Don’t buy a QD-OLED if…

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for years we've been waiting for OLED monitors to finally hit the market but now that they're here we have the agony of choice between two different types of Outlet quantum dot or W Outlet I really don't want to bother you with how these two differ on a technical level but rather I show you the real life differences and actually help you decide which one is the best for you so here are both types of OLED side by side and yeah we can immediately see that both of them must in fact be real oleds you really don't get such a deep black level and high contrast with any other display technology that's available today other than OLED so it's all fun and games and you can just buy any OLED monitor end of the story no of course not it's never that easy depending on how you actually use your monitor you might want to avoid either W OLED or QD OLED monitors to see which tag comes out on top we need to look at a bunch of different scenarios let's start with gaming you've probably heard that OLED panels have nearly instant spontaneous response times and luckily that's true for both QD OLED and W outlet but side by side the W OLED monitor that we have here looks better when things are moving across the screen fast slowbusters UFO test demonstrates that nicely as you can see the UFOs look quite a bit sharper on the W O Lord monitor but that's because it's using a higher refresh rate so it does have a better motion Clarity than the QD OLED monitor that we're using for this comparison but at the same refresh rate both look basically identical so this is something that's caused by the different refresh rates and not by the panel Tech itself currently QD oleds max out at 175hz while W Outlets are available up to 240 hertz I've pretty much listed every QD OLED and W OLED monitor in the description Down Below in case you want to get a market overview or are looking to buy something so W O Lord currently has a small Advantage for gaming but just thanks to the high refresh rate that's available but what about colors QD Outlet is supposed to have the juiciest and most saturated colors and yeah that's pretty much true this monitor has some of the most intense colors I've ever seen on a screen it has about 1.6 times the color gamut volume of srgb which really is a lot but don't underestimate W Outlet 1.4 times as RGB really isn't that far off so colors are still very very saturated I think most people would be really happy with the colors you can get from both of these panel types but yeah QD OLED has the slide edge here now before we continue our comparison let's talk about new green who spawns out the segment of this video the ugreen USBC 911 docking station turns your laptop into a multi monitor workstation it connects to a Windows laptop or a MacBook with just a single USBC cable and gives you a bunch of expansion options you can connect up to two external monitors with either display port or HDMI it's your choice if you want to mirror your monitors or expand the desk stop across all of your screens do a monitor setups up to 4K 60hz are supported with both Windows and Mac OS and you don't even need to worry about running low on battery because the ugreen docking station can power your laptop or MacBook with up to 100 Watts which is enough to even fast charge some of the latest MacBooks just connect a suitable USBC charger directly to the docking station and plug in your gigabit Ethernet cable for a fast and reliable internet connection the front side of the aluminum case gives you access to two USB a and one USBC Port all of which are USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports and of a high-speed data transmission of up to 10 gigabits per second if that sounds good to you check out the link in the video description to learn more about the ugreen docking station back to the video now so far we haven't really uncovered anything that would really steer you towards either QD OLED or W OLED both are amazing for gaming and both have great colors with just minor differences between them and both panel tags look insanely good in a dark room in fact under these conditions you can hardly tell the difference between the two oleds but this was recorded in a dark room watch what happens when we turn on the light suddenly the QD Outlet panel on the left looks much worse the super deep black level is noticeably lifted and there now is a faint magenta tint under these conditions you really wouldn't guess that this is an OLED panel that's capable of rendering perfect black so will every QD OLED monitor have this issue well at least every QD OLED monitor that you can buy right now has this exact problem and the same is true for current QD OLED TVs oh wow I see it already the gray holy crap it's gray yeah and when you turn off the lights it looks black I'm sure that Samsung display who make most of the QD OLED panels are working to improve this but as this is caused by a technical property of QD OLED I'm not sure if they're going to be able to completely eliminate this effect anytime soon the wole panel of the other monitor is structurally different and doesn't have this issue of course having light sources in front of the display is to something should avoid if possible but at least the black level of the W order panel isn't affected in the same way now you might have noticed that these two monitors generally reflect ambient light in a different way the QD OLED monitor happens to have a glossy coating whereas the W OLED one has the typical matte anti-glare finish that we're used to seeing from most monitors but you also find these types of panels with different Coatings in the TV segment so in the future we might also see glossy w o OLED monitors in a smaller form factor or even matte QD oleds for now though every W OLED monitors smaller than 42 inches has a matte coating and every single QD OLED monitor is glossy that's definitely something to keep in mind when shopping for an ordered especially if you have a strong preference for either matte or glossy but no matter the coding both Olive tags kind of struggle in bright rooms Outlets simply lack the brightness output to overpower lots of ambient light cutie OLED though is often said to be the brightest all attack and yeah when we compare have these two monitors side by side and QD OLED monitor that we have here indeed is slightly brighter than the W Outlet accounting for the human perception the QD OLED monitor on the left is about six percent brighter so yeah it is a perceivable difference but we also have to keep in mind that there are W Outlet monitors like the Asus pg27 aqdm which is hitting the same full screen Max brightness level as QD Outlet monitors so the max brightness is also influenced by other factors and not only determined by the type of OLED panel a monitor is using we see a similar effect when it comes to HDR QD OLED again has the tendency to be a bit brighter than W OLED at least when larger parts of the image need to be bright but