Don’t Make THIS Mistake When You Travel — PODCAST for English Learners

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all these difficult times all these trials and tribulations that happen during it that's that's the part you're going to remember the best is how you overcame those things what you learn from those things they're what help you to grow and even though it might not seem so relevant going through these things travel can be a great way for you to grow in other areas of your life as well because it helps you to deal with uncertainty it helps you to deal with you know maybe being in the train station in Warsaw not speaking polish having to figure out where can you catch your train these sort of situations that then will apply to other challenges your going to have in your life whether you like it or not today we are going to be bringing you guys some travel stories not just the stories of us traveling together but each of us has prepared one of our favorite or most iconic travel stories so I'm going to start off I'm going to take as cenia back to the year 2011 when I was an exchange student living in mayorca mayorca is an island in Spain in case anyone doesn't know it it's part of what's called called the baleric islands there's at least four of them four main ones anyway and I was living with quite the Intrepid roommate and he had this idea that we should do a trip around another one of the islands called formenta and I was not quite as adventurous as he was but I wanted to embrace more adventurism I I was living abroad I was 21 years old so I was at a point in my life where I was wanting to change my identity a bit and become someone who took more risks and so on I'm sure I'm butchering it you said described your roommate as Intrepid int Intrepid how was that yeah Intrepid means that someone is adventurous they take risks so I when I was younger I was never really much of a risk taker I like to play it safe not always necessarily be in my comfort zone but not do things that felt like they were dangerous or risky and certainly this trip that I'm going to talk about was full of its its risks and its uncertainties its Mysteries its Adventure the place we wanted to go was for this island fora and it's a small island off the coast of iiza and we had this idolized vision of this island because there's a beer company in Spain called esta it's actually based here in Barcelona and every year they do these commercials that usually they have them in these really fun locations Beach vacations trying to capture the energy of Summer here and one of the years they did the commercial in [Music] formenta so we used to watch this and would just be so taken back by how beautiful this island is the crystal clear waters the pristine beaches it really just looked like paradise and he came up with this idea that lets kayak around the island so the plan was to go to AA taking a fairy from from Maya to abiza in ABA picking up the kayaks Crossing to fora so they're close I looked up before because I did not remember the distances did you actually kayak from one Island to another exactly yeah oh my God it says it's 11 to 12 kilm I think it was a bit more because that's as the bird flies which means that if you went a straight line between the two closest points but we had to go from one beach where the kayak renters left us to the point the nearest beach in for Mona so it's probably a bit more than 12 km I believe none of us had any experience really kayaking see kayaking and we started out with 10 of us going on this this adventurous trip signing up for this adventure something tells me we started 10 of us somebody somebody didn't reach their destination exactly it it sounds like the the like the beginning of a horror movie or something yeah yeah yeah we started 10 of us it wasn't that bad this first Crossing is where the fairies also go through it's like a straight and the fairies go through there to go from one Island to the other so we're dodging these big fairies which you're down low when you're in a kayak in case anyone's never been in a sea kayak you're really low on the water and everything it's probably easy for a big boat like that not to see you so that was the first terrifying moment but we made it across we had our first experience we we warmed up could say like we got our C arms we say like you get your sea legs is when you're getting used to being on a boat right because there's the the movement and so on we could say we could adjust to we got our seat arms and so it was it was good it was a good first experience we arrived in fora safe and town and we're ready to make the crossing we we have our first night of course we didn't bring we didn't bring tents we were going camping but we didn't bring tent nice hopefully it was warm yeah it was spring break and the weather can be iffy which means that it's not so predictable we were looking for a place to sleep and on the beach we found a Beach Hut here they're called changos and that's the closest translation in English it's a place where normally during the summer we have them here in Barcelona as well you could go and have a beer or a meal right on the beach and here they they put them up and take them down they put them up in the spring and take them down in the fall uh but they are they have some that are permanent so we found one of these that wasn't open it's off season right spring break the tourist season hasn't started yet we decided we'll just sleep here we're protected in case it rains we're protected a little bit from the elements and you know we're all we're all good we went into the nearest town which was a long walk went to the supermarket picked up things for dinner brought it back and then we realize that we forgot to buy water on an island we just had the water that we brought with us so we had some to drink but we had bought pasta to cook which requires a lot of fresh water and so we like yeah no big deal we have tons of water you know you when you cook pasta you put salt in the water anyway so we just grab some sea water so we did that we cooked the