Don’t “Wine” About It | Jeremiah 46-48 | Gary Hamrick

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well if you have your places there now in Jeremiah chapter 46 let me just explain to you going forward there's a dramatic shift that happens in the Book of Jeremiah from this point to the end here in chapter 46 God is going to turn his attention to others besides his own Jewish people of Judah the first 45 chapters of The Book of Jeremiah God spoke exclusively to the Jewish people living in Judah which is the southern territory of Israel and God spoke to the Jewish people through the Prophet primarily Jeremiah there were other prophets during the time but the Book of Jeremiah is about the words that God spoke through Jeremiah to the Jewish people living in Judah that's the first 45 chapters and those first forty five chapters detail as Jeremiah warned them if if the people don't turn from their rebellion against God and their idolatry and their sin then God's going to bring the Babylonians and he's going to use them to discipline the people he loves and unfortunately the Jewish people decided to turn a deaf ear to the prophets they did not turn their heart towards God and so God faithful and true to his word the Babylonians come and over a period of twenty years from 606 BC to 586 BC the Babylonians ransack Judah eventually destroyed Jerusalem and take captive thousands of Jews and deport them 2,000 miles to Babylon where they will spend the next 70 years and so in the first 45 chapters that's what is happening and God's dealing with his people that he loves he's dealing with the Jewish people he's dealing with the people of Judah and then this shift happens in chapter 46 where God now turns his attention to the Gentile nations around Judah and the reason he's going to speak to them and rebuke them and he's going to speak judgment against them is because they played a large role in the Jewish people's decline spiritually the Jewish people started to adopt the pagan gods of the Gentile nations around them and the Jewish people started to worship these pagan of the Gentile nations around them so God's got something to say to the Gentile nations the next few chapters here from 46 on God's going to deal with the neighbors who are a bad influence on the Jewish people let me just paint a scenario this would be like see your kids start smoking weed and you find out your kids start smoking weed because the neighbor kid introduced your kid to weed now what are you gonna do well you're gonna deal with your kid first they're gonna get the first 45 chapters all right but then you're gonna have a serious conversation with that neighbor kid you're gonna go over next door and you're gonna have a serious conversation with that neighbor kid and you're gonna give new meaning to the term weed whacker that's what's gonna happen you're gonna whack that kid and so that's what's happening here 46 on God's like I'm gonna deal with the neighbor kid because you've been a bad influence on my kids and so if you just do a quick survey with me look at your Bibles and I just want to point out most of your Bibles have subtitles over each chapter and some within the chapter and so you'll see chapter 46 do you notice that it's addressed to Egypt so chapter 46 God's gonna address Egypt just survey it with me in your Bibles chapter 47 he addresses the Philistines now the Philistines are no longer a people group it is a it is a misnomer to think that the Palestinian people are descendants of the Philistines they are not the Philistine people were seafaring people and they're gone now but he addresses them in chapter xlvii chapter 48 his addressed to Moab Moab on a map today is central Jordan the central region of the country of Jordan east of the Jordan River chapter 49 he addresses several countries Aman Aman is the northern part of Jordan you know the capital city of Jordan today is Amman it's in the northern part of Jordan Amman is named after Amman spelled just a little bit differently but it's the same region also in chapter 49 see a subtitle in your Bibles it to Edom Edom is the southern part of Jordan and that also further in chapter 49 Damascus God addresses Damascus same Damascus we're talking Syria also in chapter 49 he talks to kadar at Hazor kadar is as parts of Saudi Arabia has or is a region north of the Galilee on the border with Syria also in chapter 49 he closes with the word - Alam Alam on a map this southern Iran he's going to deal with them and then chapters 50 and 51 he spends the most time talking to Babylon he's gonna he's going to indict Babylon and some charges - even though God used babylon babylon exceeded what god's intention was for them and so god's got a word against babylon in chapters 50 and 51 next week we're gonna conclude the book of jeremiah by looking at God's Word to the the country the Empire of Babylon and then chapter 52 of Jeremiah the last chapter is really an epilogue and we'll talk about how Jeremiah didn't even write chapter 52 the end of chapter 51 ends by telling us these are the words of Jeremiah so he closes his prophetic word chapter 52 is an epilogue we'll touch on it briefly next week what I'd like us to focus on today if you would is back in chapter 48 if you'll go back to chapter 48 now that you've seen a survey God addressing all these various Gentile nations that were bad influences on Judah I'd like us to see something here that God says to the nation of Moab now again Moab is the region of Central Jordan on a map and I want to read with you from chapter 48 verses 9 to 13 and then we're gonna pray just commit our Bible study to the Lord but here in Jeremiah 48 starting at verse 9 down through verse 13 we read this put