Donald Trump: "Enough With the Nice!"

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so the campaign has already gotten your mail for the day they're getting so much more when I came Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is showing us the mail he's been receiving from supporters around the country at the lavish Trump Tower in New York City those are real letters those are not corporate letters those are not letters from Asia handwritten those are not letters from General Motors those are letters from people his corporate headquarters and opulent penthouse are high in the sky here but his campaign for the nation's highest office is run from a sparse fifth floor space on a shoestring budget with the simple guiding philosophy let Trump be Trump and on this day he seems to be happy with the results see the polls came out right the s the Quinnipiac spending time with the candidate on the campaign trail and here at Trump Tower has given me a unique perspective on how his unconventional political style has brought him to a place in the campaign few had predicted do you feel like you're at an inflection point right now in your campaign well we're getting such good polls and they call it the summer of Trump that's not me that's everybody sang it and it's been an amazing period of time for me and for politics and for what's going on and I don't even know if it's mean necessary it's a movement people are tired of incompetence they're tired of these incompetent politicians and there's just been a tremendous surge and they call it a surge and if you look at the different polls it came out twenty nine percent twenty eight percent forty percent the greatest poll has 40% for Trump and that's with 17 people in a race so 40% when you have 17 people is a lot right so there's a tremendous movement going on and I think it a lot has to do with the incompetence of politicians and the government doing so poorly well the reason I ask if you're at an inflection point because to put it in your pageant parlance you know I mean it's kind of been it's not a summer fling clearly your polls show that but it's you're maybe going from the swimsuit competition to the talent competition and you're about to introduce your tax plan you've already done your immigration plan so do you feel now is the time to show more substance more meat on what you're going to be doing as a presidential candidate well you know Monica I think I've been showing a lot of meat and a lot of substance but people would like to see it in a plan and the funny thing is it's mostly people such as yourself and the writers and the the journalists and maybe the pundits that would like to see like a four page plan from twenty page plan or whatever it may be I don't think the people care I think they have confidence in me they know what I do is right you know the problem with the plan is that point one point two then you have to change point three I'm talking in real life and something doesn't work that way you have to be flexible you have to move and as the boxers say you have to go with the punches well I'm going to do that because the pundits want it but the truth is I may end up with much better than what I'm projecting right because it's all in negotiation and the people understand that but the political people don't in some ways that will show where your thinking is and what direction you want to lead the country that is if you become elected so let's talk a little bit about the broad outlines of where you might go you said you want to simplify the existing tax code probably and what do you think you might do on corporate taxes you've complained about corporate inversions right corporate inversions a huge problem and you know honestly there's a number of things you can do you can go to a fair tax you can go to a flat tax you can go to a lot of different things I think the quickest and the easiest is simplification of the existing tax code but we have some ideas for scirea lee i understand the tax code probably as well as anybody that's ever done this because i've lived with it for many years it is it's extremely complex you spend millions of dollars on accountants and lawyers and all of this you have deductions on top of deductions and then you have give backs and then you have takeaways and I mean yet it's ridiculous what's going on so a simplification is the fastest way and could be the best way and we'll be announcing it in the not-too-distant future but I want to lower corporate taxes I want to lower the rates I want to get people to pay fair but I want to bring taxes down you know with the highest taxed nation in the world number one by almost any standard when you add regulations and all the other things to it then you really then there's not even a contest but I want to bring down taxes I want to simplify taxes and we want to have something that's going to give people an incentive to do great things you know conservatives are the backbone of the Republican Party and in the past you've supported a single-payer system of a health system and assault weapons ban I think and abortion rights so how do you get conservatives to trust you now well I've never been a big fan of the whole abortion thing but you have to understand in fact in interviews I said I hate the concept but I wasn't a politician I never really focused that nobody even asked me the question I mean how do you feel about abortion or how do you feel about single-payer versus something else single-payer could have worked years ago but we have a much more and this was many years ago that I said maybe that would work and again that was a maybe I wasn't a politician but it could have worked it can't work now and it can't work well now the concept that I have for insurance which I think will be fabulous because Obamacare is two things number one the premiums are through the roof the deductibles are ridiculous you'll never get to use it unless you get hit by dragons are going other premiums are through the roof they're up 4050 percent Obamacare is a disaster not only that it's costing the country a fortune if we could allow the private sector to bid on insurance when I bet I have a very big company when I have people in New York I just go to New York they have artificial lines around the state of New York people from Iowa people from California people from New Hampshire people from can they can't even bid on my insurance and the reason