Doddy's Bike Cave Tour | The Ultimate Bike Cave?

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- In the GMBN Tech weekly show we quite often look at bike caves. You know what the bike caves are, it's where you store your bikes and where you fettle with them. So today, I thought I'd show you around my little bike cave. Check this out. (soft hip hop music) Now most people's bike caves tend to be like a garden shed type thing, or a garage if you've got one of those. Now, I wasn't fortunate enough to have one of those, but when my partner and I bought this place, we needed to renovate and we spent the last two years completely gutting and rebuilding this place, including where I'm sat right now. Now originally, this was an outdoor toilet. There was a wall here with the tiniest little window you can imagine, a little door, and the next room was a cold bunker to feed the fire that once existed in here. And there was a whacking great concrete roof connecting it to the main part of the house. Now one of the benefits of this was this huge concrete foundation underneath, which meant I didn't need to have planning permission in order to use that foundation, I just needed to meet building regulations. So we made some plans for the ideal sort of bike cave, so I can keep all my bike stuff in here and not in the house. That got approved and we built it, essentially. Now, it was quite cool because you had to take off the five inch thick concrete roof, which was full of rebar. We had to cut it with a steel stone cutter and basically smash it into pieces with a massive sledgehammer. Whack it all off the side of the building. Rebuilt it, insulated it. Put this window in, which is the old kitchen window. Put a new big secure backdoor on here. Everything is great, I've got everything I need, I got all the storage. There's storage and eaves above where you are right now. I've got all my bikes down one end. Let's take a little look, shall we? (upbeat hip hop music) So starting with this part of the room here, I've got my bikes hung up on the wall. Now a lot of people have asked why I hang them up without the wheels on them and it's simply to save space. If I have the front wheels on them, it does fit in with the ceiling no problems at all, I catered for that when we built the place. However, it does mean they take up more room pulling out into the room. Now, it's not a large space, this. So I wanted to maximize on everything I could. Now, I have got a storage unit with a load of old archive bikes. The stuff that at some point we're going to delve into. There's some very special bikes tucked away but these are my work bikes, these are my GMBN bikes. So I've got my Canyon Neuron here. I've got my Nukeproof Mega, and I've got my Lux. And then over here, I've got these really cool old Ikea units. So this one used to be red and I've spray painted this and I keep all my GMBN kit in here. I've got my glasses, my gloves, all that sort of stuff. Riding kit below. There's various things in this one, including a bottle of Moet, just like you do in your bike caves. Various Camelbak bladders, things like that, waterproof jackets, all my sort of kit I need for winter. Underneath here, I've got a little unit that I've built from old kitchen sideboard stuff leftover from when I put the kitchen in here. So I've got all my riding shoes here. We're obviously supported by Northwave, so I've got loads of latest Northwave shoes. Works out pretty good 'cause they suit the way I ride. I've got various locks and stuff. You might have noticed I've got a slam ball here. I've got a balance board and various exercise related stuff. And I've got leftover sideboard from when I basically built this place. So I managed to get three pieces for a bargain price. So I've used this on the end here. As you can see, I've got helmets lined up. Black and white one is my daily, like just to use to commute to work. The blue one is my new one for videos. And the black one is a spare for when I have friends that come and ride and just need a spare helmet. It's always good to have one of those lying around. Yeah, so that's that corner. And then if I move over here, there's all sorts of junk, and all sorts of cool stuff. There's various things I'm sure you can see straight away. So, I've got CushCore set up. In here, I've got loads of old spokes. In this box here in fact, all sorts of stuff in here. There's some old XTR cranks. Some pretty ancient Burgtec pedals. These are called Penthouse Flats. Of course, Ratboy and everyone use modern versions, but these are some of the originals. Look how thick those things are, pretty crazy. And then this is quite cool. Don't need to worry about that stuff. A pair of prototype Raceface cranks. I spent my entire working life basically as a journalist. I worked for Mountain Biking UK magazine for a very long time. So I've always been testing kit and riding other peoples' kit throughout the years. It gives me a good balanced view of what people are making, how it rides, how accessible it is. And to a large degree, it's why I fit in well at GMBN Tech and why I can give you the information I do, it's because this is what I've always done. I've talked about bikes forever. I've got some classic old brakes. In fact, I've got some customs here from the Avid days and from the SRAM days as well. I've got some Avid XO brakes. Dodd on the lever, that's pretty cool. Loads of cool old stuff. I