DOFFY'S PAST?! | One Piece Episode 699 Couples Reaction & Discussion

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how's it going everyone welcome back to our Channel today we want to watch One Piece episode 699 last episode I ended with Luffy using Red Hawk on do Flamingo they actually managed to land a punch let's see how doy and trouble are going to come back from this if you like to support our Channel or link is down description below you get early access to all videos that we post on YouTube channel and get full car reactions to the one piece Series so if you're interested in those make sure to check it out now on to the anime show warning this video contains screaming due to Hype headphone users beware imagine L didn't react that's enough get hit by GG that was so funny oh oh oh oh oh he fell he's on his butt now his glasses is still [Music] on he's like n how did he do that oh the veins [Music] popped he want to kill him one [Music] what a bigger doy you mean a bigger who what is happening doy clone oh damn he's he can go faster yo he might actually be like controlling is faster than himself okay they stop their fighting they're not fighting anymore what happened he left he left him go it's the Nami Lucy Dynamic damn for he was using sa as the excuse right yeah I think so what the freck that's why he wasn't fighting seriously [Music] [Laughter] yeah just like what they recr him or something he's an [Music] ally those those are just normal sticks they got caught by civilians with BRS real [Music] pirates that was too close he's from the pig Pirates oh oh my [Music] God oh [ __ ] R oh [ __ ] with a stick he just playing a along with everyone what the what what what the heck yo [Music] yo he got some skills he's so strong R still they finally came to their senses [Music] Freedom they're still working for it [Music] [Music] for he stilling about what was that holy [ __ ] man that guy's MVP what the oh my God good thing I caught that oh God just slapping the [ __ ] out people with the fish who who someone new oh [ __ ] how did he disappear he's just been here the whole time hello [Laughter] friend who oh luff and though they're the only ones he can't do it no way he is he's all in on St oh [Music] [ __ ] wa whoa whoa oh oh let's go oh my God his leg are so long bro he's matching up with him oh my God I can't believe that's P not fighting he can't do it but he can bet on Luffy there so here he believe that Luffy can do it I guess he doesn't want to risk it he can't do anything but if you already know Luffy can do it right then can win true that's true yeah he doesn't need to do anything oh oh oh [Music] [ __ ] oh it doesn't affect him we saw in the first place I wonder if he ate it when he was a [Music] kid [Music] who what that's so cool [Music] what I can't really call him like that what that's so cool that's so easy for [Music] [Laughter] [Music] him injection what what shut oh he saves him oh my God yo what doy no no what just happened dude what what the hell what was that [Music] oh [ __ ] oh my God he like threw him what the heck man he is in full control right [Music] [Laughter] now oh no no no no two SW style oh [ __ ] D he turned it around just like that dude the strings are so insane [Music] he's going to reveal that now know holy [Music] C I used to backstory let's go oh my God come fre God he still has his glasses though right he was born with those glasses what do you mean is that him he's under attack what the heck was that he's [Music] pissed the dad gave up being a Celestial [Music] Dragon oh my God his dad was the good guy no dude I killed him holy [ __ ] damn that makes him even more evil this is the perfect time in reveal [Music] he was just born evil yeah they're hated so o is not going to fit in in the real world [Music] [ __ ] holy crap oh my God what they can St okay what [Music] his in a way he's not really a bad guy I mean he's trying to like destroy them he's so evil [Music] holy crap D they reveals so much [ __ ] that was [ __ ] wild I can't believe for a moment we even thought the dad is the bad one cuz it's like he's so evil right so then we think like oh it had to be something to do with the upbringing yeah I mean it did have to do with the up op but like but he wasn't supposed to be inly he was like a bad kid in the first place yeah yeah I think it's cuz he got to uh experience some of the lifestyles of Celestial Dragon yeah so then when they gave it up he couldn't understand why yeah and at the same cuz then he probably sees that as normal but then after it came to like what he calls the manure you know like the [ __ ] yeah the [ __ ] world and then all the humans hate them cuz they Celestial dragons you know we hate the celester dragons but then the dad was actually like realized what they were doing wrong and try to get away with it and then and then it just made this little demon here oh my God is that crazy I I can't believe I'm like baffled how this all came out I'm so impressed with this story oh my God right I love that his back story is like this I yeah it's like it just showed clearly like his dad and I think the rest of his family that's probably why he said four of us yeah the rest of his family were probably good like they they saw what was wrong within Ry joy and then they wanted to leave like they didn't want to be part of the kind of Lifestyle anymore right but then doy at such a young age he kind of already I think it's too late already yeah he's already like a sociopath at that point right because like you you haven't trained him like you haven't taught him to be empathetic towards other people he had slaves like at such a young age like he wouldn't be able to empathize with other people or like cuz he