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so where are we today well we're taking a bit of a shortcut we're at the Civic Center Canal often getting sick I haven't got a clue how to pronounce that but all I know is with right just on the entrance into mold so yeah people have asked for a return of the old trundle wheel so your request we're having a look guys but look at this building there look at this building so we're gonna take a wander anyway and see what we can see it's a fair old building Fair old building it's a fair old building thank you that's a foul building hey yeah you really want to know the distance of this don't you this foot path so I'm going to take it to here and that is 12 meters 12 meters from there to there well let's keep it going guys it's all about lineal meters and we'll find out some uh full lineal meters around the whole building guys we're currently up to 44 45 now yeah and that's almost true that every stride not about a meter [Applause] so we're 67 meters whoa that's crazy [Applause] so we've got a lot of waste going on here aren't they look at that generator on there we're still 104 meters hello yes I love the dog oh does it not oh you're nice dog yeah oh they're brilliant though aren't they yeah you won't change if it were would you have a nice day Louie wow ah I remember that number though 138 along the footpath anyway switches back on when we've done the full measure no thank you sorry my phone it says I'm on a need to know basis I'm just measuring sorry my phone it's only Eternal basis I can't hear you so we just don't need to know basis my friend I'm not on your property I'm not sir no I'm not sir I'm not sir so there we go 20 3 meters 23 meters and let's uh measure the base so the distance distance between Bays it is 19.4 that is 19.4 wow this is 19.4 so I have come away yeah a couple of people just come out of court loss is clearly shaken up crying our eyes out so yeah we don't want to get people like that on camera do we guys we never know what they've just been through so yeah let's uh let's have a look what this building is going to be saying now it's a massive building guys you know very very big you have a nice day sorry why is that yeah no it's okay I'm a detained what's that just again am I being detained just really how are you doing I'm measuring yeah I might be entertainers we're trying to get in the building no I didn't not whatsoever no not inside a building no no they've got no they've got CCTV oh we're on that building one's going the building not trying to go in at all I'm doing I'm doing a show I'm doing my work outside I'd rather not like to say if that's okay well I'm being detained that's a simple question oh you won't be getting my details it's fine okay no no measuring wheel makes me think that you've got something to hide not really for no particular reason exactly I've just been having a lovely chat with this lady just asking a few details that's all can I just I had great building no I didn't ask to go in well we can go back there and check on the camera sir I did not once at one moment try and get in any building it's all perimeter measuring this and I wish not to give I'd like to keep uh private everywhere I can access in the public I've not been in any I've not been in the buildings or nothing like I say it's totally kosher here I'd rather not say because yeah and who you work for it makes me suspicious yes but the reason why I didn't speak to this gentleman here is because he inferred that I couldn't measure yeah all the rest love thank you very much you take care the reason why I didn't want to talk to you is because he inferred that I couldn't do that outside as I were walking right so therefore because she you've come now I'm like well this is an absolute job yeah but he should get done for wasting police time because I've got well you shouldn't tell lies to say that I was gonna trying to go in the building when I wasn't what he did was he come out of the building he says this is private property who are you measuring for what are you measuring I said it's on a need to know basis you suppose what what color underwear have you got on this it's very plausible you're not at Liberty to tell me that not suspicious with a wheel Miss ing I do not need to give solve I do not need to give so you're selling the public property um that's fine but obviously it's a different question if you've got the brand but what I'm trying to say is he should get done for wasting police Time by saying I've tried going inside uncooperative no standing up for my rights do you never touch me ever again you put your hands on me who have your calling numbers please can have you can I have your color numbers no you have to give me the color numbers color numbers look at that Tyrant not even identifying herself she said no refuse to identify no way guys that is absolutely crazy that right we're gonna have to find some shelter Anyway come on let's get get out of here guys let's leave in here now we're gonna make our way to mold police station I'm not happy with that the woman thinks she can put hands on me to stop me and my tracks and then at the end um hey give me a color number are they having a laugh the North Wales police custody Suite and mold and would it be nice to see the two constables coming out got a two and a half tongue weight restriction in there and I believe this is the exercise yard or what used to be the exercise yard for these this week I did not use that anymore do they hey we're gonna hang about for a bit [Applause] all right what are you doing there thank you all right sir how are you doing sorry what is it you're doing oh nothing you're doing nothing what are you doing I'm asking you what you're doing what are you doing skinny what are you doing I'm asking you what you're doing I'm telling you I'm asking you what you're doing and I'm telling you I'm asking you what you're doing oh yeah take notes oh no sorry no are you staying here I might do it why you ask a question so who are you anyway um okay no worries okay okay have a nice day let's go this way no no it is [Applause] somebody no no no no no just standing there sorry what are you doing writing so it's just on an eternal basis right okay okay thank you so that's still is that not so exciting cx18 cx80 I know it's time to go in guys um because what's up today good afternoon I'm just wondering if you could help me I um can you go back to work please sir I'm not in a private conversation here no I want I would like to get some help up your sergeant okay no worries I'm after two car numbers well what have you been knowing before you've just been tried you've just been quizzing me outside asking me what I'm doing can I speak to you personally I don't want to come can I speak to you personally can you go back to work please sir oh if you needed to know I would have told you no because you might not be able to tell me yet basically um a report came in about an hour ago saying that I was um measuring inside the building to the police now I got assaulted after police WPC she put her hand on me to stop me in the tracks moving what today in the last hour but when I asked her for a PC badge number she said no she wanted to identify herself because obviously I want to make a complaint this happened at the Civic Center so yeah the just the council offices near the Law Courts yeah so basically all I have to do is their color numbers because obviously there would have been a log number to why they came there and all I all I need is that yeah but basically there was a false report I have not gone in I've never gone in the court building I was measuring on the outside yeah and that's what I was hoping to do around the back to try and find and see if they come in so I can ask him again and be a bit quicker writing it down but at the time I didn't have my pen and me my thing ready so basically I was a bit slow on getting the numbers because they wouldn't identify to me it's all all I could all I need is a columns if that's okay uh about an hour and a half ago yeah yeah it was a male and a female principal all right thank you very much oh you got the numbers oh thank you very much and which one's the mail and which one's a female could you tell me please 3041 30 40 ones are female okay thank you very much have a nice day love there we go guys foreign needed you should have done it in the first place when asked to identify identify and definitely do not go Hands-On remember Republic there we go guys
Channel: Reggie Photo
Views: 125,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Nt_3txmZvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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