How to Pack WAY more than Allowed into a "Personal Item" (Save BIG)

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now how in the world can you fit everything in here into a laptop bag a small backpack or another personal item flying on a budget Airline and only taking a personal item is one of the most absolute easiest ways to save money on your travels I've done this more times than I can count and even lived out of a jamsport backpack for 4 months of the last year you may think I'm crazy but I promise you'll never be able to believe how much I was able to pack in my personal item during that 4-month period I brought clothes that kept me comfortable in -22° F to 95° F weather that's 117° F temperature difference and all I had was this JanSport I lived out of this bag continuously for 2 and 1/2 months only 34 lers my method is tried and tested and I've never had any airlin say anything to me about how much I've brought on even ryion a and Spirit Airlines welcome to Luke Salia the place to learn how to live and travel better in this video I'll share how to pack way more than what's allowed into a personal item so you can save money I've saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars this way and you can do it too first let's figure out exactly what the requirements are here are what each Airline defines as a size of a personal item Airlines often have a bin for you to put your bag into to make sure it fits the dimensions by the end of the the video I'll have packed my bag with everything I could possibly need I'll test my bag in the Spirit Airlines bin in order to pack best to defeat our enemy the gate agent you need some good offense some good defense and some strategy a strong defense means selectively choosing what to bring if you've seen my video on how to choose where to travel to next you'll know I prioritize visiting friends and family another great benefit is that they probably have a laundry machine you can use why washing clothes while away from home is my least favorite thing to do it sucks laundromats suck because you never want to leave your clothes longer than they need to and hosts and hotels charge crazy rates defeating the point of saving money by taking fewer clothes friends and family already have a process that's set up that's safe you can leave the clothes in the washing machine after the process is over if you're curious on ways to meet people when going abroad check out my video on ways to meet people when going abroad abro for study abroad if you already know where you're going to be and when plan how many clothes to bring based around wash Cycles if you only need five pairs of clothes because you can frequently wash your clothes at friends places don't pack more than what you need if you have huge gaps of time between when you're staying with friends or staying in a hostel or hotel maybe you should set aside some time to wash your clothes or book an Airbnb that comes with a washing machine a private washing machine here and there makes all the difference and remember don't pack more than what you need now that you've packed less let's move on to the offensive side now that you've decided what to bring you have to choose how to bring it you may have something in mind like this lady but I promise you'll be much more comfortable than this the first step is to find a durable bag that easily folds away to save space I use a reusable grocery bag as these are made to be reused and are thus more durable in Texas I use this green HB bag and in Denmark I use a leadle bag this is the key to Bringing way more than what's allowed onto a plane next pull out your big bulky items like a jacket or coat you'll wear these to save space in your personal item if it's going to be hot just know you only have to wear these clothes when you scan your boarding pass at the gate any other time like going through security or while on the plane you can put your jacket away in the extra bag you can also carry more things in that bag onto the plane with you now be careful here there is a chance that the gate agent tells you can only bring one bag onto the plane and we'll discuss this scenario in a minute I've flown many budget Airlines like Ryan a spirit easy jet Frontier and Air Asia and this has only happened to me once on Ryan Air most of the time having a personal item and an extra bag is totally okay but here's your action plan in case you're called out for having two bags use the pockets in your jacket I come from Texas and never really needed a jacket before I lived in Denmark and one of one of my my friends came to visit me he realized having a large jacket was like coming with your car you have so much space to store stuff you can carry a lot of items with you onto the plane and before you tell me Michael this sucks I don't want to walk around the airport with so many things in my pockets remember you have that bag with you use that bag put your other things in the bag and there's a decent chance the gate agent won't tell you anything especially if you tell them it's just a jacket in the bag of course make make sure the jacket covers everything else if you can't easily fit everything else into your jacket what can you do yep you guessed it the fanny pack I carry my toiletry items in that fanny pack and if I needed to I can clip it on my waist to walk past the gate agent most of the time I just keep it in my jacket but if needed to it's a super easy way to make extra space and you only need to do this when walking past the gate agent with all of these tactics you can pack a lot more than you could with just the original dimensions of a personal item so now that you made it past the gate agent what's next here are two tactics to enhance this experience the first is done after boarding the plane when I traveled with my jport it fit underneath the airplane seat it wasn't comfortable but it fit my new OS bag doesn't fit underneath the seat even though it fits in the personal item bin to solve this board earlier on and put your bag above o which is comfier then you won't have any problems with the flight attendance and the bag the second is beforehand here are a couple of space saving items I have and love that give me even more space the first is a microfiber towel which is small and dries quickly excellent for traveling because it sucks to travel with a wet towel my favorite microfiber towel is linked Below in the description another tactic is to use small plastic bottles to store shampoo body wash and face wash I take the small bottles along the way and fill them in hosts or hotels if I'm not staying with friends and family you can find these at any store like Target in the US or flying tiger in Europe all right now I'll show you how I've packed my bag and put it in a Spirit Airlines bin at the airport here's a packing list that I've brought on this month long trip I have 12 days worth of clothes on this list I'll wear the items in red and in green is everything I'll bring in my reusable bag and be prepared to put in my jacket everything else should fit into your bag your personal item fully packed and ready with using a bag I look like this fully packed and ready without using a bag I look like this it's the same amount of stuff okay off to the airport this time Boston Logan to put my backpack into the bin it fits thank you for watching if you found this video helpful please like And subscribe to stay updated with future videos
Views: 1,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget travel, traveling light, shoestring travel
Id: 0q616aREj6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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