already like experienced the privilege that he had it's he wouldn't have been able to like understand it I think if they like had him like the dash left first and then had the kid then it would have been okay but yeah that's rough but I want to know like the difference between him and his brother cuz like like clearly his brother was at the same age like should be younger younger or something okay maybe younger but I feel like they should have um had similar mindset in my opinion because like he says all four of them left says like oh Mom Dad him and then the brother right they what about the mom did they say anything about the mom the mom died right cuz the mom di the mom died so I think maybe oh maybe the humans killed killed her the humans killed her and then he probably blamed the dad dad and he killed the dad and then the I'm assuming the younger brother is too young let's just say they're too young like you know how the kids here are like so strong so let's say the kid's too young and then just had to follow doy wherever he went cuz that's the only family he had left is that crazy those are civilians the civilians are portrayed as evil so in his eyes normal humans yeah are the evil guys they're the evil ones so like how they've been portraying him in the anime so far like what fire all red and he's like laughing all wickedly it's reverse it's reversed yeah that's crazy cuz in his memory does what he Dam he's so freaking angry one on the bed his mom she probably died but then here it's like the brother coron is clearly still in this picture so it's just like if they're raised in the same kind of household with similar experiences I wonder what was the different um differentiating factor for him versus koson because it seems like koson was turned out to be a pretty decent person to be age age just cuz he he experienced more in M Joy than the younger one true okay so he maybe he experienced less privilege so then it was easier for him to adapt for him to adopt okay yeah maybe hard to say that's crazy I can't believe he gave up being Celestial Dragon that's insane that just show the character of his family though right like his his dad it shows what kind of person his dad is yeah it would be some like someone like Sabo yeah like to be able to just give up like that kind of lifestyle and everything and just but the crazy thing is that he decided to leave after he decided to have a family there so it's like he still grew up there he still true you know had his yeah first part of his life there you know and then he decided to have family then leave yeah what do you think made him do that though like do you think cuz like clearly they had slaves and stuff so it's like it's not like he was in the clear like he still partake in some of the activities right but it's like what experience made him change his mindset cuz I feel like there was a changing point because that's for sure because like he was having slaves and everything and then all of a sudden he decided like to leave completely then that means he had to have like some kind of enlightening moment where like that all that whole lifestyle and his views on all that changed but we just like don't know what that would have been and I don't know if we will find out because this is told from his perspective and he would We're not gonna get that I feel like yeah unless they just do like kind of like a dopy backstory and show the dad yeah but other than that like he sees him as like the worst person ever yeah so that's crazy when he took the head he cut the head off I wonder if it was with his double through Power that's [ __ ] and yeah then the celestal dragons obviously would never stuffed you back like you're dirty at that point true you're stained so technically as of now you know he's not really that bad it's just he's messing with people you know he's messing with people right now but his main goal isn't really that bad like he's harming citizens of Dr R now citizens but Dr Rosa but he's trying to get back at the celestial dragons in a way like his main his main reason is getting back at Celestial Dragon which I'm like okay that's not not that bad but like the way he's like it's the means getting there yeah I think it's so evil though cuz it's like I think he could do it in other ways but but it's the fact that he chose this it's like the most destructive route do you know what I mean like there's other ways I feel like he could choose to get back at them but his way is like [ __ ] you I'm going to destroy everything like it's such a destructive mindset like I like at this point I kind of feel um kind of feel a little uh kind of sad if he gets defeated you know oh cuz you want to see like he's so big brain I want to see like what happens you know like where does he take it but it's like does he get defeated or does he escape like I rather him escape and then we don't see him for a while yeah you know let him get defeated true true damn that was the oh is age 10 is that why um fujitora call him like the demon of like heaven and hell oh Heavenly demon Heavenly demon what was that because of they know backstory yeah no I don't think I don't think fujit Toro should know his back story no okay fine yeah you're right I guess it's his demeanor cuz he's charismatic but he's evil yeah that's why but my question is like if he was not taken that in back it's like how is he able to pull those strings that's the crazy thing how you do that right you're not he tried like he cannot be a Celestial Dragon anymore so it's like how were you able to do that still does he still have family though it was only his his immediate family that's true his like parents and brother I'm assuming that left but then you don't know about like the