Doctor REACTS to FUTURAMA | Psychiatrist Analyzes "Insane in the Mainframe" | Dr Elliott

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he's very excitable so don't say anything to surprise him pleased to meet you actually we've met once before what I've never done an episode of future armor on this channel and I've done several episodes of The Simpsons so it would make complete sense to do one given it's the same creators and for a mental health Channel what better episode to cover than the one titled insane in the main frame fry and Bender are sent to a psych hospital for robots ready let's crack on Futurama is brought to you by Thompson's teeth the only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth why would you want teeth that are strong enough to eat other teeth they all the breakfast options available I'm no dentist but teeth really are the second strongest substance on the planet after diamond and that's really because of the enamel that makes them even stronger than bone in my job as a psychiatrist I tend to see a Fair bit of teeth grinding and teeth clenching which has a fancy medical term called broism it's most commonly associated with stress can happen during the day can happen at night can be really painful and for those with untreated mental illness broism is much more likely to persist good news everyone today marks our dear friend Dr zoidberg's 10th year with Planet Express haars are in order is he really a do hooray for me hooray for zberg I will now read the mandatory speech dear employee has it really been 5 10 or 15 years if not please disregard this and get back to work feels too real working in the NHS in the comments below tell me your favorite ambiguous TV Doctor where you're not quite sure if they're really a doctor or not sorry zoyberg but for me it's Dr Nick and Dr ker also yes he's right I've got to start investing wisely well down to my last lottery ticket Cherry Cherry mule crud why do people gamble well that's a question that I tackled on an episode of South Park all about freemium gaming but in short it's all based on learning by outcomes and how frequently those outcomes tend to come by and how predictable those outcomes are those behaviors that are most addictive and underpin the most common forms of gambling are a variable reinforcement schedule the reward comes after a variable number of responses takes slot machines I don't know which press of the button or Which pull of the lever is going to lead to the reward I can't predict that just one more just one more you old lunatic how you been ah not bad not bad everybody on the floor this is a stick up well that escalated the word lunatic came about in around about the 13th century it came from the Latin lunatic meaning Moon Struck from the belief that it was changes in the phase of the moon that caused intermittent periods of insanity apparently it was also the name for a scandalous hairstyle off of the late 1800s The Lunatic Fringe that's before I think Theodore Roosevelt gave that phrase a completely different meaning and lunatic soup apparently was a term used for Booze off of early 1900s as the civilian camera for that bank what all the judge was a John about could y all tell us what you'd done seen the day of the crime well let's see my memory is a little fuzzy but it went exactly like this why is that bird lawyer just reminding me of Charlie on always sunny when he claims to be an expert in bird law it's the first image that came into my mind memory in humans is not always as reliable as we would like to think our recall for our ability to spontaneously search for past information on meanings or episodes in our life worsens with time and can be biased based on our emotional state both our emotions at the time that we stored that information and experienced it and our emotions at the time that we're trying to recall it the other problem is is that we don't store a memory of every single step of everything that we do in our entire life we store chunks of information components which means when we're trying to recall this we then have to reconstruct and fill in the gaps for example when you recall a conversation that you had with someone did you recall every single word that you both exchanged or did you just kind of store the Salient topics and then when you're trying to recall it you fill in the gaps about what the conversation was about in more depth those gaps not always accurate and that means memory can be very very suggestible without us always realizing it's a big problem for eyewitness testimony in the courts because the more time that's passed the more often quite valid questions there can be over the reliability of people's memory of what happened I may be a simple country hyper chicken but I know when we're finger Li what do you say we plead Insanity a few months in insane asylum I could do that standing on my head if you start now it might help our case I went through the insanity defense in in quite a lot of detail when we watched various episodes of the crowded room on Apple TV and lots of countries have some sort of insanity defense but the actual wording of it and the content of those legal tests and legal definitions varies between jurisdictions I obviously can give you a UK perspective where for us the legal test is based on the mcnorton rules there's four that you need to have evidence of a defect of reasoning caused by a disease of the mind that either means the person doesn't understand the nature and the quality of the act that they're said to have done or if they did understand that that they didn't know it was wrong which specifically means legally wrong doesn't matter whether you thought you were morally right doesn't matter whether you felt that you had no choice but to do what you did that means the threshold is so high it's such a specific specific definition which means that most people even with the most severe mental illness will not reach and meet the legal test for Insanity some would say the threshold is too high impr practically High highlighting the lack of understanding in the law about mental illness some would say that I couldn't possibly comment councelor what evidence do you offer to support this new plea of insanity well for one they done hired me to represent them Insanity play is accepted Mr Bender I hereby commit you to the Asylum for criminally insane robots until such time as you are deemed cured Yahoo the system fails again hospital is not necessarily the