Doja Cat Disgusts Me! Britney Spears’ Big Loss! Gisele Bundchen Needs Help! Kim Zolciak Speaks! And…

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hello hello hello hello hello happy Saturday it's a weekend is edition of the Perez show you are my Fram I am Perez Hilton the original influencer the queen of all media G gossip ganga I am running on fumes I like to be honest y'all I went to a show last night and I fell asleep during the show a theatrical experience not the whole thing just like five 7 minute nap and I was seated in the front row how embarrassing I'm going to a show tonight hopefully the same thing doesn't happen I even drank a large coffee right before the show started nothing I'm immune to it I still need to get more sleep a reminder I usually stream every weekday on YouTube at this time 7:30 p.m. Eastern 4:30 Pacific however I am taking Monday off so I am going live today to make up for that and I really take my relationship with Nikia and nna and Adam and all of my members very seriously and all of you too everybody I appreciate you all however if you want to and can support me like P Oli you see the little little star symbols that the all of my members have uh like Queen J Ray if you want to support please please do uh it's a great way to show your favorite creators that your content their content is something that you really enjoy so I'm about to switch boom this live chat to members only I do all of my live chats members only but if you're not a member you can still watch for free and you can still comment after the Live premiere is over and you can still like and share okay uh surprisingly we have a lot of things to talk about for a Saturday uh let me oh okay what am I gonna do there [Music] no oh no okay there we go all right let's get to it you know what I just saw I saw uh an update on all this drama with Rebel Wilson hey Claire and uh Sasha Baron Cohen Sasha Baron Cohen was able to prevent Rebel Wilson's publisher from printing her book mentioning him in the United States they published it and she made some damning Alle ations against him hi minderella that's a beautiful name minder am I pronouncing that right is it mindella minderella I love that is that your real name oh my god I've never seen that name before do people call you Mindy is that your real name now I need to know let me know anyways um if you don't know in the UK hey ni oh my God you guys showing up on Saturday I am so flattered and humbled and appreciative of your time back to Rebel Wilson and Sasha Baron Cohen remember she made accusations that he was really inappropriate with his jokes your real name is Mindy okay all right I like minderella mind's nice too um Sasha Baron com claim Sasha Cohen claims that he presented Rebel Wilson's publisher in the UK with information that proved she was lying okay well uh you're real fresh right now Nicole I wonder if that's going to have implications on the US market and with future additions are they going to cut him out of those as well and if she is really lying is he GNA sue for defamation hey Joanie that's queen jray queen jray gave you a free membership and you showed up how amazing it's the circle of life and queen Jr is watching so your thanks are seen by her and appreciated by all um yeah I wonder if he's going to sue her she has the same lawyer as I do he's not cheap any who let's keep it moving all right on to something really sad y'all really sad really really really sad Britney Spears has suffered offered a major legal setback against her father remember Britney was taking legal action against her dad alleging that he misappropriated her money and used her finances to pay for things that he shouldn't have and overpay for things well they have reached an agreement Britney's lawyer and Jaime's lawyer and you know how much Britney Spear years is going to win nothing zero Jam's not paying anything back in fact Britney Spears has to pay Jam's legal bills for the last two years and you want to know how much Jamie Spears spent defending himself $2 million $2 million and if you think that's a lot you want to know how much Britney Spears spent on all of this legal action in the last two years only $ million so if you're not good at math but I'm sure that well I'm not but I'm sure you all are hey Ananda yes that means that Britney is now on the hook for $6 million total the4 million she spent she's already spent and now she's got to up the ATI and pay another 2 million for her father's legal bills $6 million to end up settling out of court and not even going to trial and Britney I don't know she agreed to this though she's reportedly Furious but she signed off on it I don't understand if she's Furious why why did she agree to this settlement why did she not go through with it like does she not have the money that's a possibility she might not have the finances to continue to to pay $2 million a year just in legal bills she's probably not broke but you know $2 million a year just in legal bills taxes which are probably several million dollars property tax on top of that she takes a ton of vacations all the time and you know she flies private and takes her security team with her not even a security guard like a whole detail so that is my expert analysis she couldn't afford to to keep this going forward I don't know about that Queen J Ray she she's free but she