salt on Moab for she will be laid waste her towns will become desolate with no one to live in them a curse on him who was lacks in doing the Lord's work a curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed Moab has been at rest from youth like wine left on its dregs not poured from one jar to another she has not gone into exile so she tastes as she did and her aroma is unchanged but days are coming to the Lord when I will send men who poured from jars and they will pour her out they will empty her jars and smash her jugs and then Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh as the house of Israel was ashamed when they trusted in the foul now before we pray let me just clarify that last little part so Kemah was the principle gob god of the Moabites beth-el was a town that the israelites set up as a place of idolatry so god's basically saying to moab you worshipped Chemosh a false god did you see what happened to Israel when they worshipped false gods and befell same the same result is going to happen to you so that's kind of the tone here and that's the background we're gonna actually hone in on verse 11 but before we do let's have a word of Prayer father thank you for this time now in your word we pray that you would use this passage of scripture to speak to our hearts today Lord and may we just not hear it but may we apply it may we consider what you're saying to each of us and take these things personally as to what you would have us to do in response so Lord bless this time in your word may you be glorified through our worship through our fellowship and now as we study your word together we love you and thank you in Jesus name and everyone said amen if you've been living your Loudoun County very long you may have noticed that it's increasingly becoming wine country around here there's a vineyard in every turn especially when you get out to Western Loudoun and we're not exactly Napa Valley but this place is certainly have become better known for its vineyards by the way I heard yesterday on the news that in Napa Valley California they're actually changing out their grape vineyards and starting to plant marijuana so whatever it's California anyway you might be interested to know that as of 2016 the Commonwealth of Virginia has approximately 2,600 acres of vineyards with a total harvest of over 6,500 tons of grapes each year Virginia ranks 5th in the nation for both bearing acreage and grape production the central and northern virginia counties like Loudon account for the significant majority of the Commonwealth's production now I share this because you know here we are kind of living somewhat in wine country it's interesting to note if you perhaps noticed in reading through chapter 48 with me that here in chapter 48 of Jeremiah God uses a wine analogy to describe some major objections that he has with the spiritual condition of Moab and these objections should serve to be good reminders to us and strong warnings to us to carefully consider what God had to say against Moab and recognize how it potentially could apply to us so I'm gonna highlight just verse 11 I'll put it on the screen for you from chapter 48 and this is what it said Moab has been at rest from youth like wine left on its dregs not poured from one jar to another she has not gone into exile so she tastes as she did and her aroma is unchanged there are basically three objections that God raises that we should be concerned about and I'm gonna highlight these objections in yellow for you on the verse by pointing out three particular words God talks about rest he talks about dregs and he talks about aroma and so we're gonna see we're gonna use kind of this Old Testament example here to kind of bring to bear on our New Testament Christian experiences and so based on these three words and God's indictment against Moab here I would basically like to summarize God's concerns in these three ways using these three words based on rest dregs and aroma what God is basically warning us about is a Christian life number one that is sedentary number two he warns us about a Christian life that has sediment and number three he warns us about a Christian life that has no scent and so I'm gonna talk about each one of these three we're gonna stir were the first one first he talks about here in this passage about a Christian life basically just drawing a parallel from Old Testament about a Christian life that is sedentary the first thing that he points to is that Moab has been living a life of rest or some of your translations use the word ease they've been living a life of ease they've been living a life of rest and God doesn't mean this in a complimentary way and the way that we would say to somebody who's really worked a hard day or they've had a really hard week or a hard month you deserve some rest you've worked really hard you deserve that it's not meant in a complimentary way quite the opposite God is in tithing these people because they have been spiritually lazy he indict them for being apathetic and unmotivated about the things of God not having any real zeal for God or any spiritual fervor for the things of God this is his concern for them they've been too sedentary they've been sitting around they've not been engaged they've been apathetic about things spiritually now how do we know that this is not a complementary thing that he's saying here this is actually a rebuking thing because of verse 10 right before this verse in verse 10 God says a curse on him who is lacks in doing the Lord's work so that's the context and then that's when it goes into talking about how Moab has been at rest from youth and noticed that she's been at rest from youth this is not suddenly something that