Does Higher Price PETG Result In Higher Quality?

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if you're into 3d printing everyone always says they're printing with pla because it's the easiest material to print with however pla has its downsides and one of these downsides is that pla is fairly brittle on top of that pla is not very temperature resistant if you leave pla in your car on a warm summer day you might come back to a pile of mush or that parts just deforming so if you need that part for something structural for example holding your phone then unfortunately on your drive back you won't have a holder anymore when i started 3d printing maybe about four or five years ago there were two materials that i knew of and those are just pla and abs and the reason why not many people print with abs and i was also turned off from printing with abs is because of the horrendous smell but abs has some pretty nice properties where the parts are a lot more flexible and you can make hinges or snap-ons recently though i discovered a new material petg not somewhere in between pla and abs it's not as brittle as pla it withstands higher temperatures in pla at the same time it doesn't smell when it prints just like abs your print bed doesn't need to be as high a temperature as abs maybe about 20 to 30 degrees lower so i decided to go on this journey to learn how to print with petg and honestly i thought it was gonna be really easy but i ran into a lot of problems in my previous video i talked about how i got rid of blobbing and stringing with this one technique so if you want you can check that out in the top right corner but today i'm going to be comparing six different types of petg and they range anywhere from 26 canadian to about 36 dollars for today's experiment we're going to be using my new adventure 4 printer as well as the settings that i got from simplify 3d which i discovered in my previous patchy video the test specimens that we're going to be printing are six millimeter posts there's two of them spread out by about 20 millimeters after that we're going to be doing a benchy test which has a lot of great features that stress test your printer we'll be scrutinizing each one for stringing for blobbing for any sort of layer inconsistencies overhangs bridging as well as infill or top infill finish we're going to look at some text details and finally we're going to be looking at just how well the features are printed so over here to my right we've got the six boxes of filament that i've tested out so far the brands are overture poly maker rep wrap we've got hatchbox we've got duramic and we've got eri one i've got three of them in black i've got one in blue one in clear as well as one in white i'll throw up all the prices on the screen so you know which one ranks where first let's start off with the cheapest filament and see what kind of print we get from that so first we're going to be talking about the reprap filament and this is a row right here right now if you take a look down the spool you can see that the winding of the spool is fairly consistent but if you look on the sides you can see some of the filament fibers crossing one another i don't think this will cause the problem printing down the road where the filament gets tightened or not and your extruder isn't unable to push it through but i guess i'll find out and see now if we take my calipers and measure the diameter of this filament looking at it so far we get 1.75 bang on measuring elsewhere on the spool i'm also getting 1.75 1.76 so it seems to be fairly consistent across the entire roll now time to throw it onto the printer here i've got the ceramic filament in my hands and it also costs the exact same price as the rep wrapper 26.99 now taking a look at the spool right off the bat it's definitely not as nicely wound as a rep wrapper it seems like the filament's kind of going all over the place and it's crossing often when sampling this filament with calipers i'm seeing 1.75 right at the beginning of the roll if i go elsewhere in the filament roll i'm seeing 1.77 so it seems like this filament also is fairly consistent around the 1.75 mark all right time to go throw this onto the printer here we've got the overture filament and it's actually got the cheapest packaging it doesn't even have its own logo printed on the box but honestly who really cares about the box but it comes in at 26.99 as well i got the black version and looking at the windings right off the bat honestly looks pretty terrible it looks like everything is going all over the place and very similar to the tpu roll that i received recently but if you read reviews online people always have a great opinion of overture it's kind of the best bang for your buck sort of filament brand out there now measuring the diameter of this filament i get 1.76 and if we jump to another spot on the spool i get 1.76 as well so fairly consistent across the roll let's go through this puppy onto the printer as well actually before doing that i just wanted to mention to you guys all overture filaments actually come with a built tack bed it's 200 by 200 millimeters next up we've got the aeron patchy and this is 29.49 it came in black and looking at the spool right off the bat if you can see it's got very nice windings on it taking my first filament diameter measurement i'm seeing 1.77 so let's go through this onto the printer and do our test prints for our second most expensive filament we've got the polymaker here i got the polymaker in white and it cost me 29.99 and canadian dollars it's got very nice packaging the box is branded it's got a cool sticker and same with the filament roll looking at the windings right here it looks very similar to the arie one as well as hatchbox so i'm pretty impressed with this filament so far based on the looks we'll have to see how it prints out last but not least we've got the hatchbox here hatchbox is one of the best filaments out there supposedly and it costs the most out of all six of these filaments here it was 36.99 for this roll and from a more premium filament we expect the windings to be pretty much flawless and in fact they are i got this filament in blue because if i got the black it was going to be 55.99 so since i didn't really care too much about the color i was like why not save like 20 and just get the blue instead now taking a measurement of the filament i'm seeing around 1.74 here again these windings are super nice and i don't want to destroy them so that's the one measurement we'll take for the hatchbox now let's go throw this premium filament onto the printer [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it's been a day or two since i filmed the first part of this video but now i've got all the benches printed as well i've printed a moving table top and you'll see that as i'm showing shots of the different benches so now starting off with the six millimeter posts we're going to compare all six of them and see what the difference is now what i'm looking for here is to see if there are any filament strands or strings that are hanging off or that actually bridge across from one tower to the next out of all six of them the poly maker is the only one that doesn't have any signs of filament strings hanging off the inside edge of the circles the rest of the six including the hatchbox at 36.99 also has stringing and i'll show you those pictures up close on the screen next moving over to the benchies we're going to compare the bottoms of all the benchies to see how legible the text is and to see if the infill lines are solid and there's no gaps in between so the first thing that i noticed is the poly maker text the bridging that goes across the text got squished down into the first layer where the text was supposed to be outlined so that was the only