DONE With WALMART - RV Overnight Spots - Cracker Barrel vs Walmart

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we've been in the wet and cold of Seattle Washington for over a month now spending the holidays with my family here and we're finally leaving today the snow that had us snowed in has melted so he get to finally leave and I wish I was telling you that we were going somewhere warm and dry which is what we're yearning for like Southern California or Arizona yeah but unfortunately we're not or well fortunately because even though it's somewhere where we really want to be we have been asked to be a part of something very special David's brother Thomas [Music] is finally going to propose to Amanda he has given us permission to talk about it in this video so don't worry there we're not ruining it'll happen yeah so we are so excited yeah he's going to propose this coming weekend so we're gonna head out to Tahoe California where is at least drier than here but much colder than here as well yeah they are they've they're going skiing and snowboarding there there's a some ski resort that they're going to with a bunch of friends because they're really big into snow sports and my brother I think he plans on proposing like up at the top of the mountain so it's it's gonna be awesome and we're so honored that he asked us to be a part of that too so where is the prize yes don't tell me what doesn't know we're going there Amanda doesn't know that we're gonna be there when they come down from the mountain waiting in a lodge for her so it should be fun yeah he's gonna propose this Friday and then we're just gonna party and celebrate the rest of the weekend I'm so excited yeah but we have like an 850 mile drive today we are not oh yeah well I mean to get there we're not doing it all in one day like our last big drive on the way here we're breaking it up into two days so it's only like two eight hour or two nine hour days which is much more how much handle a bull easier to do let's uh give me a word manageable there we go it's easier yeah it's more easier than a 16 hour drive so but we got to get going because we've taken forever to get out of here where it's so far behind schedule so let's go this is the road [Music] he's pulling out of my brother's driveway is a bit tricky because we are parked just next to his house and there's not a lot of room at all there's probably like for it for maybe six inches on either side of the trailer between his house the gutters on his a carport that is and his fence so it's it's a real tight squeeze and what makes it even more difficult is out by the street at the end of his driveway is a is a power pole or like a telephone pole so as we're pulling out we can't even really cut the trailer to you know turn out on to the street because there's that pole right there so we have to stay fairly straight and then what makes matters even worse as he lives off of a fairly busy street so if there is an issue like there was today where I started to cut the trailer a little too early and Jenny you know we're all on our phones and Jenny told me don't stop stop you know you're gonna hit the gutter so I need to stop and the truck is like in the middle on the road I have to back up straight reposition a little bit and then pull back down so every time we back into that spot and almost every time that we we always end up blocking traffic for I don't know five or ten seconds but it's no big deal because at least the speed limit on that road is really slow it's only twenty five mile an hour so you know cars oncoming traffic is there plenty of time to see us you've got my hands on and stuff they know that they just stop and it's fine we reposition and then pull out now today we are driving about nine hours four hundred miles about 450 miles from Seattle we are going to be stopping in Medford Oregon there is a Cracker Barrel there that allows overnight parking and we have already called them to verify that we can park there and they said yes no problem whatsoever told us exactly where to park at everything so we already have our overnight spot picked out which is great because with all these blog halls we've been doing we've been staying you know Walmart parking lots and cracker barrels and freaking out about I want to stop at a half an hour and there's nowhere that I know of to stop so we figured out at a time today and that makes me really happy and we have found over you know the last year of having two overnight at random Walmart's or cracker barrels and that our favorite is Cracker Barrel for sure we've actually only overnighted at two Cracker Barrel and they've been so much better than Walmart's Walmart's are awful Walmart's are so bad yes almost always 24-hour yeah so there are constantly people coming and going and sometimes they have street sweepers or that are just running grated she's like loud exhausts on their cares there's revving them in the parking lot for God knows why there was one place someone was doing donuts next to us but at Cracker Barrel it's quiet there ever closed so nobody's coming in and we just blasting music for your box room right let's tiny so there's no reason for anybody else to be there besides it's just our beer or two to stay the night and if you wake up and you're hungry yeah it's so great it's so nice so I'm really excited to be able to say at a Cracker Barrel actually get some good sleep tonight because we have another long drive tomorrow and I am glad that we also decided to cut this at the two driving days instead of one long one we typically like if we have a twelve or fourteen or maybe even a 15 hour drive like this last time when we went she'd go to Seattle the reason we like doing that it well okay we don't like doing that we actually hate doing that what we hate it less than overnighting at the Walmart or Cracker Barrel because even though cracker barrels are quieter than Walmart's