Moab has been doing wrong where suddenly she just became apathetic and lazy she's been doing this from youth for a long time in other words Moab has been spiritually disengaged they've had no real interest in doing the things of God and following the ways of God they've been apathetic they've been unconcerned the Prophet Zephaniah by the way who also has a book named after him in the Old Testament Zephaniah was a contemporary of Jeremiah and Zephaniah ministered also during the same time that Jeremiah did to the people of Judah and God said something very similar through Zephaniah in Zephaniah 1 verse 12 he said at that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are complacent who are like wine left on its dregs now here so I think that we should apply this challenge to us when he says about Moab they've been sitting around too long they're too sedentary they're too lazy spiritually I think that we should be challenged because unfortunately too many Christians are content to coast there are people who love Jesus they've had a relationship with him but they are otherwise not engaged they're apathetic they're complacent about the things of God they're indifferent about doing the Lord's work and if we've ever lived in a time it's now when we cannot afford to be apathetic Christians must really be engaged and step it up and be a part of our world in our culture and make a difference and I I think that there are four simple ways I'd like to suggest to us that we can do the Lord's work because that's what he's saying here Moab's been too sedentary they haven't been doing the Lord's work they've been lazy about it and I've made like a little acronym out of the word rise as in we need to rise up and really start to be more engaged here and so using that acronym here's the first one I think is this is a simple way but it's a very important way that we can be doing the Lord's work and the first one is raising our families in the ways of the Lord raising our families in the ways of the Lord the Lord's work begins at home it begins with our own families its husbands and wives reading together praying together cultivating their relationship together making sure that they're both you know honoring God and their relationship and in their home it's parents who are reading the Bible with their kids and who are praying with their kids and who are shaping their kids in terms of their worldview through a biblical lens it's giving hope to your children about who God is and and who Jesus Christ is who died on a cross and helping them to understand about salvation through Jesus and just bringing that to bear even in your home that's where the Lord's work first begins your home is your most important minister your family is your priority in terms of where the Lord's work starts if it doesn't start there where will it start the family that prays together stays together we know this but we've got to be intentional about this because there is this ongoing battle to capture the hearts and minds of your kids and so we have to be intentional as parents in our home to influence them in the ways of the Lord with the word of the Lord so raising our families is a simple way we can be doing the Lord's work but an important way secondly influencing our society we need to be doing the Lord's work by influencing our society and I'm gonna suggest to you and I know this causes some people some angst but I'm gonna suggest to you that one of the major avenues not the only but one of the major avenues for Christians today to influence our society is through the political process it's through the political process now I'm gonna ask you true or false I'm gonna ask you a question true or false people who don't share our values are wise about using the political process to advance their agenda in our nation true or false it's true it's undeniable they are relentless about using the legal system to promote their ideas and if we as Christians are complacent and silent we will end up with a nation that neither honors God nor resembles anything like what our founding fathers had in mind when this nation was started 29 at a 56 of our founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence 29 out of 56 had seminary or Bible school degrees and they understood that Christianity would shape their understanding of the formation of this nation our nation was founded by predominantly Christian men with Christian influence to bring about a nation that would be founded on the Word of God to bring glory to God the founders who sign the Declaration of Independence acknowledged God at the beginning the beginning of the declaration with the words that we are all endowed with certain unalienable rights by our Creator and then at the end of the declaration they signed with the words a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence they were creating a country with the freedom of religion not the freedom from religion which is unfortunately where we're trending today and although all religions are welcomed to be freely practiced here it was the Christian faith that became the basis for our laws and government John Quincy Adams once said quote the highest glory of the American Revolution was this it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity the founding fathers substantiated ideas based on the Bible for things like the separation of powers did you know that the separation of powers came from the founding fathers understanding of Jeremiah 17:9 the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure who can understand it we need to have separation of powers they substantiated the three branches of government from isaiah 33:22 which says for the lord is our judge the Lord