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- I would be scared if I was working on that movie. I'd be very scared. - Can we switch it now? I don't want it to come through the screen. (laughs) I'm scared. ♪ (haunting theme music) ♪ (wolf howling) (creepy laughter) - (FBE) In honor of Halloween... - Oh! Say no more. I'm in. (laughs) I love Halloween. - (FBE) Today, we will be quizzing you on some '70s horror movies. - Ooh, spooky. I don't think I've watched any horror movies from the '70s. I'm probably better with '80s horror movies, but I think I can do okay on this. - I don't know how many I've seen, though, that are from the '70s. I don't know if Halloween is. I'm imagining the slasher type movies. I expect myself to do bad, but I also expect myself to-- I expect to surprise myself. - A lot of movies from the '70s are considered classics, so you know, maybe I'll be able to get some. - The horror movies from back in the day always get-- everyone knows them. Have I seen them? Most likely not, but I think I'm gonna do well. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Do you know this movie? - Okay, I'm just gonna say that's Freddy Krueger. - I want to say this is Nightmare on Elm Street. Actually, maybe it's not. - Yes, it's The Exorcist. - This is the Exorcist. I watched this movie probably-- I waited the longest time to watch The Exorcist, probably until I was maybe 16, because I was finally like, all right, I can grow the balls and just do it already. - (FBE) This is the poster for the Exorcist. - Oh. Oh! I did not know that. - The Exorcist. Damn. The Exorcist is that old? - It's a really good movie. My dad showed it to me for the first time. And he's a huge film buff, and this is the one horror movie that's in his top 10. - My brother loves this movie. And I've seen that poster a billion times. I'm very familiar with the music. - My mom-- okay, so now she says she doesn't, but she still does. She banned this from the household even though we have it on DVD, 'cause she thinks that the ghosts are gonna come out the DVD and haunt us. - (FBE) So the Exorcist has a reputation for being cursed. Filming had to be delayed because the set caught on fire, but the little girl's room remained untouched. Two actors died while the film was in post-production, but to make it extra creepy, both of their characters died in the movie as well. - Oh my gosh. That makes me never ever want to be in a horror movie ever. - I would be scared if I was working on that movie. I'd be very scared. - Ooh, no. No, no, no. I don't like that. I hear that a lot too, with demonic type movies. There's always some sort of weird on-set occurrences. - That's so... rest in peace to them. But that is so cool. Can we switch it now? I don't want it to come through the screen. (laughs) I'm scared. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Do you know this one? - "The night he came home." Okay, so there's a hand with a knife. Is this Halloween? - Oh, is this Halloween? I mean, there's a pumpkin, so I'm guessing it's Halloween, right? - Okay yeah, Jamie Lee Curtis is in this one. This one's Halloween. - Halloween. The first one, right? The girl from-- the mom from Freaky Friday is in this one, right? - I'm gonna say this is Halloween with the pumpkin theme, because I feel like most of the Halloween covers have pumpkins in them. - (FBE) This is the poster for Halloween. - Yeah, I think I've seen the poster for, like-- 'cause were there more than one Halloween movie? - Great art design. I love the knives and it turns into a pumpkin. - I knew it because it was-- It had the Jack-o'-Lantern type thing, and since it's Halloween, I figured that it had to be Halloween. And then too, Jamie Lee Curtis, the original scream queen. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Do you know this movie? - "When there's no more room in Hell, the Dead will walk the earth." That doesn't look familiar. - George Romero sounds familiar, and I'm pretty sure that when I find out the title, I'm gonna be disappointed. But no, I don't think I've heard of this one. - I don't know. Night of the Undead maybe? - Oh, is this Night of the Living Dead? 'Cause George A. Romero, I feel like I hear his name as sort of like a horror movie legend type of thing. - George A Romero. Is it Dawn of the Dead probably? - (FBE) So you're close, but this is the poster for... - Dawn of the Dead! Oh, okay. Yeah. Night of the Living Dead was way before this. - I've never seen this. - I don't know too much about it, but I've heard of it. And I heard it's a classic. - After I watched Shaun of the Dead, I knew that that was a parody of this one, and I knew that it was directed by George Romero. See? Dang. I'm upset with myself. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Here's your next. Do you know this one? - I have no idea what this is. - Is it an original version of Annabelle? I don't know. This little girl on the right looks like a doll. - Yeah, this is the girl's name. My dad's obsessed with Stephen King. I know this is Carrie. - This is Carrie. "If you've got a taste for terror, take to the prom." This is Carrie. Oh my god. I really like Carrie. - (FBE) This is the poster for Carrie. - Oh! Carrie. Okay. I've seen the new one. I didn't even know there was an original. - I haven't seen this movie, but I've definitely heard of it. - It's not so much scary as it is like, wow, I feel bad for this girl. (chuckles) I mean, that's how I felt when watching it. - The original, this one, seems way more scary than the the modernized one, 'cause it just seems scary. The '70s kind of made things creepy. - It was one of those movies that I walked into way too young. I think my parents or my aunts were watching it, and I was like, "Oh, why is she covered in blood?" And then I watched it again when I was 13 and I was like (gasps). I get it, and I love it. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Do you know this movie? - "In space, no one can hear you scream." No, I don't think I've seen this one either. - That's a really cool poster. It looks like a dinosaur egg. - I know the movie, but the title has so many different renditions, that it's like I don't know if it's Alien Vs. Predator, I don't know if it's Alien. - I know this movie. This is Alien. - This has to be alien. The original alien, right? - Alien! Or Aliens. Or Alien. - (FBE) So this is the movie... - Alien. Okay. So this is like the original to AVP, right? Okay. Cool. I should get into it. - "In space, no one can hear you scream." That's kind of-- that's alluring. - How can you not love this movie? Way better than the new ones. - I think I saw the actual original ones when I was really little. I just remember watching Alien and thinking it was pretty stupid. I've seen it once, and all I really remember is that Sigourney Weaver is in it, they're in a spaceship, there's an alien type thing, and there's eggs, and then at the very end, an alien comes out of a guy's stomach. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Do you know this one? - "Who will survive, and what will be left of them?" Okay, this might be the one that stumps me. - This is-- oh, what's--? This is, like, classic. I don't even know what this one is. - "Who will survive and what will be left of them?" Is this Texas Chainsaw Massacre? - That's Texas Chainsaw Massacre. - At first, I was gonna say Friday the 13th, but this is Texas Chainsaw Massacre. - (FBE) So this is the poster for... - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre That's a really specific title. So is that an event that happened probably, and then they made a movie about it? - Oh, Texas! Oh my gosh. Whenever people talk about brutal movies, this is one of them. - (FBE) So the killer, Leatherface, haD several influences, but one major one was Ed Gein, the serial killer who made masks out of women's faces. - Mm, joy. That's.. disgusting. (laughs) - Lovely. I bet it looked fantastic. That is awful. (chuckles) - That's really creepy. God, I don't know how you could put someone else's dead face-- their skin on your face. What if that smelled really horrible? - Ooh, no. That's way creepier than I thought it was. - I thought it was just kind of like a Mike Myers-- just some sort of other mask. I don't know it was real women's faces. No, no, no. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - (FBE) Here's your last one. - Okay. - (FBE) Do you know it? - (snaps) Jaws. - Jaws. - Oh, this is Jaws. - Jaws! Come on! I love this movie. - Jaws. This movie is not scary to me at all. - Jaws? Yeah. The shark, the swimmer up there gave it away. - (FBE) This is the poster for Jaws. You're right. - Iconic, classic -- you know, the movie of all movies. - I didn't go to beaches for the longest time. I'm still terrified of the water. I'll go to the beach, but I won't go any further than where I can touch the ground. - (FBE) So Jaws was the first movie released in over 400 theaters in the United States and the first movie to gross 100 million at the Box Office. - It's definitely a classic. - Deservedly so. Everything that's good about movies is in this movie. Really bad movies now make a lot of money. And now, every new Blockbuster that comes out seems to be breaking the record for most amount of money, but at the time, in the' 70s, 100 million must have been-- it's still a lot of money, but back then, it must have been crazy. - See, I said I was gonna surprise myself, and I did. I didn't think I was gonna know them, but I did. These are iconic movies that deserve the title iconic, legend, all that stuff. These are the movies that deserve that title. No other movies, because I think those movies kind of either try to be better than these movies or try to be exactly like these movies. ♪ (quirky interlude) ♪ - Thanks for watching Do They Know It on the React Channel. - New shows every day, so subscribe. - Let us know in the comments what we should be tested on next. - Bye, guys. - Hey, guys. I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching. We have new shows every day, so subscribe! And have a happy Halloween, guys. Bye!
Channel: REACT
Views: 5,580,641
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Keywords: 70s horror movies, the exorcist, 70s horror, DO TEENS KNOW 70s HORROR MOVIES? REACT: Do They Know It?, carrie, do they know it, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, Do Teens Know, Do Parents Know, Do Kids Know, Do Elders Know, horror, movies, 80s horror movies, watch
Id: s6JIWdF_bwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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