we still get garbage sweep it's yeah it's like the worst sleep of our lives if we can just get it over with and one day we prefer that but today's drive is just too long we have to do it in two days yeah and some of you were curious as to why like you know really why we decided to not just take our time to get somewhere and for the most part the reason being is that we have to work but if we're driving those are days where we can't be working so wasted day wasted day yeah we fall behind on getting our videos out on time on updated the website appropriately all this stuff including like planning on we were going or we're going to be doing over there so there are types of benefits for us to start over or just get it over with the drive straight through it may not be something that you guys will ever have to do though so that's why it might have been confusing as to why we just let ourselves do that but that's why [Music] [Music] this is our first stop for the day we are almost into Oregon I think or no yeah we got nine miles I'm taller in Oregon at nine miles to Oregon we have stopped to eat some lunch and to let the cats come inside to use the bathroom and let sweetie have to go potty and this this drive we've decided that we're going altered sheep we're making our own food instead of eating out at like a Burger King or McDonald's or something and we're having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches they're really good they are good very good and they're nice and filling so I'm I'm actually excited I'm really hungry right now actually and I also wanted to mention that we can't harp too much on Walmart because one pro of staying overnight at a Walmart would be that if you haven't provisioned yet or if you forgot something or you have gone grocery shopping yet or you forgot something when you did go grocery shopping beforehand or earlier in the day or earlier in the week or whatever it's really nice to have a grocery store right there that you can just go in grab whatever you're missing and then just come back out and go to bed but for us we probably aren't going to do that anymore we're you know we'll still stop at Walmart for whatever we need but we're not going to stay the night if we can help it I did try and find a Cracker Barrel past Medford because we wanted to go a little bit farther tonight but there weren't any so we are stopping probably only an hour sooner than we really wanted to today but that's okay in order to stay at a Cracker Barrel instead of a Walmart that is a good point though they're gonna be more Walmart's and there are cracker barrels so probably easier to find a Walmart you know know what you want to stay yes so there are pros the pros and cons pros and cons don't want to we're making our second stop now and final stop before we get to our overnight destination and been a pretty pretty easy trip like eight or nine hours may seem like a long time for a lot of you guys but like for us it's really no problem especially with our live streams we went live for two hours and that helps the time go by so fast we've traveled oops that's off we've gone just over 300 miles waiting for my trip three hundred and forty eight point seven miles its 723 now so it's been probably three hours since our last stop I'm hungry Jenni's not hungry somehow I have no idea how that peanut butter and jelly sandwich has filled her up it was a big sandwich I guess sweeties hungry and yeah so we're gonna take care of everyone and then yeah get back on the road sweetie girl are you hungry yeah you're hungry [Music] okay it is always a crazy hectic craziness inside whenever we have to feed all the animals the cats go crazy the dog is so excited that she doesn't even stay with her commands she just wants to bounce around and spin in circles yeah but now I'm gonna go ahead and make David a another peanut butter and jelly sandwich because he's hungry and I'm not and he's okay with another cold sandwich just glad that this is the last stop this is totally manageable only two stops last time you're like four didn't we yeah eight hours is fantastic fantastic amount of driving time for us probably feels that way because need drive really far and I'm sure it's a lot better for them too Alice hasn't freaked out yet like she did on our last trip yeah and every time we stop we stop for at least 20 minutes so that they can eat or get water or use the bathroom yeah so each break we also don't rush either because it's I don't want them to have issues on the truck yeah that's a good point we take your time so that everyone has time to be taken care of let me get back on the road yep and so as soon as I'm on the sandwich we're gonna I'm ready to go where we're going and have a hot dinner oh yeah we've made it to our overnight parking spot for the night at the Cracker Barrel in Medford Oregon it was a pretty easy Drive today compared to some of the longer hauls we've done we were only on the road for about eight and a half hours and we went roughly 450 miles so we're more than halfway to our destination in Tahoe and this spot is perfect it's way better than we expected as far as just an overnight spot in a parking lot goes and this right here is why we choose Cracker Barrel over Walmart it just doesn't really get any better than this it's reasonably quiet I mean the highway is right there but it's not very loud at all the biggest thing is that this is like a corner lot so there's gonna be no through traffic you know there's gonna be no cars driving around in the middle of the night to wake us up like there would be at a Walmart especially if it's a 24-hour Walmart's another huge thing is that this entire parking lot is extremely well lit which gives us peace of mind just so that like you know we highly doubt that anyone's gonna be messing with any of our stuff in the middle of the night whereas at a Walmart parking lot a lot of times you know