rest of their family right and then like if if his father took the family and left but the other rest of the family still in um Mary Joy then it can we assume that they don't agree with doi's Father's actions could be yeah right so then in that case then they would maybe have a good relationship with doofy because doofy would be like dude [ __ ] my dad he [ __ ] us over that's true kind of thing right but like he's his mindset might still be similar to the on but he says the part that's weird it's like if he's trying to get back Celestial dragons and then would he still have like connections with his Celestial Dragon family I think so what do you think family he'll put them Family First no isn't that the key family first do you think he's using them as a means to get back at everyone else though do you think hard to say but I think the way he says things is a bit strange because he says like oh this is my family this is all they all I have now so kind of implying that he doesn't have any other family like even distant family so it's like you don't have like an uncle or something I mean he wouldn't be able to live with them anyways do you think it's like that oh you're saying like he has only this family in this [ __ ] hole but he his real family is and he can't even be there anyway true true there's no way the dong hot family from like hundreds of years ago only has the four members of that Branch right I think so I think it makes sense for them to have like various Branch names and stuff like that damn that's crazy the the dad had like d could have been a revolutionist right the way his imagine he could have been if they recruited him but his mindset was like already sced he liked it he liked being a Celestial Dragon manur piled the world he hates it here shle I'm surprised he's not wearing the space helmet thing that they all wear he can't he's not Celestial and if you wear that everyone will like true go after him he always has shades but he upgraded though you know his his the fashion sense came in as he grew that's true he's so insane it's so crazy right sing so big that's what I'm saying it's like it's so destructive like the his his mindset I like it too I like I like that his Grudge he kept this Grudge this whole time and he's like all and it's like escalated you know like it's not just like getting back at you directly it's like I need to [ __ ] you over like forever like aund fold like I got to like make sure you have no comeback after this you know like he's thinking like so big it's like when someone like wants to do a Revenge but it's like it's so much more than just a revenge like the word Revenge does not feel like an accurate um representation of what he's doing because it feels like it's way more than that it does feel like that but at the same time um they showed uh when he was a kid the Civ were like oh don't kill them we got to get them to suffer for what they did yeah so it's like he's essentially doing the same thing now but to everyone oh true true we don't actually know what he went through too cuz like in his mind in his mind right they're showing like the civilian going after him so it's like and then you mentioned that they say like oh don't kill them yet we going to make them suffer so then he probably went through torture right is what I'm thinking too that could be it and then like yeah and then at one point Virgo came along and Virgo knows everything that's crazy Virgo's the true bro Virgo knows everything about that's crazy that's crazy man law could have known all this if he didn't dip dude now I'm so interested on like why he killed Corazon yeah right he's actually his like last immediate family you know yeah and he killed him but that's that would have been when he became aired so I'm assuming Corazon did not agree with his um goal of like destroying the whole world probably cares about things right like we said he probably has a different mindset from D Flamingo I don't think he like maybe he well he saved the law so we're assuming that he should be good mhhm and then fujit Tor believed him oh my God that was [ __ ] crazy we saw like and the horse this whole time and then boom the is moving it was like Moy for five episodes and now my heart is like out of my chest that was crazy yeah so I guess it's kind of like we were wondering we're like oh is he going to fight or not but it's like I think it's like he wants to he wants to but but he can't because he's trying to do more than that right and like if he were to fight now that could throw every his whole other plan down the drain and like he he even says it right now it's that it's not even about um him being prideful Navy he actually doesn't even agree with the Navy either he has the plan of like a greater goal as well bye-bye bye-bye yeah technically speaking it's like him and Sabo are technically on the same page here it's it's cuz Fuji Tor has his own sense of justice yeah you know but he doing things through the system because that's the only way he can it reminds me of aliji and uh Saul yeah when Saul you know he acted the way you know yeah the situation aliji just like took it yeah yeah exactly so like Saul got caught and he couldn't even do anything so it's like I think this is a good example of that like he has to kind of hold back so he's betting everything on Luffy that was amazing when he do you hear him say that was like hell yeah yeah like wow we got a freaking Admiral believing in our captain our pirate Captain like what I love that I love that oh my God that was amazing dude he always speaks like so poetically though I have to like go back and like outl everything he's saying because like straightforward yeah it's like well why are you talking in such a fancy way