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you want to get do you want to get our permission to make a video about our company your YouTube No thank you so welcome back to the channel guys today we're here in rexam taking a look at this place the jbf group civil structural and mechanical it says we'll start here at gate one deliveries only we can see lots of interesting things they have their own Vehicles look have exactly the same information on as the sign we got a very heavy duty forlift there a side loader and we've got lots of duct in pipes [Music] see and pallets made up of pallet collars so nice and Tall kept together with them straps we got some bits of Steel there in the background and look at the diameter size on them bits let's jump on to the internet and see what it says they do jbf group Specializes in the design manufacturer and site installation of plant and Equipment utilizing both mild steel and stainless steel okay so basically they can make whatever you want yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am I all right yeah all right is it yeah yeah just cuz you're filming that's all yeah just making a video about the company oh right sorry they've asked you too AR they no they've not they don't know about it it's [Music] Secret [Music] [Music] [Music] you right yeah I'm okay just making a video about the company for for my YouTube for your YouTube yeah why I just find it interesting that's all find Get Loud out here come sorry Get Loud out here yeah so why are you making a video guys I just told you he what have I told you so far you've told us you're making a company for your YouTube you want to get do you want to get our permission to make video about our company your YouTube No thank you right so okay right so I'm just going to stand there and make a video no no no I'm just paused to talk to you I don't want to carry on no I don't get what you're doing mate to be honest it's very odd all my videos yeah can I see one of your videos all my videos I don't mind if it's something if I just think it's very odd mate to be honest all my videos I film from the outside I don't want to come on and obstruct the company or interfere let you you wouldn't want sorry we wouldn't let you on the you wouldn't let me on what's that you wouldn't let me on no no why is that because it's weird all right what's what's the purpose we want to know the purpose I would tell you that I'm getting bad vies from yourself to get that okay we're getting exactly the same from you you're just rapidly coming up what what's a YouTu what's your name brother you got it on your uniform if if it wasn't there would you have told me yes okay what have I got to hide well to be honest You' said I'm weird so I'm going to say you're a little bit too weird for me to give you my YouTube name I don't want to give it you okay so so a lot of was going to say um I'm not going to bother you so obviously I don't want people to stop working already I'm going to do my video from the outside fly the Drone around just zoom in onto things that I find interesting for my video from my YouTube channel that's that's all really nothing to worry about yeah I know you don't know we don't own a space so we can't stop you from doing that but right just don't get work can't you tell me the purpose of it and we might like help you you've already told me that you won't let me on I'm not going to let you on no cuz you're not telling me the purpose of what you're doing no you've already said regardless so even if I tell you I've got 20 million subscribers I promote businesses that that wouldn't make any difference to our if I tell you great things that could benefit your company then you might let me on maybe no no I wouldn't but is there any okay um office is just you want check right is there any benefit of me um as the weird person outside any benefit to myself what's your name Jo Jo let me read bro bro nothing to hide with I just want to see your position contract manager oh yeah right okay contract manager Stafford just reading what it says mate that's all Stafford England yeah location's wrong m is me oh is that you on LinkedIn yeah where did you work before then I never worked made some oh you went to Cardiff Metropolitan University oh that's where you're you're originally from Stafford I've got you no I'm from here re you've been here for 13 years prior to contracts manager he was a welder I was and you've also been to colag Cambria yeah good stuff so you're quite um heavily invested in the company you know cuz you've been here for so long you're trying to protect it yeah yeah yeah I'm not going to come on I'm no frat I'm just a YouTuber that's all okay so what you do this for plenty of businesses or I've done the whole Road you've done the whole Road okay well I can't stop you mate so I know you can't so well I've heard what you think about what I'm doing I just I just don't get it mate what what my thing about it is at the minute we're doing a lot of work here at the minute and we're getting some position and stuff like that so oh competitor coming to have a look no not competitor no just protesters we're doing we're doing like extensions and stuff like that that's why I thought it was weird you actually tell people that the type of work that you do which includes um Power Station stuff like that so the controversial word that you mentioned is linked to a power station I would have thought no what what's it linked to what do work on yeah what sort of project would be controversial but we do we do a lot of M mod stuff that right okay so not really the word controversial I want to thought I would thought I don't know what you aim is I really don't I want to know what what are you worried about somebody outside of a camera what could we possibly see you can't see anything mate you you're going to put your drone over anyway so it doesn't make any difference to me have you got a drone it sounds like that you you know it we've got yeah we've got come on yeah and say like if you was just filming or flying your drone somewhere and somebody came up to you you're not just flying that you're filming these guys and all that oh was I right you know what I was filming now do you that's what they' just come and told me so like you know if you film like this it might make somebody believe that you're focusing on a person all right which would be a little bit wrong wouldn't [Music] it oh hey so that was Joe brck the contract manager here cried to that he was a welder he worked here for a long time and did he say it was a family business of some sort he says you've been filming the guys well we haven't but we will now just to see what you are saying to them the weird guy outside is involved in controversial things and wants to know if you are here for a different reason yeah all good mate yeah he's a nice guy is yeah yeah yeah yeah film for the BBC YouTube yeah nothing special mate nothing special there the guys just brush it off like it's normal we convinced Joe that we're no fret and what do Rift teexs do then abrasives cutting tools Fasteners fixings PPE as well yes brand new PPE just grabbed that from the stores before we left the yard so I think you get the the gist of the place they do lots