Doctor Check Up | Magical Chinese Characters | Kids Cartoon | Kids Stories | BabyBus

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baby bust click here to subscribe [Music] we're gonna get a shot at school today to prevent disease a shot kiki what's wrong geeky hurry up don't be late [Music] i don't want to get a shot [Music] oh oh i have a headache [Music] headache you need to go to the doctor i'll call the ambulance oh no i just want to go home oh no oh no [Music] kiki you have a headache do you have a fever i will take your temperature first [Music] oh no what shall i do she'll find out if i'm not sick oh i have an idea [Music] oh [Music] let me take your temperature [Music] look it's 39 degrees she won't find out and pretending to be sick this is an oral thermometer you should put it in your mouth open up let's try again [Music] oh you're fine no fever oh i need to find another way i know [Music] [Music] let me check your throat now she won't know i'm not sick here you are drink some water first [Music] water no i no um i can't take it your throat is fine too no inflammation [Music] oh my my tummy hurts but you look fine hold on let me get my stethoscope [Music] cola [Music] oh [Music] why is your stomach so big let me get the doctor [Music] they won't know i'm not sick huh why is your stomach so big uh let's have surgery in 10 minutes surgery what get ready for surgery oh no what do i do i need to get out of here [Music] oh no they're outside a window i found way out of here [Music] kiki oh kiki what are you doing let's get out of here no you need surgery i was just pretending to be sick because i don't want to get a shot what pretending you hurry up let's go [Music] oh i still leave my shot oh no he he woohoo [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no the vending machine is broken what are we gonna do what are we gonna do huh whoa someone's coming oh oh no it's whiskers [Music] i need a battery for my toy where can i buy it uh it's a vending machine i'll have a battery he needs a battery what am i going to do i got it [Music] wow oh i got a battery i almost got caught oh no [Music] rudolph please don't come here don't come here oh there's a vending machine [Music] i wanna buy a soda [Music] oh no there's no soda what's going on why does it take so long oh i have an idea [Music] oh yeah i am just too smart [Music] i want to buy something else he wants to buy another one no matter what he buys i'm going to find a way i want to get an apple oh someone had a bite of this apple what's going on oh no [Music] it's a new apple oh yeah the vending machine automatically changes its goods [Music] come over here look at this magical vending machine magical vending machine really i want to try oh oh no yumio's really smart how am i not going to get caught uh i'll have lemon juice lemon juice uh which one's lemon juice oh let me try this one [Music] uh no this is not lemon juice wow it really changes things uh-huh you see i told you [Music] huh no not this one [Music] no [Music] okay then forget about lemon juice i'll have milk milk i got it [Music] oh please work this time [Music] i know it's you i broke the vending machine you did [Music] but it's not broken it's just unplugged baby boss vending machine oh it really is this is the thing [Music] it's so hard being a salesman i haven't sold any kitchen wear all morning huh mr fuse restaurant i'd better eat first uh-huh the score is one to one right now on to the next round cooking competition [Music] it's mew-mew that's awesome i sure hope that she wins huh judge my oven is broken oh no oh look my cake is burnt ah you'll just have to find another way or hank will win i'll help you hmm [Music] this is my magical oven just cook anything in it for three seconds and it will become something delicious but i don't know how to use it i'll help you [Music] tada fresh and delicious fluffy cotton candy out of the oven [Music] wow it tastes good [Music] and this burnt cake just put it in the oven for three seconds three two one [Music] wow what a magical oven now the score is two to one mew-mew is one point ahead yeah all right now it's the stir frying round the cooking fumes are making hank cough how is minion doing i think i can't breathe watch this [Music] frying pan [Music] this is a magical walk [Music] it fries automatically without fumes food won't spill out and you'll get a lot of food with only a small amount of ingredients ah it smells great what a magical walk mew mew gets one i have a magical pot too hot [Music] hmm what is this magical kitchen wear this is my magical pot it makes soup in three seconds and serves it automatically yeah yeah it smells great i need a big bowl mr fu please try some of our soup great i'll have some in the super big bowl oh delicious and he's really good mewmeo gets one point it's now four to one mew mew is in the lead whoa we have cake veggies and soup already oh now i'm going to make some fresh fruit juice [Music] juice maker [Music] it's wrong it's wrong the oh should be at the bottom and the inlet at the top oh you're right i'll have to reassemble it we're running out of time [Music] no problem let's make a fruit platter this magical juicer can turn fruits into juice so