- Hi folks, I'm Bob
Schrupp, physical therapist, - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - And we are the most
famous physical therapist on the internet. And now we're repeating of course, Bob. - So the question of the day is do resistance bands actually work? We got surprises in science
and more for answers. - Right, there's science. There's, we'll talk about all the evidence that supports whether
these are good or not. We'll talk about some anecdotal evidence and we'll talk about
some scientific studies. - Ooh, anecdotal. I really like that word. - By the way, if you're
new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos, how to stay healthy, fit, pain, and we upload every day. Also go to BobandBrad.com, go to the giveaway section and you'll always find
we're giving things away. This week, we're giving
away a massage gun. A really nice, quality one, by the way. Yeah, you can also go to Facebook. It will be pinned to the top of the page. Go to Twitter, Instagram or TikTok, if you want a 60-second
version of our program. - Do I get to say it? - You say it. - Podcast, we have podcasts out now. And they're very interesting. Very informative and outstanding guests. - That's right. - So Bob, as we talked about, therapists have been using stretch bands for literally decades
to work on strengthening with their patients and they do so, because they're effective. - There's exercise bands. There's exercise tubes. - Yup. - And there's exercise,
what do you call those? - Loops. Yup, I call them large loops and yeah, there's some real, the state of benefits when you, when it comes to using stretch bands. One is as you get, you
stretch further and further, the resistance goes higher and higher. I'm not going to get you, Bob. Which is a big difference
in characteristics compared to a weight where it's the same. - Well, actually it's easier. - And yeah it depends
on what angle you're at. As you get up here, actually
there's less gravity. - Yeah, for this specific lift. But there's, you cannot
get it to go more difficult with weight. Although they have done, I've read some studies and
some people train where they'll - Put bands with the weights. - Right. They'll try to attach the
bands with the weights or either that or logging
chains when they do. - Right. Or bands with
the bench press even. - Right, Yep, yep. So anyways, there's some very distinct
physical advantages. So I went to the research
to find out what's going on in the research and I found very easily. I didn't take long at all
on three research studies, that I'm going to talk about briefly. One was with wrestlers
or collegiate wrestlers. - Let me just say this. You can go down in the description below, on YouTube and we'll have
the three studies listed. - Yeah, so if you want to read
them yourself, go down there, and I've got all the information
to easily access them. The first one was the wrestlers. They use them for, to try to
get explosive energy out there. And they were very happy with the results. - Awesome. - It was very positive. The next one was more of a general public. How to, the benefits of resistance band. Again, positive results. I'm not going to go into the details, but overall, very supportive. And the last one was with people with - Really disability. - Disabilities, yup. Which would be common with
a lot of therapists use. Again, very positive. And then we're going to talk
about high level athletes who support this. And here let's look at this book. Tom Brady's book, The TB method. We got this well probably
five years ago, didn't we? - Somewhere in there. - And Tom switched to
using bands over weights. And he was having so much, so many aches and pains with the weights, switched to the bands that
uses a foam roller too. And he, you know, we can see the results. Here's this guy. Well, how old he is now? 100? - 44 I think. As a matter of fact, yeah,
I did look up he's 44. - Oh he's 44 and he's
still winning Super Bowls. Which is just amazing. - And now they have weight
fitness clubs that go after TB 12 and you go in there
and everything's quiet. You don't hear weights
go clank, clank, clank. You see all these bands are stretching and people are - Very functional, very
appropriate for athletic events. - Yup, absolutely. Oh, the massage gun it got in my way. Okay. Kind of threw me off there. So anyways, how do you use these? That's the question. Sure some people say,
well, this sounds great, but let's talk about some other benefits. First, very quickly. - You talked about the resistance. - Little space. - Very little space, right. - And they're very portable. It's hard to take your
dumbbells with you on vacation. These, you just put it in your luggage and you're off and running. - Yeah, especially these. You, most of these, you could, you could hook around a
bed or something like that, but you could actually
do a lot of without. Just using your body. - Yeah, and we're going to
demonstrate in a little bit. They're extremely versatile. And we talked about the, how it stretches. It gets more progressive resistance. That's what I'm looking for. So let's go. Can you pick that up a little bit? - Another thing would be cost. - Oh, the cost, yeah. This is what I use. I use, I've got five of these. I've got five of these and then
I've got some wall anchors, which I'm going to show you. No I'm going to do it, Bob. I don't want you touching it. Okay, we're talking about the smart board. I think I better use it. It's a smart thing. - Yeah, when you're talking
about trying to buy weights versus buying resistance? They're not even comparable. These are smaller cost. - Right, absolutely. Okay, so first let's talk about squats. - Sure. - Some leg strengthening. Now what you can do is, Can you come over here once? Let me see. Bob, you want to get that off? - Sure. - This is, these are wall anchors. We're going to demonstrate with those. You don't need to have a wall anchor. - You want it on the last one Brad? - Just put it there. I'll think about it. Now, if you don't have wall anchors, which a lot of people probably
don't, along with this. We have a Bob and Brad kit,
but these are all very similar. There's going to be one of these devices that you can put in a
door, close the door, and then you hook the
device through this hole. You'll thread the, the band through the hole
and it works fairly good, but it takes time consuming. The wall anchors are just very