maybe is just listening to other people that are saying you don't have the money to keep going because of what I just said she doesn't have the money hey voices I mean or maybe she does have the money and and they you know they did their due diligence and they found out that Britney's dad did not misappropriate her funds they're not in court yet they've been seeking information and maybe what's that expression he dotted his T's and eyes and p's and q's or whatever the hell you know what I'm trying to say I'm I'm Cuban you know Spanish is my first language what's that expression crossed the the x's and dotted the T's or whatever you know maybe Britney's dad was very thorough with everything and made sure to have receipts and evidence and uh maybe he did not miss spend dot the eyes and cross the teas there we go I jumbled that up I knew it was te's dot the dot the eyes and cross the cross yeah that um and and she's probably not bringing in a lot of money I either you know she used to make the bulk of her money through touring and through her Vegas residency she's not doing either of those things now we might get a Vegas residency as has been rumored oh yeah it's probably Queen J Ray she's apparently not on any medication now but you know she's from from the prescription meds to any other substances that she may have taken it's sad it's sad speaking of I saw this I can't I don't want to show it because I don't want to get in trouble I saw this these paparazzi photos of Amanda bines and she was vaping and listen I don't care I have nothing wrong no no nothing against people who liked well correct me if I'm wrong I'm making an assumption here that most people but not all okay I'm assuming that most people who Vape are vaping weed is that an incorrect assumption do people Vape things they do vape things other than weed that is a thing but most people let's talk about the majority the masses most people when they're vaping are probably vaping weed right right that's my guess and she was vaping and I hope it's not weed just because she opened up in the past about how weed was the trigger for her how weed was [Music] um what began her problems and if that's true then why would you go with smoking weed I don't know I don't like I said I don't know what she was vaping but she was vaping something and I wasn't even going to talk about her but like the Britney Spears little chitchat made me make the connection I I hope she's got good people around her Amanda needs friends that she can trust that are not going to sell her out that are decent and reliable and not struggling with issues themselves speaking of struggling with issues didn't I say this did anybody watch my live yesterday either live or on the replay was it yesterday let me see here [Music] um no two days ago so not yesterday did anybody watch my live it doesn't matter I'll tell you my live on Thursday when we talked to Nikia about King Charles I'm pretty sure that when we spoke about King Charles I said I was a little suspicious about this story that was getting a lot of pickup because the source was a friend of King Charles and this this friend of King Charles that spoke said that he was really very unwell and I just there was a little my Spidey senses were tingling because the senior Royals the very most senior Royals Charles and Camila Katherine and William they keep that is on lock they they didn't even tell Harry and Megan that Catherine was sick Charles did tell Harry before the news broke but I I don't believe that King Charles would be telling his friend that things are really dire you know like oh he's really really unwell he's not telling that to anybody we still don't know what kind of cancer King Charles has nor the stage nor anything like that so today well not today yesterday like I said Thursday I spoke about that then yesterday the palace released a statement announcing that King Charles is going back to work cool King Charles is going back to work this week now back to Amanda bines for a second I have to make some assumptions okay yes people have gone back to work no Joanie we don't know the type of cancer we don't know we don't know Queen J Ray he has not announced the type of cancer that he has [Music] um people have gone to work while unwell and battling cancer but I would like to think I'm [Music] assuming he's not very unwell is that a safe assumption I think so I'm assuming he's not very unwell and what what he does for work is a ton of Royal engagements Queen J Ray multiple ones a day showing up at events shaking hands being the patron of this charity or that charity it's a lot of charity work a lot of small talk a lot of stuff like that and actually if your immune system is compromised that's that's really dangerous you know if you have cancer and they're putting chemo in your body and you're around a ton of strangers that's bad so that's why I'm assuming he is not very unwell and why I'm also assuming he's kind of okay now he's going back to work and and resuming his Royal engagements hallelujah hallelujah all right y'all I am I am livid I am livid I used a very strong word in my headline and I stand behind it in the title of this video I said DOA cat disgusts me and she does I don't hate her but her behavior especially towards her fans the way that DOA cat treats her supporters that disgusts me one of my biggest pet