if it's the wrong way around it can turn juice into fruits huh is that possible of course mr foo could you please give me some mixed fruit juice [Music] hey [Music] hmm [Music] wow [Music] [Music] now it's five to one how amazing now i declare today's winner is oh i object it wasn't even mewmu that cooked it was kiki and he's not a contestant so he cannot win hank is right kiki is not a contestant so he cannot win mewmeel i'm sorry i was trying to help but i ruined everything it's okay i didn't win but it was fun using your magical kitchenware can i buy them really you're my first customer i would like a set for my restaurant too hold on me too they're mine i'll buy all of kiki's kitchenware [Music] sir is someone famous coming here famous he is a thief he's been robbing around here oh he's a bad guy i'll help you catch him if i see him hey kid if you see a bad guy call the police [Music] whose car is that [Music] he's wearing a mask no the thief is robbing rudolph's house hey kid if you see a bad guy call the [Music] the thief at police house what i'll be there in five minutes [Music] i can't let him go before the police is here i have an idea chewing gum [Music] i'll stick you here so you can't run away he's out step on it [Music] oh no he walked by it [Music] yeah got you now you can't run away oh no why that's impossible [Music] it didn't work i need to find another way i have an idea cooking oil [Music] [Music] what's this why is there oil on the ground this is fun [Music] what should i do what should i do he's going to steal everything from rudolph's house aha [Music] black pepper [Music] if he smells it he can't stop sneezing and crying then he won't steal things [Music] it's so annoying to catch a [Music] cold what's that smell is it pepper whatever my nose is all cleaned nice there's only one table left no why isn't the police coming sir you need to hurry the thief will run away in any minute now i'll be right there i will lock him in the house please come here asap got it be careful i won't let you leave the house no [Music] oh what's wrong with the door it worked just fine before it's all done hmm [Music] police officer don't worry i'll handle the thief you're not going anywhere wait why are you here are you a thief oh sir there must be a mistake i'm not the thief he is oh oh hank is that you of course it's me what's going on hank sir what happened police officer i got a call that a thief is robbing your house not me not me it's him a thief oh i was moving out i asked hank for help because he's strong ah i see i thought a thief was robbing your house oh what you think i'm a thief was it all you who put the gum the oil and the pepper on the ground sorry sorry well to be honest you helped me to carry things i should thank you for that what does that mean [Music] who's always making such a mess [Music] huh where'd it go huh hank uh mr dao is playing with our paper airplanes really i should make a better one that's a good idea mr dao this is a big airplane for you it must be kiki again [Music] hmm [Music] a panda in the circus is lost if you see it please contact us panda hickey is a panda too if i send him to the circus he won't mess with me ever again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the small one is better [Music] hey [Music] mr doe what is the paper box for huh oh i know you want to make a paper plane with it let's make a paper airplane [Music] this is for you [Music] there are too many people here i have to find another way aha ouch oh ow wow that hurts yeah that hurts what's wrong mr doll i think i sprained my ankle it really hurts oh take this candy always helps no thanks what can i do how can i go home now oh i can walk you home but i can't walk oh you can't i have an idea oh wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow this is so cool wow it hurts badly don't touch it mr doubt sprained his ankle sprained ankle let me help you no no it's okay i'm fine don't worry i'm an expert [Music] [Music] oh i'm very sorry let me try again i'm sure you'll be fine this time oh no thanks i'm okay it doesn't hurt anymore what are you all better ow i think it hurts again then let me help you yeah are you better now yeah yeah see i told you i really am an expert rudolph and mewbw or playing with paper airplanes i wouldn't play too kiki i gotta go hank is really good he's not good at all he almost killed me mr dao what did you say well it's um um nothing i feel much better now but i still don't think i can walk can you walk me home [Music] i finally got him into the house mr dao how's your foot now ouch it still hurts then what can i do i think i might need a nap but it's so painful then aha i have an idea [Music] hold this pacifier in your mouth it will help this is for babies i have an idea there's a crystal ball in the box can you bring it to me [Music] do you think this will work of course keep looking at this crystal ball watch it moving back and forth i'll fall asleep fast like this back and forth back and forth sleepy that's right [Music] [Applause] i did it i'm going to send you to the circus you can't mess with me ever again ouch [Music] huh why am i here where's mr dow i'm sleepy yeah [Music] where am i something's wrong [Music] look