DO YOU KNOW WHO MY HUSBAND ! You're Fired ! Lady, You'll Get What You Deserve r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady and today we have two great stories the first story about furious Karen and the second story about a lady who thought she was a very big boss and got what she deserved so let's get started Black Friday at Walmart fun well Black Friday was an interesting one between waiting an hour and three minutes to get to the cash register at some stores and the sub-zero Fahrenheit temperatures I met one of those people of Walmart that you see in memes she was middle aged 40 to 50 years old a white lady on the chubby side wearing a full-on onesie that may have been two sizes too small for her I'm wearing a blue underarmour hoodie with a black columbia jacket over the top of that with the words Shock Trauma Center on the back and a small decal of the hospital I work at on the front I'm also wearing blue track pants so I don't really think I look like an employee other than the blue color anyway slightly long story sorry I was browsing these sales because they have these boxes in the middle of the aisle of various deals and I'm going through various cool tech stuff near the electronics department did you know they have a smart light bulb now WTF this lady with the onesie comes up and taps me on the shoulder making a rather shrill ahem sound so I step to the side a little bit because there were people to my left and my right I was thinking she just wanted to check some stuff out nope onesie don't just move to the side turn around and look at me when I'm talking to you me sorry I didn't hear you say anything onesie whatever where can I find the shoe rack me probably somewhere in the home section onesie probably or definitely me I don't know I mean it makes sense for it to be there with the other storage items right onesie well if you don't know go find out for me I've been looking for hours and I can't find it this is where I should mention that the stores only been open for thirty minutes so far me why don't you ask him I'm trying to find my own stuff I'm sure he can help you better than I can onesie well I asked you so you need to do it for me I don't care if you don't know you don't know you should just go find out instead of pushing it off to someone else like you kids always seem to do these days work for your money like I did me I don't work here I'm just shopping like you are ones II don't freakin lie to me kid I saw you putting stuff back into that box me because I was done looking at it Lindsay whatever the reason you look like you were organizing it me no just putting things back where I find them if I'm not interested in them because I'm not an a-hole her voice started to get louder and ear piercing lis high-pitched at this point when Z don't you dare use that kind of language with me I can make you lose your job with one simple complaint so you better be careful what you say to me if your next words don't have to do with finding me my shoe rack I'm going to your manager me you're right I apologize wait right here and I'll see if I can find your shoe rack for you so I walk away to go look for stuff in another section while she just stands there I was thinking I wouldn't run into her again boy was I wrong I met her again close to 20 minutes later in the women's clothing section looking for a long dress like shirt thing for my wife I don't know what they're called they're like really long shirts the good end of the knees she likes to sleep in them they're pretty comfy too Wednesday where the F is my shoe rack you said you'd get it for me I was standing there like an idiot for almost an hour I feel like she needs a lesson in telling time I didn't make eye contact I just ignored her while trying to casually walk away cuz B words be crazy when she actually comes up to me and grabbed my shoulder forcefully turning me around and putting her face closer to mine 1z don't you effing walk away from me while I'm talking to you take me to your manager right this instant now I'm a calm person usually and I do my best to be nice to everyone but I have an a whole side to me too if you cross the line and boy did she crossed that line when she put her hand on me that forcefully I'm not a big person but apparently I can look threatening when I'm angry me listen here you oversized 8 perhaps if you didn't exchange all of your IQ points for weight you'd understand the first time when I said I don't have Fame work here second even if I did you have no right to ever put your hands on or treat anyone who and customer service the way you do putting your hands on me like that is assault and I can have you charged for it third instead of wasting all your time trying to find me for whatever reason why don't you try to act like an independent human being and look for yourself if you've been here for hours and still can't find one item and asking one person isn't enough try asking another person preferably one who actually works here now piss off and leave me alone with all the yelling an actual employee as well as a cop came over to see what was going on she interrupts before I can say anything 1z I want this kid fired I politely asked him where something was and he goes off on me yelling and cursing and telling me to piss off and find it myself me there's literally a camera right above us you will find that if you look at that I was just looking at clothes when she grabs me pointing to my shoulder and showing them the slight redness that she left and proceeded to yell in my face if you follow me back about twenty or thirty minutes you'll notice that she talked to me before where I also informed her on multiple occasions that I don't work when Z he's lying I want you to fire him right now or I'll be taking my money elsewhere me right cuz without your money Walmart is gonna go out of business and we won't be able to move to large spaceships and write big fancy floating chairs because we're all too fat to walk on her own wall you anyone onesy you gonna let your employee talk to a customer like that at this point the employee tried to explain that I don't work here and offers to help her find what she needs but she's either too dense to understand it or was in too deep to make it out without embarrassing herself so she goes all in demanding my boss's boss I'm just here like can I go now it gets much less interesting at this point she just keeps yelling manager comes listen tops escort her out manager apologizes offered to give me a free drink or food but I passed and I went to buy a cute dress of a beaver holding a mug of coffee with the words damn tired on it Walmart and Black Friday just seemed like a disaster waiting to happen crazy ladies go especially crazy and our second story noses our crunchy I was working for Toys for Tots in the DC area which is a program the Marine Corps runs every year to gather toys and gifts and distribute them to kids whose Christmas tree would likely