Don’t buy the 3861 OMEGA SPEEDMASTER Professional MOON WATCH without watching this

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hey there guys this showcase watches today bringing you a quick video about the amiga speedmaster professional this is the 3861 this is the replacement of the 1861 this is the 2021 release amiga speedmaster with the calibre 3861 it's the hesselite glass and as i mentioned it is the replacement of the 1861 and i've just recently purchased this watch there's you know you guys know i'm massive amiga fan i love amiga watches and particularly the the moon watch and i just wanted to talk to you again guys about this watch and give you my opinions now this watch has been reviewed to death it's massively hyped at the moment there is every youtuber has done their take on this watch and they've done a review of this watch they've talked about the movement they've talked about the bracelet they've talked about the clasp they've talked about every aspect of this watch what i'm going to do is i'm going to give you my opinions on this watch because what's the point of me doing a review of the watch you know sit behind the camera and talk about this and the hestline blah blah it's been done to death and there's youtubers far better than myself have done this so why should i try what i'm gonna do is i'm to give you my opinions of the watch i'm going to answer some questions that have been raised about the watch and give you my you know hand on her honest opinion which is what my channel is you know all about so as i mentioned this is the 3861 so the 3861 is the modern day moonwatch movement which is so it went from the 321 and then he went to the 861 then he went to the 1861 and now it's going to the 3861 now in short i am not a watchmaker i'm not a watch movement expert so i'm not going to try and explain all the individual pieces of the movement all i can tell you is this it's more reliable it's got better power reserve it's anti-magnetic it's a 15 000 gauss it's a better robust shock resistant movement whereas the previous models didn't have any of that this watch is cost certified and metas so it's gone through rigorous testings and is regulated the 1861 didn't go through any of that testing so the movement inside this in short is just better in every way shape and form and it's actually arguably better suited for space flight it is um because it's anti-magnetic and it's got you know those properties it's the better movement for a moon watch that's just fact um but it is a still a hand-wound movement so it's the it's basically the 2021 version of the three two one with all the modern tech and the the coaxial escapement etc if you want more detail about the movement check it out you know you can read up on it you can check on youtube and but for me to regurgitate that would just be copying somebody else's work so you know i'm not gonna do it i'm not an expert on the movements that's about all i know um the watch itself there's recently been some talk about the watch has been a little bit sharp and people have been complaining that the the the watch was sharp um i actually made a video about this and i had to get the watch i wanted to get the watch to to find out if it is actually um as sharp as what people are saying and what what they're referring to is on the case back where you've got on the insides here on these edges and you've also got around here they're saying that this is sharp now look right i'm rubbing my things on that hard really hard nothing it's not sharp it's i would say it's been machine cut you know it's been machined extremely well it's like a perfection edge it could give the impression of being sharp i get that i can get how you might perceive it to be sharp but it's not this wouldn't cut paper this wouldn't even cut a leaf this isn't sharp it's i can see why people think it could be because when you run your finger against it it's a definite edge it's a definite precise edge it's not sharp so i would say it's a precise edge a well-machined edge but definitely not sharp so you know that puts that to bed this watch is not a sharp watch um the wearability of this watch is absolutely phenomenal and that is thanks to it we've still got the 32 mil case um it is a little bit shorter on the lugs by i think 0.7 of a mil which amazingly has made a difference it has just sort of squashed it down a little bit um it's a little bit thinner but the main difference is in the bracelet now the bracelet is it's vintage it is modern build quality but vintage inspired i mean if you look at that bracelet it is just absolute it's just such a fluid bracelet and you can see how the links sort of fall back on themselves and if i do that that probably gives it a better it's just pure fluid on the bracelet and what this basically does is because the bracelet falls straight down it basically makes makes the watch wear a lot better and this watch will be perfect for people with smaller wrists um because the previous model it sort of you know on on the ends it but it bulked out the watch more so it was the previous eight this the 1861 was more for a bigger guy um whereas this one can be won by a big guy a small guy it doesn't really matter um the bracer is super super comfortable because of the way it's constructed and because each link has five pieces you can't really see in the video but the center links here actually have it have like a little a little spacer in them and that is separate that is a separate piece on the um sapphire crystal version they're actually polished but on the on the hesalite that is actually left as a matte finish um because this is a five piece link there is a little bit to snag hair so when you run the watch over your wrist to put it on you could snag a little bit you know snag a little bit of hair when it goes over the wrist not every time but it could happen it has happened to me so i get why people say it can catch the hair a little bit but remember this the the bracelet of this watch is vintage it's modern build quality but it's vintage inspired so the way it's constructed i can't really see a way around it not catching a little bit of hair um if you've owned vintage speedmasters you know exactly what i'm talking about if you've owned vintage jubilees rolex jubilees you'll know what i'm talking about it's the same thing um so it's no issue in short it's absolutely no issue um absolutely beautiful beautiful amiga clasp this clasp is absolutely beautiful now there's been a couple of criticisms of this clasp that is maybe a little bit small yes it's certainly smaller than the 1861 100 and if you hold this clasp up against um even like a rolex submariner or or a gmt it's smaller again it's vintage this is what amigo trying to do amigo trying to go back to what they were and they're trying to bring a bit of a reissue of the bracelet and clasp this is it's almost like a reissue clasp but with a modern take and what they've done is they've given it they've given it you know vintage dimensions but with modern build quality so yeah of course it's a bit smaller um you know back in the 60s and 70s people didn't want a great big chunky bracelet um that's what this watch is and this is what amiga you know they're trying to do on the dial of the watch they have done the step dial beautiful it gives the dial so much depth and the i don't know if this is me but when i hold