"Doing the Unthinkable (Isaiah)" - Lesson 10 - Pastor Doug Batchelor

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] let's bow our heads for prayer dear father in heaven what a joy to be able to gather in your house to worship you and as we always do father we ask your spirit to come especially as we open up your word and we look at just a beautiful passage a passage that points to the messiah to jesus and father we pray that your spirit should come and guide our hearts and our minds and just impress upon us those wonderful truths that you would want us to know for we ask us in jesus name amen our lesson today is going to be brought to us by past the doug now there's a memory verse for today's study and it's taken from the book of isaiah chapter 53 verse 5. and you're going to want to find your way to isaiah chapter 50 and 53. that's the main study we're going to go through today isaiah 53 verse 5. if you want you can read this out loud with me but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed it's one of the most magnificent passages in all of scripture is what we have the task of talking about today and i really feel like i am on holy ground and so pray for me as i do my best to unpack some of these beautiful truths that are in this passage of prophecy now again our assignment there's really two verses we're looking at for the whole lesson today isaiah chapter 50 verses 4 through 10 and then it will jump to isaiah 52 starting with verse 13 reading through chapter 53 to verse 12 one of the great messianic prophecies in the bible and so if you've got your bibles let's start with isaiah chapter 50 and we're going to start with verse 4 and i'm just going to read and do my best to expound as we do that the lord god has given me the tongue of the learned that i should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary and hear isaiah these are prophecies not only of isaiah the prophet but he's really prophesying about the messiah and how he would have the spirit of god that's how god gives us the tongue of the learned that we can know how to speak a word of encouragement to him that is weary now this is one of the this is one of the hallmarks of a christian you want to encourage the discouraged and it's only the lord that can give you the tongue and know what to say to a person we don't know what a person's going through it always is amazing to me very amazing sometimes after church i go to the door and i greet the people and visitors in particular and folks will come up and say how did you know that's exactly what i needed to hear today well i had no idea that's what they needed to hear and or sometimes they're a little upset and they said pastor i know you were singling me out today i said i can promise you except a few rare occasions in a small church but otherwise i'll admit there's a couple times i had a someone in mind with a particular sermon but most of the time it's just expounding the word but the holy spirit you know he guides you in what to say and amazing how that works that i might speak a a word in season to him who is weary he awakens me morning by morning you know i think of that verse great is his faithfulness his mercies are new every morning and he goes on he awakens my ear to hear as the learn so you notice he's got the tongue to speak it says the tongue of the learned and the ear of the learned you know if you want to have the tongue of the learned you need to have the ear of the learned you need to be able to listen to be able to speak and the lord god has opened my ear and i was not rebellious now does jesus talk about those who are having eyes they do not see i'm going to talk a little about that in the sermon later today having ears they do not hear jesus actually quotes from this prophecy in isaiah saying you know preaching the truth and so many of the scribes and the pharisees rejected his message even though they had eyes they did not see they had ears they could not hear in revelation when jesus is giving the message to the church he says he that has ears let him hear what the spirit says i remember i had an english teacher in school and he became a little exasperated with me i was not a great student not in english anyway and uh if you could only see me today yeah i went to a catholic school this was one of the brothers there and and i used to always say he'd ask me a question i didn't hear he'd say you heard you weren't listening you've got selective hearing my english teacher and my wife tell me that selectively you're not listening sometimes the holy spirit tells us stuff and we're not listening i remember years ago reading about the great preacher george whitefield and he had an incredible voice you know unfortunately they did not have recordings back in his day but whitfield they wrote a book about him i read called the trumpet of the lord and before he became a minister he was actually an actor in england and he had a tremendous voice for projection and resonance and it was such a marvel this one man's voice was so amazing that benjamin franklin who was good friends with whitfield did an experiment and when he was preaching at some point in philadelphia franklin went to hear him preach and he said i've never heard a voice like that you can hear him distinctly from anywhere in the crowd and so franklin began to walk further and further away and see how far he could go he's a very curious man always doing experiments how far away he could go and still clearly hear his voice and he was a quarter mile away and he could still hear him that's quite a ways he said now i believe the rumors that 30 000 people because they used to say 30 000 people would come to hear him and they could all hear him and he says now i believe the the rumors i'd heard that 30 000 people could be in one gathering and everyone could hear him distinctly well one you know whitfield would go through towns and he'd preach and there'd be great revivals and they closed all the bars and saloons and a couple of men in the bar were saying yeah the preacher whitfield's coming to town he says you better enjoy your drink they're going to close they'll probably close the bar