peeves with regards to celebrities are those that are ungrateful and that mistreat their fans and doat is both of those things she repeatedly has pooped on her fans and she did the same yet again yesterday the singer and rapper took to Twitter to complain about children showing up at her show she's currently on tour and joic Cat said quote on Twitter I don't know what the f you think this is but I don't make music for children so leave your kids at home mother effer I'm clearly censoring this for YouTube a little context to to uh share because Queen J R asked doic cat is going to be turning 29 in just a few months she's almost 30 she turns 29 in October okay she she's not a kid she said I'm rapping about cuum why are you bringing your Offspring to my show rapping about eating d c and pissing on his v-cut leave your mistake at home I get it I get it dojacat is trying to be shocking on purpose she's trying to be controversial she's hoping to get headlines and she is being disgusting inappropriate shameful gross I will never go see do well maybe Never Say Never but the likelihood of me going to see doic cat is slim to none disgusting those are the people that made you very very rich and even if you were the opening act or even if you were already rich you know even if you were already very wealthy you should not be treating people that way talking about them your supporters or anyone ew gross and yes that's a great suggestion Adam only do Club dates if you don't want kids there also put it on the ticket 18 and over if you didn't put it on the ticket it boo on you plus also what if a parent doesn't care about sexual lyrics what if a parent wants to take their 13-year-old child why are you g to judge that parent and make them feel crappy for taking them to your their child their 13-year-old to your show or their 12-year-old I mean I would probably take my 13-year-old to a show like that 12 is too young 13 you're a teenager I would take my teenager to a show with I would take my teenager to go see a topless show if that were legal here in Vegas I don't think it is but in France if I was to go to like crazy horse something that I could probably take my 13-year-old son or 13-year-old daughter boobies who cares I don't care or you know talking about explicit lyrics who cares doesn't B me I probably wouldn't take them but maybe I would I don't know I let my kids watch scary movies sometimes the scary movies also get a little rated not too much though because that used to be more popular back in the day remember back in the 80s and even the 90s I think scary movies used to also be very sexual they aren't really so much sexual anymore they're mainly just gory not all of them you know like scary um yeah all right let's keep it moving oh my God a hundred people tuning in on a Saturday hi and thank you all I'm Perez Hilton and if you want to support please consider um joining my membership like all of these beautiful people that I'm chatting with now you'll get to chat with me ask me anything at any time guide this and um yeah all right on to Ellen degenerous Ellen performed in Los Angeles and did stand up and had a lot to say about everything that happened to her she explained the controvers she explained the controversy surrounding her departure from her talk show and said after the explosive exposes on the workplace environment at the Ellen show that she had become quote the most hated person in America and that she got quote kicked out of Show Business seems a little um hyperbolic uh a little exaggerating but it is okay uh some very strong feelings she says the hate went on for a long time and I would try to avoid looking at the news the be kind girl wasn't kind that was the headline she then was asked in a Q&A if she continue to dance at home to escape the tough times no it's hard to dance when you're crying she said I'm making jokes about what happen happened to me but it was devastating it took a long time for me to want to do anything again she also says she hated the way the show ended and um she's doing better now and I think we need more laughter and less drama listen Ellen does not like me I know this Ellen does not like me but I like like Ellen ooh that actually reminds me I did something today this is a power move there are these two people here in Las Vegas who work together and they screwed me over they mistreated me and you know what I did today I did something kind for them I helped them I became aware of something that could have been really bad for them and I let them know and I shared with them what I knew even though these two people have screwed me over that's the ultimate trump card that's the ultimate power move doing something good for people that have been bad to you mik drop anyways um I like Ellen I I don't I I don't I don't get the whole controversy back then because it wasn't that the accusations were against her it was the her producers she she wasn't the one mistreating the people so why did she bear the grunt cuz she's gay cuz she's a woman whatever I like Ellen I'm not afraid to say that also Kim we still got more show today oh my God Kim zolak is opening up about the controversy that we discussed earlier in the week if you missed that live I shared with you all how Kim zolak took to her IG and posted a photo with her husband she formerly of the Real Housewives of Atlanta is