this watch next to my 1861 this dial is blacker in appearance my 1861 has more of a gray aesthetic this has a real nice dark deep luster to it and it's absolutely beautiful and the indusis almost have it's not a faux patina it looks like a little bit of it looks like a little bit of creaming on on the on the um patina on the on the indices it's gorgeous it's absolutely gorgeous um they've done such a good job with this of amiga they've put the dot over 90. so again another reference another vintage reference to the past i think what amiga have done is they've taken the best of amiga speedmaster and put it all into one watch i think that's the best way to sum this watch up they haven't tried to they haven't tried to rob peter to pay paul on this watch i think what they've done is they've looked at the line of speed masters and they've said the best bit of that speed speedmaster is this the best bit of that speedmaster is this they've taken it all they put it into one watch and that's what you've got here and the 3861 it's fantastic it really is fantastic i can't speak highly enough for this watch is there any downsides of this watch sure if you want it to be a modern speedmaster if you want the big bracelet if you want the big clasp buy the 1861 the 1861 is the big chunkier class the chunkier bracelet but if you want a wearable everyday watch the 3861 is the one to go for 100 and the beauty is is because this watch is metas and cost certified it means it's gone through all its rigorous testing and water resistance now people have always said don't bath don't shower don't swim with a speedmaster this watch because it because it has been gone through the certification process this watch has already been submerged to 50 50 meters or pressure tested to 50 meters it's already been tested tested for that this watch has physically been tested for water resistance why can't you shower in it why can't you baffling it why can't you swim in it of course you can you know this watch has warranty on it it's got five years warranty i'll wear this in the bath in the shower and i'll swim with this watch if it lets water in i'll be straight on amiga's doorstep and say hey you guys said this was 50 meters it's not i showered in it it leaked it's not going to happen um yeah sure the previous models definitely they weren't tested to fit to 50 meters um they were physically submerged in water and tested to that and the models before that obviously weren't the main thing is if you're going to swim or if you're going to do anything like that with these watches you've got to check your seals and the recommendation is to check your seals once a year service these watches probably every eight years but check your sales every year if you're not gonna get it wet don't worry about your seals just get your seals done when you get a service but if you're gonna use this watch on a daily basis and get it wet and shower in it and baffin and swim in it check your seals every 12 months and it'll be fine be absolutely fine um i've got to talk about value is this watch worth its money yeah i think 100 if you look at something like a rolex explorer it's the same price um check that video out i did the review on the um rolex explorer a couple of weeks ago i own that watch this is definitely more impressive this is definitely more interesting to look at it's still an icon it's a classic an icon i would prefer to have this than the explorer without a shadow of a doubt but you know i am an amiga fanboy i am biased towards amiga it's um lose a bit of money if you pay retail for this watch you are going to lose a little bit of money on it but if you buy it on the pre-owned market or get a discount on it you're going to be fine you're going to be absolutely no problem at all uh so you know don't worry about it it's not a watch that you're gonna buy today at retail put in the safe and it gonna be worth a fortune in the future that's never gonna happen never gonna happen um if you're looking for investment potential you're looking at rolex if you're looking for just an enjoyment watch look at amiga um it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful the chronograph function on it is so smooth um so that so the you know you start it at the top there you stop it you reset it it's just such a smooth action the 3861 is just absolutely stunning um it's a well decorated movement as well although it is a non-display back on this particular model you can get the sapphire sandwich which is the um the so i suppose you can say the upgrade to this so the sapphire version actually has the little bits the little spacers in the in the center links they are uh polished you've got a display headset sapphire crystal display back and you've got an applied logo uh amiga logo on the dial that's the differences between the sapphire and the uh hess light the reason why i've gone for the hess light is because you know i wear these watches i use these watches you can see i'm i'm out i'm outdoors about you know in the middle of nowhere i bash about with my watches hesselite will scratch it will scuff it's difficult to crack or shatter sapphire crystal is difficult to scratch very easy to shatter and to you know smash it into a million pieces and i'll tell you something if you're going to wear a watch and replace a crystal or replace a glass down the line i'd much rather replace a sapphire crystal oh sorry a hesalite crystal than i would a sapphire crystal the hesselite is so much cheaper than the sapphire to replace to repair and replace and the other thing that i love about the hesalite is the fact that you can you can you know do what you like with this watch it does not show fingerprints it's always got the same aesthetic on the test light in comparison to the sapphire where the sapphire you can press the sapphire and your fingerprints all over it and that's one of the reasons why i like the heslite versions it's got a mod the tool watch aesthetic about it um so yeah guys let me know what you guys think do you got do you guys like this watch i suppose the main question is is if you've got an 1861 speedmaster would you buy or should you buy the 3861 and here's my advice on that i believe there is room in every collection for both watches i think you can have an 1861 and a 3861 but here's my advice if you have an 1861 hesselight glass get the 3861 with sapphire because the sapphire 3861 the 3861 is an absolutely stunning well decorated movement if you're going to have a display back get it with the 3861 equally if you've got the 1861 sapphire sandwich get the 3861 hesolite then you've got two watches completely different aesthetics different watches so i think that a collection can have both these watches in the collection i really do i don't think you need to say i have the 1861 or the 3861 i think you can say you've got both so so let me know what you guys think don't forget drop a like uh leave me a comment check out the rest of the channel um you guys know i love watches i love i love rolex i love amiga i love tudor um i just love watches guys so you know check out the rest of the channel and don't forget to leave me subscribe i would much appreciate it so thanks for watching guys and take it easy see you in the next one
Channel: Showcase Watches
Views: 74,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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