after he gets done with his revival and one fella said well i'd like to see the guy but i don't want to hear him because i don't want to quit drinking so he went to the field where whitfield was gathered and they had a makeshift podium and he was up there and he was preparing to speak and this guy climbed a tree like zacchaeus because there were so many people he wanted to see him but he didn't want to hear him so he got up in the tree and he kind of leaned against the tree and wrapped his legs around the branch he was sitting on and then he put his fingers in his ears and whitfield got up and he started to preach and a horse fly began to buzz around this guy's face now horse flies are not regular flies they bite and the horse fly landed on his nose and he pulled his fingers out of his ears to swat at the fly right when he pulled his fingers out of the ears whitfield said with that booming voice he that has ears let him hear what the spirit says quoting from revelation and the man was so stunned that those would be the first words that he would hear that has the story once he fell out of the tree and was converted like zacchaeus but sometimes we don't want to hear what the holy spirit says it says he awakens my ear to hear as the learned the lord god i'm in verse 5 isaiah 50 the lord god has opened my ear and i was not rebellious nor did i turn away now here's where you'll begin to recognize the messianic part of this prophecy i gave my back to those who struck me doesn't say they held him down it's he's offering himself i gave my back to those who struck me and my cheek to those who plucked out the beard you know you'll see some accounts of jesus sufferings they talk about them not only hitting him we know he was whipped on the back but they talk about him having they pulled out his beard and this is where that comes from it's not actually in the new testament i gave my cheek to those who plucked out the beard you know what else that would imply jesus had a beard i did not hide my face from shame and spitting so they beat him they spat upon him it was extremely humiliating for the lord god will help me therefore i will not be disgraced therefore i have set my face like a flint you know when jesus made up his mind to go to jerusalem and die it tells us that he set his face like a flint that's what the desire of ages tells us he had made up his mind the devil tried to detour him jesus told the disciples in the book of matthew he said i'm going to jerusalem i think this is matthew 16. right after peter says you are the christ the son of the living god he said i'm going to jerusalem i'll be betrayed into the hands of sinners the son of man will be beaten crucified and rise the third day and peter took him aside and said not so lord don't don't even talk like that that's being negative god's got great plans for you and jesus said to peter get thou behind me satan he knew the devil was trying to discourage him from his mission he had set his face like a flint now flint is not pliable flint is a very brittle stone that's why they used it to make arrowheads because you could sharpen it and it went dull it was very brittle and so he had made up his mind to go and to die for the sins of the world to go forward with his sacrifice therefore i set my face like a flint still finishing verse seven and i know that i will not be ashamed he is near who justifies me who will contend with me let us stand together who is my adversary now what is an adversary you know you would say the word satan satan is adversary that's what that word means let him come near me surely the lord god will help me who is he that condemns me the bible says satan comes and he has nothing in me jesus said he had lived without sin indeed they will all grow old like a garment the moth will eat them up who among you fears the lord who obeys his voice like his servant now in your bibles you notice the word servant um i see you all looking at me and you're really good students but i want you to also look at your bible but it says right here who obeys the voice of his servant that's his capital h capital s is that right so they understood this is the messiah he's often referred to as the servant we talked about this last week and who walks in darkness and has no light you know one of the signs of jesus was that he said no sign will be given to this generation except the sign of the prophet jonah as jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights so the son of man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights and that's matthew chapter 12. you start with verse 38 was jonah in the darkness can you get darker than being in a fish i i scuba dive karen and i and the boys are all certified and you know the deeper you go the darker it gets and a few years ago we went to look at the um the whale sharks in belize and i'll tell you that's really something but you go down about 80 feet and you look down and it's pitch black and you look up and you see the light jonah went down where he would have normally needed a decompression chamber coming up but the lord supplied that in the fish but he was in the dark and that describes the sufferings of christ christ went through that darkness when the father left jesus it was at night when he was betrayed it was night jesus said now is the hour it was the hour of darkness the father withdrew his protection his presence who walks in darkness and has no light let him trust in the name of the lord and rely on his god and he in the end of course said lord into your hands i commend my spirit look all who kindle the fire who encircle yourselves with sparks walk on the light of your fire and the sparks you have kindled you shall have from my hand this you shall have from my hand you will lie down in torment that's talking about the religious leaders that were walking in the light of their own kindling their own sparks worshiping their own god they weren't walking in the light of god and talks about the sun the moon and the stars that's god's light they're walking in man-made fire and so this is just one of the prophecies here that outlines the sufferings of the messiah now we're going to jump