DO WHAT SUCKS EVERYDAY: David Goggins and Jocko Willink Motivation

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in my old job sometimes we would be facing really miserable situations things that we were going to have to do maybe we had to go on a dive a long dive and the water was freezing cold or we had to go on a long patrol through really steep terrain and it was hot or maybe we had to get our our boats through the surf zone when there was giant waves and invariably in those situations someone in the platoon would say in a low voice well this is gonna suck and then you know what we do we do it anyways that's right sometimes things are going to suck and you know what you do you do them anyways we all have two people and i'm not saying you're crazy we have the easy voice which is that 20 telling yourself that you're i'm easy at 90 percent of my full potential maybe 100 at that 20 that's that voice that we all love that's that very comfortable voice that that's that mommy holding you saying it's going to be okay that voice got me to 297 pounds when i got in the military and i started gaining this weight a lot um my standard breakfast was eight cinnamon rolls you know like basically um i think six to eight scrambled eggs you know half a pound of bacon fruity pebbles lucky charms whatever it may be that was my standard breakfast so that was your way of getting away from the pain that's right that was your advice that was my advice for some people it's alcohol or drugs or sex or shopping for you as food it was food and also being comfortable whatever i wanted i did and that's where i started seeing myself get further and further away from my true self and your true self is found honestly in that very uncomfortable zone i'm helping you figure out your [ __ ] equation because it's different my equation's different from your equation what's going to make you tick what's going to make you go the distance what's going to make you go to that spot in hell and say i love this spot because once you figure out the equation in any math problem you no longer fail man you got it figured out sometimes you get overwhelmed there's just too many things going on and you start to feel like you're getting beat like you're losing the battle and when that happens to me what i like to do is i like to go on the hardcore offense so i i just call it a sprint i will sprint hard out i'll take the things that i have to get done for work and i will just pile them up and i will work two or three 12 16 18-hour days to get caught up it's a lot better for me to suffer hard for three days and grind than to suffer the continual burden that's weighing on your back for months on end don't let that happen if you get a little bit behind and you need to get caught up hit the turbo button go hard for three or four days get yourself where you need to be we tend to do the things that are easy and that is it builds no mental toughness it does no mental hardening it builds nothing you have to do something that sucks every day because why once you overcome the suck oh now you're powerful you've overcome yourself already so now you're ready to battle freedom part is pretty easy for everyone to understand i think that everybody wants freedom in all the various aspects of their life and whether it's financial freedom those are the two examples i bring up all the time are financial freedom of course everyone wants financial freedom everyone wants to have more free time those are two really easy examples to understand and if you want to have financial freedom well then how are you going to get there the answer is you have to have financial discipline and same thing with more free time if you want to have more free time then you have to have a more disciplined time management schedule and you have to have discipline in your life to say no to the things that aren't actually moving you towards whatever goals you have this other voice that we walk very far away from is a boy saying hey man you ain't doing [ __ ] so we try to get this voice out of our head completely and we live over here in this land so what you have to do first is turn up this voice over here the voice saying things to you that aren't nice that it's in our head saying you know what man dude you're not you're not doing [ __ ] you're not you're not amount yeah i mean and it's not putting yourself down so i think getting up early i think doing some kind of exercise every day i don't care what it is i don't you you just have to do something you have to do something physical there's that's scientifically proven with not only bro science but also real science that that waking up early or that doing physical exercise every day it it tunes your mind it puts more oxygen in your blood in your brain it is absolutely makes you think more clearly so waking up early working out every day if you start with those two kind of cornerstones and then the other thing is you know figure out what you're going to do during the day go don't don't go to bed without a plan of how you're going to handle the next day the permanent result comes from you [ __ ] i say it all time you have to suffer you have to make that a tattoo on your [ __ ] brain so when that hard time comes again you don't forget it you may forget it for a second but you can go back in the cookie jar i call it it's a it's something that we've all endured i call it the cookie jar and we often forget how hard we are but you gotta reflect back take a couple seconds reflect i've been through this i've been through that and then remind yourself i'm a bad [ __ ] and then you can get through that [ __ ] but if you don't believe it you haven't endured [ __ ] you're just blowing smoke man you know you know when you are guilty of wasting time and laying in bed and you're being lazy you know it whether that was seven o'clock in the morning or six o'clock in the morning you know it and the other thing that we do is if you want to wake up early in the morning go to bed earlier well that's real simple to say but it's hard to do it's it's hard to do number one when you're looking at your phone it's hard to do when you're staring at your computer screen it's hard to do when you're watching tv those things are meant they're they're designed to make you keep looking at them and so you do so what you need to do is turn those things off and try and go to bed now the first night you're gonna have a hard time going to sleep what you do is the next morning you wake up early anyways that first night you only got five hours worth of sleep and now you're tired throughout the day good because then when you get to bed that night you will turn off that computer you'll be able to go to bed earlier like you wanted to so you have to start the cycle of waking up early by waking up early but you have to go into the dark chambers that we often shut off and you gotta open them up you gotta open up and fight that [ __ ] demon get in there talk to that [ __ ] and say what's up and we often take the we all like to take this four lane highway the easy highway has has [ __ ] signs it has restaurants we all love that four-lane highway we always step over the shovel and all i did was i picked up that [ __ ] shovel and that shovel i made my own path and you may have big boulders and [ __ ] they may be getting 200 miles up the road faster than you but going through this path of life this journey over here that you make yourself that's incredibly difficult well it comes out the other end of that [ __ ] is some glorious [ __ ] that you can't even explain to people and we're afraid bottom line is most of us even the people who have all these theories and [ __ ] it's easier to accept the fact that i'm just not good enough i wasn't made to do that and yeah some of us can't be lebron [ __ ] james but i'll tell you right now man we can do a lot of [ __ ] when it comes to this pure arm guts and willpower and getting through [ __ ] we have a lot more with a lot more you could be saying i'm not good enough and it's how you get through that it's how you get through that on a daily basis when that thing is saying man i'm 43 i've done so much you start to become civilized you
Channel: HuntYourDream
Views: 486,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jocko Willink Motivation, Jocko Motivation, David Goggins, David Goggins Motivation, embrace the suck, do what sucks, do what is hard, go hard Motivation, 4 am Motivation, morning Motivation, best Motivational Video
Id: 5oC_4-ITfMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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