[Documentary] The secret of the fountain of youth: Hunza food culture (Pakistan)

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[Music] nestled in the mighty caracrum range of Northern Pakistan lies a Hidden Gem known as the hunza valley Beyond its breathtaking Landscapes and warm-hearted people hunda Valley is renowned for its unique food culture and long-lived Elders join us as we embark on a captivating culinary Journey through the flavors and traditions of Hunter Valley the hunza valley also known as the Shangri-La of Pakistan offers a harmonious blend of natural beauty and vibrant cultural heritage located in the north of Pakistan in the province called gilgit bautistan hunza Valley is a land of majestic mountains with many of them above 6 000 matters and comprising the 27th highest peak in the world rakapushi that reaches 7788 meters in Mosaic of diverse cultures deeply rooted traditions in a rich Heritage in many ways hunza feels like a separate country from the rest of Pakistan hunza was formerly a princely state which had strategic location on the old Silk Road ordering xinjiang and China to the Northeast and pamir to the northwest the state survived until 1974 when it was finally dissolved and Incorporated to Pakistan for centuries the region was a crossroad for cultures goods and religions now mainly ismaili Muslim a branch of Shia Islam it was for centuries a stronghold of Buddhism and shamanic practices the valley has witnessed over the centuries mass migrations conflicts and resettling of tribes and ethnicities which led to a surprising diversity of languages and cultures in the area the predominant ethnic groups include the Borussia people who have been inhabiting this lands the longest as was the wahi who are related to the tajiks and came from the pamir region in current Afghanistan finally there is also a minority of Shina communities who expanded to the gilgit region from the Homeland in the north of the current province of kpk in Pakistan around the 9th or 10th Century A.D [Music] the valley is usually split linguistically and culturally in three lohunza where the Shina communities live Central hunza predominantly borushki populated mostly by the wahi people who represent the majority of the Valley's population are particularly interesting as the language is what is called an isolate a language that is not related to any other the Roku Borussia Legend says that the people of hunza descend from three villages called baltet Ganesh and altit which are said to have been funded by soldiers Left Behind from the army of Alexander the Great religion that is common to much of Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan but that is not currently confirmed by genetic and historical evidence [Music] the way of life and culture differences between the three groups in Huns Valley has decreased and the whole population is United by a shared history as well as a common faith and a way of life whether it is languages location culture religious history architecture everything sets hundred apart but what makes it famous worldwide is its reputation as the location of the Fountain of Youth [Music] it is said that the people of hunza are immune to cancer and chronic diseases locals talk about the elders living past 100 years old and many scientists have tried to uncover the reasons behind it for many of them this incredible longevity and good health is attributed to the local diet and the special ingredients that I used in the local cuisine [Music] humans in hunsa and the rest of gilgit baltistan have had a profound impact on the environment and transform the original landscape that was quite desolate into a real Paradise at an altitude of 2500 matter the value was originally devoid of trees and crops only consisting of bushes and Mountain herbs over the centuries hundred settlers introduced fruit trees like Cherry apricot Peach and nut trees that reduced erosion and free irrigation they managed to grow a lot of different crops like buckwheat beans and wheat you see all it is [Music] foreign [Music] contributed to the production of high quality fruits vegetables and grapes husbandry especially yag sheep and goats allowed locals to survive and complement their diet with dairy or meat during times on harvests we're liking milk yogurt and cheese were widely consumed and were very important to the local diet especially for people spending a lot of time in the high pastures overall the cuisine of hunda Valley was primarily influenced by its geographical location the valley was isolated from its neighbors for Centuries by treacherous passes and narrow mountain paths as such few foreign products or spices were imported and used in the local food most of what people were eating was grown locally and organically few spices or chilies were traditionally used unlike the rest of Pakistan as a result the local Cuisine was quite simple but flavorful its core revolving around Ancient Grains fruits vegetables Dairy and limited amount of meat due to animal being too precious to be consumed as they played an important role as a source of milk wool Workforce and transportation Valley is home to many so-called superfoods if there are no scientific studies clay showing a distinct impact of one or another they are part of a healthy and Rich diet and contain very interesting chemical compounds which must to some extent have contributed to the Health and Longevity of the local population first among the superfoods is the apricot of hunza it is difficult to tell how apricots came to Runza but the valley is close to one of the domestication centers of the fruit in Central Asia many stories are told about their Origins which must be for certain ancient this is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Hyundai prickle trees grow at elevations of 1200 to 2900 matters in the foothills of