pasta and sit down to eat we all take our first bites and just the look of shock on everyone's face as they take this first bite is the most the saltiest thing that I have ever eaten in my life by far but you beautifully described the beach there you said uh pristine what is pristine yeah we'll use this a lot with beaches pristine beaches meaning we might also say virgin beaches so that means that they're unaffected by human damage by they're they're in a state that looks very well taken care of very untouched and so on mhm the best beach I was taken back by or I was enchanted by was in Brazil um I don't remember the name now it was aabo something like that you got it yeah so yeah it was this exactly like you described the scent was crystal white and a crystal clear water and it was very very like pristine like virgin like you were describing exactly those words that first night we had a Squall blew over which means a big storm so what we we were planning this trip to go around the island kayak and all of a sudden we're stranded we had to weather the storm we had to wait until the storm passed so that we could continue our journey and so we found some ways to entertain ourselves on the beach we were going in and out of the town to pick up supplies to to eat and so on but kind the days were passing the storm wasn't passing and so on and this is where we started losing people people started deciding they're going to take the ferry back to Aba and take their their kayaks and so on and in the end four of us just remained that we're like we we're going to do this we're going to wait out we're going to see if we can do it and sure enough the storm eventually passed after a few days we had it was actually a blessing that we had some of these days because we could kind of stake out the island find different places where we could camp under different stops yeah it wasn't as we had originally planned things did not go as yeah yeah so does take out mean to explore stake out stake out means to to look around to see the lay of the land to figure figure things out in this sort of sense so you might Okay police stake out for example place where they know criminals are are hiding they'll we've all seen this probably in a show movie where they'll sit in the car and they have their fast food and their drinks and their coffee and they're just there waiting trying to see what the criminals are doing did you have some pasta left for those next couple of days I don't remember exactly what we eat but I remember a lot of canned tuna and a lot of hardboiled eggs yeah yeah lots of Sal those are the easiest but I I can guarantee we did not forget to buy water again at the supermarket we load it up what uh you brought uh from from this experience your takeaway was also that no matter how good and thoroughly you plan something may go wrong so right you should always have maybe plan b or like be open for these new experiences and embrace the adventure be flexible and like react like how you call that when you are flexible and you have like quick reaction to change your plans right resourceful maybe we even have an expression that we say best laid plans it's like when someone says they had all this these plans and nothing went as expected it's like best beled plans just meaning that you plan you plan for things but things don't always go as we plan right we were able to wait out the storm and we're like okay we're there were four of us left we're going to finally do this it was me and American friend that were in one kayak so as they were tandum kayaks and our friends that were both Spanish and they were more athletic than we were that's also worth noting in another kayak so the first day I mean an important parenthesis here was we were planning to do this in about a week and we had to reduce to 3 days meaning that the distances were a lot longer 69 kilm around formana that probably originally would have been 8 9 10 km per day which is totally doable for someone even who doesn't have a lot of experience paddling in a kayak but it ended up being that we had to do more like 33 kilm per day which is a lot being that we just did the crossing which was 12 km you had quite a workout yeah and I'm in better shape now than I was back then but no no no I just wanted to say that you mentioned that you were not so athletic as your friends but I'm sure after that Journey you were more fit you know most so the first day too was the longest I don't know if that was the best planning but it had to be that way because we had to go across one of the main capes of forant Tera and this was also the most tricky or dangerous part of the journey because the weather going around this cape not the weather but the waves the water conditions going around this cape could be quite turbulent would be the word we start around the cape and the first thing that happens is our friends that are in the other kayak they're maybe 10 15 meters ahead of us right by their kayak we see a dolphin leap out of the water right next to them so nice it just it sounds really nice but it's terrifying because you're you know you're right on the water it's this huge sea animal leaping out of the water right by you yeah and you have no power right compared to a dolphin in the water not that dolphins attack humans or anything but they could be curious and maybe they come up and they knock you out of the the kayak it's what are you going to do two playful dolphin luckily that was the the only one and it in ret respect looking back that was really cool to be there in the water and to see a dolphin I'm sure just saw heard these sounds and saw these figures above it and was curious right dolphins in Wild nature right it's not like you go to that aquarium or terrarium to see them right and we made it around so it was this part where you know I'm kind of like praying in my head through this crazy water going around the cape but we made it around and the the water calmed down and then we just had long it was more peaceful water but it was a long stretch that we had to cross a bay uh to the place that we had staked