disappoint Charlie Brown sexist or no they seem to pick those of us who have the marine look in the casting sense tall masculine etc or on the lady side that peculiar blend of I'll kick your butt with one hand while doing my eyeliner with the other it's as much marketing as anything else especially in the DMV point being we're a bunch of tall very fit yucks out there and dress blues smiling and coaxing toys out of people who could have probably saved Toys R Us with petty stock earnings we looked nothing like waitstaff myself six foot one two hundred ten pounds and another SNC oh five four probably 135 pounds were assigned to an event at the Smithsonian somehow the Corps had managed to get a display and a few donation bins put up at a black-tie invitation-only shindig surrounded by the display of the Hope Diamond and a bunch of other large hunks of carbon personally I don't understand the obsession with it it's a big shiny rock no one's wearing it it serves no scientific purpose it just sits there so you can look at or something I feel more satisfaction looking at an exceptionally big turd the night after Taco Tuesday at least I made it myself often with significant effort and no small amount of regret slash self-loathing to provide fuel for the push anyway we were smiling our pearly whites while the various movers and doers shake our hands toys on display posing for the camera so their constituents slash stockholders slash etc you can see how kind-hearted they are the sick thing is how many people don't even donate they just get a photo in front of the pile of toys sans the generosity pretty much par for the course the initial wave of donations passes as the event gets down to business drinks are passed out and they start in with the orders we're standing there munching and trying not to get those godforsaken white gloves dirty when this lady who's best described as a chubby mixed-race female Steve Buscemi comes toddling up an address slash waistcoat thing look like it was screaming for mercy from the button fairy fat Steve FS hey you you two I'm dry here let's get snappy with the refill something like that we didn't realize she was talking to us so I only halfway paid attention EFS after a second of us not replying hey I know you hear me get your butts in gear flirting times over at this point we realize she meant us I look over at pocket my fellow Marines nickname will call her P she looks at me we look at the lady it took a second okay finally I speak me can I help you ma'am EFS about damn time I need a refill and while you're at it get me some of those random Munchie things they stopped bringing them out a few minutes ago you guys really should be ma'am I'm sorry but we don't work here we're here with the toys four FS I don't give a good damn what you think get your butt in gear or I'll have your job I'll not be talked at by someone like you FS proceeds to toss her empty ish glass @p who gets some leftover drips on her blues but catches it out of reflex I can see the thunder clouds gathering a stain that likely means she's likely looking at new Blue's coats which one a few hundred dollars probably a new ribbon setup pocket is Puerto Rican and has the temper to match so I try to head the lady off me man we're not weight stuff we're jet FS I don't want to hear your excuses do you know who my husband is FS proceeded to put her finger right under my nose and continue the tirade apparently hubby was a southern senators main booster slash campaign funder so said Google and would see to it that I'd be sleeping under newspapers in etc after about 10 odd seconds of this we're starting to draw stares and some of the staff were starting to head our way however much I wanted to put this B word in a compliance hold I could pretty well visualize the CNN article if a male Marine laid hands on a woman in front of all these people especially in a politically connected one I was sort of at a loss fortunately for me I didn't have to make that choice pocket made it for me P ma'am you need to calm down please take your glass she held out FSA's glass to her as she said this FS immediately switches her wrath from me to pocket and slaps the glass out of pockets hands I could see P's control wavering but there wasn't anything for it EFS board right in the critical mistake was starting to jab pocket with her finger right in the chest with each word FS you shut your S word mouth I cringed visibly at that second to last word because I knew exactly what was about to happen and it did it's called food a Gotama and judo basically a standing arm lock and pocket was a two tab black belt pocket snatched her arm up locked her out and slammed her face straight into the wall next to us he didn't say a word just that grim teeth smile that says I'm an F you up so hard your grandkids will be born with my handprints on their soul it was effing awesome and a little hot tbh I being both these senior marine and somewhat cooler of temperament carefully pulled P back I dare say it was akin to handling a small but very dangerous animal FS kind of slides to the floor actually much quieter now that she's trying to aspirate a mixture of blood and gypsum security finally showed up to help which resulted in them hauling FS away and taking us to separate rooms where we gave our version of things security recordings were reviewed of which there were many what with the fancy rocks everywhere and so on pocket wanted to press assault charges but oddly enough no DC police became involved I'm assuming politics at play there I called the head shed to let them know what happened they sent a van to pick us and the toys up funny enough it never seemed to make it to the news I think that more than anything save pockets but upon coming back to the main event area to load the toys and take down the display we were given it wide berth by many of the upper Krusty's I feel compelled to mention the notable exception this one old lady who came up and asked if she could give pocket a hug of all things she kind of gave her that grandma style hug patted her on the back and took her hands you know in my younger years I would have stomped that whale flat wonderfully done dear then wandered off to rejoin the party it was adorable hey guys thanks for watching the video to the end I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 178,656
Rating: 4.9308872 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, DO YOU KNOW, WHO MY HUSBAND, You're Fired, Lady, You'll Get, What You Deserve, r/idontworkherelady fired, funny reddit stories, i dont work here, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, r/TalesFromRetail, r/Prorevenge, r/IDOWorkHereLady, r/idoworkherelady owner, your Boss, best of reddit, Manager, fire, r/, Get me your Boss, reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, r/idontworkherelady karen, RedWheel
Id: k3lF5FgvdxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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