Documentary about The King's Speech

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the here is a man who has wit I think there's an elegance of mind and because of this struggle with speech he's completely misjudged by everybody he's no expectation of being king but then is forced to become king when his older brother marries the American Wallis Simpson and has to give up the throne and we will need a king we can all stand behind unite his job is to speak and if you feel it can't speak then you you're pointless if I'm a king where's my power can i form a government can I kind of levy attacks declare a war no and yet I'm the seat of all authority why because the nation believes that when I might speak I speak for them but I can't speak at a time when that is so important he was a royal example of somebody who was not built that way was not meant to be in public speaking good afternoon this is the BBC national programme and Empire Service taking you to Wembley Stadium for the closing ceremony of the Empire Exhibition you're live in two minutes your royal highness this is something that just come in every other King in history didn't have to worry about live radio every future monitor is going to have the protection of edited and recorded tape but he didn't have that luxury he just had to sit in front of a live microphone and speak to the entire empire remember sir three flashes and steady red means your life it's a great story because it's not just about his speech it's really about internal emotional workings that are going on for him that all of us can relate to I suppose using the new invention of radio the opening ceremony was the first time His Majesty the King addressed his subjects on the wireless and today His Royal Highness the Duke of York will give his inaugural broadcast to the nation and the world there's something about this particular story where the reality and the actuality of what went on is so intriguing what was your earliest memory s do you mean your first recollection I'm not here to discuss personal matters why are you here it because I don t well stammer Logue discovers quite quickly when he starts to prod Bertie and and and and I think tease him to test his defenses if you like but but he is a match for him you have a bit of a temper one of my many faults when people are embarrassed it's very common to be flippant about them and to try to deflect them with with gags and in a way I think both men do that Lionel more to provoke and I would say Bertie more to deflect when did the defect start I've always been this way I doubt that don't tell me it's my stammer it's my field I can assure you now infant starts to speak with a stammer in any good writing you get a no character through their struggles it's how characters deal with things is what tells us about them [Applause] [Music] [Music] the kid and watching him do that has been beautiful heartbreaking very powerful poignant well please don't do that I'm sorry I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you my physicians say it relaxes the effect they're idiots they've all been knighted makes it official then I was a profound stammer as a child and so the king was a childhood idol of mine I thought well if a king can get over it with everyone in the world listening to every syllable he utters maybe this hope for me there's one photograph which I think tells the entire story he's about to speak publicly and Canberra he's in full regalia he's got the sword strapped on his left and he seems to me while trying to maintain his dignity in a rictus of fear he seems to be absolutely staring into the abyss and she is standing next to him it's something in her body language that you can just see her talking to him that she's playing that role it's that moment of reassurance that you see the in the beginning of our film that there was a genuine fear that he wouldn't be at a survivor's king that he would do he would do it so badly that you'd have the application with one king stepping down and within a couple of years the neck Dex King steps down because he's not up to it either so it's difficult to imagine now when we look back because we think of him as the king who took us through the Second World War to imagine that there was that for mobility so it's through the Loeb relationship that you uncover there's this incredible suspense intention about whether he could step up to the mark mr. Johnson do come in the great resource discovery gift at this film was to uncover the unpublished Lionel Logue Diaries in the first week of pre-production I can't stress enough an amazing discovery it was the researchers were able to track down his grandson Marc Logue and he gave us all of Lionel's Diaries to look at which was just a revelation because up until then I kept thinking well I'll have to invent this guy I was told enough to sceptic less I was able to read his original diagnostic notes that he wrote about the very first meeting that he had with with the Duke of York which was invaluable in playing that scene well I believe when speaking with the Prince one waits for the Prince to choose the topic waiting for me to commence a conversation one can wait was there a long wait you know we set about furiously rewriting the script to make the most of this wonderful material and you know a couple of the best lines in the movie were written by King George the sixth and Lionel Logue so for example there's a there's a big speech and Loeb turns to the king and says you still stand that I'm the devil you had to say in a few they knew it was me that was last set out loud by King George the sixth and Lionel Logue why the Lord was not a doctor he had no training formal training here no crude angels he was a failed Shakespearean actor and elocutionist from Perth Australia now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York thank you but the man was a natural healer he got it he understood the psychology got into speech therapy because during the First World War he started to work a lot with soldiers returning to Australia from the front who were suffering shell-shocked and were kind of locked vocally and I think he was learning very much by the seat of his pants what'll I call you Royal Highness and sir after that it's a little bit formal for here I'd refer names Prince Albert Frederick Arthur drawed about Betty he kind of pioneered an almost psychotherapeutic approach that he knew the problem was not simply a physical one that there was something mostly around the age of four or five some kind of trauma within the child that creates stammering I just had that brute so when did your start four or five that's typical so I entailed this was a culture which didn't really believe in that the prevailing idea was just you know buck your ideas up if you've got a stammer just you know work at it and get the words out okay I can't remember not doing it I can believe that do you hesitate when you think very ridiculous it was the talking cure but he had the ability to instill confidence in his patients Mad King George the stammerer who let his people down so badly in that hour of need what are you doing get up you can't sit there get up why not yeah no that is not a chair that is that that is st. Edward's chair people have their names listen to me listen to you by what right by divine right if you must I'm your king no you're not you told me so yourself you said you didn't want it why should I waste my time listening because I have a right to me I have a voice yes you do
Channel: Sint-Leo Hemelsdaele Secundaire school
Views: 6,798
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Id: 5WUYkwWhlao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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