Dollar Tree DIY - Door Organizer - can hold crafting supplies - Washi - endless possibilities

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mmm [Music] hey guys Janet from Creston is up and creations coming at you today with a DIY it's an over-the-door hanger for craft stuff I'm going to use two of these shower caddies I'm going to end up only using three of these sink mats and they're really fun they're kind of flexible but they're kind of firm too at the same time I'm going to use three of those and I bought a thing as a 60 nylon cable ties from the Dollar Tree I've got a pair of wire cutters there were ones already had on hand and then some of the baskets I've had some of the smaller ones but it didn't end up using this I'm going to kind of put everything out of the way I'm going to actually put these two shower caddies so it's kind of up together so that I have two areas of shelving the last one I made I only have one area and this one's going to hold general craft supplies where my last one held my washi tape and I'll show a picture of all of them that I've made at the very end to show you but I'm going to use that point right there at the top to kind of cable tie it to that and secure it and I actually end up putting two on there and I'm kind of just showing a better view of it there and everywhere that that other shelf meets with that hanger from the previous one I'm going to put another cable tie on there so that it'll hold and I just cable tie around all of this area and I kind of go through and show you sometimes I don't pull them all the way tight right away just so that I have a little bit of a root wiggle room in case something ends up a little crooked and that has happened to me before it's the best thing you can do even affect us happiness just cut it off and do it again there's 60 cable ties in there and if it happens to happen and I had a few times where I did have to cut a couple off especially when I got to the basket I'm pretty sure I would I left that out of there now pull this one pretty tight and I end up actually going back and add in a second one I don't know if I show that in here but I do end up adding two of those to that very top right there and I kind of push the part of the cable tie to the back of it so that you know if you would happen to put your hand down and something you're not going to rake it across that part where that cable ties been cut so it can't hurt I haven't cut myself on it yet but I'm sure you definitely could I get the wire cutters down as close to it as I can you could use scissors for this but my scissors can't get as close to the edge of that cable tie as these wire cutters do and you can buy the wire cutters now at the Dollar Tree and I do have a pair I don't know where those pair are I have several I do jewelry making too and I had brought all this upstairs because I just have a little bit better space and better lighting and I just used some out of my jewelry collection real quick so I kind of even fidget with it there a little just to make sure that it's tight and like I say everywhere there's a place where that meets were those two shower caddies meet I put a table tile in there and I really like the shelving you can even use one of the little wire shelves on the bottom of these and sometimes if you've got things that are just a little bit smaller it could fall out of there so I haven't even used some of those other little wire shelves but overall this cost seven dollars to make you could fancy it up a little bit you could add a few other things to it even but at least basic cost would still be less than ten dollars and there I'm showing it up into now only sink mats they have a pretty um vicki sticker on there i had a hard time getting them off so i don't think i showed all three of them means struggling with them but they do leave a tiny little bit of adhesive behind it's not a whole lot but if you take the actual piece and press it down on here like I'm doing now and pull it back up that will actually pull all that adhesive off and I kind of just figured you know maybe if I even figured that I had some left behind that I just flipped up to the backside part and so exactly where they need it I'm trying to double it up just barely so that I have more room for the mat and I put a cable tie on each side and I end up even adding one to the very middle just to give it a little more support you know maybe that I could put something heavier in it if you simply use this for washi tape it's perfect even with just the two and I'll show you that at the end I've got a lot of washing in then and I really do prefer this over the little shelf thing that I bought at Michaels that holds a lot of washing because you have to pull it out to look at it all which is fun because you still see it but in this thing you know hanging on the back of the door I can see it it's right in front of you you kind of can just give them away through it and see all the washi that you have I'm going to keep adding all the way down for all three sink lands like I say sometimes I don't pull it all the way tight until I kind of get it all set in one spot and then I go through and I'm going to cut all the ties off and there's all three of them and then I'm kind of trying to decide exactly where I want to put it because I want this to be pretty sturdy so I'm looking at it and thinking yeah that would be good you know right at that bottom shelf part and right at that area I'm going to put the cable ties right along through there and that'll probably give me the best ability for holding that to that and it's kind of just awkward too full with at first you know just because think maps are kind of laid out the way they are and fitting in you know these small little areas but it was very manageable and I'm going to tie this up here this is probably what took the longest I've actually had a little gout episode in that hand there that middle knuckle is still a little swollen and still a little bit red there have a little episode at work the other day and this is my son up here in the corner he came down and he said what are you doing and I said Crafton making something so he brought his little marble and he was playing with