to go with me to isaiah chapter 52 and we're going to start with verse 13 which is where this prophecy begins uh that is again taking up the prophecy you know i probably ought to say something at this point that's important prophecies like daniel revelation ezekiel isaiah zechariah there are a lot of these apocalyptic prophets in the bible they do not tell their prophecies in a running discourse it's not a chronological story they are taken in prophecy from scene to seen and they write what they're being shown and so you've got sound bites of these prophecies that are not always connected and i think i shared with you before in isaiah 14 he starts out he talks about the king of babylon and then all of a sudden he's shown the devil who is manipulating the king of babylon behind the scenes and then you read in revelation 12 about this dragon about to devour the woman it's talking about um herod who kills the babies in bethlehem tries to devour the child but it's talking about the roman power that is being manipulated by the devil and then you read in ezekiel it says give this message to the king of tyre it starts out talking about the king of tyre and then it goes to the devil it says you were in need in the garden of god every precious stone was recovered talks about the devil behind the king of tyre and so isaiah he's commingling his prophecies about what israel was going through in their day when the king of well i should say what judah was going through in that day when the king of israel and the king of assyria were harassing and warring against them from the north and he goes back and forth and then he talks about the ultimate deliverance that would come from the messiah when he came so here in the midst of chapter 52 suddenly he begins to talk again about the messiah and you see if you don't agree behold my servant will deal prudently all right now we're going to go through some of these little by little who is this servant well i'll tell you what let me read a few verses and back up behold my servant will deal prudently he will be exalted and extolled and very high just as many were astonished at you his visage was marred more than any man and more than the sons of men christ was beaten in his his visage meaning his appearance was marred he suffered so he will sprinkle many nations this is what a priest did he would sprinkle the blood uh to make atonement for the people he will sprinkle many nations not just for israel but even for the gentiles kings will shut their mouths at him for what has not been told them they will see what they had not heard they will consider and so this is talking about the sufferings of christ here now let me just um let me back up and and kind of establish something before we dive into this the jewish nation misunderstood a lot about the coming of the messiah the new testament church was born out of a great disappointment did you know that the disciples not just the 12 apostles but all the disciples of jesus when they when they walked in front of jerusalem and he rode the donkey down into jerusalem they shouted hosanna to the son of david what were they thinking was going to happen were they thinking this is great he's going to die in two days or it's actually about a week later or were they thinking he's now going to be coronated as the king the son of david he will sit on the throne he's going to use his miraculous power to multiply bread and feed an army we're going to rise up against the romans we'll become an international power again israel will be a world nation and they had all these glorious ideas why do you think the disciples came to jesus and james and john said when you come in your kingdom we want to sit on your right in your left and judas probably pulled him aside and said i'll be the treasure and they were all thinking about places in an earthly kingdom isn't that right because they misunderstood the prophecies see there's two prophecies about the messiah coming one has the messiah coming as a lion that's the second coming with a roar the others have him coming as a lamb isaiah is now talking about when he comes like a lamb the disciples got the cummings mixed up they had jesus coming as a lion first they didn't even really know much about the lamb they didn't understand that you know what the church is doing today a lot of evangelicals have jesus coming quietly the next time secret rapture they're getting the lion and the lamb mixed up no he came quietly the first time he did not damage a bruised reed he came quietly he came meekly he said i am meek and lowly he's coming next time he's a lion he's coming with triumph so they didn't understand he's coming like a lamb look here for instance in matthew 11 3 and they said to him are you the coming one john the baptist sent his messengers are you the coming one capital coming one or do we look for another are you the one we've been looking for john couldn't understand even john the baptist how come you're just teaching these nice things and you're healing people and that's all wonderful but i'm waiting for you to you know overthrow the romans to establish yourself on the throne of david you can look in luke 24 when he rose from the dead and he met the two disciples on the road to emmaus cleopas said we were hoping that it was he that was going to redeem israel what did they think redeem israel meant you and i think of redemption as forgiveness for sin they thought redeem israel meant you're going to save us from the romans we thought he was the one who was going to redeem israel he just did on the cross indeed beside all this it's the third day he told them what was going to happen even after the resurrection acts chapter 1 verse 6. therefore when they had come together just before his ascension they asked him saying lord will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel now can that be misunderstood what were their expectations that jesus was going to restore the kingdom to israel it wasn't going to be under the babylonians or the persians or the greeks of the romans they had been under oppression ever since the days of nebuchadnezzar someone else had been ruling them they wanted