Does GTA 6 Use Ray Tracing? RTGI and Reflections Confirmed?

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it's not that distracting versus SSR by itself or SSR layered on a cube map where they don't allow at all and then when it discludes it's just like oh it's a huge gap it looks terrible uh I espe an open world game where you couldn't possibly have the cube Maps everywhere you want them to be no you would have to use a lot of generic Cube maps I mean you could do like Ian insomniac's original Spider-Man did okay enough with that they use a ton of cube Maps but even then obviously very approximate and very limited and that's why they moved away from it if you go back to GTA 5 actually in December of last year they added in RT Reflections to that game on consoles of course not on PC Alex but only on consoles oh that's that's really frustrating U but that that game combined uh real time Cube Maps captured from the player location with rt Reflections out to a very limited distance so the problem there is you get that discontinuity right when you're combining those two elements didn't look very good now here with this uh more Ray tracing Centric Solution that's probably not relying on that fallback you're going to have really great Reflections across the entire environment it looks like and uh it's yeah just especially for like distant buildings and stuff like that just like we saw in Spider-Man having perspective correct Reflections that are detailed all throughout the environment makes such a big difference in like a citycape with big glass Towers right right just cohesiveness that's a good point that's a good point like this game is not Red Dead red a lot of people always point back to Red Dead Redemption like this looks better than X game that released today but a lot of that is also just the artistic environment in that game it's like a lot of diffused materials Rolling Hills not a lot of like huge including buildings and structures and that's where lighting gets super complex and that's where traditional techniques fail the hardest and yeah Red Redemption 2 is a lot a really great looking game but it also it has like a lot of aspects of it that make old school rendering work better with it than definitely would work with GTA 6 yeah I mean not to Discount the work that went into that game cuz it is stunning for sure but yes it that type of naturalistic environment tends to work really well with more traditional rasterized techniques glass metal buildings in this large scale and all these angles the stuff is a nightmare and developers have struggled with it for a long time I would say CD project red was one of the first to really kind of solve it with its R tracing work done on cyberpunk 2077 so not surprised that Rockstar would want to take a similar approach and push it as far as they could and it does seem to be what they're doing here for sure so I like that a lot um but then not everything does appear to be R traced and you actually noticed this right at the end of the trailer I think Alex it's the uh the it does seem to be using Shadow Maps basically yeah and this is a little bit surprising well not so given everything else in the trailer if there's R race Reflections if there's rtgi something's got to give something's got to give but like yeah so like uh Oliver uh pointed out in the notes and really well in the trailer that there's a lot of shots like where you don't see some of the Hallmarks of R traced Shadows that you'd expect like the really nice like tapered shadow where it starts off hard and gets a bit softer uh Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5 PC did that originally with like the soft Shadow options the games have uh but not to the same Precision that you'd get from a r Trac effect which is what GTA 5 on eventually added covered in a video by us as well and here you just don't really kind of see that in the trailer and then there's a very specific example that John just mentioned right now at the end of the trailer you look at the top left corner as they open the door bam on the opaque uh door I don't know frame there you can see what is just obviously a shadow map Alias and once again we're zooming into the corners of an image it makes me yes we are not a parody of digital found we are digital this is probably why I enjoyed the Blade Runner Adventure game uh from Westwood back in the day because you spent a lot of time zooming in on things just like in the movie basically I'm like wait a minute no wonder I like this game so much cuz that's what we do here Zoom this is this is like taking pixel peeping to a new level but what can I say it I will peep those pixels John I will peep those pixels uh so you know Shadows not that exciting it'll get the job done for sure and I'm not surprised that they had to give even though they did RT Shadows on GTA 5 but something I had to give as you say but I think one of the more uh visually impressive features in this uh is something that our hair care expert Oliver here who has a lot of experience with long flowing locks uh noticed it's the hair simulation yeah the hair Sim the hair Sim just looks incredible again we're going to have to go back to a shot you know maybe he's a little bit suspect but at 38 seconds if you go to that shot the way that character's hair moves here it's flowing so unbelievably well and it doesn't there's no like visible clipping it's all moving in just like this really nice manner I think John likened it to truss effects which I totally agree with like it looks amazing now if you look in through this trailer you'll see a lot of really great evidence of great her physics throat this is the best example Le you'll also see like some looks like dithering patterns on the hair like it's not you know the cleanest but obviously that's a hard hard problem to solve I mean trust effects is kind of an old Tech I think in more recent games we have not seen this attempt to really model long flowing hair in this really uh great way so this is really cool to see we've seen a lot of games shift to a strand-based model that's extremely detailed and allows this like fine grain Zoom without any visible artifacts really