of metal work for construction projects there's a um a scaffold portable scaffold that you can move around and put up and down as required these guys spotted us filming earlier down here and went to tell [Music] Joe but anyway I think the time has come to get David up and let's see what this place looks like from B so as always we've checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all jbf group let's have a look at you then shall we take off so there we are up at 40 m the entrance and the hidden area loads of metal behind there all different shapes and sizes of piping tubing whatever you want to call it we have a a [Music] digger clearing the area up to the fence trying to make it look a little bit better but they have planted this bush along the outside so you can't really see in at all JB fabrication Rex them there you are there's some aerial footage for you he says we had a drone going over ourself we know that we do not control the airspace or own the airspace stuff we're walking behind this building here oh there's an open door just there yeah it looks like that's uh where the staff enter that part of the building but once again massive bits of pipe duck in air handling pipe whatever you want to call it I should have asked him [Music] really the small car Park area where they've got a separate entrance and more parking along the front they have their own tally Handler well two tally handlers forklift of course and it looks like they're just having a bit of a uh a clear out a tidy up down [Music] here you got a moment it looks quite nice um the where you're clearing around there what are the plans who are you just a member of the public right okay I would you want to know oh I'm doing a YouTube video about the company and I've just noticed that it looks like you're taking a lot of time do a YouTube Tri about JB we asked you to no no one ever asked me to do my videos all right okay I just travel to an industrial estate and just film whatever I find interesting but you don't have to tell me it just looks like you're doing great things there yeah yeah are we just just progress in what way that's what I'd like to say to be honest it's very cool what drone is it sir what sorry what drone is it mini for mini for yeah have you got a drone uh I used to have a m what's what wait oh it was it was very heavy so you could only fly it on like private property you needed a license to fly it on Commercial it's heavier than 249 now you have to say 150 M away from commercial really when it's 249 it's below 250 of course and there is no minimum distance exactly you can fly it anywhere what do you do here I design engineer design engineer do you know the the circular stainless steel pipes is that air handling duct in air handling what's it Ed for pipe work just water oh water not for air not for extraction it's not pressure no got you those will be like hitac systems I I think they use a different grade of steel or a different type of Pip this is all Heavy Dy water treatment just for water treatment plants yeah okay on you take care so just progress that's all they want to say I mean look you're spending money doing something around here you planted all these bushes so far maybe it's to provide more bushes for privacy maybe they're trying to create some privacy and while they're doing it you've got me rocked up spoiling it h maybe so anyway JB fabrication or jbf group as the sign says outside there is your site in one shot I'll do a 360ยฐ photo for Google Maps and then we'll move on and that ends the video here at jbf group now we know pipes used for water plant he was a lovely BL wasn't he that last one no suspicion just interest in drones because he has one himself perfect a human comp conversation we had Joe brck who came out first of all who weird you know some words that you say to the unknown person outside what benefit are you going to get by calling someone weird I don't know but now we know what this is and what this jbf group looks like in real life and we know a a little bit more about Joe brck and where he went to University and what he did before as a welder 6 years 5 months ago by having yourself on LinkedIn it's great I might do that a bit more often Google the person that's in front of us that we're talking to the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just down there look so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want the key ring good luck with that and we'll wrap that one up can you help me yeah hold this for me just recording please man Oh I thought you wanted to help J fabrication yeah F group yeah yeah in regards to what just a video that I'm putting together for YouTube Oh fantastic is that all right yeah that's fine yeah you you can do whatever you want can you really like do you agree depends on what it's regarding I suppose just for YouTube just to bang it on to YouTube for how to say what just to say that you you're making some sort of pipes for water you imp planting some new bushes making the place look a little bit better from the outside you got Joe brck who's um a contract manager started off as a welder um him there uh-huh you use rivets the supply that's just been riex riex you use them just anything that I see while I'm here yeah I'll just comment on it I just had the Drone around to make a a lovely video for YouTube really informative video of my experience when I was in rexon for the day okay what did I think of jbf group see okay and will will Joe brck come out and start calling me a weirdo so then I Google it and find out everything that he's been doing find out right now oh here he is now mate we're just been talking about [Music] you he's free publicity on YouTube yeah you tell him do you want to know what the channel is yeah there something the channel yeah I'll give you a key ring you can keep it by the way on YouTube Facebook Tik Tok the lot the videos that we create get published and people watch them we make a few quid yeah all right guys thanks for your time take care thank you so we'll leave that one there if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I'll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now bye Joe take care guys [Laughter] m are they planting bushes are they planting new bushes along the edge no no what's the end goal then cuz what she clearing the uh the area for I should do some extra work what's going to be what you clearing the area for though well no no just exposing there's a gas pipe they just want to expose to see where it is oh find out I got you I got you all right mate [Music]
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 47,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, uk audit, pinac, citizen journalist, english auditor, citizen journalism, uk audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, drone audit, industrial estate auditor, industrial estate youtuber, djaudits, outside the factory, industrial areas uk, business park videos, industrial estate videos, dji mini 4, JBF Group, jbfgroup, jbf group wrexham, Energy Storage Facilities, jbf water treatment, jbf power station, jbf audit, jbf group audit
Id: Lo-hW36XNUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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