out to to stay in that night you repeated several times this word Cape uh I don't know if it's easy to explain that word because it's just like a geographical notion right but could you try to explain what's the cape and also the bay you just mentioned the word bay I'm not I don't know if I'm going to get the definition of what a cape is exactly right because I can imagine in my head what a cape was was there and I can think of Cape Town for example I believe it's a piece of land that's jutting out into the water which means sticking out into the water it's like a bump in the land exactly and a bay is it's like a where the land curves and there's water that sort of enters in from the sea or the ocean and it Bay tends to be more tranquil than the Open Water what we call the the open Waters when you're out on the sea and and the water's more crazy it's more wild then we keep going and at this point my arms are dead I'm just paddling IM momentum yeah it's it just becomes this thing of perseverance of if I stop I'm not going to be able to continue again so I can't I can't stop we get to the beach I can barely lift my bag but like okay we made it first day is is done I'm already thinking like how am I going to continue going tomorrow but I was trying not to not to think about it and just one thing at a time one foot in front of the other right so the place we stayed this is the other fun part of the story we had as I mentioned staked out before when we had the car we went to this beautiful beach and there was a hotel there and the hotel was closed for the season as well and we're wandering around the premises of the hotel I was just being curious and I saw that behind the bar there was a sliding window of sorts it's like one of those bar Windows where maybe they would pass bottles or something from another room and I I saw it was I I slid it and I saw that it was open and I decided to crawl through and could like open a door so my friends could come in we're like oh there there's no one here it seems like a it's a nice place to stay to stay away from the Els and the rain and everything and so that's where we decided to stay the first night we left the door open so we could get in and the door opened to a Lobby and there was a second floor of the lobby so that's where we set up all of our things so you illegally penetrated into a hotel yeah it's small a small small breaking of Law and we we slept there the next morning I'm woken up to hearing keys and the door downstairs and hearing footsteps coming up the stairs now the horror movie begins and there's a there's a guy that comes through he sees us he he looks at us and he keeps walking into the next room and then he comes back and he's like what are you guys doing here and we explain to him that you know we're doing this trip we don't have anywhere to stay and everything we saw that it was open we're so sorry and and he's like ah and he went back downstairs and then he comes back upstairs and he's like you know you're not supposed to be here it's okay the place is being remodeled so just don't let anyone else see you do you need anything do you needan to bring you more blankets and we're just like all shocked like so kind like yeah super kind we were we were just like panicked that he's going to call the police or something we're going to end up in jail on this island but luckily everything ended up well you have to believe in it would be another story generosity of humanity yeah that was so kind of him right do you know what a squatter is have you heard that term before squatter like a squat like you do an exercise you know you do squats uh uhhuh yeah but this is a squatter is a person who lives illegally in an uninhabited building so I brought that word up because we were kind of squatting in this this hotel oh nice word so the rest of the story is pretty pretty smooth sailing as far as things go no other big events like that no other crazy water no other large sea mammals the next day I remember we found like a lovely cave and it was much more tranquil to our Rhythm because we were sore but it was it was also that thing that we've kind of been warmed up from the first really difficult day we camped again uh and I just remember a lot of mosquitoes that last night but then we made the final Crossing managed not to get hit by any fairies and then you know we arrived back in IA it's this huge sense of accomplishment Elation and it's like you know we did it we survived all the salty meals of tuna and hardboiled eggs we we managed not to get killed by by anything what a story yeah I now when I think back on those things I laugh about it because it was all it was just not very well planned the way that we did it none of us had real experience of course it was a bit crazy but it was also just this amazing adventure a lot of good times a lot of the four of us laughing together and these different situations and it's it's all when you're in those things you always just have to embrace it you have to embrace the unexpected because ultimately it's going to be some of the best memories of your life come out of those experiences where things don't go as planned but you learn to make the best of it anyway I bet you wouldn't change anything if you could right most definitely not it's one of my most fond memories of my young life I would say and now you have a story to tell right exactly stories are such a magical way to connect with someone travel stories especially because most people listen listening to this I'm sure have some sort of passion for travel a lot of us learn English because we want to travel or for our travels right so the reason I bring this up is that if you want to practice your English travel stories can be a great go-to and if you want to do this there's no better place than the real life English app which is the only place where anytime anywhere you can just press a button and inst be connected to another English speaker in another part of the world for a fun and dynamic conversation so why not go find someone that you can share your favorite travel story with share your