Dollar Store Dried Beans VS a Can of Store Bought Beans: This is How Canning Saves Me Money!

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good morning guys okay so we're gonna do a fun little video today we're gonna see if canning really does save you money alright this is one of my many examples today we're gonna can up some pinto beans this bag this is a 32 ounce two pound bag of pinto beans I bought this bag at the dollar store so cost me $1 okay and then over here on my phone I pulled up one can of pinto beans so a single can is gonna cost you fifty eight cents this is the great value Walmart brand okay for 15 ounces alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna can these up in pint size jars I'm going to use the wide mouth and we're gonna see now this is going to be pretty much equivalent to one can of beans okay so we're gonna see how many pint jars we can get for one dollar versus one can for fifty nine cents or fifty eight seven sorry there you go alright so let's let's see if canning can really save you know got all my jars washed up I'm not sure how many I'm gonna need so I made some extra we are gonna put the dollar store beans in the wide mouth okay and we all know that if you're running a canner you're running a full canner you never waste a session so in the regular mouth jars I'm going to be putting more pinto beans because I need more on my shelf so regular mouth are just gonna be the extra we're not really going to count this we're just going to count the widemouth for our dollar store beans so I'm gonna open up this bag we're gonna get it in a strainer we're gonna rinse these and pick through them and we'll see how many jars we can fill yes so you know there's no shenanigans happening we're gonna sift through these I pick out all the ugly beans like this one anything that's broken or missing anything I don't use so any little pieces you want to check for stones so go ahead and beans and I'm gonna show you what a stone looks like when you find one in your beans so make sure you sort through your beans so there are my bad beans there's my one bag of dollar-store beans the time is 1001 so let's see and you see that 1001 alright so not very long but pick through it it's definitely worth picking through anything sure everything is pristine and now we're gonna just give it a good rinse a good wash now I use the no soak method this is not an approved method so you do not have to clean your beans like I do but I'm just gonna show you this video is mainly for now I'll leave a link up above to one of my family videos for being this isn't candy video per se but we're just gonna see how much money save by panning our own is a storage righty here we go there's our beans here are our jars and I'm using a quarter cup measuring spoon because I am not sure where my half copper is so there's my quarter cup so we're just gonna put two scoops of beans per jar okay I don't panic anything in my hands I don't add salt or anything like that I still find it necessary I will see you in my dreams when I go to cook with them and then that also cuts down on sodium which you know especially during weight loss don't want to be having a ton of salt in your diet [Music] [Music] all right I think we can get we are going to set I believe two four six eight lines are all right there's the last bit so there you go nine jars which are going to be equivalent to nine cans okay so all right let's get some water in this what time is it uh it is now what is that Oh what is that focus camera 1006 1006 all right let's get water in these so we are going to be using I'm using my Mulligan war at water because I do have cold water I do not can with water and with my pokey Joe and then we're gonna go ahead to the next one and I'm just gonna keep filling these until we get them all filled alright so right here I've got some vinegar and now we're just gonna go ahead and wipe these rims what time is it it is it's ten eleven all right it's ten eleven all right so let's let's get this get all these rims nice and clean you want to make sure that you don't see any beans floating floating beans or bad beans okay so you want to get those out of there alright so now let's get some lids on these all right so the time is now 10:14 and as you see that did not take long at all we're gonna go ahead and place these right in my canner you see I have an empty canner here so we're going to load these up right inside my canner alright so there is one level okay and then we're gonna go ahead and put a second level on now I'm gonna have to go ahead and clean some more beans and get these stars filled and then as soon as I do I will be back and we'll put these doors in the canner I'm using room-temperature water in a room temperature water in my canner as well and yeah alright let me get some more beans in the scanner and we'll get it go out there you have it I have a full canner full all right let's look at the time at the time we are at 10:27 now that's that was a half hours worth of work okay and you saw it was not hard you just gotta you know make sure that you're doing it appropriately and not hard in fact a half hours worth of work that is a shorter time amount of time that would have taken me to drive to the store for some kind of clearance deal for canned beans so all right we're gonna put the lid on this now let's get the lid on this bad boy at 10:30 all right so I just turn this on the burner and I'm gonna go about my day I don't have to sit here and babysit this I'm just gonna wait for this to vent and in the meantime I've got my vacuum out and littles running around and I'm gonna be cleaning my house I'm gonna be staying close near my hand you know within the vicinity my living room my my kitchen but I'm gonna be working I've got Mellon to cut up I've got some herbs in the dehydrator that needs to be taken care of and so those are the things I'm going to be working on while I can so I'm going to be doing tasks okay I've got my timer ready to go when it's time and I'm gonna bring you back when I pull these out of the out of the canner and we'll take a look alright guys so tanner is all done we're gonna pull the yeast out of the jar I'm gonna pull my extra beans out first I'm gonna set them over here then we will get to the ones that we paid a dollar for jar number one I was just watching footballer and her video response on canning which is amazing so I'll leave