pretty much seem to keep hold of most things I've ever used. If it can be useful, if I can use it in a video, if I can help a friend with it, for broken parts and salvaging, I pretty much keep it. I'm a bit of a hoarder. It can be a bit of a problem, but also, as I found out in a lot of GMBN videos, that it's actually pretty useful. Remember these? Rockshox Totems. These are seven inch travel, 40 mm stanchions on them. These ones are kind of the anodizing's gone a bit funny on them over the years. Some homemade stickers from back in the day. AC/DC and Goonies, but that was a hell of a fork. A 1.5 inch steerer tube, so that's quite cool to see actually. Up here, I've got some random retro stuff in here. Let's have a look and see what we've got. An original Specialized helmet from back in the day. Before the really cool helmets we have now, we used to have lycra covers on top of basic polystyrene helmets. Certainly not very cool and they look like a mushroom when you worn them, not good at all. There's that AC/DC jersey that I wore in the retro versus modern video. Oakley Frogskins, pretty classic glasses from the 80s. Remember those things? Woo, pretty stylish. Don't think I've ever worn those. I think they're pretty much box fresh. Let's have a look in me tool chest 'cause this, it's actually quite of a lot of sins in here 'cause it's quite a mess at the moment, I keep meaning to sort this out. On the top, as you can see, there's all sorts of stuff going on. A load of media passes from over the years, Mountain Biking UK here, 2014 Sea Otter, various world champs, world cups, and stuff like that. This is quite cool actually. This is an old helmet that's been crashed in. A really old Troy Lee Designs D2. Owen from Slik Graphics, did these Doddy graphics on the side. They look at a glance like it's part of the paint job. Pretty cool, useless now. It's been crash damaged and that. But just for old times sakes, and it looks quite cool. And I've got most oils, lubricants, and things I need for the sort of jobs I like to do on my own bikes. Fork lower lube, shock oil. I've got Shimano mineral oil in here for doing disc brakes and Polyfilla. Anyone for a bike? Right now, let's go into all the source sins, shall we? So top drawer, this is the bad one. No one goes in top drawer except me, fortunately. This a right old mess. I've got some many duplicate allen keys here that have lived in the car and all sorts. I really do need to sort this out. Something very cool, it was a present given to me by Kelvin, from Park Tools. I always love a good pick for working on stuff. This one's from a Marzocchi trip back in 2007, it's a Park Tool still. I've got another Park Tool here with my name on it. Next drawer down, knives and screwdrivers. Stuff that is generally used on other DIY stuff, not really in the bike world. These are quite cool actually, these are for cutting tire knobs. Literally for cutting your tires down, if you fancied doing that sort of thing. These are quite cool for cutting hoses, like a mini cigar cutter. This one was actually given to me, in fact I did say given, I took it from Alex Rafferty, I loved it. Thanks Alex for this by the way, Alex from SRAM. A really nice little tool there. This one's got a few more Park Tools and bike tools here. Again, jumbled in with another selection of stuff. Various files, I've got some Epic Solutions, fork top cap, spanners here, these are various bearing drifts. That's an Easton number 24. These are all for various different hubs and that I've had over the years. Next one down, there we go. That's starting to look a bit more familiar to you guys. There's some various Park Tools in here. Of which actually, my favorite is the disc rotor straightening tool there. Again, a few more Park related things in here. And these are for setting the crown racers on forks, that's the rocket tool. In fact, that's an old rocket tool for inch and eighth, for knocking out headset cups. I forgot about this bad boy, Avid Tools hammer. So this is a titanium hammer, this thing is immense. If you go on the road, it's a kind of useful one to carry 'cause it's nice and slimline. And also actually, probably the most useful tool right now on mountain bikes is the Park internal cable route tool. That thing has stopped me swearing more than I normally would. Really, really flipping good tool that is. This is cool actually. Use your drill, go around corners. (gentle upbeat music) Okay, so I've got my workbench here. I've got a nice big vice here, this is an adjustable angle one. It's not in the best position to be fair 'cause I was going to move it, I just haven't got around to that. These Park magnetic trays are absolutely amazing. As you can see, I've got all sorts of nuts and bolts and stuff chucked in there. Got me trusty leather mechanics gloves, these are carpenter's ones. Use those all the time when working on the house. Stopped getting massive splinters in my hands. Well used Makita impact driver and drill setup there. Impact drivers, one of my favorite. These things are amazing. You can see it's a bit of a state on the top here. On this shelf, there's all sorts of random stuff here. That's an old Bontrager, in fact, that's a new Bontrager mug. Looks old, it's from Bike Ninja. And inside, randomly, I've got some old knives. This one was, I did a press trip to Alpe d'Huez and it says Oz en Oisans on here and it's an Opinel knife. It's in disgusting