DO NOT visit Radiator Ranch - Rodeo Time 108

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there you got with you I got a friend of mine a sucker logan west sucker in that he thought he's gonna come here and hang out and not have to work I don't know if he thought that I assumed he thought that most people probably think that because nobody thinks that I actually worked but I do I work hard I got a schedule I got a tough schedule rodeo time all the time cow company day you taste some rodeo fans Dale would like you to believe that cattle company day is this auspicious occasion like it's this special thing he does a couple of times a year I'm telling you every day out here is cattle company day and I know what you're gonna say next Oh be still my heart good old Dale that magic man he manages to make every day out here cattle company day and he still keeps us all swaddled and the most comfortable t-shirts west of the Sabine River but let me let you in on a little secret for every day out here that it's cattle company day some schmuck like me is out here and he does this thing I like to call delegating you know I mean just it's prayers burgers feed gate constant with it and it's a really it's a rewarding experience I'm happy to have that hey that's enough I would like to retract my statement from earlier Dale Brisby is a fair and magnanimous boss and his method of working cattle is the best and the most efficacious method known to mankind today I would like to apologize to the citizens of Winnebago for my transgressions me and Logan have known each other for 13 years thirteen and a half thirteen three quarters yes we've known each other a while yeah rodeo together yeah did some ranching together little ranching and I mean he just you know like everybody they like to fall in with the champ get mentored take that wisdom on to life use it in other areas of their life yeah yoga cooking took a cooking class and I was anyways why don't you go feed what I want you to do is fill up a bucket of feed fill feed the bucking horses in the back pans that way when I pull this feed in here this trailer load of feed they don't chew on it okay good to have you I'm gonna go get some breakfast tasty bad you just came to hang out yeah yeah Dale said that he wanted me to come over and see he had some new Nintendo game or something and you know classic and I'm a an old school kind of guy appreciate the old Nintendo and you know I got here and first of all it was a week and we didn't even we didn't do anything with it we've been doing stuff like this the whole time yeah they let you Bowl huh no I got it I got a quick round attendance in while he was in the bathroom but nice Wilton baby what are we gonna unload all this Dale alright I'm gonna go feed you and load this these pallets you just want them all all in here stacked very neat you want to stack like this or somehow this is good I'm gonna it'll take me a while to undo your elaborate strap job see Klaus making excuses [Music] against the super puncher code you've heard it said you had everything I own is for sale the only thing is when they call you on you gotta be ready somebody said hey how much you want for that hat on your head I popped up and gave them a price and they bought it off my head probably because it was mine cuz it belonged to Dale Brisby the legend look at this steer right here there's Brisby beef stew he'd be chunky that's beefy right there ol son got that booty what are you doing it's all about efficiency Leroy now we're gonna go about a hundred feet and burn you just want to send it to its final resting place nice and neat huh put some dignity [Applause] well I'm helping Dale I'm a writer and we're working on a screenplay for a movie and so I came up here so we could sit down and work on the script and I'm doing most of the work yeah we got a little sidetracked you know we went to Oh we'll get right to that but we got to go pick up some feed first I got free help that showed up we can work on the movie at night we yeah we drove about six hours to go pick up some feed and then on the way back we may or may not have broken down yeah and may or may have broken down spent all day going to pick up then I needed to work a few calves a Beautif you know that took up so he helped me at that yesterday I got my man Logan West over there helping me out nice cut slick don't let him back now the thing about working calves what's this little wild sucker I mean I'm obviously running the camera see it's me I'm on the camera hello watch all 22 now watch him now we want to be easy window watching boys boys we want to be easy okay whenever he turns back around whoa there we go now look at that watch this old every time you walk through there and work yourself ladies and gentlemen crazy kid if that's not futuristic I don't know what is well Dale yeah you did get to meet you did get to meet Trevor Brazil Cooper yeah I did that was cool oh wait I got to do that if that wasn't pretty for you probably how do you write that on scale one to ten Trevor it was nice he's been on a scale one to ten that was nice nice how many days to the end of far though [Laughter] hey is it more helpful that Trevor helped you or is it more annoying cuz it gives you a hard time he had something happy to take in give it getting a hard time yeah so it's more fun you ready don't lose your stuff coach don't lose your stuff put your stuff around here that's good that's a good coach how much stuff do you here's a real question how much do you have Kent are you able to get done before he even shows up he has lights yeah pretty pretty you ought to make him carry the light bill that's okay you're a night owl sometimes you work you work late in here huh yes sir I typically work right late hours princess oh she's a princess you're going back to being a family man they're gonna be one soon - yeah big family we're a part of one big family oh the rodeo family already a fan oh yeah I nearly had my deal worked out the Leeroy sitting at the wedding town yells son you run around with meat kings run with kings all right last week I had to go into the locker room at the world finals and do a little mentor for my partner JB DB bucking bulls this this is the secretary of jvd be bucker balls [Music] we're making four so now we're going to unload all this feed and then he has to go yes oh we haven't got to work on it a whole lot so movies coming not so soon hey no we actually finished the script and it's hilarious I haven't told you this you are literally learning it right now you might have the best part in the whole movie well that's a given I mean I'd I am the funny one other bunch your parts in this movie are hilarious yeah I don't have to get naked they're not not not not fully yeah not like full frontal enough not often these moments you'll be running away from the camera but Nick but we're thinking about blur be tasteful it's gonna be this is an artistic film you know this is gonna end up when the AFI does their you know updates their list of the hundreds of greatest movies I mean this is gonna be like Citizen Golden Globe yeah so like on the level of to kill a mockingbird that kind of historical yeah it's gonna be you know it's gonna be very kill a mockingbird Dumb and Dumber adventure of Dale brass is gonna be very tastefully done please comment below what you think this movie should be named yeah probably shouldn't he used to kill a mockingbirds as a reference that is like a genuine staple in American history so this was gonna be that in the rodeo world like the greatest bull rider of all time is making a movie that's true JB Mooney gonna be in it he is actually like he's got a role I don't know if he's gonna be the one to play it so do you think we could cash for you know say Leroy I don't know maybe Leroy maybe Dale how cats Leroy is himself you know I would love to see Leroy Gibbons as himself you know who would do a really good Dale Matthew McConaughey yep all right yeah boy I'll tell ya Wow well let's feed the rest those feet Brisby Gibbons 2020 coming Christmas 2018 winning oh yeah it's gonna take a little longer than that let's get to stack it I gotta get it off the trailer for Logan's mom shows up and eats it all hey yeah you know unloading this feed isn't that interesting you could just put the camera down and help us yeah but then you know what if you fall or no but then citizens of Winnebago thank you so much for watching rodeo Tom it's always rodeo time here at Radiator ranch just tell if you come visit me probably gonna have to do a little work all right don't be mad at me for wearing a straw and if you are I don't care because I'm Dale Brisby I do what I want and I'm on to the next Scot Leroy [Music]
Channel: Dale Brisby
Views: 211,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodeo time, bull riding, cowboy, dale brisby, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, ranching, wrangler national finals rodeo, professional cowboys rodeo association, Professional bull riders, ranch horse, horses, horseback riding, Horse training, colt breaking, barrel racing, team roping, tie down roping, horse, cow calf operation, feedlot operation, sale barn, rodeo
Id: dU0dYMb8vkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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