they make you park at the back of the Walmart and sometimes the lighting can be pretty bad and there are some dark spots that you have to park in which can be a little sketchy and another huge thing that cracker barrels sometimes have this one especially that Walmart does not have is specific RV and bus parking spots they even have signs up that say RV and bus parking right here and they've got three spots that are nice and long long enough for our rig to park and you know so we don't have to take up a whole bunch of regular parking spots like going in horizontally on them you know so we don't feel like we're intruding at all there like this spot right here is for you guys you are veers come on in you know you're welcome to park here it's fantastic and then of course when you wake up in the morning if you're hungry you got breakfast right there tonight I'm making us a couple of delicious burgers and buy burgers I mean Boca burgers because they're vegetable burgers this one is a vegetable beef patty I guess it's not it's not actually beef and this one is a vegetable chicken patty they actually are amazing they're really really good and they're really fast really easy to make it's ten o'clock when we finally have you know God will set up in here in order to settle down for the night and so this is a really fast easy thing we can make and we're hungry so we can't you know make a full meal that's gonna take a long time and yeah and we're gonna get up tomorrow morning we don't have to get up super early tomorrow morning but we're probably gonna get up around 8:30 because we only have about a six-hour drive tomorrow before we get where we're going and we hope to get there around three o'clock just so that we have plenty of daylight left so that if one booking boondocking site that we want is full then we have plenty of daylight to go and check out some other ones and yeah but we're gonna go ahead and eat dinner it's almost done and we're gonna watch a movie and call it right so we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that it's a Bloody Mary it's good way to end the night there's a great way to end the night you know what else is a great way to end the night what's that beer for you thank you Cheers [Music] we're up fairly early this morning so we can get a nice start on the drive we looked at the route that we need to take we talked to Jenny's grandparents and got some advice on what route to take from here to the Tahoe California area because Jenny's grandpa used to be a truck driver so they used to have to drive from where they lived over near Reno up into a Redding California all the time so they know the roads yeah they know what roads they that are kept clear and passable in snowy conditions and they so they told us where to go to take what go down take the interstate down to Red Bluff California and then take Highway 36 all the way all the way over to the Reno Tahoe area to 395 oh okay over by Lake Susanville or whatever and then 365 down okay gotcha lost Jenny knows at least yes they said that that road is always paved there's some sort of a law that makes it so that that road has to always be clear so they said that that will be our best bet without having to go all the way down to Sacramento went across i-80 over Donner Pass so yeah but we are gonna stop at a Walmart here in town and we just need to get some groceries and maybe see if they've got tire chains because we don't have any on us and that would just be a good thing to have because sometimes you have to have chains to go over passes but anyway staying here at this Cracker Barrel overnight was probably the best overnight stay we've ever had I slept like I was dead yeah I slept like a baby I wasn't worried at all about anyone messing with their stuff because it was very very well lit here and yeah but we were for the most part we were and completely alone in this parking lot it was super quiet got a great night's sleep so yeah I mean and it's only a just over a six-hour drive so yeah so bad yeah I'll be very good going yeah we should we ran over to the Walmart to get some groceries and unfortunately they didn't have any tire chains so we came to with Schwab tire and they had what we needed a pair of quick-connect tire chains so we're all set to go through the mountain passes if it there's snow we we don't really know what the conditions are like but something we did notice when we're at that Walmart is that they had signs up that say no overnight RV parking or bus or you know big rig parking and this is something we're noticing more and more often in the Walmart's across the country is that they're not allowing RV parking anymore it's it's becoming a much more common than it used to be so or whereas you know cracker barrels are still allowing RV parking overnight and you know I'm okay with that anyway because that Walmart they were at just like all Walmart's of course they're super busy there's cars everywhere they're fire truck came through while we were there there were people honking their horns you know slamming doors their car doors opening and closing them constantly so we probably would have gotten garbage sleep whereas the Cracker Barrel we got good sleep we're really glad that we bought snow chains when we did we don't really go places where it's snowy really snowing and we're going to be in snowy conditions where we're going to so it's you know and we see signs all the time where it says you know when lights are flashing and use chains and you know luckily I'm pretty sure that nut on the roads on this route required chains right now which is great but it might be snowing later today so I mean I don't know maybe we'll be able to use them but we we bought them when we were in Medford Oregon and we didn't think about this at the time but we were able to avoid sales tax but even even though we avoided sales tax by purchasing them in Oregon they were still