to be another world power as it was back in the days of solomon they thought the messiah was going to come right in on a white horse well that's you know the future and establish his kingdom they said all right lord you died on the cross that's kind of we're not too clear why that all happened now are you going to over the road now do we get to sit down on the right and the left of you and help rule the tribes of israel and jesus said it's not for you to know the times of the seasons they still did not get it by the way the seventh-day adventist church was also born out of a great misunderstanding of prophecy a great disappointment so it's biblical that movements begin that way are we clear on that all right so now we're going to isaiah chapter 52 again and he says my servant this is verse 13 my servant will deal prudently jesus is called the son of david and one of the characteristics of david was that he dealt prudently you look in first samuel 18 14 and david b hayes behaved himself wisely in all of his ways and the lord was with him going back to isaiah it says he will be exalted and extolled and be very high does that fit the description of jesus paul says in philippians 2 verse 9 through 11 i'm looking forward to when we get to the other side of all these uh pandemic restrictions i like the days when we would have different people read the verses in the audience and we'll try and find a way to make this more interactive but in the meantime this has got to be speeching kind of preaching teaching mixed up it says he's exalted and very high philippians 2 verse 9 therefore god has also highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and those on the earth and under the earth and that every tongue could should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father well does that fit the criteria he will be exalted and extolled and very high jesus fits that go to verse 14 and isaiah chapter 52 just as many were astonished at you so his visage was marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men here jesus is suffering like job you know job had boils from the crown of his head to the soul of his foot his visage was marred the sufferings of job are a type of the sufferings of jesus you read in matthew 26 67 and they spat in his face did we read that in isaiah and they beat him and others struck him with the palms of their hands and we learned something else that happened as they pulled out his beard they abused him in just about every way imaginable of course they mocked him they put a robe on him and they took a read they said here's your scepter they put it in his hand and they took the reed and they beat him about the head after putting a crown of thorns on his head so all these sufferings jesus said i offered myself i gave my back to those that beat me jesus said no man takes my life i lay my life down christ was a sacrifice but he was a willing sacrifice he was like the son of abraham what was his name isaac do you really think abraham at 118 years of age jumped up on isaac wrestled him to the ground and tied him up like a cowboy with a calf no he explained to his son what god called them to do and isaac offered himself he was a willing sacrifice indeed he carried the wood on his back as jesus carried the cross on his back psalm 71 verse 7 i am a wonder unto many they were astonished so now i'm in verse 15 isaiah chapter 52 so he will sprinkle many nations we talked about that that's talking about the um sacrifice of the priest an example would be go to numbers 19 verse 18 a clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water and sprinkle it on the tent and all the vessels and on the persons who were there the clean person shall sprinkle the unclean and on the third day he will be clean that's numbers 19 18-19 and so that sprinkling to the jew represented someone who is clean through the ceremony cleansing the unclean jesus through his sacrifice you know not only did blood come out of his side what does john say came out blood and water and jesus said to the woman at the well i'm offering you living water artesian water that will satisfy and that will cleanse in our sermon later today we find out about a man who washed and came away seen and there's a cleansing so he sprinkles many nations and they are made clean kings will shut their mouths at him for what had not been told them they will see and what they had not heard they will consider revelation 6 15 and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men hid themselves in the caves and the rocks of the mountains you know jesus when he was tried before pilate and herod they weren't able to condemn him pilate said i find no fault in him now we're going to isaiah 53. in isaiah 53 and if you look we'll start with we're going to go through this whole chapter here the isaiah 53 verses 1 and 2 who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed for he will grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground he has no form or comeliness and when we see him there's no beauty that we should desire him it says here in john 12 37 but although he had done many signs before them they did not believe him that the word of isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled which he spoke lord who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed now did you catch what we just did we are actually reading from isaiah 53 in the new testament john is quoting isaiah 53 saying isaiah is a fulfillment of jesus so we don't need to be wondering or doubting who does this represent this is how the new testament writers understood this prophecy and then it says there's no beauty no desire no outly form or comeliness have you ever seen an ugly painting of jesus not too often and i'm not saying jesus was ugly i'm just saying he looked like a normal person now how do we know that when they wanted to betray jesus they had to get one of the apostles and say you know he looks like everybody else which one is he now if christ looked like your you know typical striking movie star they'd say oh there he is but uh he looked like a normal man he looked like a carpenter there's no outward beauty that we