still married to Croy Beerman but she posted this picture of her and Croy and wrote # rip brokenheart emoji and then # Linkin bio and it was a troll she's got affiliate links with that company and she makes money when people click the link in her bio and I said that I wasn't bothered by it she's broke she's desperate and I think we should all give her some pity clicks it makes me sad she now explains she runs the account but she was she made money by linking to another website an affiliate deal um she says everyone in the world it seems is talking about my post let's be clear at no point did I claim Croy was dead nor did I allude to them that in fact I used a picture of both of us and said # rip and frankly the end of my relationship was like a death of sworts so rip to that I knew she was going to try to spin it that way I just knew yes she is the one that runs her account it wasn't hacked she was she's just and I said she's done things like this before that's why like is anybody actually clicking the links I hope they are give her those pity click clicks she ended up uh she finished things off by saying people also need to get serious do you actually think if Croy died even with all of the issues we've had my first instinct would be to go to my Instagram and post # linkinbio with his pick and # rip attached anyone who knows me including my dear fans know that I'd have more tact and class and compassion than that allegedly allegedly all right let's move to Jazelle bunin if you have not seen it let's watch this video together of Jazelle bunin having a run a runin with the police officer who pulled her over for erratic driving let me oh where the heck is the video oh no let me find the video here we go is this one no that's just 12 seconds that's that can't be it all right let me I should have had this one ready here we go I got it I got it we're good okay and it's a YouTube video let me press play to make sure here we go there's no I'll give you a courtesy today thank you I was just trying to stay some back you have I understand who you are I know I'll give you a there's nothing I can do about that but talking okay well then file the report with landi Beach cuz it was coming from Miami Beach okay so there's more than can okay so I'm sorry so there's nothing I can do about that but um what what do you need why are you crying no I'm so tired everywhere I go I have this looking guys after me nothing protects me like I can't do nothing I just want to leave my life I can't pre I can't prevent them from doing their their job with just to take pictures do you need anything else can I assist doing anything else no sorry okay all right thank you you're welcome all right a couple of things first I mean he left her off with a warning she was driving erratically to get away from the paparazzi if you missed that and then she started crying she became very emotional talking about being followed by photographers I feel like he could have I don't know he could have handled that better yes he let her go but I still think he could have handled it better and having said that I don't feel sorry for her I don't feel sorry for her if she is feeling this overwhelmed by the paparazzi then she has the money she is one of the richest super models of all time she can afford to have a security person or an entire security team and she can do what Taylor Swift does cover her head with a hoodie she can have an umbrella in front of her face to make sure they never get a shot you know there are a lot of there's a lot of help that she can get and she was on her own she didn't have a security guard with her and I hope that doesn't come across as cold it just comes across as okay you really need this get it you're it's clear that you're having an emotional breakdown and I feel for you get help so long as the paparazzi were not breaking the law I don't she did not allege that they were speeding if they did not break the law listen I I think the police officer could have handled it better but I also agree age with the gist of what the police officer said both things are true so hopefully this is a wakeup call for her that she needs security especially like can you imagine if she had her kids in the car and then they got pulled over and she got really emotional or whatever get have Tom Brady pay for it hello Tom Brady's on his way to being a billionaire have Tom Brady pay for it or you could you could afford it yourself all right my FR I love you all do you have any questions comments concerns observations notes any parting shots before I bid you a do and I remind you that I'm doing it today this live because I'm off Monday but back Tuesday are regularly scheduled programming every weekday here on YouTube at 7:30 :3 p.m. Eastern 4:30 Pacific what aanda said like the video I hope you have a wonderful Saturday I love you I appreciate you see you Tuesday
Channel: Perez Hilton
Views: 2,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: perez hilton, the perez hilton, gossip, perez, celebrity, celebrity news, top stories, breaking news, pop culture, hollywood, entertainment, famous, hollywood news, fame, music, feature, exclusive, Doja Cat, Britney Spears, Ellen DeGeneres, Kim Zolciak, Gisele Bundchen, Real Housewives
Id: TV7V4Nkbzgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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