there's something sparkly let's go have a look what's in the cave it's so amazing i've got to go bring my master oh hi mr dao what are you doing here huh oh nothing just leave me alone i'm busy oh let me help you no no just go away [Music] i'm a common [Music] thank goodness oh no we're stuck in this cave you've messed everything up well what do we do now wow come over here it's so stunning [Music] what's wrong with you guys it's a crystal oh i can help you [Music] [Applause] what what happened i don't know [Music] what's the red thing down there it's too hot in here that's magma we're dead it's gonna turn me into a hot dog i got it we'll be safe when we can get to the other side let's jump across wow [Music] mr dell thank you i'm safe too oh no what have i done oh no what can i do what do i do now do i do now master you'll never see me again please help me [Music] [Applause] it's too hot i'm joking i want to go home everybody calm down let's go over there there might be another way out right let's go that's the only way it's so hot [Music] [Applause] wow i made it [Music] that high are you going to fly out of the cave fly out fly out [Music] we can fly out of the cave [Music] [Music] we'll help you [Music] how are you going to fly turn into a bird take me with you me too yay maybe we're too heavy look out everyone what do we do what do we do [Music] [Applause] [Music] we made it [Music] oh where's my crystal oh [Applause] my crystal [Music] [Laughter] [Music] who's nana my sister she lived with our grandma and just came here today someone saw her being taken by a bad guy [Music] taken by a bad guy such a bad guy don't worry i'll help you find her thank you let's put up and find her no no nana it's nana nana ma'am bad person wow lollipop no i should call rudolph and tell him i saw nan at the store and the bad person too oh great i'll be there with my dad i'm going to make a phone call okay perfect timing i can get nana back secretly aha i have an idea [Music] i'm so smart [Music] [Music] look at this cotton candy i found nana you shouldn't eat the cotton candy it's not clean it'll make you sick all right [Music] that's a good girl oh no rudolph and mr foo aren't coming yet what can i do oh i got an idea [Music] [Music] he's really watch out while walking why is there a hole here who did this thank you are you okay i'm good [Music] oh they're goodbye what can i do what if i could fly like a bird fly oh i got it i'm a brave pilot nana let's go what are you doing my dad told me not to go with strangers oh but i'm a friend of rudolph oh look uh you really are his friend i'll take you to your dad [Music] nana don't go with strangers rudolph i found anna please meet at the store that's great thanks kiki stop right there don't move run she's coming hmm i didn't know you were trying to kidnap a little girl i'm not you are nana run nana oh daddy thank you so much mr foo she's a bad person a bad person she's not a bad person she's a police officer i'm a police officer nana got lost so i was taking her home oh i'm sorry i i thought thank you thank you for helping me find her dad thank you thank you [Music] why is there no customer [Music] rudolph and whiskers are here to buy some toys really welcome everyone hello everyone please come to my new toy shop with a lot of new fancy toys oh new fancy toys let me take a look wow so many new toys come over here free candy for everyone free candy candy it's my favorite candy gimme gimme please don't go everybody is gone [Music] mr foo come and buy a toy for rudolph we have toys that are fun for the whole family toys for the whole family let me have a look rudolph which one do you like i can speak loudly too i have an idea get me the phone and flashlight please here you go [Music] with this microphone i can speak louder than hank wow that's great come and take a look you can play with toys for free stealing my customers no way [Music] look everyone here's the best ever new smart toys [Music] just a smart toy look what i've got [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] they're gone again it's time to show my best toy [Music] my toys are the best aha [Music] [Music] let's show them how amazing we are [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what's this this is a super super virtual projector [Music] don't push yeah don't play buy the toys i don't need toys i want the microphone i want the speaker i want the projector what nobody wants any toy you can have all my toys i want the projector [Music] [Music]
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 2,792,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babybus, baby bus, baby shark, kiki and miu miu, cartoon, babybus cartoon, panda, baby cartoons, nursery rhymes, kids songs, baby panda, baby, kids videos for kids, panda cartoon, baby cartoon, learn colors, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, stories, stories for kids, magical chinese characters, doctor check up song, the dentist song, doctor cartoon, best kids stories, healthy habits, good habits, kids videos, kids animation, kids education, kids entertainment
Id: uclat5qB1V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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