like just give it to me straight I don't know what you're saying okay I guess another thing I need to I'm like wondering about to is like his the flamingo's relationship with his crws because obviously they are not Celestial dragons they are from here from this [ __ ] hole that he hates so it's like how did he end up liking them to the point where he could consider them as family cuz everybody else in this world is just like a it's just part of the [ __ ] hole for him like they shouldn't even matter to him right so it's like for him to now view these people so highly where it's like oh no they're my they're my family now that's like that's like a very important role for him maybe they have to prove it to him but like how did he prove that how did he find them like there's so many questions regarding that and then there's like so many of them so I'm so curious about like his relationship with each one of them I think he only cares about his uh Executives and his immediate kind of like pirate family yeah yeah like whoever's in the dony family the executives right but like but it's like there's already like 10 of them or something like how did he find each one of them how did their views online like how did he see them more than just another person from the [ __ ] hole you know what I mean we need we need a spin-off with do Flamingo as the main character cuz his crew is about the crew of like the straw hats no it's almost around like that many members yeah around that it's just that he has a bunch of goons true true true so it's like he probably just gave them um things to prove themselves like bellam me but then Bellamy failed okay oh my God okay the bastard is coming I'm excited who way to fight young Sabo or young damingo young Sabo or young do if they fought one has a pipe we don't know if he had like power yet probably Sao cuz Sao was like hanging out with a and Luffy and they were like causing a bunch of rucket I guess at one point do Flamingo got stronger yeah at one point yeah we'd have to know like yeah that's another thing it's like how did he get his power how yeah how did he cut his dad was it with a string or was it with a knife oh [ __ ] yeah he was only 10 years old then when that happened so it's like how did you even learn to fight and do all that stuff yeah like and how did you even get back how did you even get back to Mar Joy you have to like take a ship and everything and he's 10 sale yeah you're right his the head needs to still kind of be fresh so it's like yeah what the freak how you I don't know that's yeah that's some good question right how did he do that I'm I'm assuming if you like if his father left um Rejoice right they would go to an island far away it's like you don't want to be close and still like seeing the Celestia dragons and what they're like you wouldn't like move to Saadi or something you know what I mean you move like to a further place where you don't have to like associate with them anymore but it's like but like how did he manage to get back there at 10 years old yeah so he say by all by himself with a freshly cut head that's yeah that's true and I I don't think they have that much money too oh yeah they wouldn't have having yeah I don't think they would have had money so it's like how the heck did he go back to Mary Joy MH right yeah I mean I don't know it does feel like a little bit of like um someone's spoil just throwing a fit he's throwing a right he's throwing a really big fit a really big fit yeah I guess I think cuz like when they were showing him like as a kid and they're just like he like where's where can I buy some St right yeah I'm just like the the [ __ ] he was saying but he was already spoiled at yeah but it's just like hearing the [ __ ] he was saying I'm just like oh my God shake my head right like true but I wonder you know how they play that I wonder if um if his mom dying was the last straw MH you know what I mean mhm like maybe he was okay with everything else but since his mom died he kind of blamed his dad yeah like I wonder if he was kind of like trying to put up with it yeah until like m these commoners decide to kill his family and then he like Snapped so you're saying like if his mother's death didn't happen so soon maybe it or it didn't happen there could have been potential change with him but it's like it has to escalate yeah true cuz it was already like difficult for him to adjust it was being shown right that it was difficult for him to adjust to the new situation but it didn't seem like he was totally against him yeah like he wouldn't just like go for his dad all of a exactly exactly but it was until like yeah his mom's death I was like super traumatizing probably yeah and then it spiral to him to that point maybe we'll have to see juicy dude the fact that we thought that Dad was the bad guy the whole time that was crazy but they revealed that I'm like what the you just you were just evil you just evil from the beginning okay thanks for watching everyone if you guys enjoyed this video hit the thumbs up it really helps out the channel and if you're new here make sure to hit the Subscribe button below we'll see you guys in the next video bye peace [Music]
Channel: JDanime 2
Views: 42,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, luffy, nami, sanji, ussop, zoro, jdanime, funny, cute, couple, react, reacts, manga, onepiece, one piece, coby, helmeppo, axe morgan, captain morgan, shanks, captain kuro, buggy, alvida, garp, merry, 3 sword style, gum gum, berries, bounty, jackie, devi, jackie and devi, jdanime 2, couples, reactions, japan, anime, one, piece, dorry, broggy, alabasta, vivi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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