efficient as you'll see why, but this works wonderful as well. - Right. - Bob, what are you going to do? - Well I was going to show squats. - Okay, good. So you can actually And by the way, ours come
with really nice handles. I mean, they really are. Yeah, we made sure they're nice quality, but you can go ahead and put
it in this direction here. And you can see, you can hook up like five bands if you want. - Yeah, you can. You just got one. I don't go more than three at home. You can do squats like this. - Without even having the anchors. You can see I'm standing out in the band, look at the posture. You know what we're thinking about. We're not doing this bending over thing. Really work on those quads. - I can go right to buy some spreads. - Yeah. But I did want to show people this. You take one of these loops and these are really
handy-dandy for squats. - Those are heavy duty. - Yeah, this is the biggest one. - Wow. - So we're going to go
here and down and up. I really like the loops for squats. I think it's the best way. - Oh, it also works a
little bit on your posture. - Oh yeah. - Cause you're having to work to keep the - Yup. - Yeah, the benefits are just
continue to go on and on. All right. Biceps. - What's nice about this, is you can actually work
them both at the same time, you can actually double it up like this. And if you want to
increase the resistance, just step away further. - Yup. - And it makes it harder and harder. So if you want to start off easy, you can start off close to the wall. And then as you want to make
it harder, you can step away. - Yup. Just like that. If you have the loops, you can do biceps like this, works well. If you want to get a little tighter, you step out a little bit wider or get a bigger, thicker band. I got the purple one there. - This is one of our favorite for actually working on the core. I'm going to actually put
this on the middle one. And I love this one for core. Stir the pot. - [Brad] Oh, you can't go
wrong with stirring the pot. This is one of those exercises. - So you're working the obliques. You're working the core and I'm actually going to stir the pot. It's like causing trouble, right Brad? I can go the other direction. Now this doesn't look that hard does it? - [Brad] No. - But it is. - [Brad] You have to do it
for 30 seconds to a minute. Depends on your shape. - What makes it worst, go out further yet. - [Brad] You can tell by
his grunt in his voice. - What I like about this
Brad, is that, you know, anybody with back pain can do this. I think, you know, where they may not be
able to get on the floor. They might not be able to do planks. They can do core strengthening, without putting too much
stress in their back. - Right. Yup, I like that as well. I just wanted to show one more. That one of my favorite cores, I don't think you liked
this one that much, Bob, but I like it. One is going to go up
here and get in there. You can see how, how
nice and quick that goes. And I like to do rotation like this and I always put my
fingers right in there. So I feel those transverse muscles going. And it really does a nice job
on working that, you know, and if you do have the loops, you can put the loops in
these wall anchors as well. And you know, you can work. - [Bob] Yeah. - Work the pot, work your rotation. All very convenient. - One of the favorite
exercise here is for posture. - Ah, yes. - So you can hook it up with
the top one or the middle one. And you're actually just going to do W's. I don't know if you can see that. I'm making a W here like this. - [Brad] Yeah. - You can go straight out like this. - [Brad] Like reverse flyes, yup. - And you can also pull down. Palms toward the body and you're getting a
whole entire upper back and posture muscles that help hold those shoulder blades back. - [Brad] Just turn right around Bob and turn it into flyes
and get the antagonists. - And flip right around like
this, like Brad likes to do. - [Brad] Yup, it's so easy. - You know, and ready to fly away. - [Brad] So, you're doing super sets. You get the agonist and the antagonists. It is very convenient. I love them. They're one of my favorite
things to do, Bob. I want to show my favorite, favorite. - You're really excited
about that aren't you, Brad? - I'm telling you, Bob. Oh I forgot this, - The things that excite you. - When I play with these things, it make me feel strong like bull. - There we go. - I might be full of bull, but you put this in here and
there's a couple of things you can do with this right
off the top of my head. One thing we've talked about is I've got a video on indoor running. So in the winter time, - [Bob] It's pretty cool actually. - You get some resistance
on there like this and you just start running
and you can run sideways. Remember that video? - Yeah, you were all over the place. - You can run this way and
work the muscles on the hips, those meat, you know, what do
we call those side muscles? - Hip abductions or - Gluteus medius. We're therapists, we know. And you can also do the backwards run and the loops are so forgiving. You can just turn. - Well, what I like about
the loops, they're so strong. You're not going to snap that very easy. - I'm getting tired. No, I've never strapped. I've never broke a strap. - Yeah, you can even go a thicker one. You'll never break that one either. - And our most recent
discovery is backwards locking from nose over the toes guys or something, - Knees over the toes. - But you could turn around and walk backwards this way and walk backwards this way. - Yeah, he's got a program where he has, when you're just starting out, especially if you're a little bit elderly and you want to strengthen your knees, he actually has you walking backwards and that's the safe way to do it. - Yup. - Without falling over
and providing resistance. - Right. Yeah, it's like one of the latest things and the loops do come down to small ones for beginners as well. - Yeah, I don't think we
have the green one anymore. There's been a shortage. - I mean, yeah. The material actually, along
with, you know everything else. Like the lumber and
plastics and everything else there's a shortage of now,
but you can double them up. No problem. Food, car chips, everything is. We've got more videos coming
for more uses of these. I'm really excited about those, Bob. - You get excited very easily. - Well, whatever. - Alright, thanks for watching. - Be careful.