, pancakes, giant pancake, Flying Flapjacks
Id: jZtHYa-4t4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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