it there but I loved it he'd come down and talk to me for a little while and just watch you know watching me make something and he actually stayed there for quite some time I don't know that I may have edited some of that out or he just wasn't in the picture but it was nice to kind of have him come down and talk to me that's one thing about nice about being in the kitchen or the dining room area too is that I'm kind of in the middle of everything I could see all the kids and it makes it nice now I ended up one as you can see around that side part two so I did the top and the side where the little hanger is and I just thought that that made it even more stable so you could stick a cable tie just about anywhere and I decided to go ahead and add a couple extras and towards the middle of there and I just feel like that world you know give me more stability on it and when I go to hang the baskets you know I could put different things than some of those baskets that would help you know make it just hold better and I just go over these Fabletown and a lot of this I'm showing you now a lot of it I ended up editing out like for the baskets because I figured once I show you once or twice you know stick in the baskets on that's pretty easy so they come in a package of three from the Dollar Tree you can also get these at Dollar General the same exact packaging they look exactly the same they might be a slightly different white but I can't tell you know when you hold them up even they sort of look different than they sorted also so I count down just a few from that first shelf just so that I'll have room to stick stuff down in it and then when I do the next ones I fold down about five rows of those squares for each basket and I end up sticking six baskets on this one for the washi tape one I didn't want to have to worry about having room in between them like I wanted on this one so actually having nine different baskets on the washi tape version and I go back and I end up even adding a third cable tie to the very center of these baskets as you can see I kind of push back that top of the part of that cable tie there just so it's kind of out of the way and there's my helper handed me another basket and I count down and just to kind of keep everything even that's why I say I count it down about five squares each underneath the basket every time I hunt one and this is kind of tricky working it in into that area and mainly if you know I should have picked it up I wanted you to be able to see what I was doing but if you were doing this yourself you can pick it up and it's a little bit easier and all this is kind of new to me of trying to show exactly what I'm doing when I do it so if I get my hands in the way or it's just hard to see what I'm doing I do apologize I think it's time goes on I'll get a little bit better at everything I kind of speed up the camera here after a while - what I do the rest of these if I even show them all like I say if I once I put a couple on they got speed through it and then show the very last one there we go or maybe the last two because I decide at the end I'm like well I could put another basket on at the bottom it may vary depend on you know what else that I put in those last couple baskets but so you can see I'm stitching in with it sometimes I end up doing these cable ties upside down or the wrong way and I have to fish them back through there and that happened a couple of times I pull the sticker off of there and that's when I decide so have room for another one or not I think yep because I didn't want to just leave that rest of that basket even down there either or them not without putting something else on it so here I'm going to finish it up and I do show I'm coming up on one of them where I've added the extra third cable to the center and I just think that will give this so much more stability to where I can maybe put a little bit heavier things in this and I'm really appreciated if you made it to the end of this and you like these type of videos I really hope that you'll give me a thumbs up hit subscribe if you haven't already and if you hit the bell that will let you know every time I put up a new video I love doing these I've try to keep the angle where you can see everything try to be mindful of that here it is hanging up in the basement and it's empty and I love it I love the little hang parts on it I filled it up just with some stuff that I have not yet put away and just show the versatility of it and how many different things that you can put in it I will probably go back and rearrange this but like I say if you hit that subscribe button that will let you know every time I upload one of these new videos I really appreciate you guys watching I'm getting ready to come up on 500 subscribers I'm not too far away I've just started this about a month month and a half ago and I started out with just some of the Dollar Tree haul I love all the crafting supplies you can get at Dollar Tree and how it makes it affordable to do things like this and it's fun it's kind of you know it gives me a release and I gives me a sense of accomplishment when I do these so thanks again for watching I'm going to show you also my washi tape one now this is just one shower caddy three mats but there are nine baskets below and as you can see I have this thing filled with washi don't tell everybody but this is not all my washi but look at that that's beautiful I wish I do the last my washi more than I do but you know and as you can see so far I haven't yet put anything on these shelves and I'm going to work on reorganizing a few things today I hope I'm also working on another video for a jewelry stand holder just stay tuned thank you guys so much for watching I really do appreciate it I hope you all have a blessed day you
Channel: Crafting It Up and Creations
Views: 4,318,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dollar Tree, Dollar Tree DIY, Dollar Tree Organizer, Dollar Tree Craft Organizer, Budget Friendly Organizer, Washi Tape Organizer, Crafts, DIY Crafts, over the door organizer, Crafting It Up and Creations
Id: hoXp2BgNs2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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