also with very small specular highlights side by side this brightness difference definitely is visible but honestly without a direct side-by-side comparison it's really not that obvious in many scenes and the brightest difference between these two monitors also changes depending on how large the bright areas actually are and a particular scene so between about 10 and 40 APL with W OLED monitron even is slightly brighter and we also need to remember that this depends on how the manufacturer choose to tune a given panel as Zeus demonstrate again the W OLED can also be pretty bright so yes QD Outlets typically reach slightly higher brightness values but every manufacturer has different approaches to tuning so the max brightness is only very Loosely connected to the pan attack though the panel type has a significant impact on how good or bad these monitors are at displaying tags and Graphics Judy OLED and W OLED panels use pixel layouts that are different from each other and different from a typical non-oled display and unfortunately that causes both types of OLED to struggle with displaying text okay I'll show you what I mean here are macro shots of both displaying black text on a white background right away it's pretty obvious that these panels are structurally very different here's what it looks like when every subpixel is on it's a bit easier to see now the W OLED is using an RW BG stripe layout while QD Outlet is using atra Angela RGB layout both of these are non-standard so you PC or whatever you're connecting your monitor to really doesn't know how to probably address these weird looking pixels naturally this causes some issues like take a look at the folder icons for instance on the W outlet they have red fringes on the left and green on the right while the QD OLED shows green furnishers on top of the folders and magenta at the bottom obviously neither is ideal but in most instances I find the defects of the QD Outlet to be a bit less annoying however I do slightly prefer how the W OLED handles black text on a white background and word and such after a clear type run the text basically looks as good as on a normal layout panel but keep in mind that not all programs support clear type and this doesn't apply to Graphics so most of the the time the Triangular RGB layout of QD Outlet is ever so slightly less annoying but honestly both panel attacks really aren't optimal for reading text so sometimes choosing between QD outlet and W OLED is like being caught between a rock and the hard place I mean don't get me wrong both of these monitors are amazing for gaming and watching videos or movies but both QD OLED and W OLED have some significant drawbacks and quirks in comparison to a good old LCD monitors and we haven't even talked about burn in yet which as you probably know is the permanent image retention that can be an issue with OLED displays so how do these monitors stack up the truth is we don't know yet how big of an issue burning actually is on any kind of OLED monitor yes there are a few bits of anecdotal evidence like people on Reddit showing burn-in on their monitors but no one has done proper testing with OLED monitors under controlled conditions yet so we don't know if burning is something that occurs under normal conditions and we don't know if either QD OLED or W OLED monitors are more or less prone to burn-in however we can make some guesses based on the testing and investigations that have been done with OLED TVs odd things really took one for the team and destroyed a bunch of TVs for their testing and one of the things they found out is that how the panel is implemented can have a huge impact so even when two different TVs are using a very similar W OLED panel they found that one runs product can be vastly more prone to burn-in than the other likely that's true for monitors as well as monitor manufacturers just like TV manufacturers all have different approaches to cooling firmware compensation cycles and so on our tanks also made another very interesting observation a QD OLED TV they tested should significantly more burn-in than a comparable W over TV this might have been caused by the QD Outlets lack of a wide sub pixel which can do the heavy lifting with bright white highlights but this also could have been caused by other factors and it's not clear yet if these results are applicable to monitors as well if I had to bet though I'd say w OLED monitors probably gonna be slightly more resistant to burn in than their QD OLED count Parts but this is pretty much just my speculation so you should not let that influence your buying decision too much so which one should you go for QD OLED or W OLED in most cases this decision really is predefined by which monitors size and form factor you want like if you prefers standard 16x9 monitorum w o loled currently is your only choice likewise if you looking for a 34 inch ultrawide the only available panel right now is a QD Outlet that's the panel that this Phillips Monitor and all the other QD OLED monitors from Alienware MSI and so on are using as well wrote generally comes in a few more sizes resolutions and refresh rates but choices still are somewhat limited especially if you're looking for a reasonably sized monitor I've put together a list of all W ordered and QD ordered monitors that are currently on the market in the video description so you can get the full overview of what's available today there isn't much overlap between W OLED and QD OLED monitors just yet so most of the time your choice is going to be pretty dependent on the monitor size resolution or refresh rate you're looking for this should be changing in the future though we're expecting a 34 inch W OLED Ultra wide panel to begin production in 2024 and Samsung reportedly are working on smaller QD Outlets with a 16x9 aspect ratio so in the future we likely gonna actually have the choice between W OLED and QD OLED for many sizes resolutions and refresh rates it's unclear when exactly we're gonna see monitors with these panels but this is probably not going to happen before 2025 but let's pretend for a bit that we already had the choice between QD OLED and W OLED monitors with similar specs so which one should you choose in that case or if you just don't care whether you're getting a 34 inch ultrawide or regular 27 inch monitor well having used both of these monitors extensively I have to say that I ever so slightly prefer W OLED but that's because I have a window on my right side or it really doesn't go well with the QD OLED panel I find the black lift and magenta tint rather annoying but if I was only ever using my monitor at night or with the outside Blends down I'd slightly favor QD OLED because of the ever so slightly less annoying pixel layout thanks for watching Manziel video
Channel: techless
Views: 157,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qd oled, qd-oled, oled, woled, woled vs qd-oled, quantum dot oled monitor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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