Doing Your Nails and Hair in Space - Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti’s Tips | Video

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hello and welcome to my hygiene corner here on the ISS this is the place where I wash brush my teeth or after workouts take a shower I assess I'm the heart of the hygiene corner is the toiletry pouch comfort 1m it's russian-made and most crewmembers asked to have one sent up for them it's really useful to deploy our hygiene items and hygiene items come come up in urns if you look like this one this contains supplies that need to last for six months they don't look much different from what your hygiene items look in your bathroom probably you can see a toothbrush here toothpaste tube deodorant and as far as towels are concerned we cannot wash stuff up here so we get a supply of towels every week we get a towel like this one and this morning wash clothes I usually take my new ones out on Sundays so it's not quite fine yet I put those back and for today I will use the ones that I have already deployed for the week every second day we can also take out a new let's say camping towel it's one of those light towers it comes in a boy like this it's dry and then we can add water wet it and it's really nice to to clean your skin in terms of brushing your teeth it's actually very similar to what you would do on earth as I said a toothbrush and toothpaste look just the same and you brush your teeth just the same the only difference of course is that we don't have a sink to spit in when we're done all that extra toothpaste so some astronauts just swallow it it's quick and easy I personally don't like to do that so I actually spit it in a towel it's not the most elegant thing but you have to do what you have to do as far as soap is concerned it comes up in in pouches like this one you need to add water and then you get a nice liquid soap pouch which needs to last for about two weeks and it's a no rinse type of soap it doesn't make a lot of foam and it doesn't really need to be rinsed and of course we do not have any running water up here so we also need to fill up water pouches we can connect pouches like this one to the water dispenser which is in the nearby module in the u.s. lab and I personally like to fill it up with warm water when it's time to wash but you can also fill it up with ambient temperature water so I'll go ahead and do this right now and I'll see in a minute Here I am and I got my water so first of all I'd like to show you how water behaves in weightlessness which is kind of interesting of course it doesn't fall down like it does on earth and it kind of tends to stick to your skin because of surface tension if you can see it see it doesn't really want to move away from your hand just because of that surface tension effect now of course I put a lot of water on my hand just to show you even you wouldn't use all that water to wash just because it's a little bit difficult to control so I'm actually going to dry it off but if you have some time to be you know to take your time and be careful you can you can't do that I think I do it sometimes I really put some water on my skin like that you know just a little bit you and answer so that and then you can fear if we go ahead and rub it and it actually really gives you a nice feeling of of cleanliness and then as I said I like to keep my actual towels your dry so you can use them to dry up of course you you don't always have the time to take it slowly and be so careful so if you add a little bit more in a rush but it's it's a work day and you had your workout and then you have to rush off into something else then you will simply you know just score the water into your camping towel and add some soap and that's a lot easier to control because you can just rub your skin like that and it I don't find it as pleasant but it certainly allowed to quicker and easier to an easy to control now although the water that you use eventually ends up in the towels that you used to dry and we leave those towels close to a ventilation grid like in this case you can see a ventilation range right here so that they can dry off and all the water then is recuperated it evaporates in the air and then in the air-conditioning system it condensates again and then goes into our water recreation bus and it actually gets turned into potable water again so we don't absolutely lose any of the water that we use to wash cutting your fingernails it's not the easiest thing in in weightlessness of course you you don't want to lose any pieces of nails around the cabin so the best thing is actually to do it really close to a return grid of the ventilation system so that all the pieces of nails that you cut off get immediately attracted towards the grid kinda like this there you go and then when you're done of course you want to have a vacuum cleaner handy so that you can clean after yourself and to wash your hair we have a special new range shampoo so that requires theoretically no rinsing but at least very little rinsing so we just squirt water into our hair we add some shrimp ooh we massage it just like we would on earth and then we kind of dry the excess water and shampoo off with with a towel and we go
Channel: VideoFromSpace
Views: 3,218,315
Rating: 4.8841133 out of 5
Keywords: samantha cristoforetti, esa, hygeine, space station, hair, nails, video
Id: PrqcwH8LhDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2015
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