pretty expensive for just two chains it was a hundred and twenty dollars but I'm sure that if we had waited metaphors only like nine miles from California so I'm sure if we had waited until we got in California it would have been a lot more expensive plus sales tax so I'm glad that we bought them when we did and I do kind of wish that we had bought them a little earlier this year because when we were back in Seattle it would have been really nice to have them we went skiing one day and it was snowing and very icy out when we got there we didn't have any chains been a lot easier to go up the mountain and you know drive around in the parking lot which was really icy but I'm glad that we have them now you know I'm sure we'll need them sometime again in the future even though we're probably not gonna be traveling where it's really cold like this very often but it's always nice to have peace of mind map [Music] look out Paul this snow is here it's it's as tall as I am there's so much snow up here right now I'm so glad that we got chains for our truck just in case this wasn't clear or you know not clear enough it's currently snowing as well it's very cold up here the road is wet so obviously ice is something that you'd have to worry about up here but but look how tall this snow is it's taller than you are and there's the trailer for comparison it's like halfway up the trailer even this is a lot of snow it's a good thing they keep this the road plowed yeah my grandparents said that there's some sort of a law for the area where this road has to stay plowed all year so they always maintain it but it can get slick if it's actively snowing so and it is actively snowing so we're going to take our time while we're up here for the rest of the snow area but David's gonna drive now I've been driving for two hours or so and I don't really like driving especially when it's snowing so David's gonna take over for me look how pretty it is it is really pretty yes this is gorgeous it's the drier side they got a lot of snow in wintertime but it's so I love it just too cold [Music] we've made it to our end destination for this trip and it's not what we expected it's not the boondocking site that we thought we were gonna end up at in Reno Nevada we are actually at Jenny's dad's house in Susanville California and it's funny how we kind of got to this situation because like we said we were gonna get we were gonna stay in a boondocking site in Reno Nevada but we were looking up road conditions and Jenny found a live view camera of one of the of the highway we're going down in Reno and we saw it and we're like wow there's a lot of snow on the ground the roads were okay but there's a lot of snow so we're like wow if we're gonna be staying on BLM land snow on the ground is probably not gonna work I seriously doubt they have snow plows going out to BLM land goes out so yeah we didn't we and we don't want to get stuck you know off on a dirt road that's now muddy and I don't I see or whatever so so the plan was then okay well we're gonna be arriving in Reno after dark because it's taking longer than we thought it would to get there since we had to stop at Walmart and also get some snow chains so we were like okay well let's just overnight it another Cracker Barrel right a great idea and then we'll go to BLM or check out a vlm spot tomorrow yeah and it turns out no cracker barrels in Reno so we're like yeah so we're like okay let's overnight at a Walmart then and yeah there were like five or six Walmart's in Reno and we're like well this is kind of karma because we've been kind of you know dissing on Walmart this whole time so now we have to say exactly so it's kind of funny and and then it just kind of clicked to me cuz I was like well we're gonna be driving through Susanville we're already where my dad lives we're already going to be you know arriving in Reno after dark it doesn't matter if it's an hour even later it's still gonna be dark no matter what so we might as well stop and say hi to my dad and then all of a sudden it was just like things why didn't we think about this before my dad only lives an hour from Reno two hours from Tahoe why aren't we just staying these four days until we have to be in Tahoe with my dad why the heck would we plan to stay at a boondocking site or anything or even like overnight at a Cracker Barrel or Walmart like cuz Cracker brows are great Walmart's okay in a pinch but they just do not compare to staying with family no not at all so we are all settled in here we are gonna go well I'm gonna make a really quick late lunch myself and then we're gonna go in and hang out with my dad yep and we're gonna today's Monday we're gonna be here for four days until Friday which is when our friends and my brother and Amanda are flying into Tahoe to the ski resort there and we're just so excited for my brother to finally propose to Amanda Amanda is an awesome person and I am extremely excited to have her as a part of my family you know she's always felt like a sister to me and now it's gonna be official and I'm just so excited so excited to celebrate yeah yeah so we're gonna call it a night here and we'll catch you guys later we'll let you know how the proposal goes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Fate Unbound
Views: 164,041
Rating: 4.7816439 out of 5
Keywords: rv, full, time, rving, rver, full time rv, full time rving, full timing, rv life, rv living, full time rv life, full time rv living, fate, unbound, fate unbound, travel, trailer, travel trailer, traveling, camping, dry camping, full time rv couple, vlog, video blog, walmart, cracker barrel, overnight, rv overnight, rest stop, overnighting, DONE With WALMART - RV Overnight Spots - Cracker Barrel vs Walmart, stealth camping, stealth camp, van life, vanlife
Id: Qqpii4TQZBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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