cushy option and in my experience the people with the most severe mental illness for example in prison don't want to go to hospital and actually a lot of prisoners have a fear of being and I quote nutted off you got to remember with hospital is that you're around lots of people that are very very mentally and there's a lot of expectation that you're going to engage in things like therapy therapy is really hard but you can't just sit back do your time and then be released like in prison and Mr Fry I sentence you to the home for criminally insane humans your honor that facility has been full ever since you ruled that being poor is a mental illness order order the only poor people I want to hear about are the people who tend to my poor at the spa just send them both to the robot looney bin and let's go well he's Charming it would not be beyond the Realms of possibility that in past centuries there has been some medical or diagnostic term to label the poor is mentally ill that would be quite on brand but do we still medicalize poverty I I think we do to an extent perhaps more indirectly poverty can be a major risk factor for mental illness and mental illness can really increase the rates of poverty cuz you know a lots of people with the most severe mental illness conditions like schizophrenia for example they simply can't hold down employment not everybody but many of them and try navigating the benefit system when you're living with and trying to manage a condition like skitsophrenia then we've got the question of well how can you adequately treat mental illness when someone's living paycheck to paycheck worrying about how they can pay their bills and keep a roof over their head you can't fluoxitine your way out of that which brings us back to something I talk about a lot of my videos which is that Psychiatry today does or at the very least really should be practicing in accordance with the biocyc social model so thinking about medication talking therapy and lifestyle social changes that all need to work in tandem to support people with a mental illness just focusing on one of these things won't be [Music] enough I know it's taking the mick but if we think about what Walter Freeman did when he was trying to uh basically was doing the labotomy in his office and at some points in the back of a van off of the 1940s and the 1950s before anti-depressant antis psychotic medications came along and there was a very conveyor belt mentality to how this procedure was done for those that don't know the labotomy was a really barbaric procedure that aimed to sever the connections between a structure in the prefrontal cortex called the orbital frontal cortex responsible for motivation impulsivity and sever its connections to the thalamus which is our main relay point in the brain sending connections to all different parts and circuits within the brain itself if you sever this connection it was designed to reduce the agitation of very distressed mentally unwell patients at a time when we had little other options available other than chemical restraint with barbituates and physical separation from society in asylums thankfully went away when we developed pretty effective medications but it's still a uh shadow that really hangs over our profession I think even today Dr perceptron I see what they did there and Freudian circuit analysis I am Dr perceptron let me give you something to help you relax the pure psycho analysists didn't want you to be relaxed they wanted you to be anxious they wanted you to be uncomfortable because then that anxiety bubbles to the surface becomes very very evident and that becomes the launching pad for discussion so some use this Silent start where they don't speak first and they wait for the patient or the client whatever term you want to use to speak first so why even when we had our reflective practice sessions with very psychoanalytical people we weren't even allowed a cup of tea in the room with us because it's seen too much as a safety blanket when actually they wanted to make us uncomfortable it's not nice it's effective though look there's been a terrible mistake I'm a human being see I'm all squishy and flabby also I complain a lot yes you do you need need to relax more terrific now consider the following you were admitted to this robot Asylum therefore you must be a robot diagnosis complete so he's going to say that the belief of being human is delusional I disagree with you therefore you must be mad say the definition of a delusion with me now it's a fixed false belief held with 100% certainty despite all evidence to the contrary what defines the delusion is that it's false and that it's fixed and unshaped able it doesn't have to be bizarre it often is but it doesn't have to be how many of you actually said that definition with me or at least mailed it with me or thought it I see you I don't really see you please don't be paranoid when I say that he's very excitable so don't say anything to surprise him pleased to meet you actually we've met once before what this has reminded me of a legitimate diagnosis that has just been included in the new edition of the international classification of diseases so the icd1 it's called intermittent explosive disorder nothing to do with exploding robots nothing to do with combustible s literally combustible humans emotionally perhaps but not physically it's described as an impulse control disorder characterized by these sudden unexpected bursts of anger people essentially explode into a rage without provocation or clear reason I personally don't like it I think it's a lazy diagnosis I think it's a lazy Medical Rebrand of the term challenging Behavior people behaving in a way that people don't like and becomes an excuse for people to not dig a little bit deeper and to find the inevitable triggers that are underneath and make the appropriate environmental and adaptive changes around people rather than just rushing in to sedate those emotions away you don't have to be crazy to mut to yourself but it helps yeah fa enough I'm a pretty girl I'm a pretty girl I'm a pretty girl girl whoa someone had a busy day my roommate exploded I mean Ming to yourself isn't always pathological by the way many of us have an internal monologue that's normal Fry meetting on how's it going pal still picking up Transmissions from the CIA on your tea they just won't stop the CIA cafeteria menu for the week of May 15th is as follows Monday shephard's pie to see just because somebody is