is our lawgiver the Lord is our king and it is he who will save us the judicial the legislative and the executive branches were all derived from isaiah 33:22 they also got the idea of tax exemption for churches from ezra 724 which says you are also to know that you have no authority to impose taxes tribute or duty on any of the priests Levites singers gatekeepers temple servants or other workers at this house of God but today Christians have either been brainwashed into thinking that politics have no place in the church or the church has no place in politics where Christians have become downright naive and passive about the way that our communities and our country is being hijacked by a progressive agenda that is completely contrary to God I'm not suggesting that by influencing our society in terms of the political process that somehow then government will solve the problem of our social ills government is not the solution the gospel is and government is not the Savior Jesus is so we need to understand that clearly what I am saying however is Psalm 33:12 which says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that we can affect how much God is the Lord of our nation by how much Christians are involved in that process by voting our values and even running for office and being engaged in this process it is an avenue for making an important influence in our society because those who are trying to advance an agenda that is contrary to what we understand is true biblically they're gonna use that political process so why should we abdicate our moral responsibility by denying God's rightful place in our home in our churches and in our government abdicating it to those who have no intention of exalting God in those ways it's important number three the S word on rise is sharing our faith tell others about Jesus tell others about Jesus share your stories with them you know look people might take issue with the topic of Jesus and the topic of Christianity but out of an ounce of respect they'll at least listen to your story and you can at least tell people what Jesus Christ has done for you and you can at least be a living testimony of the transforming power of Jesus Christ and you can share with people what he's done for you how he's changed now hopefully they're noticing it too if they've known you for any period of time they've noticed how transforming your life has become and hopefully by living a life that demonstrates the transforming work of Christ it will raise curiosity in their hearts and minds to want to ask you what's going on in your life I want some of that hopefully our lives are lived in such a way that is contagious in us this is what Peter was saying in his epistle in first Peter 2:12 when he said live such good lives among the pagans until they accuse you of doing wrong they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us and Peter went on to say the next chapter first Peter 3:15 he says but in your heart set apart Christ is Lord and always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have and then Peter adds but do this with gentleness and respect like make sure that you're not coming across as some abrasive know-it-all Christian but just be gentle and telling people listen this is the transforming work of Jesus Christ in my life I'm a living testimony this is who I was this is who I am I'm not contented being this only for the rest of my life because hopefully God's going to even work on me in greater ways but if you want some of this then let me lead you right now in a prayer I mean be bold about it and at the very least if you feel like well I'm too intimidated to pray with somebody at least invite him to church do enough where you're planting the seed and sharing the gospel and talking about your faith and being that salt and light in our world because we need to share our faith we need to do the Lord's work this is no time to be sedentary time is short time is short and our world is getting crazier by the minute and more confusing by the minute and so we have to be vessels that God would use to share about him and to testify his goodness and His grace in our lives the fourth thing the 'part is engaging our culture along these lines we all know this don't we our culture is facing a very confusing time people are searching for answers they have more questions than answers because we're living in such a diluted and convoluted world it's the reason by the way I think for sure why there's this rise in depression and suicide suicide in our culture right now teens today are saying that anxiety and depression is their number one critical issue I don't know if you just recently read this that was published by the preview Research Center the USA Today published it just last month this survey of a thousand teenagers in America but of 13 and 17 listen to some of these results 45% said alcohol was a major problem among their peers 51% said drug addiction was a major problem 55% said bullying was a major problem but 70% of teenagers surveyed said anxiety and depression was the number one critical issue facing them today why is this in the article they actually attribute some of the rise in depression and suicide among teenagers to social media because the article says that while people and particularly just talking about this demographic while teenagers are more connected than ever they're more isolated and alone than ever because they can connect by way of a phone and they can do a lot of conversation they can do a lot of texts they can do a lot of Instagram and snapchat and all that kind of stuff but at the end of the day they're alone because they're doing all that stuff you know remotely and some of that isolation has led to