shape actually, I haven't used that for years, don't really need to. This one was a present from Race Face way back when I visited them in Vancouver. Those guys are really cool and had these little lock knives. Don't really need to use it for anything. It even says Race Face, say hello to my little friend. That's an old vintage fork, that's Answer AcuTrak. To some, it might just look like a rubbish old fork, but actually it's a nice bit of history. Now artwork is something I'm quite into and I'm quite obviously into my bike history. So this is from Repack. Repack was the first ever official downhill race, the one that we all knew about. It's called Repack 'cause it was so fast, that the coaster brakes used to heat up and the grease would be pouring out the bottom and to repack their coaster brakes with grease, hence Repack. And that was from Charlie Kelly and Joe Breeze, their signatures there. Those two guys, alongside Gary Fisher and Tom Ritchey, really are pretty much the founding fathers of what we now know as mountain biking. This is really cool, in fact, I'm going to have to dig this bike out and show you. I was lucky enough to do a trip to Intense, which are based in Temecula, California. This actually, I got to design my own geometry bike and Jeff Steven made it for me. And look at the numbers on this. There's a XXL, this is still big by today's standard. Wheel base, 1240, reach, 518. Back in 2014, I was all about the big bikes. This one is my favorite all-time rider. That's John Tomac. Doddy, go hard, Tomac. To me, as a kid, growing up watching mountain biking on the TV and all the magazines, Tomac was the one to beat, inspirational guy. You've probably noticed there's all sorts of other randoms on here as well, Peaty's last orders. Some Steve Peat world champion beers. That's from 2009 when he finally won. I think everyone in the mountain biking world was absolutely stoked with that. I've got myself that Tioga disc drive clock. Thought we got one at work, I had to get one for my own little bike cave. My old computer, my beloved thing, I can't throw it away even though it barely works now. But it's good enough for Spotify, good enough for a bit of surfing, YouTube, stuff like that, while I'm working on my bike. I can watch the world cups and stuff like that. And in fact, I've just seen up on the back here. So this is a shot of me taken in Lee Quarry up north. That's by Russell Burton, I think, and the bike was a Banshee. In fact, it would have be called a Mystic because at the time, you couldn't call 'em Banshee in the UK. I think it was a Spitfire, quite progressive, didn't have that one very long. But what I've just noticed is this print underneath. Now this, I need to get framed. That is Shaun Palmer. In Sweden even, 1999 World Championships. That's the finish line. He pretty much slid across it and he crashed just before that finishing line and he didn't win the race. I don't think he would have won it, but we'll never know for sure. But he signed that. And originally, I was going to give these away but this one was the one I was going to give away but actually kept for myself. The other one, which he also signed, he hadn't actually seen this picture by Geoff Waugh, he kept it for himself. So Palmer has the other one one of these in his house, which is quite cool. What else is there? There's also something else I've just see here from my MBUK days. This was a gift when I left the magazine. So if you've ever read Mountain Biking UK magazine, you might know about Mint Sauce. Now, Mint Sauce to me is a bit of an institution. So he's a mountain biking sheep. Now this is an original piece of artwork, you can see by the texture and stuff on this. Absolutely amazing. That's Coleman the Cow. Just Mint and Coleman in this particular one here, but it's absolutely fantastic, I love the artwork. This one's quite funny. This was when he was riding tubeless for the first time and his tube doesn't seal and ends up with gunk all over himself. But I love Jo Burt's artwork, absolutely fantastic. You can see this stuff on Instagram. I best show Joe, going to put a link to him underneath. He is the guy that does all of this artwork. He's absolutely fantastic. But I'm super lucky to have those, I must get those framed. Jo, if you're watching this, thank you. You're an absolute legend. That's definitely two of the coolest bits of memorabilia I've had from over the years. Absolutely love Mint Sauce. (soft music) That's me without a helmet. Not good at all. That was me as a fridge magnet. And that's the bike that essentially got me my career. I think I've talked about this before. Snapped the forks on that one, broke my face, thus giving me my marvelously good looks. But it got me a job, so I'm pretty happy with that. I had a lot of covers through the years. So this one, that's me. That was taken in Bootleg Canyon in Las Vegas. That's a Russell Burton picture, I believe. Check him out on Instagram, amazing photographer. Something a bit questionable, I think. Actually, that's quite cool. That's on a Mondraker, that's in the Forest of Dean, so that's 2014. That's a fair while back as well, that's quite cool. I think that's a Steve Bear photo. That's another Russell Burton photo, doing a skid through a puddle. Looks pretty cool, doesn't it? I feel very fortunate to have front covers on such a prestigious magazine. I think that was my last major cover then, I left in 