a link down below I also watched mouse toes I think that was yesterday or the day before can't remember how but she also did a fantastic video response actually I'll leave cards up above to both ladies and their channels if you guys are not subscribed to subscribe to these ladies ah treat yourself they're my amongst my favorite youtubers and I try never to miss a video from either one of those ladies they're amazing and there are amazing Kanner's can learn so much from them alright last one all right look at this nine beautiful jars of beans for $1 $1 from Dollar Tree and nine nine jars for four less than two cans of beans if you bought them at the store the reason why I wanted to do this video is for a couple reasons for one I wanted to show you actually show you how you can actually save money by canning sure it's a little bit of work sure takes a little bit of time but you don't want to get my entire kitchen clean I got my floor vacuumed and mopped I fed the kids lunch I did other things while my canner went will canning cost you money sometimes sometimes sometimes when I buy like me in bulk even though if I get it on a sale price sometimes I'm out a little bit of money I'll listen to the pings to do it but it's worth it to me and this took less time than if I had loaded up my kids in the car drove into town and bought beans unspecial so it's all in what what value you place on your food what value you place on your time for me it's worth the time to get the quality and the price of the food that I can there's just been a lot of discussion and a lot of debate going back and forth my main goal in making this video for you guys today I don't want you to be scared of canning I don't want you to think that it's gonna cost you a ton of money and that it's an expensive hobby and something just enjoyable to do even though I personally love candy it really is a life skill and it's a dying art I did not grow up with can't home canned foods I came to canning at a very difficult time in our lives where money was a huge struggle for us and buying canned goods at the store was too expensive it got to the point where it was too expensive even at the cheapest price without home canning I wouldn't have been able to feed my four growing boys this saved me and this has also allowed me to build a pantry which is my safety net we we are never without food if we have loved ones that are struggling we can provide them with food and it's it's a security it's definitely a security like I've said before I have three freezers now and if we were to lose power if anything were to happen I now have the life skill and the knowledge to be able to take everything out of those freezers put it into jars and put it up in my pantry and preserve that food this is an art of preserving and it's an amazing powerful skill to know and for me it saves me a lot of money I don't want anyone to fear canning I was afraid to learn how to can I thought oh my gosh I'm never gonna be able to learn that it the canner looks so scary what if I blow it up what if I kill my family with you know toxins or I don't can it properly take a breath educate yourself and then jump in and you are gonna find that it's a lot easier than you thought it's very enjoyable I use this as a stress relief I if anytime I'm I'm anxious about something or I'm stressed out about something nothing is better for me than to put myself in a power position when when that happens to me something useful I've got to put that energy and I've got to turn it from an anxiousness that's negative to something positive so I usually can or I dehydrate something or I bake something and it helps me but I don't want anyone to fear canning and I also don't want you to think that it's some kind of expensive hobby that you know it's gonna cost you money yes it's not and if anybody out there needs help if you're starting out if you're scared if you just need somebody to have your back and to hold on to you while you go through you know your first canning process hit me up I will be your biggest cheerleader you're not alone that this canning community here on YouTube is incredible and it has gone it has grown past YouTube it's you know we have a group over on Facebook that we all hang out over on some stays friends a network of supports a huge support system and it's so much fun to see everybody what everybody else is canning and it gives you new ideas and creativity to put up in your own pantry it's amazing and everyone is so helpful I I have yet to come across a canner who hasn't been helpful or resourceful or hasn't been a great source of support here on YouTube or even over in the Facebook group so if you are struggling if you are afraid to jump in and try for the first time if you're on the fence um hit me up I will be your biggest cheerleader but don't be afraid this is an incredible life skill to know and it's very empowering I cannot tell you it's how empowering it is I no longer fear losing power I know that the clock starts to tick and if we have to we can start pulling things out of the freezer I have a I have a burner a propane burner that goes outside that I can put my all-american Cantor on and I can't an outside and / or in my garage if I needed to during a powder power outage and preserve all the food in my freezer none of it will go to waste none of it will go bad that has happened to me before where you know then you're cooking everything within you know the first 24 hours 48 hours you cook everything up and then then what so I hope that you guys find this video encouraging and inspiring that's why I made it I really made this video just for encouragement if you're new to canning you can do it you got it if I can do it anyone can do it and that is the truth alright guys if you have any questions comment down below and I will try to answer them for you and until then happy canning
Channel: The Kneady Homesteader
Views: 119,325
Rating: 4.9329572 out of 5
Keywords: the kneady homesteader, kneady homesteader, canning, pressure canning, home preserving, food in jars, beans, dollar store, dollar tree, walmart, easy, fear, scared, humble, craft, life skill, money saving, budget, frugal, does canning save you money, does canning save money, is canning a hobby, is canning a life skill, stay at home mom, big family
Id: AdkgF4uKOQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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