depression and led to increase rise in suicide I have another theory that might be a part of it but I think quite frankly when you look at our culture our culture is like a ship on a stormy sea of thoughts and ideas without a rudder and without a compass and because of that there's no direction and our generation is asking valid questions that they want to know answers to this generation are young people and young adults the the Gen Xers and the Millennials they're wanting to know somebody just tell me truth somebody just tell me truth because all this confusion and is chaos in my world I don't know what to make of anything and here's the reason why we need to keep engaged in our culture because we need to remain relevant and relational with the very people who need the answers that you and I have because the answer is in Jesus and we need to be able to be relational enough and relevant enough to let people know who are going through gender identity disorder same-sex attraction you name it a post trauma from abortion people living with guilt and shame loneliness and suicide we have the answer folks it's Jesus this is no time to be sedentary we need to rise up and let people know the hope of Christ this is why Jesus said I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly this is why Jesus said come unto me all you were weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest people are wanting rest for their souls in this day and we have the answer we know Jesus and we need to let as many people know about the love of Christ and the freedom of Christ and the truth in Christ keeping our culture engaged in this day so that they can have that same hope well this is all on that first point about not being sedentary don't look at your watches don't look at your watches I've got two more quick points but these won't be as long as that first one I promise you the second thing that he tells us here that he urges us about number two is that a Christian life he warns us about a Christian life that has sediment this is that word dregs in that verse dregs what are dregs let me explain real quickly the wine making process in ancient Israel they would make two vats often hewn out of the bedrock of the ground in fact when we go to Israel I'll point out to those of you going on our next trip in may I'll point out some ancient places and make the rest of you jealous but anyway I'll for now and there's a larger VAT that a slightly higher elevation than the lower VAT and there's it's connected by a channel or a pipe and the upper VAT is slightly larger than the lower VAT and the in the upper VAT they would dump from baskets all the grapes that they harvested you harvest grapes of Israel around August September and then in that upper VAT the larger one people would get in old style bare feet and trample the grapes there's a lot of imagery in the Bible about God's judgment and the trampling of you know of the grapes and the wrath and the fury but that's for another study that's the book of Revelation and other places but you know picture-picture people just kind of trotting down the grave said pressing it to get the juice out now if you those of you from you know my day remember the I Love Lucy Show and so you have an image right in your minds right now of that whole scene if you're young and you don't know that google it it's hilarious I Love Lucy wine grapes whatever it's hilarious so people get in they stop the grapes the juice flows down that little channel and the grape juice ends up in the lower VAT and then the fermentation process begins almost immediately because in the summer months of the climate of Israel it's it happens very rapidly fermentation begins almost instantaneously and that fermentation process becomes violent it becomes frothy and it lasts for about a week what they would do is keep the VAT open don't put a lid on it or else the fermentation process is gonna blow the lid off so they would end up putting some of this newly formed fermented wine in jars okay just putting it in jars and then they would let it sit for about a week so that all of the sediment can rest at the bottom of the jars you know you got a little bits of grape leaves did that make it through to the juice you know that you've gotten some some grape stems you've got some you know toenails you got some stuff in there I mean let's just sign know you're thinking it right and if you weren't you're on now and so you've got all this you got debris that's what dregs are it's the debris as at the bottom of the jars now notice what God says to my lab says Moab was content to rest on her dregs she was not being poured from jar to jar here's here's what that speaking of the only way that they could filter the dregs was to carefully pour one jar into another empty jar that was cleaning so all the dregs the sediment would fall to the bottom and then they would carefully pour this jar into a clean empty jar trying to not disturb all the junk on the bottom they pour off enough and then they discard the dregs well this jar has a little bit of the dregs just not as much so then they do the same process then into another after it would settle into another jar until eventually going from jar to jar they could do the best they could as filtration to get rid of the dregs God is saying about Moab she never dealt with a junk at the bottom this is all very symbolic this is why it's important that we as Christians deal with the sediment in our lives it's a picture it's a type of sin dregs is a picture of all the junk that we've allowed to stay in our lives and God says I want you to deal with it I don't want you to just give place to those sinful things I want you to get rid of it and the