should desire what is it what is it about jesus that changed the world is it a photograph is it a painting or a sculptor or is it his words it's what he said it changed the world there's no beauty that we should desire him verses three he is despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him now when it says that jesus is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief some people think that means that christ was always in a bad mood always sad never smiled no that's not true jesus you know children were attracted to him he he smiled i'm sure he laughed but because he was holy the son of god living in an unholy world he was often saddened by the suffering of humanity and by the sins that were hurting people you know jesus tells a parable about his second coming and he said it'll be like a shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats and they'll say to the sheep on his right hand well done good and faithful servants enter into the joy of the lord because i was hungry and you fed me i was thirsty you gave me drink i was a stranger and you took me in i was naked and you clothed me i was a prisoner and you came to me i was sick now i got those out of order but the six things i got them all i was sick and you visited me okay can any of you here name any suffering of humanity that does not fit into one of those categories do you realize that covers all the suffering of man hunger thirst loneliness sickness cold stranger imprisonment i mean it really any suffering you could think of would fit and a lot of you right now you're thinking i fit in the sick category some competitive i'm in the lonely category but all the suffering of humanity is in that jesus in that parable describes the suffering of humanity and he said and as much as you have ministered to the least of these you did it to me why does god say that because god is not only omnipresent god is omnipotent he's all powerful he can be everywhere he's omniscient he knows all things and here it is god is omnipathic omnipathic means you feel everything anybody feels that goes along with being all-knowing but there's no sensation no impulse no feeling no pain anywhere in the universe god is not aware of is that right so when jesus is in the world and he's experiencing all the suffering of humanity can you understand why it says he's a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief in spite of that he was still able to rejoice at times and jesus often rejoiced and marveled when he saw people of faith and so it goes on and it tells us that um he will go before him still in verse two he'll grow up as a root out of dry ground why does it say that jesus grew up quietly you know there's no miracle that christ performs until he begins his ministry and he's anointed at 30. that first 30 years he lived as a holy person among humans without using any miraculous power to save himself or to prove who he was he lived a meek and a quiet life matter of fact it's so meek and quiet that a lot of people just can't accept that jesus actually didn't learn at the feet of some great guru or teachers and they said oh during those years he disappeared and he went to india and he studied from the maharajas or he went to egypt and he studied from the the leaders there he went and they got all these these theories about where did jesus go during those quiet years it tells us he went home and he was subject to his parents he worked with his father in the carpenter shop and so you know don't believe i remember when i was a new christian someone gave me a copy the aquarian gospel of jesus christ talking about how jesus went and studied under all the masters of the east that's where he got all this wisdom now he got it from the bible he got it from his mother reading the bible to him he from the holy spirit he went to the temple he asked them questions and he listened and he learned who has believed our report they did not believe he's despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him for most of humanity they did not want to accept who he was he's despised and yet we did not esteem him surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows every time we pray we're casting our cares upon god is that right yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by god and afflicted he was wounded why for our transgressions i mean how can that be mistaken he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed stripes doesn't mean like on a barber pole or on candy cane those stripes are talking about that's a word when you were whipped in bible times that left stripes on the back either from the rod or from the whip and it's saying that the punishment that we deserve he took with his stripes we are healed he has borne our griefs he's the great substitute see and this is the thing that should when you really believe it should really make you love the lord when you realize that he took the punishment for all of your sins and your eternal loss because he loves you so much he wants you to be saved that ought to touch us all amen i think we ought to be moved by that all we like sheep have gone astray we've turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all who can miss that john the baptist points to jesus says behold this is the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world all of us have gone astray but this is the lamb that takes away our sin he's punished for us now you might be wondering how in the world does a jew read this passage and not see jesus well first of all there's a lot of jews who have not read the new testament and so they're really only vaguely acquainted and take it from me i have a lot of jewish family they're only vaguely acquainted with anything about the ministry of jesus the other thing is jewish rabbis when they read this they say oh this suffering servant this is describing israel suffering because of the gentiles because we are a nation of kings and priests we are sprinkling many nations and they just say it's all applying to israel but you know this last part here it just it it can't be anything other than the messiah it says he was taken from prison and judgment and who