filament that got compressed a little bit too much and i don't think i tweaked any of the z settings but this could possibly be tuned out if you increase your z height a little bit next we have the duramic and the hatchbox benchies and their infill was a little bit sparse for my liking you can definitely see spaces in between each infill line the rep wrapper overture and area one filaments the infill lines are pretty much squished together there could be a small amount of tuning down in each of these filaments to bring the nozzle maybe by about 0.04 millimeters closer to the bed but other than that i would say these three filaments have the best bottoms now looking at the side of the hull of all the benches so the first one that really stands out to me is the ceramic where there's this huge strand of filament just sticking out the side not really sure where this came from especially because this is near the middle if it was closer to the bottom it possibly could have been the skirt other than that the other features that i'm seeing on the side are these dimples which is fairly consistent across all the prints this might be due to my coasting setting which basically stops printing for the last like 0.3 millimeters of the outline so that dimple could be that 0.3 millimeters where the nozzle is not actually extruding any filament there's also some blobbing that's seen across most of the prints maybe one or two blobs per benchy on the overture filament as well as a polymaker filament i got a couple longer strings that came off but they're not as noticeable as a dyramic now looking at the side profile the benchies seeing where that overhang comes up i can see that all the overhangs look pretty much exactly the same none of them have any sort of serious droopiness looking the text that's supposed to be at the back of the bunchy saying 3d benchy i think all the text looks pretty much the same all illegible i think this might be more of a printer thing where the printer had a little bit of ringing and didn't print this text very well now if we look at that small circle outlet at the very back of the benchy as well the everyone and the polymaker filament produced the best circle there every other filament had a slight droop at the top of the circle it may be a little hard to see from the camera shots though now turn our attention over to deca boat when the printer head moves from the edges or the railings of the boat to the center cabin there's a lot of string between those two features it doesn't matter which filament i use all the stringing is pretty much the same as well we're seeing a lot of stringing in the archways of the door to the cabin if i were to really look closely i would say the airy one and the rep wrapper filament had the most stringing and the other four had pretty much equal stringing looking at the rear cylindrical feature we've got the hatchbox dyramic overture as well as the polymaker filament having blobs on that feature and the hatchbox also has a bit of stringing but the other two which is airy one and reprapper the print quality of that rear cylindrical feature is fairly consistent the only thing is those two suffer from stringing now turning your attention back over to the front of the boat the two circles i would say the arrow one had the best circles because there was no stringing within that feature all the other prints had stringing or some had a little filament strand sticking out there looking at the door post of the cabin i can see there's some inconsistencies in the filament lines and this is happening across all six boats this might just be a limitation of the adventure 4 and how well it's been calibrated taking a look at the overhang and the doorway arches as well as a rear circular window all those features printed without any problem there was no sort of drooping in the archways or drooping in the circular feature the bridging of the front square window was done very well on all six prints if we look at the steering wheel inside the cabin this feature is pretty much printed exactly the same across all six filaments there's no noticeable difference there it all had the outer rim feature as well as that inner circle that stick out a little bit finally moving to the top of the benchy all the tops of the benchy look pretty much exactly the same again there's not much difference in quality there some of the chimneys have a bit of a blob here and there that just might have been some buildup on the nozzle which is deposited on the outer layer and it just so happened for this print the blob happened but i think that could happen with any filament if you print enough benchies the last thing that i want to mention is a duramic overture as well as the poly maker filaments they all had more of a matte finish the airy one hatchbox as well as ceramic filaments they all had more of a shiny finish to them okay so you guys probably noticed that in my prints there's some blobbing in there and it showed like the six millimeter post they didn't blob but somehow the bench you did so i'm actually working on benches next door to me right now and i've got a lot more develop there i think i know what the reason is why i'm seeing those like indents into the print as well as some of the random blobs basically i have simplified 3d setup to optimize the print speed so i could start anywhere but instead if i select a point where i want all the start points as close to that point then we're going to get actually a fairly nice finish on the benchy so i'll compile all those other benches in a future video and share with you my perfect patchy settings which should be coming soon so in conclusion after doing all these tests on these six filaments printing out benches as well as the six millimeter posts i don't think that there's too much difference between these filaments one didn't stand out significantly more than the other which i was a little bit surprised everyone online was saying hatchbox is like a premium filament when you when it comes to amazon filaments but i didn't find that to be the case in some aspects the hash box performed a little better but in other aspects it didn't and i think that at the end of the day if you're willing to sit down and tune each filament then you can get pretty much similar results it was clear from my caliper measurements of these filaments were about 1.75 millimeters in diameter so i think we've come a very long way in 3d printing technology where factories are able to produce very consistent diameter filament and now it just kind of comes down to brand and marketing so for those of you guys who are looking to save a penny here and there definitely just go with the cheapest filaments out there and just try to tune the crap out of it especially for petg all six of these filaments if any of these interests you i've got links down below in the description for canada and the usa if you have any questions that i haven't addressed in this video yet feel free to leave those in the comments down below as well as remember to like and subscribe because this video took a while to make i've got a couple other videos up on the screen here real one related to petchey so you can check that one out if you're interested and that's a wrap [Music]
Channel: Just Make It Daniel!
Views: 16,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: petg 3d printing, best petg filament, best amazon petg filament, how to print petg, petg benchy test, how to prevent petg from blobbing, petg print quality, petg stringing, hatchbox petg review, overture petg review, reprapper petg review, polymaker petg review, eryone petg review, duramic petg review, best petg, best 1.75mm petg, beginners guide to petg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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