Does 24FPS REALLY Look More Cinematic Than 30FPS [Or 60]?

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Should you shoot in 24fps or 30 frames per second  and maybe more importantly does 24 really look   more cinematic than 30 or 60 for that matter.  Well, I've done the test and I've also done   some research and some investigations and I've  actually discovered some interesting things... So, i'll give you a definitive answer because  and my longtime subscribers all know this   i'm always right everyone else is always wrong and   my opinion is the only valid opinion here  on youtube so you came to the right video... I can't say it with a straight face no of course  not do let me know in the comments what you think   because i really want to know your opinion too  i find it super interesting and i read all the   comments i really do okay anyway first a quick  recap maybe so that you know why i'm making this   video so i've been shooting in 30 instead of 24  frames per second for a month now as an experiment   to find out if maybe i like 30fps more than 24fps  for my YouTube videos and i also wanted to know if   it really matters which frame rate you use and  then the main reason why i decided to go for   30 for a while is because 24 on most devices it  sometimes stutters or judders or jitters whatever   you want to call it and that's because most people  don't actually see true 24 frames per second like   in a movie theatre it's all very complicated and  technical but simply put 24 doesn't work well with   60 mathematically 60 works better with 30. now if  everybody would watch on a 120hz screen that would   solve the problem because you can evenly divide  120 by 24 but i guess we're not there yet because   interesting fact number one i did a poll on my  channel here and turns out that 63% of my audience   watches content on a 60hz screen and so that's why  a lot of creators say that 30 frames per second   looks a lot smoother for youtube videos notice  how i set smoother and not better or nicer   or more beautiful smoother you'll see later why  but i agree that's true drone videos for example   look a lot smoother when shot in 30 or  60 frames per second but even if you   would watch 24 frames per second content as  true 24 frames per second and 30 as true 30   30 will always look smoother because you have  those six extra frames so 30 no matter what   will always look smoother and then 60 of course  looks super smooth like butter but for me unless   it slowed down 60 that's too much i don't like the  look but it doesn't matter if you like it then you   like it that's fine there's absolutely nothing  wrong with that wait no i'm always right everyone   else is always wrong my opinion you are wrong  if you like 60 frames per second shame on you no not true if you like 60 that's fine the gusty  boost non disputandum s right how is that in   english there's no dispute there's no disputing  about taste something like that and that's true   of course too bad actually that i can't show you  24 and 30 side by side in this video because a   video has one frame rate and this is 24 but maybe  go back to some of my previous videos and then   check the stats for nerds so that you can see what  frame rate it actually is that's a tip you can   check that for for every video here on youtube  but anyway so the thing is if you want smooth   if you want extra smooth then 30 or 60 it is  you're gonna need those extra frames to make your   footage look extra smooth but remember that what  you see is not what everyone else sees because   interesting fact number two i did another  poll here on my channel asking who noticed   the difference when i started shooting in 30  instead of 24 and turns out that most people 64%   didn't even see the difference and by the way a  lot of people also didn't see the judders or the   stutters that come with 24 frames per second so  you know i think it's fair to conclude that 24   is not better than 30 or vice versa they're just  different same for 24 versus 60. and unless you're   being asked to shoot in a specific frame rate it  doesn't matter use whatever you like best okay but   then the important question the big one does 24  really look more cinematic than 30 or 60 for that   matter well look a few weeks ago i was testing  a new anamorphic lens and i had just decided to   shoot in 30 frames per second for a while so my  camera was set to 30 frames per second and when i   watched the first test shots 30 fps it just didn't  look right it didn't feel right something felt off   and you know for talking at videos like this 24  30 both looks fine to me but for those test shots   with that anamorphic lens i feel like shooting  in 30 made those shots lose their cinematicness   yeah i know it sounds stupid but that's that's  what that's what i saw that's what i felt   and then i switched back to 24. problem  solved it looked a lot better it looked   more cinematic huh i really thought it  wouldn't matter that much 24 or 30 but   it really does apparently and again it's too bad  that i can't show you 24 and 30 side by side but i   would recommend you to do the test yourself shoot  in 24 shoot in 30 put them side by side and see   if you can see the difference and the surprising  thing is that even on a 60 hertz screen with all   the jitter stutters whatever the reason why  i started shooting in 30 in the first place   i still like 24 better with all the  judders if cinematic is what i'm going for   i'm gonna i have to do cinematic like this because  what does that word mean right and you know i can   hear some of you mumbling now oh but we've been  conditioned to like 24 frames per second as   the cinematic frame rate because they've  been using it since forever so we've gotten   used to it and that's why we think it looks  cinematic maybe yeah but is that the reason   same could be said for high frame rates right  gamers are being conditioned to like high frame   rates because in the gaming world the higher the  better same for people who own a tv that does   frame interpolation so the tv adds frames to make  it look smoother and most people don't even know   that that setting is on so those people are also  being conditioned to like higher frame rates   you know what i mean right i absolutely hate it  but you know if you like it hey that's fine and   then there's also the argument that shooting in  higher frame rates is more expensive storage wise   and more difficult to do cgi but i mean not all  movies have cgi and about a storage thing i mean   we went from 1080 to 2k 4k 8k no problem but frame  rate frame rate stayed at 24 in the movie industry   and 8k needs a lot more storage than 2k so i  think that 24 frames per second does have a   certain quality a cinematic quality to it again  it sounds stupid that word cinematic because   it doesn't mean anything but for me 24 has a  certain look the movement the motion blur and   some people say oh but it has too much motion blur  it doesn't look good and some people even say it   doesn't look natural but have you waved your hand  in front of your eyes what i'm seeing here now   motion blur so you know 24 looks natural and  you know what's funny some people think that   24 frames per second looks natural and movies  shot in higher frame rates look artificial   but then other people think the exact opposite  so some people like high frame rates because   it looks different and other people hate  high frame rates because it looks different and that's the key here i mean so the only  thing i can conclude here is that for me   24 frames per second is still the cinematic  frame rate for me in my opinion but i'm not   gonna convince you i don't want to convince  you because honestly i'm getting tired of that   you know 24 frames per second is superior kind of  vibe and some people are a bit too obsessed with   it i'm just gonna keep using both 24 and 30 frames  per second it just depends on what i'm going for   you know let artists be artists let filmmakers  be filmmakers frame rate is a tool and you   have to use the tool that best expresses your  vision is it 24 then 24 it is do you like 60 or   do you want to experiment because  that's also what people do that's why   some directors they they experiment and they they  try that higher frame rate you know just embr   just embrace the fact i'm starting  to sound like a hippie again so   i think it's time that that i just end the video  here i think i've made my point clear i hope so   you see that stupid camera was focusing on my  hand here because i thought my hand was a face sony you're letting me down anyway look  the thing is maybe in 20 years 10 years   i'm gonna look back at this video and yeah i'll  be embarrassed because we're all watching movies   in 200 frames per second then we all love it  maybe i don't know it could happen for now   no for now i'm always right everyone  else is always wrong my opinion is the   only valid opinion here on youtube 24 is the  cinematic frame rate salute and other following you
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 81,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 24fps, 30fps, 60fps, 24fps vs 30fps, cinematic, cinematic frame rate, 24fps cinematic, best frame rate, what frame rate should i use
Id: ZdS-6qhob-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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