will declare his generation he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgressions of my people he was stricken it's talking about an individual who is punished not for a man i might you might think that one man might die for the sins of one man but this is someone who dies for the sins of people many he died for the sins of all the world they made his grave with the wicked he was crucified between two thieves but in the rich in his death because he had done no violence nor was any deceit in his mouth now if you have your bibles if you have any doubts about what this means you go to acts chapter 8 verse 30 acts 8 30. and so philip is told by the holy spirit to go down to the deserts of gaza and while he's there he sees that there's this wealthy ethiopian treasure for queen candace and he's maybe riding along slowly or he's parked in his chariot and maybe have an umbrella over him and and he's reading from the scroll of isaiah and god tells philip go near to him so philip ran to him and he heard him reading from the prophet isaiah and he said do you understand what you're reading he said how can i he's frustrated he said this seems deep how can i unless someone guides me this is a wise man he's not too wise to have someone else instruct him and he asked philip to come up and sit with him the place in scripture where he read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before its shearers is silent now we're reading new testament right in the new testament it's telling us about this ethiopian treasure who's reading from isaiah 53 he's wealthy he's got a scroll not everybody could afford a scroll back then so he opened out his mouth and his humiliation as justice is taken away and who will declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth so the eunuch answered philip and said i ask you of whom does the prophet say this of himself or of some other man then philip opened his mouth beginning at this scripture and he preached jesus to him philip found this was a perfect scripture to preach jesus because doesn't this passage talk about the sufferings of christ for the sins of the world that's what it's all about and it says he kept silent as a lamb before her shears look in matthew 26 62 and the high priest arose and said do you answer nothing what is it that these men testify against you but jesus kept silent matthew 27 verse 57 now when evening had come there was a rich man from arimathea named joseph who himself also had become a disciple of jesus this man went to pilate and asked for the body of jesus then pilate commanded the body to be given him when joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in clean linen cloth and he laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb and departed now how could you ever prophesy so specifically that this person would be beaten for other people's sins he'd be counted with the wicked he dies with two thieves and yet he's buried with the rich it's kind of hard to plan that but this is what happens here he's buried in a rich man's tomb jeremiah 11 19 but i was like a docile lamb brought to the slaughter i did not know that they had devised schemes against me saying let us destroy the tree with its fruit and let us cut him off from the land of the living that his name may be remembered no more it's not just isaiah even in jeremiah he talks about that same passage now to go to verse 10 isaiah 53 yet it pleased the lord to bruise him he has put him to grief when you make his soul an offering for sin now this is what we do we actually choose to consciously say lord i am accepting the sacrifice of jesus for my sins when we make his soul and offering for sin he god will see his seed he will prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord will prosper in his hands he will bless those who make the soul of jesus our lamb that takes away our sin it says it please the lord to bruise him jonah 1 14 therefore the sailors cried out and said we pray oh lord please do not perish for this man's life and do not charge us with innocent blood for you o lord has done as it pleased you saying they the lord was pleased that jonah would die that they might have peace which jesus said is an allegory for his own sacrifice and then it just makes a beautiful statement here at the end and you go to isaiah chapter 53 12 therefore i will divide for him a portion with the great and he will divide the spoil with the strong because he poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered christ said it is finished and then he died he was numbered with the transgressors it says that twice he bore the sin of many that can only mean jesus and he made intercession for the transgressors he even interceded from the cross saying father forgive them they do not know what they do he made intercession through his whole life john chapter 17 is the great intercessory prayer of jesus this is a perfect picture of the messiah and his sufferings here in this passage and you know anyone who wonders about the inspiration of the bible uh we know jesus lived we know he died you read this prophecy in isaiah and it's just hard to deny that the bible is an inspired book but you've got the whole gospel in this prophecy in this passage amen now for those who've joined us a little late i want to remind you we do have a special offer it's a book called down from his glory and we'll give this to you for free all you've got to do is call 866-788-3966 that's really 866 study more might make it easier to remember and ask for offer number 154 and you can even read the book now we can send it to you via download if you simply text the code sh139 sh139 text that to 40544 and you can read the book now or go to the amazing facts website under our free library you'll find down from his glory inspiring book thank you very much for joining us god bless you friends and lord willing we'll study his word together again next week
Channel: Daily Hymns
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Id: ay07gD7qUKk
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Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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