Docking Camachee Cove

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we're sliding to the right so steer left see he's steering left also currents dragginess it's a good traffic control that's great okay come back more laps the current's dragging us and like she said once we get to the doctor um so you feel the current dragon is once we get in between those rocks right there there's going to be a wave breaker or current breaker and then you'll have to straighten up the boat so right now we're fighting the cross current when we get behind those rocks the cross current is stopped because of those Rocky break water and it'll stop kind of sudden and it'll be a little strange feeling for you and I believe her instructions were to go up now see it stops so we have to change the steering okay we've got to go down the past of the restaurant dock turn left and turn right Delta 14. can you see the range markers way way there in The Distance by the right hand foot there we go yeah by the right hand football stadium lights they look like they're together they're two separate over and under because we are on range and that's important when you're coming in from way way out there in the channel [Music] okay [Music] and the restaurant here is called the kingfish Grill and if you don't feel like walking they'll send the golf cart to pick us up sometimes when we're way way over there we ask for the golf cart but we'll be pretty close tonight [Music] two-story offices there straight ahead with the flags [Music] I I believe after we go past this restaurant dock we'll turn left but we can check with the radio and chill she sees us now she's up there on the second floor watching us left feel how hot it is there's no wind back here and that's the beautiful thing about man-made lagoons there's no wind and there's no current next docking a whole lot easier so if this little boat right here the tour boat will turn left behind him yep the guy in the red shirt's waiting on us foreign the dock lines please no Joan hard left hard left there you go where's the wind where's the wind it's on my left so on my left side port side of the boat that's good because it's going to push us onto the dock over there so that's a good thing strategy okay bath restraint and go to neutral [Music] starboard reverse easy reverse easy reverse a little faster a little faster okay neutral and bow thrust right about thrust right again okay both forward the wind's going to push us over there but that's okay we're planning on it neutral [Music] and we've just got to dance the boat in feel what the wind's doing to us Port reverse Port reverse a little more a little more a little more neutral Okay so we've got to watch our bow up here and we've got to watch the boats behind us now what's moving the boat when yep so just be patient Port reverse I feel like Gus came up neutral neutral neutral neutral watch the Blue Boat behind us we're doing fine I do a little port forward easy port forward neutral and just wait for the wind and then the wind stopped okay how's the bow look good Port reverse easy okay starboard reverse easy neutral [Music] port forward easy neutral Port reverse neutral believe it or not about thrust left okay relax now starboard only reverse neutral torch forward neutral bow thrust right both reverse [Music] neutral starboard forward starboard forward relax both reverse starboard only reverse starboard only reverse starboard only reverse neutral both forward both forward okay that's good we're good okay starboard reverse okay easy neutral we'll get the boat in the hole mouth rests left okay both reverse both reverse okay neutral mouth rest right gotta watch this hot board right here that thrust right about thrust left mouth thrust left again okay and now bow thrust right we're just dancing we got to get the boat in the hole so we're doing good okay see how they're doing down here okay so he's going to use that midship to stop us from going too far back and our neighbor is not a problem or we're not threatening our neighbor bounce rests left a tiny bit okay so you move that valve to the left the stern came to the right Southwest left more okay and hand in the sternum okay we're in that's good for your first try beautiful beautiful okay wait for him to come back John can you go up and get the bow line ready for him about thrust right foreign okay that's good for your first time that wind was fickle it was blowing and then relaxing as soon as we need it right and then we're tied up it's starting to rain but we're tied up before that storm comes and gets us so congratulations thank you thanks okay so um
Channel: Ask Captain Chris
Views: 8,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camachee cove marina, boat consulting, ask captain chris, great loop, great harbour trawler, trawler fest, docking, st augustime marinas
Id: 2TXVlJ1yzsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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