filtration process for us today is not going jar to jar the filtration process for us is confession and repentance it's giving it to God it's turning from it it's saying lord I don't want this junk in my life I don't want this I don't want to harbor sin I want this to be filtered out this in the words of David David in Psalm 55 51 verse 2 when he was confronted by his own sin of adultery by the Prophet Nathan David would write Psalm 51 and in verse 2 he says wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from all my sin you're only a prayer away from forgiveness that's why the Bible says in first John 1:9 if we confess our sins to God he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Christian don't allow any sentiment to stay we've got to deal with the dregs of our heart we got to confess sin we got to get rid of it God wants us to be clean and he's the only one who can provide that cleansing work last point the Christian life that has no scent God is concerned for Moab she's wine without any scent now I'm not a wine connoisseur but I know enough to know that bouquet is important to some people and bouquet is important to being a Christian because Paul talks about in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 the aroma that Christians should give off and he says in first Corinthians pred everywhere the fragrance of Christ we should spread everywhere the fragrance of Christ first Corinthians to 15 and 16 he adds this for we sorry it's 2nd corinthians 2nd corinthians 2 15 and 16 for we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing to the one to those who reject Christ we are the smell of death to the other to those who accept Christ the fragrance of life now let me just bring this home with kind of modern analogy talking about a Roman you know how we are supposed to smell as Christians ok when you workout at the gym people can tell by the way you smell right am I right or wrong people can tell when you don't brush your teeth for three days people can tell by the smell when your baby needs a diaper changed everybody in the room knows because they could tell what by the smell now in a positive way there's good sense to good smells good aromas you walk into somebody's you've been baking cookies all day you walk into that person's house they can tell you've been baking cookies they can tell how by this way when you're ready to go on a date you get all groomed and perfumed and when you do people can tell by the smell so here's a question when you walk in the room as a Christian can people smell the fragrance of Christ when I was a kid growing up I spent some time with my cousins cuz they were like brothers to me I grew up with a sister just my sister and me so I didn't have any brothers my dad's brother my uncle Ken had five boys no girls five boys and I was my age was right in the middle of the five so I hung out hung out with my cousins most summers they were like brothers to me still are and my uncle was a Methodist pastor so he had a parsonage he didn't have a house that he owned so they ended up buying a little getaway house so he could have as you know his own home to get away to in the summer a little tiny town and Rheinsberg Pennsylvanian bedford county pence little tiny town Rheinsberg if you if you sneeze you pass through it and they lived in this little it's like an 18th century house that they bought and had a barn and a few acres of property right on the outskirts of Rheinsberg along the gravel it was gravel road at that point and every summer the Department of Transportation would come along and spray tar on the gravel road just to try to keep the dust down and try to keep the gravel in place just a little bit that smell of road tar is still in my nose but not in a bad way you might find this funny but even today the smell of Road tar brings back happy childhood memories for me of those summers that I spent with my cousin's in Rheinsberg friends I want us starts with me so I want me but I hope you join me I want to spread the fragrance of Christ wherever I go so that in a similar way when people are around us they might catch the scent of something that reminds them of a God who loves them and a Christ who died for that may we everywhere we go spread the fragrance of Christ and may we be careful not to be sedentary not to allow the sediment to remain and to spread everywhere the fragrance of Christ to a world that needs Jesus let's pray father we come before you thankful for your word Lord and we take these things personally that we would learn from Moab and the objections that you had to that country we pray that we would take to heart for ourselves help us not to be spiritually lazy the time is short may we rise up and may we be engage Lord influencing raising our families sharing our faith help us not to be apathetic at this hour we pray Lord that we would deal with the sin of our hearts that we would be poured out from jar to jar so to speak so that the dregs of our hearts might be discarded that we might confess these things to you and find forgiveness and grace and lord I pray that everywhere we go we would spread the fragrance of Jesus Christ to a world that needs to catch the scent of the God who loves them and the Christ who died for them help us in these ways we pray Lord for your glory in Jesus name we pray and all God's people said amen and amen god bless you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 5,433
Rating: 4.8290596 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Cornerstone Chapel, Gary Hamrick, ease, Jeremiah, sediment, rest, dregs, aroma, scent, Sedentary
Id: PqeusoRgI18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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