but uh hasn't been much of a focus on actually simulating the motion of hair which is kind of a different problem to solve I suppose it is it's really only been the FIFA games but they have a like a limit to hair length I think um the you know the reason for a game like this and it was in when they were doing Star Citizen presentations years ago they mentioned that one of the things about you can get like one character in a scene with like strand based hair and then you like what about the other characters right like one you have to have the art to do that and then two you have to have the performance so I'd be curious how they're doing it here uh if it is like strand based it doesn't look at maybe it's com I actually don't think it's it doesn't necessarily look strand based and I think that's why it's kind of artifactory yeah it's kind of dithery looking right has that dither out like yeah yeah in in scenes in this game you can say you can see like there just tons of characters on screen it's not just like one character a soliloquy no they all have this hair nuts so it's uh really well done in spite of that dither look and uh yeah really really cool to see them push it further because you know Red Dead Redemption 2 that's probably like one of the thing that dates it the most is like the character rendering hair and stuff like that uh so well the beard looked okay in the game but it didn't move or anything uh one other really cool shot here is at 52 seconds again that green truck where you see this guy just crazy like dreads and his hair is just going nuts in the wind and like I can't remember the last time I saw that the game hair actually moving in a violent manner in the wind and maybe from a different angle it would look a little glitchy or not so great but I think that's just so cool that Rockstar is willing to go out and say yeah we're going to have like really crazy harison in the wind show you something cool you haven't seen it a while there's usually some like restraints to prevent that like it can only go like so far horizontal or self intersections don't occur so you want to have like it not move too much it's a lot of good stuff here that uh that that that shot by the way again the green truck that man the paint on the truck there right first of all you do have the RC reflection of the the mirror there in the truck door which is cool but like the paint Shader itself look at that that's like that's so good looking I mean that looks better than some dedicated driving games as you know yeah it really does as you know it's uh quite impressive I got to say actually the material work there in general like the way like the the plastic rim to the door uh to the right of the window itself like it looks suitably plasticky like what you'd expect in a car and I'm just kind of impressed with the quality of the vehicle rendering in this trailer and obviously you're going to spend a lot of time doing vehicles in vehicles and we haven't seen Rockstar do vehicles since GTA 5 right so this again that's I guess that's kind of the thing to to remember here is that we've not we don't know what Grand Theft Auto would have looked like on a PS4 or an Xbox One like because the the game we did get on there that's that's a PS3 360 game right like it has those enhancements but that's you know this this is actually something built for the new machines and we've not seen it for so long so it's really crazy to see what they're doing here I'd be curious to know when they really really truly kicked off development on this game because wow I would also be curious yeah oh man I also love that shot where they're in the intersection uh doing sort of the uh the donuts in the Middle with the car the smoke kicking up at night and it's just kind of like filling the scene that looks pretty good there's just there's there's so many things but then of course there's the characters right Alex that are like the characters look they look really good but it's obviously very clearly going for like stylized realism rather than actual like photo realism yeah I 100% it's it's a little bit in the proportions of some aspects of the face a little bit like everyone looks a little bit a little bit I don't know how to describe it someone someone put a comment on this web zil about what that is I don't know what type of realism that is I think the eyes in particular are a little bit more prominent in the face and then you have like the super smooth skin on all the characters like blemish relatively blemish free skin and I kind of contrast this because I think this is really good-looking rendering right just because it's stylized doesn't mean it doesn't look great but if you look at something like you know the Matrix awakens that's going for a very photo look right still still great looking rendering fantastic looking rendering very photoal this looks great styen yeah alen wake 2 as well looking at it again like at the prison section right at the beginning of the video um the rendering kind of reminds me of Spider-Man you know insomniax games where they have these very detailed characters but they're very clearly not designed to look like real right that's kind of what this reminds me of and by the way that uh I guess corrections officer or whoever it is at the beginning there when she parole officer when she turns around and then goes into the office there and she's sitting at the desk her hair that's incredible like the way they've got all the little curls in there and everything bobbing around so realistically like that kind of hair done at that level that's that's awesome that that genuinely looks amazing all the hair in this game looks looks absolutely killer that's that's such a huge Focus killer hair and yet despite that they have these gigantic crowds full of uh as The Simpsons would say gigantic asses as well uh bouncing around all over the place that's that's how they roll I guess in this world and that's also I guess impressive now we don't
Channel: DF Clips
Views: 8,688
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Id: 5Tw3dqpNmso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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