Doctor Helps With Itchy Color Dots!

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it's you oh sorry yes sneezed on me that's really gross sorry I didn't see you coming even if you didn't see me coming you need to always cover up when you're sneezing and you need a tissue why don't you go wash your hands okay sorry oh my God on my arm it's really itchy now I gotta go wash this off [Music] yeah h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z now I know my ABCs next time won't you sing with me [Music] what is this it's really itchy what do I do about it I think I'm just gonna put a Band-Aid on it blue and green no sloths well they're too small is there anything bigger this won't work [Music] well hopefully the bag gets rid of it what a weird green spot I wash my hands up what is that on your face what what's on my face oh no two oh no I need to go to the doctor yeah hurry let's go [Music] helicopter oh my have a seat hurry hurry oh no is it bad is it really bad tell me everything how did this happen I'm not exactly sure first I started getting itchy actually getting spots and then bless you okay what else happened thank you you sneezed on her that is a bad sign I now you know when you sneeze cover your mouth now I need to take your temperature Savannah open up close okay done oh no what what fever green itchy pox I know what you have forever you have the Sneezy box oh no but don't worry there is medicine cough syrup no Thailand no cheese medicine perfect these messes I really need that right now yeah she does there's four of these so you have to take one each hour four hours so here you go thank you doctor [Music] whoa I'm feeling better all right I'm so happy to hear that okay let me have a seat hurry hurry what happened I have no clue I just woke up and they're so itchy let me take a closer look [Music] I know what you have parrot pox oh no is that bad how do you think don't worry it's a super simple fix ah good let's do it all you'll need is a shot no way I have one of those yes it won't hurt no no [Applause] you won't feel a thing no where'd you go doctor [Music] my ankle tickles dirt [Applause] I told you you didn't feel a thing ah I might have overreacted but shots are kind of scary yep you were very brave [Music] my pocket's gonna be gone and when do they stop itching it should have stopped itching by now well they're definitely itchy something's happening oh no you have summer box what time to take a new shot for them okay don't panic just stay normal [Applause] what do we do okay so don't panic because all we need to do is run a test at some tests and do more stuff okay run your tests let's fix this [Music] blood pressure looks normal that's a good sign okay take a deep breath [Music] everything sounds normal I'm gonna try some itch medicine and we're having to take another pill and these are really working all my CC pox are already going away [Applause] one two three millimeters I mean milliliters drink up let's hope this works that's disgusting now we wait doctor doctor I think something's wrong oh no it's happening to you too I don't know what's happening oh I do Lizzy how are you feeling exactly the same uh well you just hold on because I need to take care of as before it happens before he falls asleep and sleep box well I am getting pretty tired maybe I should just go to sleep nope nope stay awake stay awake okay we'll try okay now where did I put that medicine not in there oh [Music] I remember it's in my pocket god um doctor I think you might want to see this oh them are off my arms now they're just on my face and there's two more pills to take and it's been an hour so let's take another one [Applause] hopefully they'll all be gone soon [Music] [Applause] for every patient S I need to get those now that I have these you need to have this okay yes yes come on come on no no no don't rub it to me open your mouth good job good job [Music] yeah yeah keep chewing so these sleeping pox don't take over you just keep chewing where am I doctor why do you have noodles oh it's a long story just know that your sleeping pox will be gone soon now I need to take care of a different patient thanks doctor yes they're going away oh these pox make me tired but I don't need sleeping pox to be tired [Music] what in the uh I think it's getting worse oh no that's it didn't work um we need to take an x-ray as quick as we can okay pictures say cheese cheese it will show up on the x-rays soon meanwhile only one more pot left and one more pill [Music] oh good it hasn't gotten bad yet it hasn't gone bad because the parks haven't reached your bones yet oh good what would happen if it did this wood well you have shrinking pox so if we don't fix this in 20 minutes you're gonna be this size oh how do you fix this I think I don't know if it's gonna work but it's pretty magical this is a magical stethoscope I'm gonna put it on your pox and hope it will take it away all right here I go [Applause] [Music] keep going we only have 15 minutes [Music] yes it works so well hurry to my face I won't shrink I know thank goodness [Music] they're all gone thank you Doctor you're welcome I'm happy to help thank you guys for watching this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up foreign
Channel: Tannerites
Views: 365,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oh NO...... You Have Parrot POX!, Doctor Helps With Itchy RED Dots!, doctor helps, helps, doctor, dr tannerites, doctor tannerites, help with color dots, red dots, helps with itchy color dots, itchy red dots, dots, sticker dots, sticker pox, chicken pox, red, dot pox, red stickers, tannerites, the tannerites, tannerites kids, lizzy, canyon, azbury, az, itchy skin, dr visit, doctor visit, tannerites doctor visit, green dots, color dots, sneezy pox, shrinking pox
Id: ay6p7T0Rt3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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