the karakura mountain range the trees themselves are quite unique and well adapted to their extreme environment they can survive being buried in the snow as well as withstand summer drones many of these trees are wild cultivars and are born from seeds that were planted not grafted as it's often the case in Western countries this is the reason why the genti diversity of apricots in the region is really high which leads to trees being more resistant to whatever diseases are sent to them there is no big Plantation of apricot trees however most of them belong to families the largest hunts Africa Tree grower in Pakistan has just 150 trees [Music] the fruit itself is distinctive hunza apricots a small round apricot they are sweet and flagrant the flavor is not in itself vastly different from the apricots you are used to but it does stays slightly different its flavor is sweet with a faint tartness kids are at the heart of the local food culture in hunza and are Incorporated in many forms into people's diets diet locals hit them fresh make juice out of it Jam vinegar and in their dried form which lasts longer they are included in Medi dishes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Force [Music] however the true use that sets hunza apart is that locals eat the kernels of the applicants and make oil out of them it is precisely this abundance of apricots in the local Cuisine that scientists believe help to some extent locals to live longer and stay healthy apricot oil in particular is a prime suspect as it is rich in vitamin B17 also known as amygdalin which is believed by some to help fight cancer even if it isn't scientifically proven CE adults [Music] [Music] um [Music] another superfood that is unique to Runza is the tumor a species of wild thyme that is used to make some kind of green tea it grows in the high posture of the car crumb several thousand met her High tomorrow um [Music] um yeah uh foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] people's diet that is shared by all the valley inhabitants is drinking water coming directly from the nearby glaciers this hunza water have fascinated people across the years and has been theorized by some scientists to be at the origin of the Health and Longevity of locals Dr Patrick Flanagan and Dr Henry cuenda and their research on this water is often quoted as a reference however there is not a wealth of scientific literature confirming or not their findings water taken directly from glaciers is almost totally pure and as such has limited nutritional value however further down the mountain the water in contact with the rocks on its way is enriched with a lot of minerals including potassium calcium iron and all their useful minerals the wire acquires a Milky look and is consumed unfiltered by people from the region Dr Flanagan showed that the hunza water contains certain silicate minerals that originate from the surrounding glacial mountains hunza water is set by him to have antioxidant properties efficient nutrition delivery help the body to neutralize acids and regulate PH levels Etc according to him since our water is substantially similar to the water surrounding our cells resulting in better cellular hydration and nutrient absorption for the people who consume it is hard to say without further studies if this water magical properties are real and actually impact life expectancy but what is sure is that having access to unpolluted Mineral Rich water can definitely contribute to helping people to stay healthy [Music] complementing the diet another element most likely played a crucial role in unza kuch healthy and long lifespan their way of life the environment in which the hunza people live is mountainous and has extremely rough Terrain The Villages are incredibly isolated and built into the Cliffside kunzai people have no choice but to navigate the Roth passages and steep ridges farmable land also isn't always located directly next to the home some pastures take several days of trekking to reach most Villages used to work hard in farms since childhood and exercise every day older people I have met still work in the 80s and would have it no other way some came back to the Villages after seeing at their children's places in cities not during the thought of not working and tending to their fields the traditional hunza way of life is simple and allows people to stay in Peak physical condition way into their older years another piece of the puzzle is the mental health and community life of people in the valley did not know the stress of Modern urban lights and lived at a slower pace which definitely is important as chronic stress and anxiety have been proven by Yale University to shorten your lifespan the impact of mental and social health on one's lifespan and physical health as well has been researched and seems to be key in the case of hunza Valley locals are fought to have Superior emotional state living in peace and within a close-knit community meaningful connections forming nurturing relationships and reciprocal support is common in Countryside Village communities like in hunza finally some sources in anecdotes have attributed to the perceived longevity of the people in hunsa to their adherence to ismaili Islam a sect of Shia Islam that is followed by most of the population in the region it is suggested that the spider community's emphasis on spiritual well-being so support and positive values may contribute to the overall Health and Longevity of its members one of the hunza people once liberated for the exceptional longevity things have changed and even locals acknowledge the changing dynamics of their lifestyle and its impact on their health and well-being the completion of the karakurama highway in 1978 played a key role in the major change that occurred in the valley built by the Chinese this 1284 kilometer road that