paranoid does not mean that they're wrong remember delusions have to be false as well as fixed and unshakable change places Bender I can't take much more of this I want out of here are you crazy this place is great Electro Shack whenever you want it two Lincoln for every Napoleon sweet like crude Hospital isn't always therapeutic for people remember it's a ward full of other mentally unwell people quite a strict regimen and if we take ourselves out of the criminal justice setting for a second and we think about in the community putting people in hospital can remove people from their protective factors and we in Psychiatry often underestimate the importance of those protective factors we're so focused on the risk factors the things that can make people unwell that we really lose sight of how powerful those things can be that lift you out of those periods of mental illness and give you hope and give you purpose being around your friends and family sleeping in your own bed the types of food that you eat the structure to your day that is familiar and that really really works for you the two Napoleon comments does remind me of that time I worked on award with two Jesus's Jesus's jesi Jesus's translate the doctor says you are making great strides with your exploding problem well the way I see I suppose all of us in mental health services and mental health professionals are gibberish translators to some degree so I'm thinking of my patients with the most prominent thought disorder where one thought doesn't logically move into the next and it can be difficult to really keep up with the point that somebody is making but that disorganization in people's thoughts and then their speech does not mean that it lacks meaning and lacks meaning particularly to the patient even if that's in a completely different reality to yours and it's a really important skill to develop is to be able to sit with that and try as best you can through that disorganization to understand their perspective in their psychotic reality even if it's not true reality because that will be key to building trust and building a therapeutic relationship without that it's very difficult to adequately treat people's mental illness in the long term as well as just in the acute situation learn to be a good gibberish translator so to speak rather than just dismissing it it's a skill you are being released finally sweet Justice sweet juicy Justice not you him was he stop exploding what a surprise oo look I barely exploded at all we can control that with medication see even exploding mental disorders can get better genuinely though disorders of the Mind are no different and no less treatable than disorders of any other organ system your friend is cured oh you'll notice he no longer suffers delusions of humanity affirmative delusion of humanity is great robot beep beep beep which I suppose depending on a robot 's perception of what the human race is like could be classed as either a grandiose or nihilistic delusion I'm going to remind fry of his Humanity the way only a woman can you're going to do his laundry deserve cry this is for [Music] you beep oh for God's sake challenging delusions doesn't work remember they're fixed and they're unshakable probe into the intensity to which the belief is held is there any willingness to consider an alternative opinion is there any element of Doubt over whether what they believe is really factually true or not that will help you understand is it truly of delusional intensity or not and then down the line after you start treating is this treatment starting to work but don't bluntly challenge it because it won't work the very nature of these delusions mean all it will do is cause hostility and break any trust that you're trying to otherwise build don't kill me yet I'm starting to come down with starhome syndrome handsome Hulk fellow robot Stockholm syndrome feelings of uh trust or affection towards a cap that's usually described in a hostage situation it's not an actual medical diagnosis but it is a well described phenomenon based on sort of the way that attachment can change I suppose between the two people the hostage transitions from seeing the captor as a threat to having shared human qualities that they do which makes them more relatable and builds a sense of attachment because even the most antisocial of human beings are still human we have more in common than the things that we don't remember this idea of painting people as evil monsters is in my opinion nothing more than a societal defense mechanism help help he is a battle right somebody help me Mommy I'm sorry I spilled a transmission fluid mommy no no don't wel me to the wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mommy it's an interesting example of emotional aggression when we're scared or we're feeling vulnerable even though he's a robot that's a very very human thing to do how many of us when we're sick kind of want someone to take care of us we want our safe secure attachments nearby to help us feel that everything is going to work out okay asking for your mom happens in medicine more often than you might think I thought there were some interesting Reflections on shared Humanity between various parts of society and between the mentally ill and the not mentally ill I always get comments on S of my videos going ah you're very you're taking these cartoons too seriously as cartoons it's not that deep it's a mental health channel the whole point is to watch these and think about what of the mental health lessons we can take from these shows and apply to our own lives so if you like that sort of stuff please do stick around if you don't that's fine but I thought there was a lot we could take from that episode but do let me know what you thought in the comments below and I will see you for another episode very very soon love you bye
Channel: Doctor Elliott
Views: 69,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor reacts, doctor elliott, dr elliott, dr elliott carthy, psychiatrist reacts, mental health, mental illness, medicine, hospital, dr elliott reacts, dr elliott psychiatrist, dr elliott mental health, dr elliott analyzes, doctor analyzes, futurama, insane in the mainframe, futurama insane, dr elliott futurama, insane, insanity, doctor reacts futurama, psychiatrist analyzes futurama, psychiatrist reacts futurama, fry, bender
Id: FbTtsJQR2m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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