crazy stories hopefully some of them are crazy yeah and that said we have a shout out to a very special podcast listener and app [Music] user okay and our today's shout out is from aaz um and they wrote us as an avid language learner I have tried numerous apps and resources to improve my English skills but n have matched the sheer Brilliance and effectiveness of the real life app that's such sweet words ads or a a so they use some nice vocabulary here they said Avid language learner what does it mean if you do something avidly Avid here um means enthusiastic mhm you might be an Avid Reader meaning you love to read right and they also said that none have matched the sheer Brilliance what does that mean sheer Brilliance sheer Brilliance is um sheer used here to like emphasize it's just like to the full extent right uh brilliant to the fullest extent sheer Brilliance you can say there is a common cocation sheer Joy just like yeah means like yeah joy to its fullest let's turn the tables at cenia and hear your favorite travel story I don't know if it's your favorite or this summer unexpectedly turned to be uh very eventful for me like I really had uh a kaleidoscope of experiences of trips short and long it all started with our trip to Peru so crossing the ocean uh layovers taking like you know couple of uh flights um and then I also took some shorter trips here in Ukraine and why I said unexpected and it's really hard to believe actually because this couldn't be the harder time uh for us to travel from Ukraine know some obstacles right now we cannot fly from Ukraine now so every time I take a trip if it's a foreign country if I go abroad I should first uh get to Poland and there take my flight so uh it adds couple of stops and couple of unexpected little stories um and yeah plants are always have to be adjusted and this is exactly what happened almost in every trip this summer to me so it will be a chain of stories how I adjusted my plans how I was adjusting my plans uh to reach my final destination yeah so you said you had a kaleidoscope of different experiences I believe that's what you said what does that mean Kaleidoscope so the Kaleidoscope is a toy in a form of a tube with mirror and um multicolored pieces of glass or plastic and when you turn the mirrors the tube they change patterns so every time you see a new pattern with this multicolored glasses it's very beautiful I really like kaleidoscopes it's very psychedelic as my parents might say because I believe it was a toy that was invented in the 60s and maybe yeah fitting uh so when you say this phrase the kidus cup of experiences you mean that you have a big variety of something there's another nice similar one I'm not sure if you've heard when you say a POI oh po po of experiences or a POI of different types of people at the party uh POI literally is a comes from French I believe the word and it's something that people might have in their bathroom for instance it's a bunch of fragrant dried things not sure exactly what you use here but this mix of different things can make a very tantalizing uh sensual Aroma oo tantalizing what is tantalizing yeah tantalizing mean meaning that it's a nice experience for the censes so it makes a tantalizing Aroma this mix of different things and we use this figuratively to mean a mix of different people a mix of different experiences and so on Summer started with an amazing uh trip to Peru uh I could never imagine I would find myself s there in Latin America in Machu picture and everything so when it was time to come back home and I called my brother asking how me is going because in order to take this trip to Peru I had to leave my daughter with my brother who is currently living in Denmark and uh he surprises me with uh the news that their daughter brought chicken poox from kindergarten and now they are waiting for MAA to catch it because uh if you know it's a very eily contagious disease and usually all kids uh have it in kindergartens and it's this one where you get many red spots all over your body that are very itchy but you shouldn't itch them because they can scar it's very difficult especially for kids to actually they say it's much more difficult if you get as an adult which is why that's why people have chickenpox parties to have kids spread it to each other but even when you're a kid it's very difficult to have the self-control to not itch right that's true that's true and uh exactly like you mentioned because uh they say it's more difficult if you catch it as an adult and I've never had a chicken poox you'd be like Phoebe in that episode of Friends with the the oven mitts yeah so I was afraid to now come back and I didn't know what to do either like to stay somewhere like uh like a quarantine you know in another city or in another country or at least to go back to Denmark but Renton an apartment and stay two weeks of quarantine there to wait until M you know uh gets it uh luckily I came in time so I had enough time to take her back to Ukraine because it has like the period of 21 days or something like that until it actually becomes contagious so uh and we safely came back to Ukraine and yeah there she got those spots you mentioned but you didn't catch it yeah I didn't catch catch it I was so you know nervous about it like yeah I didn't really want to um catch chicken pox but what a relief yeah what a relief it was but then uh we planned another trip and that trip was to Finland it was a very quick notice my parents gave to me that we we're planning a family get together in Finland and I really has uh little time to organize everything and I believe I took it after I made a pause here because I always want to say I take from but it the the correct price is take after my yeah Granddad so he he is a seasoned traveler like he traveled all his life and the characteristic feature of him is that he always always thoroughly plann the whole Logistics so he always buy tickets it's well in advance he always rent houses to stay in like he even uh make a small research of the city he visits to know where's the market where is this where's