links Pakistan to China bridged hunza's physical isolation and altered radically and dramatically the traditional hunsakut way of life in recent years urbanization and the transition to a more sedentary lifestyle have gradually altered the traditional practices and habits of the community with the influx of modern conveniences and Western influences dietary patterns have shifted away from the nutrient dense and plant-based meals that won't characterize the cuisine processed food sugary Beverages and unhealthy dietary choices have become more prevalent contributing to a decline in overall health foreign [Music] but nowadays when we mixed we are getting food from outside it is making problems the old type River our Crown periods our families are using original food wheat badly and green peace and now we start reporting but that is also organic kick wise the other thing which we are using here it is making pleat and beat up early beautiful but under it is making problem it is changing our life it is making us here our life short in my life is very very pigeonic our life is completely different and our children's life is a very big bit different it's not small different very very bit different I I say for you because before everything is 100 Pure Foods and now is 90 is [Music] not good food under 10 is our Pure Food and this this fool is also for some house like I am still working for fieldings for everything for the trees for the Yaks for the sheep for the everything's I work very hard and this is 30 pure some people have a money they make money from Brand site and they bring from downside to the they debate things like a cooking girl like it every food they bring from ground sites and then the people said oh that is good everything is like this like this like this the everyday dishes that are consumed in the region are now looking more and more like the rest of Pakistan and Punjab I and my wife we stay here and my children is there this cooking is if our children is coming they don't like to put 100 fever food they said they eating from Punjab from different and they say oh this is good we make like this with globalization and the adoption of modern lifestyle many villages in the valley have lost part of their population often younger people who move to the bigger cities Define jobs this has had some impact on community life and in the mindset of the new generation where life in the village was simple full of meaningful connections this change has brought a lot of stress and new worries to hunza people but nowadays we are looking peoples are coming from America from Russia from China we are looking them and we are thinking too much therefore it is making many of the healthy traditional products that were consumed in the region are now kept by locals to be sold to tourists or overseas not uh uh by example um [Music] a prescription foreign [Music] occupations and religious physical activity has led to a decrease in the levels of daily exercise and physical labor this lifestyle changes coupled with environmental factors and the pressures of modern living have unfortunately led to a decline in the same long life and health of the hunza people occupations [Music] foreign it serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between cultural preservation and the challenges posed by a rapidly changing world in recent years the resource of people of hunza have embraced an Innovative approach by finding new uses for the traditional products one fascinating example is the introduction of Jack burgers and pizza to The Culinary repertoire Yaks the sturdy and resilient animals native to the region have long been valued for the milk wool and transportation purposes however the local community has recognized the potential of yak meat as a delicious and nutritious alternative foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] by creating Yak Burgers they have not only expanded The Culinary offerings but also tapped into sustainable and environmentally friendly protein Source these Yak Burgers provide the lean and flavorful option rich in essential nutrients and low in fat alongside the introduction of yak Burgers they have also embraced the use of apricots and nuts in delectable cakes these sweet treats Infuse with the natural flavors of apricots and complemented by the richness of locally sourced nuts have become a delightful addition to the Region's desert offerings furthermore the Innovative Spirit of the people of hunza extend to the Savory dishes as well traditional herbs known for the medicinal properties are now finding their way into pizza recipes adding a unique twist to this beloved International dish uh foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not her Google [Music] Additionally the versatility of sea Buckthorn the vibrant nutritious Berry found abundantly in the region has been explored in various applications from refreshing beverages to jams and even skincare products the people of hunza are harnessing the potential of sea bug form to create a range of delightful and beneficial products through these inventive uses of traditional ingredients hunza's culinary scene continues to evolve showcasing the community's dedication to preserving the Heritage while embracing new possibilities foreign
Channel: Seeds of Discovery
Views: 386,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pakistan, hunza valley, hunza food, hunza people, hunza valley pakistan, hunza pakistan, #HunzaValley, #Longevity, #FoodCulture, #KarakoramMountains, #HealthyLiving, #LocalIngredients, #TraditionalCuisine, #HunzaWater, #AuthenticExperiences, #BeautifulLandscapes, #CulinaryTraditions, #HiddenGems, #ExploreHunza, #WellnessJourney, how to live longer, pakistani food, the hunza
Id: f0OiaSrU0tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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