you know Obamacare is great you talk about campaign contributions Obamacare is great for the insurance companies the insurance companies are making a fortune with Obamacare but they have these artificial lines around each state and you get one bit we don't get any bidding if we opened it up and the only thing the government should do is make sure those companies that are competing are strong financially other than that they shouldn't even be involved you would have great insurance great health insurance and people would be proud of it you don't drink you don't smoke I presume you didn't take drugs and you did that with your children that seems a very conservative lifestyle is that something that was important to you growing up and how did you enforce it with your children well as a parent I'm curious right it was very important I get a lot of credit cuz EVOC has been so terrific I have you know Eric isn't the business and Don and my and I have two younger children but I have been asked a lot you know your children seems to knock on wood I think good so far so good you always have to knock on wood because who knows what happens right but they are great children I was always very strong no drugs no alcohol no cigarettes and I'd say cigarettes because it's a good thing to say I did but no drugs no alcohol no cigarettes and I have so many friends in mine that are really smart guests people that you report on they come and they say what do you think what do you think but their kids are into alcohol or they're into drugs I mean drugs are now the main thing but they're into drugs and they won't be able to compete what's one thing that you would like people to know about you that they don't especially those who are dismissive of your campaign well I think the one thing is I'm a nice person I love helping people I have great relationships with people people think of me is not necessarily nice but they think of me it's very competent you know it's very interesting a woman heard a speech and I got a very high poll number but on leadership I was by far the highest by many times on on finance and economics and the economy I was number one by many many times I was killing everybody said about niceness except on niceness I was like last and I said to the people it was crazy o CNN poll and I said to the people I said you know sort of interesting number one I think I am a nice person I help people and a woman came up to me she said but are you nice enough to be president I said I hope I am I think I'm a nice person I have great relationships but I think this is going to be an election based on competence and we need competence enough with the niceness this country is in bad trouble we need confidence and I've said it to a lot of people Monica this is going to be an election based on competence it's enough with the dice we're tired of being beaten up by China by Japan by Mexico by every single country that does business with us and I think it will be an election based on calm so you have all the perks of being the president now I mean really but you don't have the weight of the world on your shoulders are you sure you really want to be President and have I mean you can never turn it off I want to make the country great again it's just fun it's okay I had no idea I was going to do this well this fast I thought it would be a much longer and we have to keep it going because we still have a long way to go but I want to this country has such potential I love the country I loved also though my other life my other life I was never really private per se but I was pretty private by comparison to what's happening now we're going to do a fantastic job I'm enjoying it we are going to make this country so amazing again and the word again is very important because you have to add that in it was good I think we can make it better than ever before we have to unleash it people have lost this spirit yep with 93 million people wanting to work they want to work when you came home last night from South Carolina right and you got your steak and did you think I'm like exhausted do I really know I was exhilarated the crowd was phenomenal the standing ovations and everything else I mean I actually enjoy that but is there something at night when you go to bed that's keeping you awake about the prospect of possibly becoming president well it's the excitement not of becoming president of taking something that's really broken our country is broken and fixing it you look at Baltimore you look at Ferguson you look at st. Louis and Chicago and different places where they're having nothing but problems and we have powder kegs all over the country we need jobs we need spirit we need so much but our country's in serious shape and and it's not the excitement of maybe winning and you know we have a good shot but it's the excitement of really making it great again and that to me excites me more than anything else but you as a billionaire as a businessman and even when you and I talked about your stock portfolio and when you sold a bunch of your stocks you said I really like to do things that I can control myself and the stock market you can't control if you are president you can't control everything I mean do you do you agree or disagree that being president is not like running a business I do I agree but it's also I think it's running a business but you have to have heart you have to take care of women's health issues you have to take care of poor people that don't have that they're never going to have a shot and you have to take care of african-american youth who have never been in a worse position than they are right now the unemployment rate is like 55 percent they can't get jobs I think that we actually do have a lot of control I'm not saying you control everything you don't but certainly I have a lot more control that way than sitting in you know a beautiful Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and running my company I think I can make a big difference if I didn't think I could make a difference I wouldn't be doing this
Channel: The Wall Street Journal
Views: 1,010,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donald Trump (Organization Leader), Presidential Elections, Elections, Republican Party (Political Party), Debates, Taxes, Trump Tower, 2016 Elections
Id: NwIL6imI6EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2015
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