that so he really really does his homework well before each trip and I think I took after him let me ask you a question real quick U few questions you use some really nice vocabulary there so you said that your grandfather is a seasoned traveler what does it mean if someone is a seasoned something uh it's an experience yeah because of uh knowledge or because of age mostly it's about knowledge yeah you you do something many times uh experience that and you learn lessons uh to buy water when you go to the island now you're a seasoned on on kayak trips yeah don't forget water uh so yeah and what does it uh you said Logistics he plans out all the logistics so it's like it refers to all those um movements you make when you have to for example you get to an airport then you should somehow get from the airport either to a realway station or directly to your hotel where you stay so all those uh movements uh or a better way to say that is the transit transits yeah I was looking for that so we are getting to Poland it took us um the trip there was very tiring we were like I don't know squeezed like lons with mea because it took us the whole night to stay at the Customs border and um when we realized still in the morning hours at the Customs that we are missing we're going to miss our flight because it took much longer than expected to cross the border there came a moment uh where I had to make this decision uh oh my God what I'm doing am I like buying new tickets or what or returning to Ukraine because it was obvious that we're not taking that flight and now I know that Finland is not a very popular destination it was so hard to find a way to get there to make a long story short uh I'll just add that I managed to change everything so we were coming to warsa where we originally had to take our flight but uh I I bought new tickets and it was from Croco while still the bus I'm checking the trains I find the train that goes from Wasa to kov it was a fast train everything suits me but because it was traffic and I'm you know I don't live in war so I don't know how how the traffic is there so I make a decision that I will only buy tickets when I come to the train station and now I Know lesson leered when I came to the train station with heavy luggage and MEA I still was very optimistic that we can catch that train I go online like to buy tickets and uh to my dismay they close the sales of uh tickets oh God it's just like I'm still hopeful I'm still optimistic I go down to the tracks and like because I have this experience from Ukraine some of the trains uh especially those which circulate uh between the cities you you can still buy tickets on board the train like you go there and there is this conductor or this I don't know how to call this person but you can tiet yeah ticket puncher maybe ticket puncher maybe so uh you can buy tickets from this person at the train station there is this woman who's working there and I come up to her and I'm trying to like I don't speak Polish and I use my English I'm trying to ask her exactly the same question is it possible to get the train and buy the tickets there on the train and she her English was very limited she was trying to explain me something but the only word she was repeating over and over again was this is pendolino train this is pendolino train and I don't know I have no clue what pendolino train it is but somehow based on her tone and expression I I I I thought that okay maybe I cannot do that on a pendolino train I go to Google I try to check what pendolin train is I see that it's a very beautiful modern stylish train and I like you know and I I I regret that we can miss it but anyway we were already like you know tired looking as deflated Balloons with mea with our heavy luggage and another thing for our uh listeners who like to travel and uh plan to travel to warsa you should know that their railway station is not very user friendly right now I think they're making some adjustments right now um but to get to the track with the trains you have first to go up with your heavy luggage on the above uh Bridge go along to your track to your track line and then go down so it was very very tiring lots of ups and downs yes that's exactly but luckily we went uh to our favorite McDonald's you know the place sa which will save you everywhere right and we had to stay there wait for the next train I bought the tickets and we didn't miss it luckily it was a very smooth ride I now know what pendolino is they have this um modern uh equipment so they are kind of tilt when there is a curve and there is a turn so you don't feel it so it's just like a really smooth ride and a comfortable modern train I really liked it it's funny that you mention all those trials and tribulations in the Warsaw transition because I had a very similar story which I won't share today I'll leave it for another day or another podcast but when I was there it was um 2008 I believe 2007 Maybe and there was no one no one spoke English no one it was a nightmare trying to find anything and amazing I love the stories all the trials and tribulations as we said but in the end you made it you got to spend time with your family right as the the caveat there for the the audience to know that at the there was some treasure at the end of the rainbow right yeah there was a highlight of the of that trip yeah amazing so before we wrap up today's lesson we have a question from one of our listeners so we have a question from frina today I hope I pronounced your name correctly um and the question is it is so great to work on Tiny details in English makes such a big difference and it takes so much effort but it totally worth it you guys have to make a lesson about learning more languages at the same time how is it possible to keep more languages in your head as an active l which any idea is welcome I'm sure we could do a whole episode on that but that's true that's true in a nutshell right yeah have you ever learned couple languages simultaneously I have I have the experience of learning French while living in Brazil and learning Catalan while living