2015. And that's actually a really good one. I really like that Troy Lee clothing. Aziro shoes, riding on a 29 Specialized. Pretty cool. As you can see, I've got stacks of pedals. In fact, from some modern ones that I ride now and some really old ones. Some very thin ones, some very battered ones. But for some reason, did I tell you I hoard stuff? I can't throw stuff away, there's something wrong with me. Down in this one, this is kind of a random retro stuff. That's when SRAM did their pink limited edition stuff, that's pretty cool. Titanium springs, oh look at that, that's the first ever Crud Catcher. Old Easton flat pedals, they're pretty cool. MRP Ultra Speeds. Oh, I've even got a carbon one, oh, look at that bad boy. Hope brakes, six pot brakes, I think these. And I had the laser etch brake levers to go with it. Got the Zonic hammer stem, look at that thing. That's pretty much just a whole lump of billet aluminum that. May just look like a coda stem tube, but when you take an angle grinder to it, you turn it into a bottle opener. You can pretty much make a bottle opener from any bike part. I think I did that in one of my home hacks videos. Okay, then I've also got my little top drawers here. They're quite organized, although it looks a little bit messy. I kind of know where everything is. In this back one here, I've volume spacers for various forks and shocks, I've got foam rings. Anything sort of suspension related up there. I've got various different tubeless valves, valve cores, bearings and that from back ends, bushings, from shocks. In here, I've got some lights, o-rings, brake pads, starfangled nuts, cleats, old cleats, new cleats. Various different chain master links. All sorts of stuff that comes in handy. Always keep this stuff. And lastly, I kind of keep waterproof jackets, apron, various different riding packs and that sort of stuff on this wall here. I've got quite a cool Park Tools bottle opener here. So if I fancy a cheeky beer when I'm working on my bike, it goes in there, that catches the bottle tops. Down here, I've got like a little wash station. All the sort of usual sort of things you need to keep your bike clean. There's something that's very cool, just behind the work stand here, is this. So this was a present from Steve Peat after he won the World Championships way back in 2009. To Doddy and all at MBUK, thanks for all the support over the years, cheers Steve Peat, World Champ 2009. Absolutely love that I've got this. This is one of the coolest things. It's obviously not the jersey that he actually raced in, it's replica of that. But it's been under the pen of Steve Peat and it was a gift from the man himself. Super cool, really, really nice to have this sort of stuff. And then just above here, is all sorts of stuff up here as well. So up on the tops here, I keep all my tires, spare tires, that sort of thing. Up here, I've got full face helmet. That's actually an old helmet that's crashed. I need to get rid of that one. And up on this side, I've got my big Douchebags bike bag. I've got cable reels, I've got various suspension forks and other bits and pieces stashed up there. I use this bar. This is pretty good for chin ups and stuff, but it's also good to hang my wet clothing on. When I come in, let it drip dry in here, reproof it. As I say, I use this room as a utility room for looking after my bike kit, not just looking after my bike. So the whole aim is that none of that stuff ever has to go in the house. Which means the house can be quite cool and quite different to my bike cave. And well, there you go, that was my bike cave check. I guess you can call it a bike cave check. I'd love to know what you think of it. There's probably some bits and pieces you spotted in some of the footage. Let us know if you've got any questions in the comments underneath. And more importantly, let's see your bike cave entries. We do get some really good submissions already on the weekly GMBN Tech show, I'd love to see more. I'd love to see some smaller ones, I'd love to see some sheds. I'd love to see people keeping bikes in lofts. Literally, whatever it is, it doesn't matter. It's just cool if you have a little house for your bike. So keep them coming in. So for a couple other videos, click down here if you want to see Martin Ashton's pro bike check. That was our first feature that ran last weekend over on GMBN Tech, or actually the weekend before. I might be lying there. And click down here if you want to see Neil's garage tour. Little bit different. He's a bit more rustic, shall we say, than my bike cave. But, it's all good, it's all cool stuff nonetheless. Don't forget to give us a huge thumbs up here at GMBN Tech and don't forget to share and subscribe. See ya later.
Channel: GMBN Tech
Views: 279,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bike cave, doddy's bike cave, bike shed, doddy's house, utility room, man cave, hoarding, hoarder, memorabilia, conversion, extension, garage, bike cave tour, garage tour, bike storage, gmbn tech, mtb tech, bike tech, mountain bike, Bicycle (Product Category), MTB, gmbntech, GMBN, Global Mountain Bike Network, mountain biking, downhill MTB, XC MTB, mtb skills, mountain bike skills, bike, gmvn, andrew dodd, doddy, Қ, 3688, scany15, ᐶ, scbpgmbn15, 1o, 1r, 1d, 1v, 1s, Ќ, 1w, Ꮖ, Ꮗ, Ҡ, ҩ, Ұ, Ҳ, Ҵ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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