in Santio Chile so that's really interesting when you're learning a language in a place that doesn't speak that language and it's also doesn't speak your mother tongue uh but helps too when you're younger and maybe have more free time which in the case of Chile that that was not the case it was just something I was passionate about so I was filling every nook and cranny of my my day with exposure how do you keep yeah words from different languages in your head so I'd be interested probably not saying your name correctly I'm really sorry but I would be curious what other language besides English you want to learn in what your native language is because I'd say it depends a lot if you're if you're from Poland and you're learning you're learning English obviously and then you want to also learn mandrin they're very different languages polish English and mandrin so you probably won't be confusing so much but if you're learning Latin languages which has been the case most of the languages I speak are Latin languages they have a lot of similarities in in fact I've just been coming back this year to learning Portuguese again and at the beginning I was making a lot of slips I was confusing or speaking a lot of portol as they said it using a lot of Spanish words or words in Portuguese but the best advice I can give is just daily practice daily exposure so both input and output if you're speaking the language every day or writing every day uh listening to things watching things in the different languages that's going to go a really long way for helping you to separate them out so that you're not confusing them and you're sort of encapsulating those in different areas in your your brain so I'm still sometimes making these mistakes in Portuguese it's it's natural because it's very similar and if I don't know a word usually I'll guess it from a word I know in Spanish or cutan but in general I'm doing it a lot less than I was you know a few months ago so that's one of the most important things is just practice practice practice which sounds obvious and we could do an entire episode on this I'd be curious to Cass if you have any anything you can chime in on there because I know that you've also learned Spanish you've learned German so maybe you've had some experience of what it's like to learn various ones at the same time yeah I'll just add that it's also important um to maybe learn languages which are not on a similar level so it would be easier if for example your level of English is quite high right now but then you start learning some language and you then you can easily learn two languages uh simultaneously right because they won't like you already speak English but that second language will be something new and you will start from basic but uh to start two new languages would be like really really challenging I think that's a good advice not to start two brand new languages at the same time if you want to start a new one maybe learn it for three months or six months and then start the next one once you've already gotten a good base but at the exact same time that would be that would be a pickle that would be a challenge I have um there's an interview that I did with a polyglot named Shannon Kennedy and she had this spectacular she's so organized she had the spectacular project management system for her languages she speaks something like 13 or 15 languages I can't remember exactly at all different levels but still so I would recommend check out that interview I did with her because she explains how her whole system works how she prioritizes different languages during the week and so on so that she can be keeping up all the languages that she's wanting to maintain yeah and it's like the one thing is learning a language and another thing is to maintain a language oh yeah so my take away from today would be that we should really enjoy the present moment don't stress out if something goes wrong because most of the times we will have those stories crazy or not so crazy to tell to our friends to our children when they grow up uh exactly thanks to those um unplanned things that happen they make our journey are traveling so much more bright rich and expected and uh you can really learn about yourself so much more in those situations I was going to say something very similar you really need to embrace the journey as we say in English it's not the destination but the journey so it helps you to be a bit more resilient as a human being all right so if you are enjoying listening or watching this podcast if you are getting some nice insights some nice learnings out of these lessons that we're bringing for you every week then a really great way that you can support us for free is to leave us a Fest star review in wherever you're listening to us or if you use any podcast app so like Spotify or apple podcasts you can also if you're watching us on YouTube subscribe so that you get alerted of all the new ones and like this video and by doing those two things you're also going to help tell YouTube that you're enjoying these so they can recommend it to other people who might also enjoy the lessons and finally remember that no matter what divides us that which unites us is far greater so traveling definitely is one of the best remedies for that as both Cass and I can attest to we look forward to seeing you guys next week 1 2 three a yeah if you want to improve your English considerably it's important that you see how language is used in various situations and watching TV shows offers a great opportunity for that because you have comedies you have dramas you have sci-fi shows and in each one of these different stories and genres there is a different kind of English being used there different words different vocabulary
Channel: RealLife English
Views: 38,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, practice, podcast, podcast in english, conversation, listening, english podcast, real life, real-life, reallife, reallife english
Id: swXI5-3BhDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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